“The Cynic “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post# 96
  • 07 Sept. 23  
  •           “THE CYNIC”
  • Howdy!,
  • and once again,  thank you for being  there and  for the feedback,  which  challenges me and hopefully  makes me better,  if I  don’t  get  to pissed off in the mean time ☺️☺️. No!, but seriously,  I  both  need it and appreciate it.  I  have a  post that I’ve been  trying  to  bring to the table and publish for a few weeks now,  and while  this is not it, there has been some  movement in that direction,  so hopefully soon,  and maybe this one  is  a  little  bit of a lead in. I’m a person  who  believes in the chain of command and I also   believe that  life  has a certain  order to it, even  if  it’s nothing  more  than  going  from  being  young to becoming old. Hopefully as we get older that we become wiser,  but sadly that  is  not  always the case, and at times I  can  be proof  positive of that☺️☺️. I  believe that  we  usually  find what we   are  looking  for  in  life, whatever that may be.  I  know!!, hold up!, some of you are thinking that your life  looks nothing  like you thought or hoped that it would be or become,  and I  did  say ” usually “, but as my friend  Max  likes to say,  let’s peel that  back for a minute ☺️. If you  happen to  be one of those  people   who  believes  in shoot for the moon and  if you don’t  reach it as least you would  be among the  stars, well  I don’t  want  to  be  the one to point out  that  the majority of  the  stars are way past the  moon, in proximity ☺️☺️. Well ,I’m not a pie in the sky kind  of  the guy and I  believe  that  we  all need  something  that  we  can  anchor  with and  have as a foundation of truth  from  which  we  operate,  and  for me , I claim  the  banner of Jesus  Christ . The chain of command speaks to the fact that we have  thoughts  that propagate  in our heads and sometimes  our hearts, and those  thoughts  will  often  propel us into a  certain  direction  or path  in life,  and that path will  lead to our actions and behaviors that will  help  us to pursue our  dreams  or derail  them. So, if you are a little  bit  of  a negative Nelly,  and you often  negative  self talk, or negative  thoughts  about  yourself  and abilities will  lead you in that direction,  so  in fact,  you  have  the life  that  You  pursued.  You  should  never  discount the  power of  your  thought life. People  have  imagined  incredible  innovations  pursued  them and realized  something  that  was once  nothing  more than  a mere idea or thought.  The opposite is  true as  well,  and people  have  talked  themselves  out of being  successful and accomplishing  their  purpose in  life.  We now find ourselves in what could be considered the most this country has ever been   divided  since the war between the  states.  Everyone  has opinions and views that they feel  need to  be expressed at some high volume,  and  not that everyone should  know what they  are,  but emphatically  agree with. This may be the ultimate  my way or the highway,☺️ mostly  because  we don’t  know  how to respect people  with  different  views from  ourselves  and  there is very  little  in the form of  listening and  truly  trying  to  understand  the oppositions point  of  view.  We are now, for the most  part  rude beyond  measure,  and care very  little  about  anything or anyone else  besides ourselves.  There !, I  said  it and I  will stand  behind  it.  I  guess I’m one of those people who  are always  fascinated when  words take on a new meaning,  or used  in  a  context  outside  of  what it had been  previously  known  for,  such  as  the word “Bad”, or the word “Gay”, and now we can  add the word  “cancel” to the list,  as now we live in a cancel culture,  whereas when  people  don’t agree  with  you, they  do everything in their power  to  discredit you and to make you some kind of  a  pariah,  and  that everything that you  say should  be  completely  disregarded and  they  could  go as far as wiping  you from  the  face of the planet as if you  were  never  born. I  was from  the school of thought  that our differences were one of the things  that  made us stronger as a nation and as a people. Sadly I believe those  days are gone  for ever . It’s kind of ironic,  that we all seek out to be different and  somehow  distinct,  either  through  our body art, the clothes we  choose to dress ourselves  in , lifestyle  choices  from  diet,  exercise,  the  hobbies that  we pursue,  but some  how just  amazingly  we are all supposed to  think a like and  have all of the same  persuasions, when  it comes to  politics,  lifestyles ,and  the  way that we comb our hair☺️☺️. I’m not going down  the road on the part that social media  gets  to  plays into this, but it can  play a  very  significant  roll. So, when  it comes to Cynicism,  we should  not be surprised  at the high  level of  it sprinkled through out society.  I  mean  it’s not a new thing, it’s been around  like  forever and if you  went back  to  the  ancient world,  it was taught  right  along  side of philosophy with  a  lot of  the  early ” enlightened  thinker” , that goes back the  Greeks.  It flourished  in the third century B.C, and  then it had a resurgence in  the  first century A.D,  and now  we find ourselves here once more.  There is so much  deception in the world,  not all of  it intentional , but much  of  it  is. People,  parties,  and  organizations,  often  have  an agendas,  and  often  if people  saw it for its original  intent,  there would  be  push back.  So, it doesn’t  have  to  be Hitler on a quest for  world domination and  hopes for breeding a superior  Aryan nation ,but  many  ideas that aren’t  mainstream,  get dressed up as something  else to make it  more palatable, case in point,  planned  parenthood,  and  I  will  let You sniff that one out for yourself.  The majority  of  cynicism is based in the belief that  most  people  only  look out for themselves and that people  are  rarely  genuine and  that they usually  have a  trick up their  sleeves. I  think  that  this often  goes way  beyond  if it sounds to good to  be true then  it’s probably not.  Yes, yes, buyer be ware! However at times we in our pessimism,  we don’t  see how it causes us to  judge a  great  many  things as none  valuable, without  Scrutinizing it or somehow  investigating  it based on  it merit.  Many  of us will  not even acknowledge that  we assume  this posture as a self defense  mechanism to keep  from  being  duped, taken  advantage of  or somehow  made to feel  the fool. We are all so busy and have  so many  things  begging for our attention.  We are just  so  dog on overload that we don’t  often  see the point in taking the time,  after all we have  kids to get to soccer games and dinners to make  , on top of  the parent/ teacher  pow wows ☺️☺️. We can  look all through history with  miss opportunities and  not just  in the business world,  but also  in our personal  lives as well.  There was an entertainer in the twenty century by the name  of  Art Linkletter and  he was approached with  the  idea of  starting a  family  fun theme park,  and when  he looked  at  that opportunity,  all he saw was a  bunch of  swamp land, and  of course  we all  know  that  Walt Disney,  made him regret that  decision millions of  times over. I  mean  that’s just one,  but Apple  is  another,  and  probably  countless  ones in the area of entertainment, industry and  politics as well.  What about  those lesser  known  ones, as in our personal lives? They  aren’t  out there  for  public  consumption the majority of the  time,  but they  roll around in our heads. We can  second  guess  ourselves on  a  great many  things,  from  the  college we choose to  attend,  right  on down  to  did I marry  the  right  person,  and if you got that one wrong,  that’s a subject for another day ☺️☺️. I  don’t  want  to say   this,  because many  people  have  played  musical  spouses,  including myself,  but for the most part bad decisions and poor choices aren’t  things that we can  go back  and fix, so learn  from  it  , but don’t  dwell  on  it,  or  some  how  allow it to keep  you  hostage to your past. I have  known people and still  have  a fair  share of them in my life  that are the biggest  cynics and critics of  people  who  live by faith,  and I  said faith,  which  is  not the same  thing as  trying to  live a good  moral  life on your own.  I  think  that  one of the more  common  theme  through  out scripture is the invitation to  ” Come and See”. I  know that  has often  been  perverted  and twisted,  but if you are looking or expecting  perfection from  imperfect people  , good luck with that☺️☺️. There are  people  out there who will  absolutely under no circumstance  find themselves  in  a church, temple,  or synagogue unless they  are  rolled in horizontally ☺️☺️, and then,  it’s like  what’s the point? The invitation to  come and see, or come and taste, isn’t exclusively about  attending a  church or  any kind of service  what so ever.  As believers we have  God’s  Holy  Spirit  indwelling us and  because of  that we  should  look different, and  yes I’m fully  aware, often  that is a not so much!  If God is our father then  we  should  resemble Him in our actions,  thoughts and deeds. We are created in His image and  should  bare witness to  His character.  This is  like  the highest  calling in your life,  that allows and empowers you to be a good  spouse,  a good  parent,  or a good business person or employee,  but hopefully a good  neighbor.  We often  think  being a  good  neighbor  refers to the  person  on the other  side of  the  fence,  when  in actuality it’s the person  that  You  are sleeping with,  or the misfits down the hall  in the other room.  I  said it’s a high calling and it’s something  that  most of us struggle with each and every day or completely  fail at  , or just throw  in the towel,  because  we believe  that  it is to hard or beyond  us, and  the bad news is, that it is absolutely  hard and beyond us.  I’m reminded that  God didn’t  leave  us  here as orphans and  what we can’t  accomplish  on our own,  is completely possible in His power. This is for  the cynics who  falsely  believe that  they  have  it all together.  This  is  for the cynics who  think  to themselves  that I’ve gotten  this far in life  just  fine, have you?, have you  really? This  is for the cynics who thinks  that  it is to good to be true,  that someone else would  take their  punishment for them, no less, a King!. This is for the cynics who say that they  don’t  understand  the  message of  the  gospel,  yet they are completely  fine with  not knowing what  they  absolutely  need  to  know.  The posture  of  their  arms  folded  across  their  chest and a blank  look of not being  receptive at all.  There is another  time  coming  when  someone else will  be folding  your arms  across  your chest for you, are you ready for that? . This is  for the cynics who believe  that faith is  a crutch and  only  for the weak, please tell me  or show  me  anyone  who has gotten stronger and  defeated  father time.  This is for the cynics,  who says  not today,  but somewhere down the  road,  good, good for you that you know that  tomorrow is  promised to you, not so much !This is for the cynics who are  to embarrassed  to be associated with a lowly  carpenter from  Galilee,  if you don’t  acknowledge  Him, He can’t  claim you  as one of His. This  is for the cynics who get  so wrapped around  the  axel , worrying about  everyone’s else’s flaws,,that they  miss  the beauty  of grace, forgiveness and A Savior.  If you  go around looking  for  missteps  of church  people  including  pastors and  deacons,  and  whatever title  people  are  called by, there is always  plenty of  that to go around, and will  always be  because  we are all  sinners.  We don’t  like  that word, but that is what we are, even  the one’s  who think  that  they  are  above the  fray.  Looking around for  people that have  been  put on a pedestal and  then mess up or drop the ball,  is going  to  happen and  in fact it’s just  as common  as  do bears poop in the woods?, yes absolutely they do, and if you have  video  that contradicts that, I would  love to  see it☺️☺️. See , here is the rub, not  everyone  who calls themselves a Christian is one  , no more than  every  person  who has a kid is a parent…and you know  what I mean,  so don’t  get  cute☺️☺️ . Here is rub number  two,  if you  let a hypocritic, stand between  you and God having a  relationship,  then  that is just  straight up  sad. Less just  reverse the order  here for a minute.  Just  because  someone  didn’t  birth a child,  doesn’t  mean that  they can’t  be  a parent,  and some do way better  jobs than  the ones who pushed  them  out in the first place.  So, what I’m saying  is  don’t  be so high and mighty,  we are all hypocrites in one form or the other,  we are just  much  better  spotting other  people’s than owning  our own.  There are things  in life that  we  should  be  a little  cynical about and I  think  that will  vary from  person to  person and  from  situation to  situation,  but  it  should  never  be  about  how much  God loves you and how much He wants to  spend  time with You in a one on one. We can be skeptics and choose  to sit this one out, but this  is the only  life  you get  so don’t  waste it with  being   cynical, and remember that  choosing  not to, is still a  choice.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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