This is Going to Hurt !

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 83
  • 08 Jun 23
  • This is going to Hurt!
  • Howdy,
  • I  sometimes  will  get online and  be searching  for some  piece of information,  or  briefly pop in  on social media and  I  will  see those  pop up ads. If you  are someone who  has managed to  eliminate those pop up  ads, then  consider yourself  truly  blessed☺️☺️. I  saw an  ad for a  T shirt company,  with  nifty little  saying printed  on the shirts. Some would  find them offensive, they  are most certainly in your face, and also  are   politically  incorrect.  The things printed  on these T shirts  often  points  out  or points   to things that  should be  obvious  in life,  but not always  so much! I’m not going to  mix words  here , but come right out and  say that, it points out  things  that  were once upon a  time  considered to be common sense,  which seems to not only  be  in short  supply,  but evaporating  at a rate that will make it extinct in the very  near future.  I’m not going to say that it’s my favorite,  but it most certainly  jumped out at me,  was the T shirt that  had printed on it ” I can  fix stupid! But it’s going to  hurt”. Sometimes when  we are engaged in not so smart behaviors,  it does hurt to  have  corrective  actions  taken. It’s not usually a physical pain,  but can be,  often it is something so much more  painful that we wish that it was physical,  so that we could  just  heal  from it and move on.  The pain usually  associated with  stupid  things,  is to our pride, our egos, or mental  physic , which  just  seems  to  linger around  for ever. It’s those  things that  we don’t  easily forget,  even though we wish that we could ,but  embarrassment,  can  often  be  the  gift that just keeps on giving,  well  at least in our minds, or is that just  me?☺️☺️. I will  just  come with it and tell You  that our culture has gone sideways and  a little bit  off of the deep  in.  There is so much  truth  to  the  fact that if we don’t  have   any expectations,  then we will  never  be disappointed ☺️☺️.  When I  was younger,  I  was a little bit of an adrenaline junkie, so I  have  done  and participated in my  fare  share of  stupid  things,  and yes sometimes  it  hurt, and  also would  leave a  mark from  time to time ☺️☺️.  I  don’t ever believe that I  was guilty of  shifting the  culture.  I  think one of the funniest things is that we allow people to  do and say stupid things,  and it goes unchecked.  No,! This isn’t  like  doing a fact check  on  a politicians speech,  because for the most part we know  or expect for that to  be full of lies, half truths and  just  general  deception.☺️☺️ I’m more so talking  about  silly stuff that  people do,  and they want the rest of us to except it as legitimate or valid,  when  nothing could be  further from the  truth. Who has ever  heard of someone’s  emotional support animal,  needing  a emotional  support animal of its own,  that’s right the animal who is doing the supporting  also needs support… really?☺️☺️. I  remember not that long ago  when  we didn’t  want  people to be placing  labels on  us. We pride ourselves  on  our individuality,  and  it seems all that we do now is self identify.  I am this or I’m that,  and don’t  even  get  me started with  all of the stupid  pro noun crap. I’m just  sorry and it sucks to be you , if you have  made it this  far in life and haven’t  figured out  that there are only two  genders, and just  because you want  to  alter your body, that I  some how , have to bow down and  recognize that,  that is a you problem and I’m  not  sure  why you believe the rest of us  need to acknowledge that. I know  that  this  is  a me problem,  because I  have  just  never  laid down at night,  went to sleep and woke up  in the morning and  said, oh today I  feel like a  woman , so it must  be  true. ☺️☺️ There was a time when that  kind of  behavior  would  land you one of those nice old dinner  jackets that  tied up in the back,  so that you wouldn’t  hurt yourself  or others,  but now days you get to  strut around  like a free range chicken ☺️☺️. I guess we get  what we will  tolerate,  and  under the banners of inclusion and diversity,  we have  tolerated an awful lot.  It’s not just here, but all throughout life. We have  crummy government,  but  we  vote  crooked people  into  office,  so we have the government that we deserve or tolerate,  because  we lack the fortitude to hold them  accountable.  I  guess I’m going  to  show my geeky side today and  be like star trek  and  boldly  go where  most are afraid to  go now days. Sometimes I  pick on Christians,  but today, I  just want  to  call  out men  for being  so lack luster performers, and  frankly  not really  worthy of  having any balls at all. I  just  wish  that  men  would  embrace the  awesome  responsibility of  being fathers.  We, us guys have  dropped  the  ball  in so many ways, so many times,  and  honestly the excuses are not even  worthy of  the breath that you take to  say them. Women have  tried to  pick up  the slack and  over perform, because we have  often  just been  missing  in action. Nothing in life operates  in a vacuum,  so if there is a void,  then  something will  fill it. We have  become  our kids friends and  buddies, not generally a good  thing,  those things can  be and should be  incorporated into  parenting,  but it can’t  be  the main leg of the  operation . I  have a little  bit  of  a twisted  sense of  humor,  so I  can  find humor in  things that others may not necessarily be able to  grasp.  My last visit to  Florida,  I was at a play ground with  my  youngest two grandsons.  This is a true story,  so there is this  little kid, probably about  three years old, and  his father is  chasing down  behind him,  the kids looses his hat, and  his  father  says, Hey buddy,  is it OK if I  pick this  up  for you?, oh no wait for it! Because that’s  not the end of it, then  he goes on and says to the little  man, hey buddy is it okay if I  put your hat in the stroller?. I’m being  composed,  but in my head, I’m rolling  around  on the ground  just  dying ☺️☺️. I’m  thinking  what the hell? The  kid is three years old and Your talking and treating him  like  he is European royalty and  I’m sure that he doesn’t  give two  flips what you do with that hat. I  mention this to my daughter later, who  is trained in  early  education stuff ,and  she  tells  me  this what they  call ” gentle parenting “☺️☺️. I mean  you can  call  it whatever you want , but this isn’t going to  end well. See, when  we are parents,  we  try to bring  some kind of  balance to the  process and  teach or train our kids, what is acceptable and  generally  customary for the culture and  kids adapt to  find  their place in the world. And no! I’m not talking about  crushing anyone’s  creativity or  uniqueness,  but how to present that in an acceptable  way that others can  appreciate and wrap  their  minds around  it  ,  because others may not view your kid  as European royalty. However,  when  we become our kids friends,  then we loose part of our objectivity and our  place to  make corrections,  because we  are  to busy supporting and backing them  up  with  whatever  crazy  thing that pops into  their  minds. And then  we wonder  why our kid is a little  weird,  well  aren’t  we  all just a little  weird.  I  find it  odd that when  we go to apply for  a  job, that  people  ask  for references and they  want  experience,  but when  it comes to  parenting it just  goes out the window and we discount  all of the living we have  done and want  our kids to figure it out  on their own.  I  thought that was the  whole  idea behind  parenting,  was to guide and instruct,  so that your little  weirdos didn’t  become to weird for the rest of us weirdos.☺️☺️ . I  don’t know how many of you  guys remember  old school  Batman,  where the Boy wonder would read a clue from  the  Joker or the Riddler, and  he would  say riddle me this or riddle me that. So , here’s my riddle me this? When  did it become  cool and acceptable to  have  sex in your parents home. I’m not talking about  sneaking around as a teenager,  but full fledged adults  under  your  roof.  We couldn’t,  but now they  can,  because  it is what  we tolerate . It’s like  we have  sanctioned it, and  we  know that  even  as married  adults it’s weird  having  sex when  you  just  go home to  visit  your  parents,  but  now it’s perfectly  cool. We wonder why there are so many help  wanted signs and why kids will  quit a job at the drop of a hat, when  they  know that  they  always have a  safe  and soft place to  land with  their  friends that gave  them  life. When  did parenting  become  about taking the path of least resistance? It’s one of the toughest jobs and things that most people will ever do,  yet it has become  about  capitulation and  appeasement. I know  that many of  you will  hate this analogy,  but it doesn’t  detract from  the  truthfulness of it.  If you have a pet,  let’s say a dog, and if you  love that animal,  you don’t  let it run around any old way that  it wants to, because  you know  that  your neighbors  don’t  want  it  crapping in their  yard,☺️☺️and if you let  them chase cars, at some point they  are probably going to  end up  underneath the car and the car usually  wins those arguments. We say that  we love  our kids, and I  have  no  doubt about  that,  but do we love them  enough to  correct them when  we  see them  going in  the  wrong  direction. You may not want to  lock  them in a fence or put a leash on them,  but do we truly  love our pets more than our  kids, or is it  because  the dog doesn’t  hold their  love for hostage and  threaten us with  certain  things, such as our past failures and short comings. That is completely on us , because we think that we have to be perfect as parents , and there is no such thing as a perfect parent outside of God, so we need to learn how to say I’m, sorry and I was wrong or made a mistake , and even that builds into the relationship with our kids and takes the pressure off of us having to be perfect ourselves . Often the problem  goes back to  when they  were three years old on a playground in  Florida and  you were running behind  them  being a  good  helicopter parent, and  Incase you missed the sarcasm  there, there is no such thing as  a  good  helicopter parent☺️☺️. We have  in some respects  made life to easy for our children and they  have  lost respect for us  as parents,  because we are  their friends. It’s like going to  a  bowling alley and  we  put the bumpers up for them,  so they never  know what  it’s like to  have  one of their balls go into the gutter, and without that resistance in life to pull themselves out of  the gutter,  they  never  become  stronger or mature into  all that they could and  should be, and definitely not a better bowler..  As parents, when we  see our kids going the wrong way or engaging in  something  potentially  harmful,  we have an obligation to  say something and that will and can  look different for everyone depending on  what your  relationship looks like,  and remember it’s about the  relationship and not a bunch of  rules. I was raised with tough love,  but that is not for everyone,  but every  relationship has tough  seasons and  rough patches. There is a fine line between  taking away their  motivation to succeed in  life and encouraging them to  be all that they can be. I usually think of myself as  quality over quantity  guy, depending on  what it is ,sometimes  when it  comes to your  kids you just want  as much time with them  as  possible,  especially after they  become  adults,  because we are all just  so busy and  time goes by all so fast. When  my son was younger,  he would  do something  ten times in a half ass way, instead of  doing it  once correctly and  just  making  sure that it was done  correctly.  When  it comes to  parenting,  we  have  to  do it correctly the first  time,  take the  time , no, none of us are perfect and yes we all make  mistakes in  this area,  but if we approach it with the ten times mentality, it’s probably  not going to end well.  There is something about  being able  to  Abide in the things that we know are true and  we shouldn’t  abandon them  just  because  someone  wants  to  challenge a social  norms. I know that since  Covid, we have all be redefining what the new normal is , but there are hard truths  in life and before  we  depart today,  let’s just  consider a couple.  In our unique culture of wanting to  be  different,  there are  still  only two genders and  God said that  He created them male and  female.  The  part that follows is the kicker, He said that He made them  in His image and I’m  not  real  sure who gave  us permission to  alter that. That being said every  person has value and  we all  reflect His image and  some of His glory.  I  try to stay away from  to much preaching and  church stuff,  but it is who I  am  at my core, so it would be  like  me denying  myself. I  want to  challenge you guys with this section of  scripture  from the  first chapter of  the  book Roman’s from  around verse 21 to 29 and  see if it is not appropriate for  where we find ourselves today.  I  know that  many of  you  can  be dismissive about  God’s word,   but it doesn’t  change  the  validity of it. It just goes on about  how  God just let us go wild so that we would  become  overtaken by  the  twistedness of our warped minds. My part in this?, just  think of me as Paul Revere and  I’m trying to  sound the alarm.  Wake up,  we are heading for the falls and over the edge. While  we  think that we should be able to have our cake and eat it too, life rarely works that way . We can’t  keep  pulling at the moral  fabric of the foundation without  it coming  crashing down and  thrust me, ” This is going to  Hurt ”
  • Till Next Time ✌️Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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