• Not The Only One!
  • Post# 94
  • 24 Aug.  23
  •                              ” MINI ME “
  • Howdy,
  • Greetings and salutations! I have  has this  one  post that I’ve been  trying to  get  together for a couple of  weeks and  I’m starting to  get  the impression that  it’s something that I shouldn’t publish. It’s just  so scattered and  I  know that  some of you are thinking that is my norm, ☺️☺️, so maybe  just  a  little more than  usual,  so not that one, but  this is what You get today  . I  want to  talk about  something  today that should  be  something of great  joy, but often  times is not so much! It’s something that  shouldn’t  require some kind of  a  warning as in the PG kind, but I’m going to  put it out there  anyway.  I’m no authority on kids  or parenting  , and while I  have  been  blessed to have  two  wonderful children and they are  physically healthy,  but when  it comes to  other  aspects of  their lives,  such  as  emotionally and  spiritually,  I’m keenly aware of  some of my shortcomings as a parent.  This blog  and  various and some would  say numerous  dating sites,  I have  been  blessed to have  an incredible amount  of  interactions and I  mean with  a lot of people.  One could  go to the four corners of  the  United States and  I’ve  probably  talked to  someone  from  there at some point and time. I’ve  even  had opportunities to  connect with  people  outside  of  North America,  such as my friend  Demary in Cuba,  or Linda  in Australia and others as well and  the majority of  us  have  children.  Children can  be  so  fascinating,  in that they  sometimes represent  the ultimate  mini me☺️☺️.  I’ve  seen  teenage boys  dressed  exactly  like their  fathers and  can’t  help  but think to myself that  they  are going to  have  a hard  time  finding a  date and possibly  die alone ☺️☺️☺️☺️., not a good look for the kid. Some of us have  always  known  that  we  wanted  to  be  parents,  some of us were on the  fence about it, and others were  oh! Hell  No! ,  and it still  took place anyway ☺️☺️. And for all of  you  out there  who  have  not made that commitment or are struggling  with  fertility issues , I want to  say that it can  very  much so be a  mixed bag . It can  very  much be like  that old Maze song featuring  Frankie  Beverly,  ” Joy and  Pain”, and  believe  it or not sometimes  simultaneously.  What else can  you  call it when  you  are  attempting to  potty train and  the one time  your son gets it together is  at a  Home Depot,  but its not actually  a  toilet,  but a floor model ☺️☺️, but  being  a consistent  parent  is important,  so he gets  it together  again  the following weekend  at an RV show,  and  again  it’s for show and not for actual  use☺️☺️. As I  was  saying,  sometimes  simultaneously,  it’s a joy that he is  learning,  but a little  painful in the where and when.  I  want to  tell  you that  it gets better  and  it does,  however  with  the maturity  process,  both the joy and pain has a tendency  to  intensify . I  think  parenting is  an awesome  responsibility and it is also  an incredible  gift from  God. It’s not just about you teaching  your kids,  but  they  are  often  teaching us as well.  Lately I  have  been  hearing  God speak to me so much about  having  a  child like  faith and  that can   be also   incredible,  if we can  hold on to it. As we walk through  life  and  experience  various  disappointments and  failures,  we sometimes  loose that  and in the process  and  become  a  little  jaded. Last night  I  was  at the ball park with my  son, celebrating  his  upcoming  birthday.  There is often,  but not always this thing  when  you get  two  kids, that You  will  get one of  each.  There is one who is usually  compliment and  maybe  a little  bit  of  a  rule follower, not to say that they never  buck the system,  but more  inclined to  dot the I’s  and  cross the T’s. And then  there  is  the  free spirited  one, the one just  a  little  less likely to  trek a path that has already  been  marked out. They  like  to  discover all that life  has to offer  first hand, and  it’s almost as  if  they  are planning to  be  parents  themselves,  because  they  can  sometimes  jump in  on the deep end with  the  joy and pain  stuff ☺️☺️. I will  confess that I can  be a little  on the slow side at times and  as I  have  said  before,  this has never  been  more true  than  learning  that everybody  doesn’t  respond  well  to  tough love. So, in that respect,  I  have  learned and been  much  more  open  to  loving  people where they are  and for  who they are.  I  make  that  sound  easy,  but  nothing  could  be  further from the  truth,  and it comes along  with  another  great  lesson,  and that is  you can’t  change people.  That can  often  be  a  lesson  in humility and  futility,  and to remember that  only  God  can  change  hearts and minds,  and  even  with  that, we can  sometimes  give  God a run  for His money ☺️☺️. Still,  when  we  see our kids on what we may consider  not a good  path, and sometimes a destructive  path, that  we know  isn’t  going to  end well,  it deeply pains  us.  I  have  often  said that so much  of what  I  have  learned about  parenting has both  been  reflective and  echoed in  my  relationship with  God.  So, take that with  what I  just said and  think  about  how much  it must  pain God,  when  He see us  on a path that  He wishes that we weren’t on, and  how it must  pain  Him as our heavenly Father.  Earlier,  I  had mentioned that I’ve  had  contact with  a lot  of  people who  have  kids of their own.  The ones that have  been  open  enough and kind  enough to  share, have  shown a pattern  of  dysfunction between  parents and  their  off spring,  it’s not a  universal,  but pretty  close. I  want  to  say  that  I’m surprised by that but I’m truly  not. I  mean  we really  haven’t  changed  that much  since  the garden.  God being the perfect  parent, and even  his first  two got sideways.  We really  haven’t  changed  that much  other  than  getting  more sophisticated  with  the  disguises and  what we consider  more creative excuses.  I find  it  simply  fascinating how we dress certain  things  up, such as instead  of  calling  it sin,  we call it  our struggles or our challenges in  life. We  can  also dress certain things  down  in life to make  us feel  better  about  ourselves and  that usually  means  comparing ourselves to  someone else,  and  falsely  thinking at least  I’m not them or doing  that bad….again  not the standard!!!. As parents we always  want the  best for  our kids and  we often  hope that  they  would  side step  some of the  pot holes in  life,and  with the sometimes sad family traditions of  abuse, alcoholism,  or whatever  it maybe,  it is usually  easier said than done. It can  be  a  little  tragic  with  those generational  curses that seem  to  plague certain  families and the struggles that  go along with trying to  break the curse or cycle.  So, let’s get  real for a moment and  talk about  reality and the forgiveness that needs to  accompany that.  We wish  for success with  our  kids and  sometimes  we  do everything  exactly  right  , or  pretty  close because  none of us  are perfect,  and  our kids still  come off of the rails, and I want  to  say go astray,  but more like  going  their  own  way. There is so much guilt and  shame  out there when  it  comes to  the  job we have  done as parents,  and  guess what? , that is  also  generational. I  think that  every generation  struggles  with the  job that they do,  especially in  a culture that  is  constantly  changing and  taking  old arguments and renaming them as if they were one  of  those  shift changers from  one of those  Star Trek series.  There is absolutely  nothing  new under  the  sun, but we fall for the  deception as if it is and allow  ourselves to  get  wrapped around the  axel about  it. I  look at  my parents and  the job that they  did, and  I  can  see every  glaring defect in their  parenting skills  and  yet I know that they  did the best that they  could,  with  what they  had  to  work with,  as I have  said  before,  I was no picnic as a kid  growing up  and  I  pushed  every  boundary and tested every  floodgate to  see if it would  hold. I  think  for most of us  there are  things that we  say and do that our parents  did and said  at some point,  there are other  things  that  we will  happily do  a one- eighty  with ☺️☺️. It’s your show,  so  you  know exactly  what those things  are. I  think  that  we sometimes need to  take  responsibility for not doing the best job at raising our kids, and  I  don’t  need to point  fingers or call  anyone  out, but if you have a  thirty five  year old adolescent living in  your basement,  playing  video  games  all day, then it’s self explanatory ☺️☺️. I’m just  going to  be honest and  tell  you  that,  that frightens me  because I  love my kids and  I  wonder and  worry about  what would  happen to  them  when  I’m not around  anymore.  It’s also  gets a  little  bit  more complicated,  when  I  think about  them  having to  make decisions and choices for me as I  get older. It may  sound  selfish  on the surface,  but life can  be  so  cruel at times and that’s no joke. So, can  you  trust  your kids to take care of you, the way that  You have  taken care of them? . It’s a simple  question,  but for a lot of us it comes with a  considerable amount of complications. The  other side of  the  ledger is  that  we need to  give ourselves some grace,  or cut ourselves  some slack and  forgive  ourselves for the  way that our kids turned  out. You can  do everything in your power to  set your kids up  for success and there are simply no guarantees.  First of all,  they  have  got to want  it and as much as we want it for them,  it’s just  not going to  happen  unless  they  buy in and pursue it for themselves.  They  have  to  be hungry  and  willing to  put in the work,  instead  of  just  expecting  for it to be handed to them.  At the end of the day, our kids are  free agents and  it is truly  up to  them as to what kind of player they  will  be.  We hope for them  to  be  responsible citizens and  contributing to  the  GNP, and not a drain on society.  I’m fully  aware of  us sometimes  vicariously living  through our  kids, especially in the  area of sports and sometimes  the arts as well and  academically as well,  I don’t  want to  leave the  brains  out of the equation ☺️☺️.  I  want to  say  encourage at every  opportunity that you  get,  but be stead fast in letting  them  know that  your love for them  doesn’t  hinge  upon the success or failures  of  life’s pursuits.  As parents,  sometimes, we just  need to let go of our  hopes for a star athlete or even  for the next Sheldon Cooper ☺️☺️. Here is a  big one and especially  in our culture today.  We will  sometimes  get  kids that are so different from  ourselves.  It  may go much  further than  them being an introvert or extrovert,  even though that can  be  fun to  watch.  I  see that with my daughter  now, her being  a  little  introverted and one of her  boys is settling up to be more like  his Pappy  and  just  never meet a stranger ☺️☺️ . That’s just  good humor  for me, that I  can  ensure you  that my daughter  doesn’t  share with me ☺️☺️ . Ok, but we sometimes will  get  kids who will  bring  challenges to  us with  their  lifestyles  and  choices  as in who they  will  partner up with,  and  not only is it on the none traditional  side of life,  but it challenges us to go back to  what I  said  about  loving  people  for who  they  are and  where they are.  This is the  challenge for  most of us and it can  be  immensely  tricky,  but  I  believe that  it is something that  God demonstrates  all throughout scripture and that  is  to love without  condemnation.  The text book  answer is to love the person  without  embracing their  choices  in  life whatever  that may be. We really  struggle with this on this side of life, when  it was so easy to  say that  I love You, but I’m not crazy about you  throwing the ball in the house and  breaking the lamp. We separate the action  or behavior  from the  love that we have  for them.  Now it’s more complicated because  they  tell  us that the behavior and the person  has become  one, and that You can’t  love one without  accepting the  other,  and I  want  to  say that I  disagree  with that point of  view.  I  believe that You  can  still  love the person  without embarrassing their  lifestyle and I  know that  this is so excruciating as a parent and  has caused  many  heated discussions even  when  it’s not   in the home, but just at or in  the culture  at large  .  I  recently  heard someone  talk about  the  gap between  what we say that we  believe or are supposed to  believe,   behind  what really  goes on in our head or on the inside.  Again I  want to  say cut yourself some slack about the  outcome  of your kids and yes while  they are  a reflection of  us, but once we get  past the DNA  transfer and  despite the  best parenting and the most intense  nurturing,  they  are  who they  choose to be and that can  be  for better  or worse . Stop!!, beating  yourself up  about  working  so much  when  they  were growing up,  stop beating  yourself up  because you  didn’t  have the best life  partner and  you  raised them  as a single  parent.  Stop beating  yourself up for  certain  exposures  you  introduced into  their  lives, and just stop crucifying yourself over things  that are beyond your control and ,remember that  they  get to embrace it  or reject it  as a  moral  free agent.  We are all sinners,  so I  don’t  know  why we act so surprised that we  reproduced other little  sinners ☺️☺️I’m truly  not  trying to  over simplify something  that is  is extremely  complex and  multifaceted.  What I  know and  what I have  observed is  that  Jesus was  and is all  about  the  outcast and the  down  Trotted , the ones who aren’t  always the most  socially  accepted. We say that we follow Christ, then let’s follow,  His one- two punch was love and  forgiveness and we should try our best to  follow suit. I  know  for myself and  may be for some of you guys as well,  this is not something that you  can  do on your own  or in your  strength  ,might and power and if you  attempt it,  you will  either  fail or fake it ,  because  it’s not easy to love people who are  different  from  ourselves.  Bend the knees  if you  can  and bow the head and ask for God’s help and  pray for  wisdom, insight and  patience,  because  we are all  created in the  image of  God and  God didn’t  create  any throw aways. Yes, just  scratching the  surface,  but its going  to  have to  hold you for now. Remember  we can’t  , God can,  so it would be  wise of us to  let Him.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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