” Backwards And Forwards “

  • Not The Only One!
  • ” Backwards  And Forwards”
  • Post #152
  • 12 Sept 24
  • Howdy!,
  • I hope that  you guys are  being  blessed as we move into the  fall and some cooler  temperatures.  The fall for years use to be a  devastating time  for me , over a horrible  experience that I  had years earlier  when I  was  much  younger. Every fall  as the summer  closed out and  the fall began, it would  just  cast me into  a major  funk. If it’s helpful for context purposes, think  about loosing a loved one around  the holidays and, so something that is  supposed to be  joyous is over shadowed by a gloominess and darkness, that you just can’t  shake regardless of  how hard you may try. It was like people  who  can  predict  the weather  based on  what their creaky  joints are  telling them.  It’s not something that  they  set out to do, it’s just  what happens ☺️. The same was true of me, I  wouldn’t  have  to look at a calendar, it was just  a time  that my spirit  knew was time to grieve once more. It was as if my soul  had suffered a  mortal wound that just  refused to  heal  or be consoled. It wouldn’t  let  me  fully live, but also  refused to  let me die🥲
  • I’m not real  sure about  how people deal  with  such sorrows and  hurts. I know  that  some turn  to substances such  as  booze or drugs and  it’s just  about  wanting  an escape  from the  pain and  the reality of the  hurt. We want to  separate  ourselves from  something  that was anything but positive.  No silver lining here, nothing to look on the bright side about, because  there just  wasn’t  one there. I also  know  that  these situations will  often  plunge people  into  deep, deep depression, and just  when  you  think  it can’t  get  any  worse, the darkness  intensifies it’s grip on you and it rings out your heart out  as if it’s some kind of  dirty rag just  dripping with  regret and misery. I didn’t  do the drugs and  alcohol  thing, and while I will  confess to some level of  depression, my coping  mechanism became living wild and  free….or so I  thought. ☺️ I engaged in all sorts of risky behaviors  as an explanation point to say  that  I just  didn’t  care if I  lived or died. I became  a  person   who  went  through  life with  a chip on my shoulder, and I  was basically a powder keg and  just  always  just  on the cusp of going  off. I was the adrenaline junkie and I  thought that  if I  went  out in a blaze of glory that it would  have  been  a fitting  postscript . Honestly  , I was surprised that I  was  still  here when  I  turned  forty.  I think that I  had brought  into  the  mindset of  live hard, die young and  leave  a good looking  corpse behind ☺️☺️.
  • Part of  the human experience is  that we are all prone to  making  mistakes and  screw ups. It’s just  who we are.  Even  with  that being a true fact, I think that I must  have just  hit the ground  running  in that department ☺️☺️. It’s almost  as  if  I  took making  mistakes as some kind of personal challenge , as to see who could  make the most in the shortest  period of time, and by my mid twenties, I  was  way out ahead of everyone  else ☺️☺️. So , no drugs and  alcohol, but a few near death experiences which  have  left notable  scars on my body, but it still  didn’t  offer  me  the  true escapism that I  was longing for. I am a man, and I  completely  forgot about  one of our greatest  super powers, and that is the ability to  compartmentalize and detach  from  unpleasant  things☺️☺️. I took all of that pain and regret and  locked in a vault and buried it so deep that it was so disconnected  from  any part of my life, and  yet, every  fall it would  resurface to haunt and taunt me.
  • It may  or may not sound strange that I  would  give considerable brain  energy  to the thought process, if I  had only  had a Time  machine of some sort. If there was only  a  way to  go back and  retrace my steps and  make different  choices, or  a better  decision at whatever  point  it was that I  felt  the train first  started going off of the track☺️☺️.  You get  what I’m saying  because  it has this compounding effect, because  one bad choice has had so many consequential  impacts on so many  other  things  in life that, you think  , if I  could  just  keep  that  first domino from  falling, the rest wouldn’t  follow  suit.☺️☺️ Maybe , I’ve  watched  one to many science fiction movie and it’s not just  about  going  backwards, but being  able  to  move forward  in  time, and being  able to nullify the past. ☺️☺️. Oh! Wait , now I’m confusing  myself, is that science  fiction or  today’s reality?  If I  have the super power to  rename a school, a war ship , or some  military  installation and  remove a few statues and monuments, then  everything  that those things  once stood  for and the meaning  behind  it becomes  null and  void?  Is that how that really  works?☺️☺️ Hmm, that’s  interesting, let me ponder that for a moment ☺️. I think that I  just  stumbled across that great  idea that’s  going  to land me on Shark Tank. ☺️☺️I’m going to  find a way to bottle up future expectations with the brain numbing ability to  forget  and rewrite  history into  something that  is  more  palatable.
  • I want to call that a digression, but perhaps  it was more of a revelation than anything  else. I don’t  know  how far I would  have  to  go in the future to  distance myself from  past missteps. It may  be to the point where there is no one left alive, who remembers my transgressions.  Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket.  I need to move forward  enough to  where no one remembers . Well,  that’s not going to  work  either because we just  love hanging on to  negative energy. I’m  confused again, must be having a  really  special day ☺️☺️. So we want to  dump all of the physical  reminders  about  where we have come from, but we want to be able to hang onto  all of the misery and  discontent of it,  so we can  pull it out at any time to beat others into  submission ” Silence Them”, who truly  want to move ahead in life. Did I  get  that right?  No!, that can’t  be right  either  because we are to progressive for that to be true.  Yesterday was  the twenty third anniversary of  one of the  most darkest days in our nation.  It was dark, but we have  had darker days as a nation, but none in more recent  years.  This is my thought  process  here and , I  wonder if  we could  even  come together as a nation as we did  twenty  three years ago or are we just  so full of hatred and  animosity towards fellow  citizens, just  because  they  think  differently or  vote directly, or worship  directly , or even  look differently, and yes as stupid as  it sounds, it’s about  complexion or an accent.  ☺️☺️
  • Whatever  happened to  the  word ” discord”? What  happened to  us sharing  ideas and having  healthy  exchange of perspectives  that didn’t  turn  into name calling and finger pointing?  What  happened to  us being  open to intellectual discussions,  instead of  being  so entrenched into  an ideology that it’s win at all cost, accompanied by  a  healthy  dose of gloating. Life has never been  perfect, because there are no perfect  people  and each generation has unique  challenges that they  encounter.  Forward  thinking, which isn’t  always  so forward☺️☺️ and  technology often  drives the culture and  society into  different  directions.  Just think there was once upon  a  time when  we  didn’t  have  babysitters….what? Is that right, yes it is, but we can’t  remember  a time when  that was  true or allow our brains  the  liberty  to  believe  that was once true, so innovation change our culture and  our thinking about  things. Where am I going  with  this, well  we want  to  so quickly  discard our past and  our heritage, that we often  take the mindset of  throwing the baby out with the  bath water, excuse  the old fashioned  analogy ☺️☺️. Yes there were bad things in our past that gave us a black eye, but there aren’t  many  , if any cultures  that haven’t  experienced something very  similar.  We use to have statesmen and  not career  politicians. I  believe  that there was once upon  a time when  our political leaders  cared  about  those who they say that they  represent, but   I’m  afraid those  days are long gone , and  now its just  about  the  power of the political  machine  and  personal  wealth. We were more civil and  of course we didn’t  have  social media, where every person  on the planet  believes that they  have  the right  to say  any and  every thought that fires across the synapses of  their  frontal  cortex☺️☺️. As things heat up  politically, we need to remember to  pause, take a step back and remember to breathe.  The person that  You are so vehemently opposed to  may be the very  same person  who  is  donating  blood, that by some misfortune, could  end up in your  body ☺️☺️, just a little  perspective  that’s all.
  • Let’s get  back to  my fall  dilemma, yes, that was a real  thing  and not just  for illustration  purposes 😅 😄. There is no Time machine or even  better yet a magical eraser that would  just  wipe  things away as if they were written on  a chalk board. We don’t  always  like to  think about the  fact that  there is a reason and purpose for every hurt  and  pain that we experience  in  life.  There is some lesson or take away, and for me personally  I  believe that  it’s something  more than  just  saying  that  I’m never  going  to do that  again ☺️☺️. Those supposedly  dead end roads, road blocks and  hard detours all have  some association that we often  miss. God doesn’t  ever waste pain, and for the life of me, I  don’t  know  why  we can’t  learn  those lessons  minus the pain and  the  boo boos ☺️☺️. God did  something with my fall depression and my I don’t  give a damn attitude, and He turned  it into  a  great  joy. It took a lot  longer  than  I would  have  liked, but there is something in the  waiting that  is very  equivalent to  preparation.  He is preparing  and building  in  us what is to come. You  probably  wouldn’t  give  your  twelve year old a brand  new  sports  automobile  or  any car at all because  you know that they  aren’t  ready  for  that ☺️☺️, even  if  they  think  otherwise ☺️.
  • Knocking off the  rough edges is often  painful, but very  rarely  is  something that  we want to go back, pick up and put back on. We are  often  carrying  heavy  burdens  that we  are  unaware of, and have no idea how it’s just  adding  to  the miseries of  life. Thinking  outside the  box just a little, those  rough edges are often  attitudes and  beliefs that we carry  around that are false and  there whole  purpose  in  life is to hold us captive to  lies and  falsehoods.  Ok!, so let’s just  go  there. So many  people  believe  that  they  are  not worthy  of  being  loved and  especially  not by a Holy God. They  tell  themselves that they  have  messed  up way   to much and to often and that they  could  never  be  accepted  or forgiven  for some of the things that they  have  both  said and done.  Some  how God loves other  people, but they  haven’t  done the things that  I  have done  whatever  those things are that you believes disqualifies you from  the  love of  God. Here’s a  little  news flash for you, heaven  is going to  be  filled  with  drug dealers, prostitutes, liars and  even  Serial killers,  that’s right!  I  read that Jeffrey Dahmer excepted Christ before  he was executed, so …have You done that one, since you think that you are so passed the pail or point of being  redeemed? There’s going  to be  a  lot of just  good people and  good church  people  who  are  going to  be missing from  the  party  because  they  thought  that  they  could  just fake their  way in or they  are  to busy trying  to  stack up good deeds that they  miss  that God has already  taken  care of  everything that needs to be done.
  • Many moons ago I  wrote and talked about a character from  the Flintstones series, by the name of Sleptrock. He was  this character that carried around  his own  personal  rain cloud and  he just  seemed to be always  doomed with  negative energy. You  know, the flat tire on the way to work.  The refrigerator or washing machine just  up and dies, maybe even  both.☺️☺️  There is just  one expected unplanned  event after the  other.  Well….that’s life and  those things  happen, but our perspective and view points  can  be vastly  different.  You  may  be  the person  that  walked away  from  a horrible accident  without a  scratch and  don’t  know  how that happened.  I’m not saying  that God causes  such things to  happen, but I  absolute  believe that He works  in them and may be, just  maybe  He’s trying to  get  your attention.  The car is totaled, but you are whole.  I’m not going  to  sit here and tell you  that my autumn collapse is  completely erased from  my  memory, but it doesn’t  sting as it once did , and I  have  seen  God take those  shattered pieces and  do wondrous things in  other  people’s lives, so pain not wasted, and what was once viewed as a dead end road has become  a  freeway of  healing for  so many  others. 
  • I guess the question is  are you  prepared or do you want  to  shed some of  the  misconceptions  that you have about  God . It’s like trying to  carry around a facade of who You  want  others  to believe  that  You  are.  It gets  tiring  if it’s not who you really are and it can become  weighty and  you just  never  know when  you  will  slip and they  will  see the real  you.  The fearful  part is , if they knew  the real you, would  they  still  accept you and think that you are cool. God sees  you for who you really  are  . He sees all of the brokenness and  flaws. He sees the hard to love parts, which  is  mostly our pride. He sees our insecurities and He sees your heart of not knowing  if He is real and  trustworthy.  Is He a caring God, does He understand me and if He does, why would  He want me?
  • That’s  real  life changing  question  right  there, and I’m not even  going to  ask  You to take my word for it . That’s way to important to  just  take some casual  writers word for it.☺️☺️. This may require  your first ever real step of faith  and  that is to offer  up an honest and  sincere prayer and  ask God to reveal  Himself  to  you. It’s not creepy  or mystical, it’s just  you being  honest without any  false expectations or pretenses. God is very  real  and one of His most desired  things is to have a  relationship  with  His creation and interact with  it, and just  in case you missed  it  , you are part of His creation. God promises to draw close to those who seek Him. Maybe  my greatest  understanding of  this is  in approaching  God, remember that  He opposes the proud, those who believe that  they  have  it all together, ….because  you  don’t, none of us  do. He welcomes the humble and those with  a  contrite heart . Give it a try and  you just  may be amazed.
  • Till Next  Time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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