” The Last Supper “

  • Not The Only One  !
  • Post #107
  • 05 Dec.  23  
  •                    ” The Last Supper”
  • Howdy!
  • Welcome aboard once again.  Most of us no the reference as “The Last Supper”, as being the  last meal that Christ  had with  His disciples before  going to the  cross.  I  have  been accused from  time to  time  of mixing words or splitting hairs,  so I  think  maybe the difference between  dinner and  supper,  may be a regional thing,  or just  whatever you were raised with,  and  to some people  it’s just  semantics and  they are  interchangeable.  I  only  bring this  up  because  it’s not the last recorded  time of them  having a  meal  together,  but it was His last time together with  the twelve, so maybe a meal is just a  meal. 
  • Under what kind of circumstances outside of  the religious or spiritual  realm do we experience ” Last Supper Scenarios? I  very recently had a very good friend inform me of his mother  entering  hospice.  He is an only  child and his parents were like a  second set of parents for me or to me, kind of like bonus  parents ☺️☺️. He lost his dad a couple of  years ago and  his parents had  been together  since they  were young  teenagers.  His family was  different from mine and  most notably,  because  his family  was intact and  his parents had  such a  strong  bond to one another. Now, I no some  cynics, will  say of course  they  did, because they  only  had one child to  chase behind ☺️☺️. There may be an ounce or two of truth to that, but  it was  so much  more to it than  that,  and  it flowed from them being  much more  of the original  Ying and Yang. And as parents,  its always  a big plus if you have  compliant  kids, which  he absolutely  was. ☺️They  just  complimented one another  so well together.  There are times  when  you can  walk into a  room full of people and you  would  just  never  match  one person  with  the  person that  they  are  with,  but even  in  a  crowded ball room with  hundreds of  people,  you would  just  know that  Margie and  Clyde  belonged together.  There sixty-five  year marriage attested to that, but they  weren’t  bitter and mean  spirited as you see with a lot  of  couples  who spend a  lifetime together.  You know what I’m talking about,,  sometimes the till death do us part thing is just  a welcomed relief ☺️☺️.  This was not the case for Clyde and Margie.  When  you saw him ,you saw her and  he still  looked at her with  the adoring eyes  of a teenage boy.  She had a look in her eye as well ,and  it was of respect and as she was  created just for him and no other  man  would have ever come close.  They  were  always  holding hands and  this went on , right up  until  Clyde drew his last breath upon the earth. 
  • Hospice is  and can be a  bitter/sweet  pill at times, and  I’m  sure this is  no exception to that  rule.  In some ways , I want to  say that I’m surprised that  she lasted two years without  him. She didn’t  have a  lot of  extenuating  health  issues,  but You just  always  knew  that  her heart didn’t  beat the same way  after  Clyde had  past, and  the brightness  in her eyes was just  not the same as it once was. Still  she had family,  her one and only  Son,  had  married well and  they  had three children,  who had produced six great grandchildren whom she just  adored. I  had a  flood of  emotions wash over me with the  hospice news, and  I  thought  back to  our last meal  together.  It had been a  while,  but it was still  fresh  in my head and heart.  The four of us went out  to  a steak house,  the forth  person  being  Steve’s  wife Jeanette. It was a little  while after we had buried Clyde,  and  got things set up  so that  she wouldn’t  be  living alone in a big house  all  by herself . We shared memories and laughter,  we took a few pictures and talked about  our plans to  do it again very  soon  in the near future.  The near future,  came and went and then  there was  hospice.  She is ninety now, and  I  can’t  even  form my lips to just  say that she had a good run. On some level,  it is about how she ran the race. She was  steadfast just like  her mate for life had been and always only  boasting about  what God had done in her life.  It is so bitter that she won’t  be  around  anymore for us to partake of her warm smile,  or the kindness in everything that she ever said or did.  And  again I  know  that  You  can’t  say everything that she ever said and did, but her and her husband  were some of the  most kind and  humble people I  have  ever  known and they  always  thought  of and put others  before themselves.  What an incredible  legacy to pass on and leave behind for your family and  those who will interact with them.
  • It is also  this amazing element of  sweetness.  I know that  she has severely missed her partner in life.  I  know that  she gives thoughts to  how they  weathered the  storms of life together,  and  did  it well as they  clung to their faith and on to one another.  I  know that  she looks back with  no regrets in life,  and  feels  as if she did everything in life that she was supposed to,  no not perfectly,  but with the same grace that God had granted to her. I  know that  she is looking  forward  to being  reunited   with  her  husband.  She filled the  cycle of life and  had been  someone’s  adoring  daughter,  a sister to siblings,  an aunt to nieces and nephews,  but more  importantly and absolutely incredible wife and mother.  She finished strong as a  grandmother and great grandmother.  She leaves behind a legacy of  love, patients and  understanding with  just the right amount of  fun  that she will forever live on in the hearts and minds of family,  especially the grandchildren and the  great grandchildren and  that is what it is all about. 
  • I’m going to take a  U turn of  sorts, or perhaps it’s just a  detour. Again the theme is ” Last Suppers “. I’ve probably had  more than  my share of last Suppers with  people , but I  didn’t  recognize it as such at the time.  Yeah,  I’ve had some that I  knew of , and if I’m honest I  just  couldn’t wait for them to  be  over. I  don’t  want to be  flipped about it and say that it’s a mixed bag, but  for myself  it’s come down to  obedience.  If  you  are  going to  wrestle with  obedience as I  do, then  there has to be some  prophetic  utterance from  God to your  listening  ears. I will  be  completely genuine here and say that I  believe that  God is always  speaking to us,  but it’s just a  matter of if we are sitting still  enough to  listen.  I’m like  most people and I  really  don’t  enjoy being  uncomfortable,  but in my relationship with God ,I  know  being  called into  comfort  is  not  usually the  way God works.  I’m not  saying  that  He can’t,  it’s just  that He wants  things to  register with  us for the most growth potential.  I don’t  know about you, but  for me it’s usually the  painful and hurtful thing that makes an impression.  I  don’t  believe  that  God wants or desires for it to be that way, it’s honestly just  probably  what He has to do to get  my attention,  so that’s on me. ! Again  honestly,  do we , or do I believe God when  He speaks?.
  • Most mornings,  or a lot of mornings,  I  get  up an straight up wrestle with God and His words.  If you believe that the things that He calls us to are easy, then  you  probably  have a  few screws loose☺️☺️. Come on, who wants to pray for enemies and turn the other  cheek… really?  There are those  unchanging  , timeless  words  of truth in the word of God, then  there are those things that  He says specifically to you, and about  your situations and challenges.  You  maybe  the person who  has been  long waiting on a spouse.  And maybe  God has promised you a husband or wife,  and  it’s taken a little  longer than  we would  like,  and then  doubt  creeps in, and you ask yourself,  did I hear  Him correctly or not? The longer the period  between the promise and  the delivery of  said promise can be absolutely  excruciating.  Now ! , for me the waiting on God to move is probably one of the most difficult aspects of my faith.  I  try not to be, but I’m fairly  acquainted with the  instant gratification culture.  I  don’t  think that  I’m alone  here, but the majority of the  time  if there is a  need or want,  and it’s within my  power to  make  it  happen,  then I  just pull the trigger on it. I’m  not always concerned about the  the ramifications of   said choices,  I just  want  it quenched,  so that I can  be  off to the next thing ☺️☺️, and that is truth  be told.
  • As parents,  we are usually fully aware of  things that are  harmful or potentially harmful to  our  kids, and  we try our best to steer them  clear of those things in life,  whatever they  may be, ie smoking,  poor  choice  in friends or even  dietary habits.  However,  as adults we don’t  always  exercise that same  wisdom for ourselves.  There are different  things that  drive the pleasure  center of our  brains,  just  like  it does for  our kids,  but we  don’t  think about it in the same  terms.  We sometimes  pick poor friends,  or buy more  house and automobile than we should.  It’s the same  principle,  we just  view it  some how differently for ourselves.  We  tell  ourselves that  we  know  what we are doing and  what we  are  getting  ourselves  into,  and  I’m  here to tell  you that  is not always  true☺️☺️.
  • My brain is  very strange and has been  known to run at a Nascar’s pace.  That being  said,  let me see if I  can  bring  some of this  together,  not just  for  you, but for me as well.  God has placed someone in  my life  who is abrasive as hell. They  trip all of my self  defense  mechanisms and  I  absolutely know  beyond a shadow of a  doubt that  God has placed this person in my life.  I  can’t begin to  tell you  the level at which  I  want to  have  a  last supper with  this person.  I  could  kick them to the curb so hard that they  would  end up in another  zip code☺️☺️. God has said some very  specific things to  me  about this  person,  and I  can  tell you  unequivocally,   at this point I  just  don’t really  care. I know  deep down  in my soul that I’m not the right  person for this assignment. This has been  building in my life and  it started over a year ago, with  a  most painful  lesson about  loving  unconditionally.  Then , He started with  this building  bridge campaign of trying to  find  things that  unite us with  people  opposed to the things that  build  walls and  tend to separate us. Ok, cool right? Then to make  sure that I’m getting the point to this lesson ,it graduates to loving  people who  may  look differently,  smell  differently,  have  different  political views, and  completely different  views on  family, gender and  You just  name it. It’s not just about  saying you love them,  but moving forward to prove it  with  actions.  I  get  it,  I always  told my kids to judge  people  based on their  actions,  because  words can  be so cheap at times. I  sometimes think that  God deals  with us  on a level that  is  something  close to  that groundhog  day movie.  He is  not going to  stop me from  bailing out, but I  can  almost  guarantee that I  will  see this  again  somewhere  down the  road.  So….when  it gets right  down to it, it’s really about  whether I believe  God or not. We can  all say that we believe  God, or believe in God, but where is the  proof?  So, let’s recap,  do I  believe that  God put this person in my life? Do I  believe that  this is going to  produce  the result that God desires  in my life? Do  I  believe that I’m the right  person for this assignment? That is a lot of Do I s. I  want to revert to  my feelings and God reminds me of how misleading  and unreliable  feelings can  be, and  they  usually have a  tendency to  change,  so He is saying to me, not good enough!. However,  I  think  that  I have an Ace up my sleeve and  that is, that this is more than I can  handle. My Ace is quickly  trumped by His joker and Harty laughter,  of I know!! There are so  many  things  in  life that  I  know that  I’m  not  capable of  doing without  God, such as praying for  enemies and turning the other  cheek, but here I’m hoping for an exemption,  as in your correct and a get out of jail free  card, but it’s more of deal or no deal,  and He is saying  no deal!  My personal favorite,  is when  He tells  me that  it’s not about  me.  I want  to  scream at  the  top of my lungs…how is that  even possible?☺️☺️ I  don’t  really want Him to answer that question, because I  already know about  how small it’s going to make me feel.
  • So , I’m at a fork in the road,  and it’s definitely not the  first time that I’ve  been  here. Do I  believe and follow God,  or do  I  take  multiple steps  backwards and coward as if I’m  standing here alone,  instead of in the shadow of the almighty Creator. My conclusion is to just  stay  tuned.  It should  absolutely be a no brainer,  but if there wasn’t a  choice to make,  then  it wouldn’t be  me.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner

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