“A Smoking Hot Body”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 14 Feb 25
  • Post# 180
  • ” A Smoking Hot Body”
  • Howdy!
  • Welcome to the jungle of my rampage thoughts of being  all over the place. ☺️ It’s been  a little while  since  I have  put out the PG placards , but today  seems  like a fitting  occasion for  them  to be present, so maybe, not  so much for young ears and eyes, and I’m not trying to  be insensitive, but also  for the  immature.  Honestly right out of the gate, I feel  as if I  should  be asking for  prayer ☺️☺️. The prayer would  be to get  through  this  without  a bunch of clichés and that I  don’t  take us to far over in the ditch☺️☺️.
  • The first  cliche may be that  beauty is in the eye of the beholder and while  it may  sound  like  a  cliche  , it is loaded with  infinite truth.   This  goes way beyond  one person’s  trash, is another  person’s treasure.  We assign intrinsic value to  things that  we believe are of great worth, thus a treasure. We probably don’t think much about things that we encounter  with  our other  senses, outside  of  sight  as being  valuable.  We place great  value on body image and I  think  at times way too much.  We do all sorts of  things to  make  the body appealing to  others and  the outside world at large. We probably depend  on our sense of sight  more than any of all the other sense put together.  We encounter most things  visually first  before  we run it through all of the other  sensory filters. We are  so visually dependent, that we even  believe  that  people  need  to look good  when  they  leave the planet.  We go to a wake and walk up to the coffin  and  often  comment  on how they  look good.  The funeral  director  did a great  job.  I understand that sometimes  people  suffer serious  tragedies  such as a horrific  car accident  or suffer from  some illnesses that  really  changed  them  from  who we knew them  to be, so it is very  much  so important that a good job  be done  by the  funeral home, but again its about  what we see with  our eyes.
  • The real  treasure  may be the breath of a newborn  on your face  or holding the  hand of a parent or trusted friend as they  slip off into  eternity. So , there are other  treasures that are deeply  meaningful.  I have  spoken  before about  how we can’t  always  trust  what we see. The eyes are a complex piece of  machinery  when  we  talk about the  human  body, but it’s not always  exact and sometimes  is very  beneficial  in helping us draw the wrong  conclusion about  something or someone .  So flawed like the rest of us. If body image  is important then  the other side of the equation is  often  body shaming.  I could  probably  write  a couple of volumes of  books on that one☺️☺️. It is usually  just  full of expectations and a list of  not enough of  this or to much of that. So, since most  are familiar with  this  we aren’t  going  to spend much time  here, but I  will  say this. Embrace and love who you are regardless of what  You  think  that  you look like. God created you a certain  way, so that you can  bring  Him glory.  So maybe  instead of focusing on  perceived  deficiencies , think about  discovering the purpose for who God made you to be. The next thing I  will  say is that because  of the unrealistic expectations of  beauty and  body image, most people are  fully  aware  of their physical flaws and  the things  that  they  don’t  like about  themselves, or wish to change, and they  really  don’t  need  or want your commitments  on their  looks. Last thing  is beauty is absolutely  fleeting.  It’s like that whole  vapor thing.  One day  you are super  hot and sexy ,  turning  heads and the next pushing a walker and  surprised that it belongs to You ☺️☺️.
  • So let’s just  get  into the world of the PG☺️☺️. Often our idea of a smoking hot body  revolves  around  attractiveness.  It’s all different  for all of us and there is even some scientific  research  out there as to why we are attracted to what we are. There are  also  some cultural  norms that come into  play. In certain other  cultures, large women  are  the desired, I have got to get  me one of those☺️☺️. In some cultures it’s tied to  the belief that they  are more healthier in  terms of fertility and  being able to  produce offspring.  Just  for a second, think about what we determine to be some of the most beautiful  people  on the planet, drop them  in some African  culture  and people  would  think  gross and disgusting and  be totally  repulsed by them.  We are born  where we are born, and we are often  subject to  the beauty standards of  that culture.  I have  a  long standing belief  that is why a lot  of  black men prefer  women with  big booties.  And they  liked  them long before  butt’s were considered as some highly valued  acquisition ☺️☺️.  I  know that now some are just  so grateful for  plastic surgeons ☺️☺️.
  • So , we like to break people down  into  parts such as boob’s and butt’s.  Tina Turner gave us the standard for an incredible  pair of legs, but often the desire is just  for rippling and  bulging muscles and  we want them  just  all over. The chest, the arm, legs and especially the calves .☺️  We want tanned, tall and blue eyes.  I believe  that  is the gold standard now, and we are probably wiling to make substitution for power and money…..the worlds view of success . We talk about  parts of the body that would  make you think that  we were at Popeyes ordering up some chicken ☺️☺️. We have  these incredible  high standards on the outward  with almost no thoughts  whatsoever on what’s on the inside.  Maybe  that  is what has fed into  the  stereotypical dumb blonde jokes for years☺️☺️. I would  think  that  it’s much  more  important as to what someone  has sitting  between  their  ears than what’s between their  legs….but that’s  just  old fashioned talking.  I do remember  youth and  hormones, so I  get  the appeal, but life and experience  says that what’s between the ears is far more important  or at least should  be.
  • I think that we often  love the contrasts  in life and the things that express some sort of beauty.  It could be  the tale of two cities, the sun arising over the horizon first thing  in the morning or  a full moon illuminating on a dark night. Maybe one of my favorites is the contrast between the hand of a newborn up against  a hand that has been  weathered by  a long life. Also the complexion of a white hand holding a black  hand, simple and  beautiful.  However the true contrast of  a  smoking hot body may be this, the physical form  of the human  body in all of its resilience and brilliance, almost as  if  you had a wish  list and every  box was checked.  This is that Adonis, or Atlas body, or Fabio before he got old and cut his hair ☺️☺️, and you are thinking that looks good enough to  take a bite  out of it , and you just can’t  figure out where to start☺️☺️. Do I go in for a full embrace, no!, let’s start with  those lips, they  look amazingly  kissable, maybe  just a few squeezes  here and  there to make  sure that this isn’t  some cruel and sick  and twisted dream. It all checks out and it’s a  go ! ,and then  they open  their mouth and you are immediately repulsed by what  comes out of it.  It could  be arrogance and conceit, or just the  mere shallowness of not being able to  put two words together and make a sentence,  or  any semblance of  intelligence ☺️☺️. Come on!, you guys have  seen this before, someone  with all of the physical attributes that the majority of the population just  gets  googly eyes over, but then they start to talk and you are just  so grateful  that your name isn’t  attached to  or tattooed in connection with it☺️☺️. Boy that was a close one and I guess that beauty really is only skin deep.
  • I think that  this brings us to the question  as to ,what does real beauty look like? And since we all age out of smoking hot, what does an actual  smoking hot body really  look like,? Well I’m probably  one of the weirdest ever, because I  believe that  everyone  has something about  them  that is attractive and  often  just  beautiful, and yes sometimes is not visible to  the naked eye. Some of the most beautiful things about  people  are tucked away on the inside. I’ve also  never  seen  a expecting mom who is not the most beautiful ever, which  is  ironic, because  they  usually  feel the complete  opposite of that☺️☺️.  Just like a really  hot person  can  become  ugly based on the things that they say and do, it’s also true that  some may not be the most glamorous, are the most beautiful by what has been  tucked away on the inside.  A really smoking hot body is often  characterized by the  things that aren’t  readily visible at first glance. I think that a really  smoking hot body compliments  itself  as  it works together to present something  beautiful and do I  dare say awe striking. ☺️☺️
  • A Smoking hot body recognizes and appreciates that it didn’t  get there on its own, and I’m not talking  eye shadow and  blush☺️☺️ , but that each part has a role to play and that every other  part is dependent on  the other parts pulling it’s weight. This is  very  contradictory from  what we may see in other  places, such as  if someone  has very pretty eyes, they  may want to accent those as to draw attention to  them, so it’s an attention getter. The same is true if someone wears something  low cut in the front as to draw your  attention to  something that they  say we  shouldn’t  be paying attention to…hey you…eyes up here buddy☺️☺️. When  did we start to begin to  stare at men’s  crouch area?☺️☺️. Ok, you get the point  we highlight what we want people  to  notice and  most of the time, think that they  are our best selling features ☺️☺️….but what are we selling?
  • I remember a Master Artisan, and He  created a  body and  some of His defining words about that body is, among You ,  this  body, things would  be different.  There wouldn’t  be any part that was going to  steal the show and be more important than all of the  other  parts. Each part has a beautiful piece of music to play and when  it’s  done in unison it produces a  harmony that creates a  masterful symphony. The eye may beautiful, but it’s nothing without a leg or foot to carry  it around to see things.  The ear is not more important than a nose or a pinky finger that may be use to pick said nose☺️, oh wait, the pinky finger must be serving a dual purpose, because that can’t  be it’s primary job ☺️☺️. This body was designed for the explicit goal of being the hands and feet  of  Christ, so a little  higher calling than  just  self acclaim. The many parts of the body are meant  to work together and  support one another. It has many complexities and  God has given the body various gifts to  navigate  both within the  body and  to the world at large. 
  • I know that I  just  lost some of you , so let’s see if We can  break it down to  nuts and bolts or maybe along the  lines of meat and  potatoes….body has to be fed☺️☺️. Well, this body is the church.  I know that  many  of  you think of this as a building , but the church is actually  made up of living  stones, human beings aka Christians, believers. You can’t  really  persecute a building , now can you?☺️☺️ . I don’t want to  weird you out further, but all of these living stones that make up the church is also  characterized as being   a bride. That may sound  completely ludicrous, but in ancient  culture  it made complete sense , because  unlike today, the groom was the main character, not the  bride. It was about His “big day “, and at some unspecified time in the future, He will have His day.
  • So we have  this body, with  all of these varying  parts that are supposed to work together and  are just  loaded down with  gifts. The gifts aren’t  for the part itself, but to be used  to lift up and edify the other parts and  to be done as acts of service. So if a heart beats with  compassion, so what? If hands work  to feed  the hungry, so what?  If arms pull a person from a burning car, so what? If the tongue speaks words to convince someone not to take their own  life, so what? If feet  run towards danger, when  everyone else in the world  is going in the opposite direction…. so what?  Here is that contrast thing again, they  all seem like really good things to be doing.  It’s never a bad thing to  keep  someone from drowning.  People  do these things out of self  motivation and preservation, maybe  not even  thinking   about  those big moments, just  hero mode kicks in and we say thank God for that….and there it is, thank God for that. Yes!, countless examples of people  who don’t know God, being  used by God…yeah and I  know that some may want to argue the point. The body of Christ has all of the makeups to respond to  and work within all of those circumstances and  it’s done at His direction and  for His purposes. 
  • The body and body functions  mean nothing to  very  little without someone  giving it  direction. I guess we may think of  it as the central  nervous system, where everything gets told  how and when  to function and  for this body and the church, it is known as the  mind of Christ.  Christ is the head of the church, and He is the one who gives marching  orders to the  church.  He is the One tasked with  keeping it all together, keeping  us all together. Look anywhere around the  world and see any catastrophe and you will  most likely  see Christian are the first to go and be the first on the ground there. They  are there  long after  the government and  media are off the  next story or photo op☺️☺️. The model is  yes absolutely  tend to people’s  physical needs, but what most need more than  anything is to be fed spiritually, something that  most are not qualified or knowledgeable about doing.
  • I would be remiss if I  didn’t  mention this remarkable opportunity for  you  to become a  living stone and to  become  a part of something  bigger than  yourself and that is the body of Christ, always  room for more, no shortage of  space and no shortage  of  gifts to be handed out  to  bring God glory as you  represent Him to the world  . The parts of the body are instructed to speak words of truth and encouragement, and all to often in the places that you would least expect it. It could be on a corner trying to get an addict to see that their life has value beyond their next fix. You could  be a really  cool part of the body , like an elbow or an ankle, may not sound  very  exciting on the surface; but think about the functionality and  it’s pretty important and amazing.  The importance of things that we take for granted are pretty phenomenal  when  placed in the proper  context and the proper place.  Just  think that what you  bring to the  table, no one else can do it quite the way that God called and gifted you to  be. A real smoking hot body is one that is  called by God and responds with a  yes!! Sometimes we just  have to thank God for that! All of the things that we  didn’t know that  we were or could ever be. In the hands of God , we truly are a new creation, and praise God for that as well.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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