” The Basics “

  • Not The Only One  !
  • Post #103
  • 09 Nov. 23    
  •                         ”    THE BASICS  “
  • Howdy,
  • Thanks once more for checking  in. I  have been a  little  dry  of  late,  I’m not going to  call  it writers block, because I  don’t  always  think  of myself  in those  terms.  I think  that  maybe its just  me being  distracted about  some up coming  time  off.  My thoughts are  of what I  need to  do prior to  that, for me to feel  as if it will be a successful  time off. That right,  you heard me  correctly,  I  have  to  prepare and plan  for upcoming  time  off. Here’s   one for you  to  put it into  perspective for you,  why do I  hear people  talking about  cleaning  their  houses before  the maid comes in? .I  will  be  happy  to  receive  comments on  that one, or for someone  to bring  sanity to  my thinking ☺️☺️.  Is it for the maid to not know what a slob,  you really  are,  or is it  just  as simple as  dollars and cents, and  they  charge  more,  for the more complicated  Messes? ☺️☺️.  
  • Ok, two days ago all across the  country  we held local  elections,  in which  many would  consider to be the grass roots of politics. Its where it all starts for most people.  They  seek a school  board seat, or being  a delegate,  or some commissioner seat, maybe a mayor or city council ‘s race.  For some this will be their highest  calling  In life , and  for others,  it is just a jumping of point  to bigger and better,  or more corrupt things ☺️☺️, and yes that was a little  jaded of me.  If we were to look at this in a sports  analogy,  this  would  be pee wee football,  or what  some know as Pop Warner. So some will  play in  this arena,, while  others  will  move on to  play at the next level,  so some  become  professional,  or career  politicians,  so I  guess running  for president would be  the  equivalent of  the  Superbowl of  sorts☺️. If you  think I’m going to  be talking about  politics,  then, not so much!. I’m just  setting the table ☺️. I  have  certain  friends  who  just  thrive on the political trash  slinging and I  like to  think of  myself as  maybe  just  slightly,  ever so slightly just  perhaps a little  more  evolved.  I’m not throwing  shade on them,  but again my perspective is  that  all government falls under  God’s dominion,  and  whether it  is good government or not so much !, we are told to submit to it, because  God’s  ultimate purposes will  be  accomplished.  I  know for some of  you guys that is just a little   to simplistic or perhaps  naive.  I  believe that  we  have a  civic duty to vote  and that we are suppose to  stay informed and  vote our values ,,but all the other stuff,  like  the protesting and  being  poor sports when  things don’t go  our way, or our guy or girl doesn’t   win,  well for me that’s just a  little over the top.  If you have  faith and believe in  the  sovereignty of God, then ,why let your blood pressure sky rocket, and again,  just  maybe that pulsating vein in the middle of  Your forehead,  might  want a break as well. ☺️☺️ . Again if it’s  how you  get off, and your idea of fun, then  by all means  indulge yourself to your  heart  contents, because  just  like  in sports there will  always  be another  game or season,  there’s always  another  election cycle as well. 
  • This  one particular friend who enjoys this immensely,  touched on something that I  thought was so crucial and maybe hits the nail on the head,  more than  anything else.  They brought up the point about  validation and  how we all some how crave that, and  need  it. It’s one of the wonderful awful things about  social media,  you can  make a  post about any  crazy  thing that you wish  and immediately  get likes, to affirm or to validate one’s self.  I  will  from time to time discuss the  deep divisions that we have in this  country,  but there was a  time when  there was more of a consensus about  certain  things.  We use to could  agree on  what was the seven wonders of the world were ,  but there is  now even contention about  what they  are  , and  things that we once stood  in awe of  such as the Grand Canyon,  we think  perhaps  not so much! any more.  Along with that, there is also so much  speculation on  what are the basic needs in life. Some would  say  food, shelter and  love ,but  maybe  the male persuasion would say sex, but sex is not love, but it is a release of  sorts. ☺️ I  don’t  think that most of us would dispute the  first  two  things,  food and shelter,  but  I  believe that  different people  would  replace the  third one with a  varied assortment of  things, for some it might be  a  gaming system ☺️☺️, who knows now days !  It seems  often  now days, that someone  will  put forth a  new idea or concept of something that would  challenge the traditional or status quo,  and if they  can  get  a  few others to  agree with them,  then  they will  make a push to change  something that has been  widely accepted for what seems like forever.  I’m not going  there ! , but isn’t that what we have with the gender stuff? All of my life, and for hundreds of  generations before  me, we were male or female ,the way God intended,  and  now somehow it’s a big question mark❓️, really  ⁉️ I’m willing to  put aside the fact that I  don’t  like  change,  but shouldn’t  it be something  meaningful and moving  us forward as a  people,  instead of   just blindly   over the cliff?
  • Ok, let’s just  write that off as a little  bit of a  digression,  which  I  have a  tendency to do  from time to time. I  think that  validation is a  pretty  big deal and  something  that  goes to our core and the way that we are  designed.  Now!, just like we would  probably  get several other  suggestions as to what  the  third  thing would  be  considered basic  needs in life,  others  may choose to  substitute validation with love, or approval,  or  some other  affirming noun or adjective.  Bottom line is that  we all seek or crave some kind of acceptance, whether we are words of affirmation  people  or  not.  We  see this  with  our  children,  or experienced it  first hand with  our own  parents as we desire to  know that  they  love us  and  are proud of  us,  or approving of our life choices and  the path  that we  are  on.
  • The flip side of  that  coin can  simply just  be so  devastating when  that need is not met or fulfilled,  as we look at  the  desperate measures that  people are willing to  take to fill that void  in life.  We should  not at all be surprised by  this ,when  there is just  so  much data out there  now. It’s been  heavily  documented about  the  difference  it makes  in newborns  lives, when  they  don’t  get  that  early  attachment to its mother,  or someone  else  filling  that critical role  in  their  early  life.  We see this later in life as  well  when  you see kids who  join gangs. They  are  looking for  acceptance and  approval,  and  gangs often offer  a  family  setting  of sorts, in a very  dysfunctional way.  This lack of validation is  not just seen in newborns and  in teens or young adults,  but  it  plays out in  any and all segments of  the  population.  Often you will  see women in  abusive  relationships for years, where they  are  not  valued or appreciated,  because of the need for  love and  acceptance.  We don’t  always  realize when  we  are  broken and I  know that  from a first hand, personal point of  view.  We will  often  believe or succumb to the negativity that we don’t  deserve  love or are worthy  of  being  loved. These negative and spiraling thoughts of  negative  self worth ,will  often  lead to  addictions, further  poor  or other  harmful  choices in life.  And just  for the record,  everyone  is deserving of love and  some  level of  compassion.
  • This will  often  bring us back to  social media platforms seeking that approval.  It’s almost  instantaneous as to how quickly we  can  be pumped up  by a thumbs up or a like to something that we post. It a little bit  reminded me of  when  my kids were younger and  playing ball. As it got around to the selection of  the  all star team  process,  I would  often see and  hear coaches saying  that I would  vote for your kid, if you  would  vote my kid on, when  in reality,  probably  neither  of  the kids could  have  ended  up there based  on merit or their  performance on the  field.☺️☺️  The point  is  that  it’s self serving.  We self sooth  on both  sides of that equation,  because whether  we  give the like or receive the  like,  we are keenly  aware that  we are not alone in  the  world.  Someone  else thinks, feels and sees the world as I do.  Its a little related to a codependent  relationship,  not a  traditional one , but still  codependent.  In a day and age of so much  segmentation, that kind of  approval  can  be the difference between  someone  being  on a ledge or not. Cyber bullying is  not  a  new thing and  is sadly in the news just  a little to much. 
  • As I’m accustomed to doing, I  want to  turn the page or flip the script of sorts ,or perhaps just offer a  different perspective all together.  One of our biggest obstacles in  life is  getting  past what others  think about us and how they  view us. I  will  be completely  transparent  here and tell  you that  this  is  one of the major  benefits of  getting  older, and that is, I just don’t care so much about what others think of me.  I  had a post  sometime ago about  when I  was in grade school about a  little  bullying and  a fight.  That whole  scenario would have never  taken place if I had that mindset  back then, ,but it would  have  robbed me of a valuable lesson.  I’m not a complete  throw away as if I’m  completely  without a  filter,  it’s just that the filter is  much more  refined.  There are people who I do care about  what they think of me,  such as  my  kids for instance,  I  don’t  want  them to have  me committed to  a mental  institution  before  it’s necessary ☺️☺️.  So, I’m not throwing in the towel  on personal  hygiene and  things of that nature,  but  why give two flips about  what some random person  in Walmart may think of me. I  may extend that caring  process to  some whack jobs out on the road, because  we never  know  when  road rage will  end in gun violence,  but  I  pack mine as well,  so it could  be a  different  version  of  the OK corral ☺️☺️. I  think  certain people in certain situations.  I  wouldn’t  recommend  meeting  your future  father in law with a  bunch of playboy  bunny gear on, it just  sends the wrong  message,  if you know what I mean ☺️☺️. So , once again I’m talking about things within reason and  using  good common sense,  which we know is  in short  supply now days.☺️. I  make light of it ,  but seriously,  we need to  escape the  trap of  other  people’s condemnations of us. After all,  who died and made them  judge and  jury? ….wait for it… There is one who did die , and  rose again and  we absolutely  should  be  concerned about what he thinks of us.  I  want to  dispel any ideas that you  guys may  have about  winning  God’s favor.  There is nothing,  and I mean  absolutely nothing that  we  can do to   make  God love us   anymore or any less. If that is true, then  why care about what He thinks of  you? Great question, and I’m so glad that  you asked  it☺️☺️. God has this  upside  down  kingdom thing going  on,  such as  the last will be first,  the greatest person  will be  a servant,  and  my all time  favorite,  if you try to hold onto your life, you will  loose it. Now, we need a  little  context  for  each of these bodacious statements.  However,  think of  that as a little  bit of  homework for yourself and  I’m going to  go here instead. We have been  talking about  validation and the  importance of that, and I  just laid out the word  condemnation. All throughout scripture there is this theme of  now but not fully  yet. No place is  this more apparent than when you look at the  belief of  the messiah being a  conquering king who would  restore Israel to  its prominence that it had during the  rule and reign  of king David . At the very same  time,  there was a dual  story running  simultaneously with it that the messiah would be  a  suffering servant.  Ok, I want to  speed this up and  say that you have  pretty  much  been  living  under a  rock, if you  haven’t  heard anything about  the second coming of Christ.  However to not to take anything for granted here, consider yourself  informed  that He is coming  back  just  like He said He would.  Ok, let’s see if I  can continue my crash course in Christianity #101.  Right  now at this  very  present  time,  God is saying to you in what should  be  a very  loud voice,  is that He loves you beyond what your wildest  imagination could  ever  think about,  and He is screaming that  from a  cross,” forgive them for they know  not what they are  doing ” and  if that is not clear and loud  enough,  just  listen to the echo from an empty cave that was serving as a grave ,  that  says,” why are you  looking  for the  living amongst the  dead”, Yes, He’s alive!! And we all know about the  echoes that an empty  cave makes☺️☺️
  • God loves you, He wants you,  He approves of you ,He doesn’t  condemn you and  He died for you. He doesn’t care where you have  been or what you  have done.  He wants to  do the hard work of cleaning you up  from  the  inside out and  if you  think that you can do that yourself,  well  good luck with that,  because you  are  definitely going to  need something  much more  substantial than luck my friend. I’m hoping that You are connecting some of the dots for yourself,  because  it’s never  really a good  idea to  have  someone to  spoon feed you all of the time. Just in case you  missed it,  when  He returns as the conquering King,  there will  be  a  reckoning of  all things,  but right now because of the  cross, ,it’s like a get out of jail  free card, and  He says break bread with me and  have  fellowship,  or a relationship with Me. The invitation has been  made, and as they  say, the ball is now in your court now ☺️☺️.  Unfortunately, those of us who know Him, sometimes  do a really  bum job of representing Him, and  that’s why we should  care about  what He think of us,  because we are ambassadors, and  one day He will  recall  our posting,  and  we will be HOME!!
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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