“All Dogs Go To Heaven”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #130
  • 25 Apr 24   
  •     ” All  Dogs Go To Heaven “
  • Howdy!,
  • I  appreciate  you guys and the encouragement that you offer  through sharing  your  stories and pieces of  your  lives with  me. I think that  Disney  put out the movie  about  all dogs going  to  heaven.  I  don’t  know that to be true  ☺️. It’s a little bit  of  a  contradiction from  scripture, but I’m not here to burst  bubbles, so if it makes you feel  all warm and fuzzy  inside, then  hold on to that☺️☺️.
  • This post was inspired by  the  loss of a Christian  artist this past week  by the name  Mandisa. A friend  broke the news to me and  actually  it caught  me  a  little  off guard.  I  think  that the majority of  the  shock was  because I didn’t  believe that  she was that  old. A little bit about  her. Some of you maybe familiar with her and her story, but a good portion of my audience will not be. She originally  popped  up on the scene back in 2006 on American idol.  While  she was extremely talented and  had great  range, she didn’t  win the contest but did finish in the top ten. The big to do about  her and American Idol came down to  the  fact that she was fat shamed by one of the judges…. Simon Cowell.  It was done on national  TV and there was a great out pouring of support for her. She took the high road with  Mr. Cowell and  told him that she would  pray for him. I  do believe that they had some kind of reconciliation over the matter down the  road.  She went on  to  have a  great  deal of  success as many of the none winners of Idol often do. She had a successful career, she won a Grammy and  recorded with  some of the other  biggest  names  in  contemporary Christian music to include  Toby Mac, Kirk Franklin and others to just name a few. I  saw her twice in concert over the years  and  she  definitely  delivered the  goods. ☺️☺️ The  last time I saw her in concert  she performed from  a  bar stool, and she mentioned vaguely about  some health concerns and  then  she  disappeared from making  music for a  while.  When  she  came  back, she talked a little bit  about the  dark side and the personal demons that she had been  wrestling with.
  •   Demons can  take on many  forms and  for her, it was wrestling  with  food and depression.  The  depression took a deep  downward  turn  after the  loss of a close personal  friend.  Her friend  was  dealing with  cancer while  she was pregnant.  After  the  baby was  born, they  thought that  they  had turned a corner and  then  her friend  suddenly  died.  If you have  never  found  yourself  in some kind  of  deep despair and  wondering  why  God allows  certain  things  to  take  place  then  , you my friend are a unicorn ☺️☺️. I  think  that  we often want to  weigh the measure  of  a  person’s  goodness and only  see, why they  shouldn’t have  experienced a  negative  thing  or be taken  out of the  world, and life just doesn’t work that way.  If there is any truth to  the saying  that  only the  good die young , then  that was exceptionally true for Mandisa, because  she was  only  forty-seven.
  • My friend  who originally  broke the news to  me said, ” how very  sad” , and that was  true.  My initial  response to her comment probably  came across  as  cold and  callous . I  don’t  normally  think  of  myself  as  a person  without  a filter, but there are times  when I  shoot off my mouth ☺️☺️. I  know, I  know….what  did I  say? Well, my response was, now she is at home , where she belongs.  I  know  that  there is suffering and then there is “SUFFERING! ” , and in our mindset we like  to categorize the difference, as if the person  who is walking  through it, should  be  able to tell  the  difference and be able  to  temper it….how ludicrous!  Most of us have  known  or experienced someone on their  death bed taking  morphine or some  other pain drug, while  waiting  to  pass on into the next  life . We may  not  equate that with  world hunger  or someone  wrestling  with a food addiction, but for that person, while  they  are  there, there is no difference  in  their  minds , what so ever!
  • I’m not real sure where I  picked it up from, but somewhere  in my travels, someone  impressed upon me that  our lives are a symphony and each day we add another  measure of  music  to that symphony.  The  point  is that we all have  hopes and  dreams and  they  usually evolve around  some plan  that we are working  on  or dreaming about, but one day we  all leave an unfinished  symphony  behind.  I  have  heard  several pastors  preach on the Dash. The Dash is everything that  takes place between  those two  dates on your tombstone. Some may  call  it legacy, but it really  is  about  what you  were known for  and  left behind.  I  think that  most of us have a  mixture of  some mountain top experiences and other things that we wish  that we could  delete or  erase from  the  highlight  reel☺️☺️. Well!, at least I do anyway ☺️☺️. Times of showing up and times of showing off☺️☺️. It’s almost amazing that  the times of showing up and the times of showing off are  usually interpreted very  differently, depending on  who the  consumer  of that information may be. What  I’m trying to  say  is  that sometimes  our not so caring  so much  , can  be  extremely  meaningful and impactful  to  other  people.  So, we can  be making  a  difference while  not attempting to, and many times our  grand gestures are seen  as a flop, or one of those look at me moments ☺️☺️.
  • Let’s reach out and make a difference.  I’m an extrovert at heart, and at the same  time a deeply  private  person.  I’m very  particular about what I  share and who I  share it with.  When  it comes to public  figures or ” celebrities “, I don’t  usually give two flips about what is going on  in  their lives, because they  put their  pants on just  like I  do, one leg at a time and  usually the  facade of  what is put out for public  consumption is  less than  a  real narrative.  It’s a kin to the guy who goes to work with  an Ak47 and  shoots up the place and  all of his neighbors  saying  he was such  a  nice person  always  polite and well adjusted….not so much! ☺️☺️. The truth is  we never  know  what  someone is  walking  through at any given moment and they just  may be out  on a ledge, metaphorically.   The smiles at times are hiding  a lot of pain. I  mean if you give a huge amount of  money to  a charity or some cause, why do you have to  announce it to the world?  Was that your  intent to get  recognition for  something or as being  seen  as being  somehow  good? I  often think that there are basically two  types  of outings when  it comes to  celebrities shares. That’s when  they  divulge personal  information about  a family  matter or some  health  crisis.  It will  often  be  framed as to” raise awareness “. Well they  aren’t  the first person to cross that threshold and  they  won’t be the last, but frankly  it often  just  comes across  as whoa is me. How many  other  people have  walked  through that precise situation  without  the  resources or that platform to garner  support  for their  misery. I’m not saying all, but there is definitely a  percentage that falls into that category. 
  • Then there is the heart bleeding let me walk with and enter into  your suffering with you. I  don’t want to  be just a  spectator to your suffering, but an active  participant encouraging you in your  distress. Mandisa was one of  those people.  She touched people  with  her music and  her stories, but she genuinely wanted you to know that you  weren’t  alone.  She wanted you  to  know that  she knew what it was like to  have the refrigerator  calling your name  from  the  kitchen  at two in the morning ☺️☺️. She wanted you to know that  she had those  days when the cloak of depression  was  so  heavy that she couldn’t  get  out of bed. We have those low moments and we can’t  even  get  you to believe that  there are some so low that they  make the ones that we do share , sound  like a  day at the park  or the beach  somewhere. There is the PTSD of walking through in your mind over and over again the comments of Simon Cowell and  others like  him to become  our net worth.  The truth is we don’t  need those kinds of people and their sly comments, because usually  there is no one harder on us than  ourselves.  Most people go through the  day and  snack or eat their  hearts desire, but for others every time something  comes  close to  crossing their  lips , there is the inner turmoil of  a world war going on inside. 
  • Back to the Dash.  We all only get  so many revolutions around the  sun and then the symphony ends. Will we  be remembered as someone  who  ran the race well, or as I like to  say , finished the  dance strong☺️☺️, or will we get  to the end and wrestle  with  where did all of the time and fun go?. I  made  my comment about at least she is home now. I  didn’t  say that as flipped as it may have sounded, but isn’t  that  one of the major or key  perks for having a  relationship with  God, knowing that your eternal future is  secure? I’m a person who  also  has  my vision  impaired or obstructed by the  things of this world, but at the end of  my days, I know that  this is not my home.  I know that  some day,  I  will  witness Mandisa singing with a holy  choir and with  angels ☺️☺️. It will  be  one of the best  performances of all times.  As we get  to  the end of our time together  here, I won’t  mix words, or speak in parables.  If  you are trying to  figure out  purpose, why am I  here, or the often  illusiveness ” the meaning of life ” , the point  of it all, then  this is it. We were all made, created and  designed to be  in relationship with  God and with  one another.  It’s real  important to  get the  relationship with  God correct first, otherwise it’s like  putting the  cart before the  horse☺️☺️.  Yep, that is a main contributor to some of the dysfunction in  your life, because You need to know God to know how to do life and to do it well. Does that mean  problem free  ? Absolutely not, but it means the best possible ever support system.  A relationship with  God means constantly being aware of  how jacked up you are , and that  You  are are glad that someone is  there to point out, but more so to offer solutions and hope, for when  life comes at you like a raging  Grizzly bear at a national park somewhere ☺️☺️. And believe me, if it hasn’t  yet, it  will.
  • A gentle  rebuke of sorts if you are  one of  God’s kids. God didn’t  place us here to look and behave just like  everyone else.  We  are supposed to be  set apart.  This is no easy  task that God has charged us with, but He doesn’t ask us to do  it  alone.  In fact, He wants to enter in and walk with us as we muck our way through the  mire of the daily grind. We aren’t  here to build and buy bigger and bigger  houses.  We aren’t  here to see just  how  much  a 401K can actually  hold☺️☺️. It’s not about the  best career or the  most sleek  automobile imaginable. Just because we  sometimes  like to  turn  the simple into the  complex, God made it real easy for us, yet somehow we continue to  mess it up☺️☺️. We only  have  two directives and  that is to make Him more known and to share with  others as to how to connect with God. The primary  vehicle  for this is supposed to be our lives.  The lives that we live are supposed to  be attractive and a little  alluring to people who don’t know God. I will  be the first to admit that  often  my life  resembles  something  closer to  a dumpster fire, than anything  attractive and alluring ☺️☺️.  As I’ve said  before it’s not about  the falling down but it’s about the  getting  back up. Mandisa had failures  in  life and  she got back  up. She wrestled with  demons but she ultimately  pointed  others towards  God and she did that through  her weaknesses, because  she knew that  God was  her strength and  constant  companion, even  in the really  dark places . It was just  another  take on her life being  attractive and alluring.   In the end she was an Overcomer.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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