” Accomodations”

  • Not The Only One!  
  •               ” Accommodations “
  • 22 Jun  23
  • Post# 85
  •     Howdy!
  • Hey!, I’m glad that  You guys are here, and as my pastor  likes  to say, ” you are here and it’s  not  by coincidence “☺️☺️. Now!, when  I  think of Accommodations,  my mind may run  to a five star resort  with  all of the amenities,  and I’m not just  talking a   hot tub , but  a hot tub in the room, on the balcony,  overlooking  some turquoise blue water on a sandy beach. I mean if we are going to go, we might  as well  go all out☺️☺️. This post was given  to  me  by another  friend and someone  whom I  respect,  just  because of  their  take  on  life.  Their  views on life and  dating took me a little  by surprise.  It shouldn’t have  caught  me  by surprise,  but it’s just  so different  from  where and  what much of the world is  beginning to  make  as a  standard,  so it was refreshing.  It  could  be me, I have  said on occasion that I’m not easily  impressed,  but some how it made an impression on me. I  just  feel  like we are so far away  from  anything  traditional,  and when  we threw  that out,  it  appears that decency and common  curiosity went with  it. Rude is very  much  in fashion and  everything  about  self.  We are  of adult age,  but many  of  us  possess the  mentality of  a toddler and everything  is  about , I want  or I need. I  think that  most of  us  are potty  trained,  yet our social  skills would  indicate that  our mother’s  still tuck us in at night with  a bedtime story ☺️☺️. I  believe that  most  things in life  has an up and  a down,  so plusses and  minuses,  and  this is so very  true  of social  media.  On the one hand  it allows  grandparents from  across  the  globe to   keep up with  grandchildren and  family,  but it has so incredibly encouraged us to be Obnoxious, as we are allowed to  incognito and anonymously say things  that  very  few would  have  the nerve or balls to say face to face. I  mean  like  who ever came  up with  this whole  “Ghosting” thing  should  be  taken to the woodshed and  just  left there until they were freed by the termites ☺️☺️. This friend of mine is not a new friend, but someone I met  sometime ago and we just  lost touch,  I think  do to timing.  The thing that  impressed me was the  way  that  she  went  out of her way to make  time and room  for  people and choosing  to  Accommodate them while  getting to know  them,  when  and wherever she could.  This  sounds  simple and  on some level  it is, but now days it just  goes against the grain. What I have  observed for the most part is  people  wanting  everything to  fit nice and neatly  in their  world and  for it to be seamless and  effortless, and  all I can  say about  that , is good luck with that ☺️☺️ . This  use to be a Christian Nation, but no more.!  We took that to the trash  dump and set it on fire. There also  use to be something known  as  southern  hospitality,  but we forgot to  give it an  endangered protective status  like we do with  all of  the  animals,  so it’s becoming  extinct as well.  I  must  tell  you that  I  find  a certain  irony here,  with the hospitality  thing because  we continue   to build  bigger  and  bigger  homes , with bathrooms  up the yzoo. It makes me really  wonder how in days gone past,  how  families  of six or more ever survived with  just one  bathroom ☺️☺️. There is just  something special about  making  room for someone  in  your  life and meeting  them  kind of half way , instead of  expecting them  to  cater to  all of your baggage,  criteria , and  maybe  making  a  round  circle  fit into a  square  peg. I  get that for the most part most of us have  some  kind  of  wish list, or at least  some non-negotiables,, such as smoking,  or no heavy  drinkers,, I have  also encountered the just don’t  bother  me  if you  have  any kind of take on religion,  oh yeah,  and  the famous  no” Trumpsters”!!. No matter  what those  no nos are, most are pretty  firm on them. I  often  wonder  how  many  times  we find exactly  or pretty  close to  what we are looking  for,  but there is just  that one thing.  Again  I’m not encouraging anyone to  settle,  but  perhaps  open ourselves up to the potential of the possibilities.  I keep  hearing people saying that they  don’t  want to  end up,  old and alone, but are completely closed off when  it comes to making any concessions,  or anything  close to  making  Accommodations for  someone in  their  lives.  I  mean  totally  cut off towards  where they  could  settle down together,  diets and exercise,  or finding  some common  ground on how to deal with  adult  children.  I  don’t  believe that this should  be  hard, and  of course, if it is to difficult, then  there is the  distinct fact that it is not meant to be.  Sometimes  it  may require  us to budge, just  a little off of the  Eutopia idea of what a potential partner  may look like.  I  can  tell  you  that  the more things that You  have  in common ,the  higher the success rate could be,  and still  sometimes that is just  not enough.  There is  also the  issue  of  scammers , grifters, con artists,  and  just generally  not good  people  out there. There are people  who  wish  nothing more than  to  separate us from  our hard earned savings,  nest eggs and  retirement accounts.  Please  exercise  caution  and do your  do diligence,  when  beginning  any relationship,  not just  personally,  but also  in business  as well.  It would  do you a world of service  to know  who you are getting  into  bed with,  figuratively or other wise☺️☺️. Still  there is just something about  being  able  to  legitimately make room for  someone  in  your  life.  Again,  this could  be  something as simple as  trying  a different  cuisine,  but many remain  closed off to experiencing other  cultures  outside  of  the  travel  Channel ☺️☺️. Sometimes we need to  take a personal  inventory of what we are really  about and what we are  bringing to the table.  When  we  say that we are open and ready for  love, is that an actual  fact, or  are we only  fooling  ourselves with  our list of non-negotiables,  which  often  is off putting  and acts as a high tower  walled off  to protect our hearts, which  is  often  impenetrable  to anyone who  may be a would  be  suitor. I  mean  like  when I  say  Accommodating,  I  think that  the more time we spend with  someone,  the more we love them,  and the more we see who they  are beyond  the  exterior.  As you get to know  them,  it’s like a  peek  behind the  curtain and you get to see the beauty of their  souls. If this is  true, than the opposite  must  be true  as well,  you can’t  get  to know  someone intimately, without  spending  time with  them  which  leads  back around  to being  Accommodating,  by making  time for  them. This  friend of mine,  believes that she found the  man  of her dreams,  by being  open and Accommodating and can see how she may have  missed  him if she wasn’t  willing to  take a risk, and  choosing to  focus  on  the  positives, over looking    all of the flaws in an individual.  She knows that  she isn’t  perfect and that  there are no perfect people and that  everyone at this stage of the game  has stuff.  It may not  be  your particular  dysfunction,  but everyone has  baggage.   Sometimes  we just  need  to love people for who they are and not for who we wished that they would  be. If a person comes into your life and  ask You  for  a  kidney, that   may be just a little  to  much,  but  if someone is just asking for  some of your time and  you treat  it like they are asking you for  a  kidney,  then you may be just a  little to  much ☺️☺️. My friend has learned the art of being  peaceful and  purposeful,  without a lot of fan fare. Life can  go by so quickly and again as she  has pointed out to me,  there is a difference  between living life  and  just existing and  going through the  motions.  We are created for much  more than what we  usually experience in  life. Now, ,!, if you think that  is about  one of those luxury suites that I was talking about in the beginning,  then  you could be wrong or partially correct.  It has to be about  more that,  and it has to be or should  be  about the  personal relationships that you  form in your  life and  being  able  to serve others.  If you are in some social setting,  be it work or  play , and  you have a friend  or family  member and you know  almost  everything there is to know about them,  but you don’t know how  they are doing on an emotional and  spiritual  level,  then  you  shouldn’t count them  as  a  friend.  They  are  actually  more so an acquaintance ,or just  a  by stander,  whom You  know  by  their name. Then again there is the possibility that we just have  different  definitions for the word friend.  In my world a friend  is someone who  shows up,  and not just  when it’s convenient for  them  to  do so. Someone to laugh with,  but right  by your  side in the tough times as well.  Someone  who  tells  you the things that You  don’t want  to hear, but  you  need to  hear and they say it anyway.  A friend is someone who weather’s the storms of  life with you and  if they  don’t  or can’t, then they  qualify as a fair weather friend and probably  should  be pushed  over to the acquaintance category.  When you  have someone  in a dating  relationship who is willing to  relocate job and life for  you and love, that is pretty  Accommodating,  and  you might  think of  them  as  much  more than  just a  friend  as in all in, chips pushed to the center of the table,  you may want to  consider the option of  taking them  up on that. While  my friend  has made huge concessions and  made room in her life for  her  guy, that is not even  close to the  most  Incredible story that I have ever  heard about  Accommodations.  This next one takes the  cake and  makes everything in comparison look like a  cheap  replica.  There is  this King , and He went  all out for His subjects. This King  modeled for His  subject  the perfect  life. He gave them  the greatest  teachings  ever known  to  mankind.  Everything that He did was rooted in love and compassion. He told them  that  there was no greater love than to lay down one’s   life  for a friend,  and  He modeled that as well.  He made the greatest  Accommodations of all times. He told His subjects,  His friends and His brothers and sisters that He was going to  prepare a place for  them, so that they  could  be  with  Him full  time.  He is not a slum land  Lord,, so we are not talking about  some  shack out on the back forty, but its a mansion and  He tells  them  that  it has many rooms,  room enough  for all. I  think  that  we are often  so tied to  this world,  that we rarely  think  about  eternity and  thinking about  it  in terms of  going  home.  I  mean  if  you  already live in a  mansion and  the most fanciest of  places,  it’s  the ghetto,  it’s the “Hood”, it’s a trash  dump in  comparison to  what  we have  in store for us  ,who know God on a personal  level.  He hasn’t  cut corners with  cheap  drywall,  but He has gone all out to the point  where He tells  us  that  the streets are paved with  gold, can you  imagine? We spend  way to much of our time  trying  to  achieve  a comfortable lifestyle,  while  we  are  only  here for what seems like  a   blink in time and on the eternity  continuum,  that truly is what it is. If the streets  paved with  gold aren’t  enough  of  an enticement for you,  how about  the promise  of no pain, no tears,  no suffering,  and one of my personal  favorites,  no alarm  clocks ☺️☺️. Jesus  did the ultimate  paying  it forward.  He paid an absolutely  high  price  and died a  horrible  death to purchase forgiveness for us, so that we can  have and be in fellowship with  God. He made it possible   for  us  to have  a reservation at the most unique  place  , and one that nothing  can  compare . I’m not in a rush  to  meet  my maker, because  the  beauty of that is I get  to  do that every day , by spending  time with  Him. He takes  our time  together  to encourage me and  to  reshape and renew my  thought  process, each and    every day.  Remember that  all of the hard work  has been  done by  God, and  all  we have to  do  is  believe and receive  His incredible  gift.  I  look  forward to  seeing  old love ones again.  If you  are  counting  on  your own  good  works to get  you there, then I  won’t see you there, so enjoy the  time  you have  here on the short side of eternity,  or maybe  not so much!
  • Till  Next  Time, ✌️, Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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