” Cussing And Praying”

  • Not The Only One!
  • . Post #105
  • 23 Nov 23     
  •                   ”    Cussing and     Praying “
  • Howdy,
  • Happy Thanksgiving,  well at least I hope that  it is a  happy one. I  was wondering as to what inspires people and   what makes them  feel  really  vulnerable? There are always  cheap and  easy  answers to those questions.  I  could  be inspired by  a  pint  of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and I  could be made to feel  vulnerable by that very  same  ice cream  making me feel  fat☺️☺️. There are roads less traveled, but we usually  do  the easy thing   the safe thing,  the none sequential thing.  How did we get here? Where is here?
  • We have  become  a  nation of cowards. We sit silent on the sidelines,  while  our kids are being  indoctrinated into  something that  barely  resembles anything that  we knew as children  ourselves.  We  fear terrorists attacks.  We are indebt, way over our heads.  We  are so over medicated,  and  almost  everyone is  dealing  with  some level of  depression and or anxiety.  We don’t  experience  peace and  joy in our lives, because we  are  constantly  seeking  some false  sense of  happiness that we can  post on social media…yeah!!!, look at me!  We have  more and more people  checking out of the work environment and  simultaneously more and more help wanted signs are hung on doors all across the country.  I  keep  hearing about  the  gig economy,  which  makes  complete no sense to  me.  Why would  someone want to  work a bunch of part-time  jobs,  given the choice,  over plugging into  something full time and  stable with  some benefits.  There is a whole  generation out there, that  we have just  straight up FAILED!!! We need to  simply  own that, but in order to  own  that, we have to  admit  culpability and  our own  short comings. 
  • I  believe that  we  are all born and hardwired for struggle and  adversity.  Life  is  so much more than that, but at its root, we struggle and  seek to  overcome  adversity.  Most parents want  good things for their  children.  We want  them to  be  successful and  to  do well,  they don’t have to  set the world on fire, but it would be  great if  they were a functioning part of society.  We  wanted our kids to have  more, to do more and to be more than  we were. It doesn’t matter  what the  measure of standard is,  we just want them to  be the next level.  If I’m a lawyer in private practice,  then I  dream about my kid being a  judge and  why not a supreme court judge,  while we are at it☺️☺️. This is a different  kind of make a wish program ☺️☺️.
  • Previous  generations worked really  hard and that was built into  them and they  believed in the “American Dream “. I  believe and have  seen,  that all  to many times we have  removed the struggle from  our  kids and  a lot of the adversity as well. We have made it to easy for them.  We have  some where along the  way  forgotten that  those are  things  used to make us stronger and  sharper as individuals.  We are  raising a  generation of  people who  want to  do Uber eats and door dash, just  to make  enough money to  buy beer and  cigarettes and  don’t  forget  the all important  pot.☺️☺️ They spend their time  playing  video games in the basement and  for many, the American Dream is to wait for the parents to  croak to  own a home. When  did we stop dreaming and inspiring and  wishing for our kids to be strong and  independent? How did we become  so soft as a nation?
  • I  am a second  generation military service family,  and I  know that  there are many  who are multi generational  families of service and  some have not broken that chain since the first  world War.  I’m one of an increasing  number of  people  who  doesn’t encourage my children to  be the next generation to step up and serve. It is a privilege to  serve and an honor, and  I  greatly  appreciate those who  do, but for myself, I  just don’t  trust our government,  there I said it! I  have  very  little  faith in  people who didn’t and wouldn’t  serve  themselves,  to send our sons and daughters off to places where they  have  no personal  place of reference.  We are just  broken as a nation,  we are arrogant and  hated by a world that we feel  obligated to  police. We are a laughing stock as we fight amongst ourselves about  diversity,  gender and who get to use what bathrooms☺️☺️.  We are all about  inclusion and  corporations have  lost their minds in what to say and do,  just to make sure  that  their  profits aren’t  litigated  away  from  their  shareholders.  It’s a free for all.  We can watch  trash TV and  bury our heads  in the sand about  the  national  debt. We are so lonely and  isolated.  We are so starved for attention and  yet so afraid to  be vulnerable and  to speak  truth to dying and  hurting people.  We would  much  rather  pretend that  everything  is  just  honky dory, when  we know that  it’s not.
  • Back in  the nineties,  during the  Clinton area, there was something  known as  wag the dog, and yes I know that it went  back much earlier than that,  but it was a time  when it was just  so obvious. I  wish that I could say that it was an isolated period in time, but  it  was  not and it is what we see rapidly  consuming our culture today.  The few, the proud,  the brave, and  I’m  not talking about  Marines here, have  become  the megaphone for  our country, while the majority of  our country  just  sits quietly and let the nation just  slowly  slip beneath the  water just like the Titanic. There was a time when  truth was in fashion and  not just in  fashion,  but it was spoken from the  top. We had moral  leadership in  our  government,  in our universities and  in our churches,  but no more! Everyone has  their  own  self serving  truth and if it accidentally  ends up in some presidential speech, it either ended up  there  by someone who  knew no better or it was opportunistic to  make a point. 
  • I  will  go back to  my beginning here and talk about  being  vulnerable and understanding that we are not always  right,  and whether we  are  right or wrong,  we don’t  have the right to  stuff  it down  someone’s else’s throat.  See, this is where we are now, there is no discord, it’s agree with me or shut the hell up. When did we become so rude, that we couldn’t  even  listen to  another  person’s opinion?.  If  we are screaming at the  top of our  lungs, how are we going to  hear them  trying to  warn us that the bridge is out just  a head? We are battered, and we are vanquished by media, by government and the culture of  telling us that right is wrong and  that  perversity rules the day. I  can  see a civil  war coming again  for  us, but it’s not going to  be the left against the  right,  it’s not even  going to  be  about conservativism against  liberalism.  It won’t  be  about the  political correct against  the none political correct,  or any other of these things that  deeply  divide us, as in pro choice and the pro lifers, no!, it’s going to  be  about  something  so much  more  fundamental and that is  about  truth! We will have to  take a step back and  see and say what is  really  true.  I  know  it sounds  crazy, but can a man  be pregnant?,  really? I  think that  the vast majority of  people know the  answer to that, yet somehow there is still a debate about that….ok, but I  can  think of  better ways to waste my time and  brain cells,  after all  it’s getting to be bowl season ☺️☺️. I’m not going to pick that scab, but it’s just one of many, and  yet we entertain the stupidity of the idea. I have said before that certain  things are  just  indefensible,  so whether it’s the latest stupid thing out of Trump’s mouth, or  men birthing babies,  what’s the point.  I  know that  we all enjoy  the occasional  low hanging  fruit,  but come on now!!
  • Today is a  day set aside  for  giving  thanks, which  for me  is a  little bit  of  a  oxymoron,  because  each day that you wake up and  draw breath,  should be a  day of Thanksgiving.  It’s a  kin to that day in May, set aside to  recognize  mothers,  and we know that should  be  everyday as well ☺️☺️. There is a connection  between  Truth and  Thanksgiving, and  that is  to whom and for what are we giving  thanks?  Perhaps you are  someone who  is  dealing with  some health  crisis and  weren’t sure that you  would make it  to  this part of the year and you are deeply thankful for  that. We all know of people who were here last year,  but this year is just an empty chair. I believe that we  are all thankful for  something or at least should have something to be thankful for,  even  if it was a  ridiculously  hard year. It may have been hard, but you are still  here, maybe  not as strong,  and  maybe  not even  standing,  but you are here. I’m always talking about and  reflecting on  perspectives and  a lot can  be  determined about  our health and  mental  well-being,  by how we perceive things. There was just a  story about a  tree that fell on a house up In Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Wednesday and  the caption read “something not to be  thankful for”,  but  be thankful for all  of  the other things such as  no injuries or  any  real  damage to the  house,  so it really is about  perspective.
  • I’m not really a  country  bumkin, but  I’m a city slicker who moved to  the  country  life style and  just  found it much more  agreeable.  I  like to  think  of  country people as simple people,  not less in their  intelligence,  but  in their  pretenses,  just  basic and  to the point,  and often  without  the  fluff  which  many of us  are accustomed to  and  it just makes us  feel  more comfortable to beat around the bush about ,  than  to  just  come right out with it. If it helps any, just  think of it as rubber  meeting the road☺️☺️. So, here we go, to whom and for what are you thankful for  this year ? I’m not going to  go into a long  list of  new baby, new jobs, new homes and  all that I like to call the circumstantial. When you  close your eyes and  take a  deep  breath,  where do you go and who do you meet with? What secrets do  you  whisper to  God, that you may not  share with another  single soul? What ounce of strength are you  grateful for, that you  just  didn’t  know was within you? And how many things did  you  worry about , which never  came  to  fruition? In my country bumkin way, I’m asking, are you only  recognizing the  authority of  God on this one set apart  day? If God is God , and all that He says about  Himself,  not what others say about Him, He can  speak for Himself,  and  if that is true, again,  back to  truth☺️, what place does He hold and operates in your life? If God is God ,and we are not, doesn’t  He command that kind of awe and reverence? The cliche  is , is God  in the pilot seat or is He the co pilot,  and  if He is the co pilot,  never  take off your  seat belt, because the ride may  be  bumper than  need be☺️☺️.
  • Earlier I talked about being  vulnerable and that’s a huge umbrella for catching a  bunch of  different  things.  Most of us  have some kind of  shame and  some little  secret sin, that is just  our very own and we don’t really  want God to meddle with it, be it over eating,  gossiping , porn, or  being  dismissive to our spouse.  You know what it is  and you can  name it. We hide insecurities of feeling that  we  are  just  not enough.  We  aren’t  enough at work,  or at home, I’m insufficient at meeting the needs of my husband,  or am I  a good  dad, I work to much . I’m not a great  child  because I don’t  spend more time with  my aging  parents,  knowing that  they  won’t  always be around and I  have  no  idea  as to how much  I’m going to miss them  once they  are  gone. I don’t  know about  you but  just  struggling with  priorities.  Do I  go to support the grandchildren who are  playing sports on a  Sunday morning, or do I go worship God . There shouldn’t be a  dilemma here, but we feel the pressure of  being in the middle.  We  want our kids to get it,  but they  have  forged a path of their own  and we can’t  but wonder  if  we  failed them  somehow.  I mean if we are going to really talk about  being  vulnerable,  then  we have  to  talk about  whether  or  not  that we even  believe  that  God hears our prayers and  wants to answer them.  Am I  the only  one  who desperately wants to  hear God’s voice,  but just  can’t  sit still  long enough in the quiet to hear Him speak? I  may not  know what You  are going through, but we are all  going  through  something,  and  that even  goes for the people  whom  seem  to  have it all together, because  they  don’t, purely  window dressing ☺️☺️. I  could be  arrogant this Thanksgiving and  turn it  on  its head, and  show my true Pharisee genes and talk about my relationship with God,  but I’m not that proud and  in my heart of hearts,  my heart breaks for those who  do not have the  peace of knowing  God. If you only  think about and talk to God when  things are not going well or some crisis,  or heaven  forbid, just  on some random  holiday such as today, or Christmas or Passover,  then,  you should  be spiritually  starved, and even the worse news maybe that you are on life support and completely unaware of it.
  • I’m not  the grim reaper, nor do I want to be  the barer of bad news. I  started this off with some pretty  unsettling things to say the least. And the world is  crazy and it gets just a  little bit  more  crazier by the second,  not by the day,  but every second,  there is something  more  ridiculous than the  last thing☺️☺️.  I  really  don’t  have a  problem  with  people wanting to  believe and do stupid things,  just  don’t expect for me to keep  up with  your  latest  pronoun confusion,  and  don’t  expect for  me to  throw  truth  out of the window so that you  can  feel  better about yourself,  I’m sorry  if your  parents didn’t  love you  enough  or in the right  way . I’m sorry  if that sounds  harsh , but truth is  not always  soft, warm  and fuzzy, actually  often  it can  be very  messy,  to speak it and acknowledge it in just  a  sea of Irrelevance, dysfunctional information and in a culture that  is  a free for all. It’s like  Woodstock  lives on☺️☺️, if it feels good,  then  just  do it and  no one has the right to oppose or say anything against it.  We can  continue down this road, and  the only  thing  we will be  able  to  be thankful for  is God’s  patience and  long suffering with  a crooked and perverted people.  . The battle is coming and  it will absolutely  be  over what is true and what is not. It scares me to think about a world that  doesn’t not believe in  absolutes or in truth,  and  as I  have said  before,  I can  disbelieve in the law of gravity,  but I’m still  subject to it…just a thought that’s all. If you are always told  about  how  frail and sensitive that you are,  that is who you will become.  People  give up  because they are told that they  are some how less than, don’t  believe  that, and don’t  let that become  you.
  • Today  enjoy the  festivities and family,  the  food, the deserts, and  of course the football,  but don’t  loose sight of  living in  the  most free and once upon a time  the greatest nation there ever was,  not so sure about that one any more.   In all of the turmoil of life, it seems that we are either  Cussing  or praying,  sometimes at one another,  and sometimes we are cursing  God in our praying ☺️☺️. Give God thanks for all that You have  in your life,  and remember that  even  in the really, really hard and painful  things that God is still working,  so even though you may not see it , feel  it or  even  believe it  , He is working all things,  not somethings,  but all things  for your good and for His glory .
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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