“Pearl Vision”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 12  Oct. 23
  • Post#99  
  •                  ”      Pearl  Vision”
  • Howdy,
  •   Thank you  for  once again  checking  in  and being  a part of this little  online  community.  I  have  on numerous  occasions spoke  about  me being  a  people  person and  an extrovert.  I have met and seen  people  who  work  with  the  public,  and they just  should not be.☺️  It’s like they just  lack the necessary  skill set, and sometimes  it’s like  they have  no socialization skills  what so ever, if you can’t  picture  this,, just  imagine  your last trip to the DMV ☺️☺️.I  will  from  time to time  talk about  love languages  and  or spiritual gifts, and  I  believe  that  everyone  has something  that  makes them  feel  loved. And along  with  that, everyone  has some giftedness,  whether  they  recognize it  or  not,  and whether  they  put it to use or not. Giftedness  can  be like a  super  power and it can  be  used  for  good or evil. Giftedness  can be very  much like words and  they can build  others  up or tear them down.  One of the  things that  I  have  observed with  age is that sometimes  our spiritual  giftedness will  change,  or it’s a little bit like  being  a  late bloomer, something  that  wasn’t  there before,  just  shows up, and sometimes  it’s almost  as if it’s over night.  It can  also  happen  with  Love languages as well.  It’s like that you discover that  you  like something that  previously didn’t  appeal to you, or move the meter for you. If it helps at all think about  some  food or vegetable, that You weren’t  crazy about  as a kid, then  later in life grew  to like, love, or perhaps  just  tolerate ☺️☺️☺️. Personally,  still  not a fan of egg plants, something  just  seems wrong  about  it  and  it starts with  the  name,” egg plants”, ☺️but we aren’t  going  there, and I  digress.
  • My for instance  is later in life, I  have  become  so much  more of an encourager,   and  if you knew me personally and  my tough love mentality,  you  would  surely  know  that this is a gift from  God, Himself ☺️☺️ . I guess  it’s just  an old school  mentality, where  men  don’t  show weakness or cry, and  that’s not the case for me anymore  at all . I think  maybe  I have  broken  tear ducts  or something,  because I  can  be surprised  about the  things  that  I  can  get a little  misty eyed over☺️☺️,  again  not going  there either ☺️ . They  say that  men get more sensitive as they  get older and perhaps that is  it. Maybe  there is some mystical  power at play , that gets  us to cry for all of the missed opportunities in life when we  were younger and being  to macho to show emotion.  I  have  become  such an empathic person that  sometimes  it just  frightens me to  death.  I know that You  may think  that  is a good  thing and wonder why it scares me so dog on much?  Maybe,  just maybe  it goes back to my selfish  core of  me first  , that it just  violates my consciousness , that when  I  move into other  people’s pain, suffering  and  dysfunction,  that  , one  I’m afraid that  it may rub off on me, silly,  right? I mean  you can’t  get  cancer  from  shaking  hands with  someone,  same principle  at play☺️. The other,  much  more  troubling thing is for me ,is that people  will  see what an actual  softy I can  be,  and even  without  them  trying to  take advantage  of  that, I  could  still  potentially  give them  the deed to the farm.☺️☺️.
  • There is just  something about  being  empathic and  compassionate towards  others.  It can  change  who you are on the inside  as you practice being  kind and  generous,  you know  the stuff  that is supposed to  be in our DNA, as God’s kids. Here is the rub for me and  what lead to this post. I can  look around  all day and see hurting,  broken and confused people,  just stumbling through  life, much like  one of those trailer clips  for the Walking Dead.  I can be so filled with  compassion,  that it makes me think  about  and consider  others,  and not just  that, but consider  them  before  myself.  I  know  that  is a shameful  admission ,  but its genuine. 
  • This gets  further  complicated by finding it so easy  to  love on people  that we  don’t  know,  strangers,  passer byers,, the man on the street,  or just  anyone  out in the market place.  I  called  this  one “Pearl  Vision “, as in the eye glass place,  because  my vision can  be so distorted at times. This is  rhetorical, but why is it so easy to love people that we don’t  know and  we can  have  so much  grace for them,  and  so little  on the home front,  or for  the people  closes to us. There are things in life that can and will  be in inverse order.  I  can  tell  you  that  I  never fully  understood the  premise of  treating a whore like a  lady ,and a lady like a whore, it’s worldly logic,  but  I  have  both  seen  it at  play, and  no, I’m not recommending it  for  a  healthy relationship☺️. This  isn’t  Jesus  logic about  the  last being  first, but  we  have  expectations of  those who we love and  are close to,  and some  how that often  leads to disappointment and  disillusionment. There is definitely an inverse property at play here, and it’s something that we  need to  desperately work out. 
  • The one place that  we should  feel  the most comfort and  security,  should  be  in our homes and our personal  relationships. After all,, they shouldn’t be  pointing out the fact that you are carrying  around  a  few extra pounds,  or any other  of your flaws, its a safe place,  where they  don’t  see mine and I  don’t  bring  up their ‘s.  ☺️☺️I  have observed on different occasions that  those places can  be  some of  the places with  the  least amount of  mercy and  grace displayed.  I  think that  there is cute ,and  then not so much! I  mean we have all seen  couples  taking  barbs or jabs at one another  from  time to  time,  and  some of it is cute and harmless and  other  times it’s just  way over the line, and unnecessary.  The problem  here is that there is some underlying  problem that has gone unresolved for sometime, and  they  have  built  up a resistance to  the  comments and have a calas wall  of protection around  their  hearts and  emotions.   It  leaves  others  around  them very  uncomfortable and  you think  to yourself,  surely  that didn’t  just  come out of  their  mouth.  This is when  you figure  out  till death do us depart is not just  a  goal, but a race☺️☺️. How do we  get  to this point,  where the person that  we say means  the most to us, garners the  least amount of love and  respect?
  • On the surface,  we all know  that  relationships  incur an incredible  amount of  work,  but we often  forget  that, and let that basic  truth be pushed out of our heads by the daily  grind or day to day pressures of  life.  Regardless of  where you may find  yourself in  life,  married  or just  dating,  kids or no kids, full time employment or  just  pounding the pavement . If your alone  time  with your partner  has been  reduced to  birthdays,  anniversaries,  and  valentines day, your relationship  may be on life support.☺️ I’m not talking about  elaborate dates and  fancy vacations,  but you need  that face to  face alone  time to decompress and have  fun together.  It’s going to  look different for  everyone and  it can  be  as simple as  long walks together  after  dinner.  Life just  has a way of bringing so much  pressure,  with  deadlines and  to do list, and possibly the  kids schedules,  that  these down times become  critical to  reconnect.  I  think that  maybe we should  conduct  some kind  of  research  study  to determine,  why we have  so little  grace for the people  who are  closest to us. I  believe  that  You  could  take any offense,  regardless of  its size  or  where it falls on the I’m offended  scale and  place it in a extremely  similar setting and we would  be so much  more  critical  and hurt by it from  someone  that  we know intimately, opposed to the average  Joe. We  know  that we  live in a broken world,  with no perfect  people,  but some how we expect  perfection from the  people who we love  most. I  mentioned before about the  Bible app and doing  devotions with a friend or  two, but what I  have  observed  about  myself  is  that  sometimes  I  can  be incredibly  vulnerable  there, when  I’m  not at other  times.  Last week  I  wrote  something that  surprised myself and  that is  a lot of  times  in our personal  relationships we just  expect  people to  know  certain  things  about  ourselves,  based  on  the on going  relationship.  If your  initial  response to  this  is ” Mind Reader”, then  you  would  be dead on and get a gold star  ☺️☺️. I  think at times we expect  people to  just  read our minds and  we have the tendency to  judge them  based on information that  was never  laid out or expressed to  them. We want to hold them accountable for the  unknown,  well it’s known to yourself  personally,  but not to your  partner.  I will  be the first  to  admit that  is a high standard that very  few are going to  meet. The most kind, sensitive,  caring and  loving  partner  is  going to  probably  score  very  low on that scale.
  • So, here is a little bit  of  hard truth,  the longer that you are with  someone,  you  only  have  two possible  options, and  they  are  the longer that you  are together,  it will  get  easier  to discuss any and all subject  matters,  regardless of  how  difficult and sensitive,  or not so much!. There is a study  out now by some brilliant  Ivy league  types that suggest,  the more personal one on one times   spent with  your kids when  they  are  small,  makes the teenage years much easier to  navigate.  I  think  that  this is true as  well  in our relationships,  and the more time  that  we invest  early  on in the relationship  creating  a  soft and safe place for  one another to land, the better  off the relationship will  be  in the  long run. I know that  different  people  will  define  that differently,  but  a soft and  safe place,  has to be some place  free of  fear of rejection, free of criticism,  at least the none constructive kind☺️.  Judgements  should  not  be  made and generally  the person has to be free to be themselves.  If you get  to a place  where  those things  are  not present, then  it may  not be the right  person or right  relationship for you.  And when I  say right  relationship,  I  think  sometimes we take  things that  should  clearly be  seen  as a friendship and  nothing  more,  to a level,  where they  were not meant to be.  When  you  love someone and  you allow  them  into  all of your brokenness,  your  vulnerable and  scary  places,  because you  have  insecurities there, you  expect for them  to  handle that with the same  kid gloves  in which  you  presented to them. You  didn’t  share some childhood  trauma or past relationship  dysfunction with  them,  for them  to treat it  as  if it’s no big deal,  but to let them  know that , this  is a sore sensitive  spot  , where you  possibly  may still  be  trying to  work  through , and possibly  still  have  certain  things  trigger that for you. We  all have  these  past traumas that we have  experienced and  often  never  healed from.  They present themselves  as a scabs, just  waiting to  be  scratched open and to have  all of the nasty infection  ooze  out onto  someone  new, because it was  never  healed,  but left to fester and grow.  Things that  are  healed, don’t  still  fester with  infection.
  • I will  say that this imbalance presents  itself  as a little bit of  a  dilemma , but it’s not something  on some huge Insurmountable mountain that can’t  be overcome. I  think that  it all starts with  grace, and it’s true  that  if you have  never  experienced grace yourself  then  you  will  never  be  free to give it away.  Then  I think that it goes to mindset and remembering what  this person  means to  you and the space that you  have  allowed them  to  take up in your life.  This isn’t  some casual  connection from  work,  but someone who you have  been  vulnerable with  and  shared things with  that  most will  never get  to know about you. There  must be perspective,  first and  foremost that none of us are perfect  and regardless  of  how  hard we try, we all drop the ball from  time to time.  It’s just  inevitable and a part of life and being  human, we fail from  time to  time.  If we are  being  logical in our approach,  we would  have  to  wonder, why they  shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt,  when  we  so graciously give it and grant it to lesser friends and  acquaintances.  Finally there has to be understanding and that’s to the point  where you  step into  their  shoes and see if you get a blister or not ☺️☺️. I’m not going to  mention  patience,  because  that should just  be  an automatic  given. I  think  far to often we have a  tendency to  overlook that we aren’t  always  a pic nic  ourselves.  This whole  thing with the Pearl Vision , has to be something that you see with your eyes,  and knowing that  sometimes  our  eyes will  lie to us and we aren’t  always  seeing  everything  or in the proper  perspective,  but  we have  to know  and experience in our souls that  what we are sharing  is  genuine,  honest and the giving of our best, and  that we know  on certain days will  still  fall way short of  what it needs to be. We just  need  to  be gentle with  one another  and  remember  that  it is about the  journey, and  the  person  that  You  have  chosen to  share that with deserves  all of the love and  respect that you can muster.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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