“Personal, But Not Private”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post#  76
  • 20 Apr 23
  •                         “Personal, But Not Private”
  • Howdy!
  • Lets just jump right in , shall we ? There use to be a show on some cable feed. I  probably shouldn’t  bring it  up,  because I  think  that I  actually  only  ever watched  one episode of  it.  I  think  that it was called ” Myth Busters” , or something like  that,  and it may  have  been  on the history  Channel,  not really  sure about  that either. I  think  the premise of  the  show  was  to debunk, some commonly  misconceptions, or to separate  truth  from  fiction.  I don’t  know  why but my brain likes to  bundle certain  things  together,  so a show like myth busters gets thrown  in with  conspiracy type shows and  things  along  the  lines of  urban  legends.  I  don’t know  why those three things congregate in my head together  but they just do. I  don’t  know  if  they  are some how connected or  just  more of my particular  weirdness.  My ex wife and I  were  from  two different  races and  she always  felt as if  she had the license to  have  free reign over  to openly  criticized both races, because,  in her mind that  meant that she was free to do so, because we were married and  that meant that she couldn’t  possibly be  prejudice or racist.  I  know  that  many  people  didn’t  appreciate her taking  the  liberty,  and  I  don’t  believe,  no let me scratch  that, I  know  beyond a shadow  of  a  doubt that I  was not married to  a racist,  thank goodness  for  our children’s  sake ☺️☺️.  That may sound  like  a funny  statement to make, but I  have  met  people  who  were married to  racist  people and  had no clue, until  it came  up somewhere  down the road, but we aren’t  going  to  chase that rabbit today.  Ok, so what was my point for all of that? I’m going to  beat up on Christians today and I’m going  to  take the same  stance as my ex wife,  since  I  am one, I’m using  my license to  do so. I  hope you  don’t  check out, you may miss  something  good☺️☺️. Ok, if you check  your score cards and  are paying  attention,  I’m going to  put  my peeps under the  microscope today.  I  have to always  check  myself to  see if I’m marinating in self righteousness,  and   I certainly  hope that is not the  case.  I  have  spoken  to  and attempted to  share my faith  with  many  people  over the years, and  I believe  that  I have heard just  about  everything under the sun ,  except for  I’m from another  planet and  this doesn’t  apply,  but there is  still time for that one to register in☺️☺️. While  I  don’t  have  time  to  discuss the large  range of  responses, I  would  like  to  address this particular  one, when  it comes to sharing  one’s  faith. I  often  hear people talk about  how personal  their  faith  is  to them and  to that I say bravo! If you  have  a genuine faith  then it should  absolutely  be  a  deeply  personal thing.  The thing that  I  can’t  quite wrap my mind around is  how it can  be  a  secret,  something that they  can’t  put into words, or share in a regular  old conversation with  someone  else,  in the correct setting,  and we will  get  back to  that. I  hear people say ” it’s personal “, much  like  it’s an excuse,  to keep  them  from  talking about  it. I  mean  some of  them  say it’s personal in a way  that  would  make  you think  that  you were asking  them  which  hand they used to wipe their  butts  with when they  go to the bathroom, sorry for that picture,  but not sorry☺️☺️. I  completely get that  everybody  is not a self proclaimed extrovert,  who has never  met a stranger  in  their  entire  life, and can just  about talk to anyone  about  anything.  These maybe  the people  in the grocery store handing out coupons to  complete strangers,  because  they  just  think  it’s a crime, if everyone doesn’t  want to  save a little  money,  and make sure you check those expiration dates on those coupons ☺️☺️.  It doesn’t  matter  how shy you may be, or awkward you feel,  every  believer  has been  tasked with  the  great commission.  Now, if you have  never  heard  of  this or are unaware as to what that is, you might  want  to  check  and see if you  actually have  that card in your wallet, labeled Christianity  101☺️☺️.  We are all  called to be prepared to  give an account  for the hope that lies within us. Ok, here we go again,  it’s personal,  think about  the other  relationships that  you  have  in your life, with  your  kids, parents,  siblings or  even  a spouse.  They  are  all personal  relationships,  but  you don’t have trouble telling other  people  about  how proud  you are for your kid making  the  honor  roll, or being  accepted at some swanky university.  You  don’t  have  a  problem  telling  your buddy  at work  that you shot a thirty-two  on the front  nine at the golf course last weekend. See ,when  I  think  about  all the things  that  we get  excited about and  choose to share with  others,  I’m honestly  surprised how this  one, never  comes up, almost  never !, and the question  is  why is that? It can’t  possibly  be that You are never around  people  who are walking  through  some stuff  in their  lives.   People  who  are  hurting, people  who are lost and  have  no idea that God loves them .  We are almost  smothered by people  who  are  looking  and needing  hope. The world is a   very dark place  and growing  darker  by the day, and you my friend,  yes you, are  supposed to  be  salt and  light.  In actuality,  some of the people  You  encounter will  never darken the door of a church  ever, not even  on Christmas  and Easter.  This means  that  you may be the only  Jesus  ambassador   that they  may ever encounter.  Ok, so here you go ,you  have  friends  at school,  coworkers at work, friends  in social  settings,  and possibly  family members.  You live with  these people in your sphere of influence day in and  day out,  you talk  about  all kinds of things  from  sports, to your favorite  TV  shows to  you name  it,  but never about the  thing that you  are  supposed to  believe is the biggest and most  important  choice in  your life, that’s right,  not about  who you marry,  where you  go to school,  what neighborhood to live in….. and ,not a peep out of you. Then  they have some crisis  in  their  lives and  you think,  maybe I should  talk to them  about  Christ.  Well  first  of  all,  now  you have  made it awkward and it seems  a bit opportunistic. If Jesus is  so  important to  you,  how come I’m just  hearing about Him now? I mean  after  years in the same carpool,  I  felt  as if I  knew  everything about  you except your social security number, and  now  you spring this on me , out of nowhere. Ok, so let’s just take off the gloves ,and I’m going to  call  you out to the middle of the ring. If I  was to ask by a show of hands,  how many  of you have  ever been  on either  side of this next  scenario,  every hand in the room should  go up. Have you ever been the person  that people  were surprised to  find out that you are a believer,  based on your life style and choices,  or were you the one who’s  mouth  dropped to the floor in the discovery of such a thing? Now!, when  I  say life style,  it’s not like you  are engaging in  some illegal activities,  well  at least I hope not, but its more  like , if I  threw you into a  barrel of  none believers  and  grabbed  one out, I  wouldn’t be able to  tell  the difference ☺️☺️. Maybe it is the words that You use, maybe it’s the places that  you go, or the type of  behaviors that  you indulge in.  I  will  just  come clean and  tell  you  that  I  like  watching  edgy programming,  things that resemble  real life, some of it reminds  me  of where I  use to be and some of it just scars the crap out of me as in I could  never  go there. Not that long ago,  I  use to  love to watch ” Sons of  Anarchy “, and ” Justified “, both a little  bit  out of  my wheel  house,  but I  enjoyed the  twist and  turns. I  have  a dear Christian sister  down  in Goose Creek,  S.C, who told me that “Justified ” is coming back this summer,  will I  watch,  I don’t  know,  not finding  much time  for TV these days. I  think  that  sometimes it’s confusing to  the outside world.  Instead  of wolves in sheep’s  clothing,  we are sheep doing  our best impression  of  being  wolves. I  think  back  to  my last  relationship with  someone who I don’t  believe was one  of the king’s  kids, but you never  know,  so I  leave room and space for  being  wrong,  because  we just  never really  know  someone’s  heart.  Looking  back we were such a pair and  the only difference  between  us  was our walks with  God, mine  very open  and on display and hers not so much!. I mean  in her mind,  she was confused by  how we could be so similar except in that one area, and I  don’t  believe that  she was a unicorn,  I  just  think  that  we all to often  just  look like everyone else,  when  we  are  called  to  be  set apart.  We  laugh at  some of the same  raunchy comics as non believers . I  find some of  us in strip clubs, at our kid’s  ball games  using  four letter words  at the coach or referee, sometimes both . We are  gossiping at work behind  other  people’s backs. We  use our  resources to  play lotto, instead of  supporting  ministries and  sometimes  we find ourselves on a golf course on Sunday mornings , instead of in Church, yet we say that we are  good with  God, and I’m not  here to tell you that you  are not. I  mean  , every believer  is a witness for  God, the question is  what kind? I  have  often  thought about  how many  people I have  probably  turned off to faith  by my actions and  attitudes over the years. Think about it, I mean  if  I  were a politician and  could  go to church on  Sunday and  then  divorce myself from  my faith the  rest of the week , with  just about  every  decision and choice that  I make , then  it  might  be  a  good time for a little  self examination,  which  scripture encourages us to do from time to  time.  The base line for faith  is that it should permeate every area of your  life.  It should be  visible in  your  marriage,  and  how you  connect with your  spouse, in your  home, with  your kids, at your job, or at school, and at every social  setting. There should not  just  be  any area of  your life that is not defined and refined by your  faith.  I’m still  learning myself,  and I’m at a point  where  every juncture of life, every  crossroads is looked upon as , is it something that  draws me  closer to God, or is it moving me away from God. This  is  not one of those  things about  trying harder to be a good person,  or being  seen in the proper  light,, what I’m talking about  is humanly impossible to do on your own,  and can  only be done  with  the presence of  God in your  life and  that  can’t be  accomplished,  if you  never  spend  time with Him. While your faith is and should  be  one of the most deeply  personal things in your life, it was never  meant  to be private or  some sort of secret.  It’s supposed to  be  on display  for  all to see, so that others  would  be drawn  to  the work that God is doing  in your life., and so that God would get the credit for  it , or His glory.  Does that mean  on display  is always  beautiful and  pretty,?   absolutely  not . Life can  be really hard and be really  redefining in those difficult  seasons that we refer to as valleys. People  need to  know  from where  you draw your strength.  People  need  to  know  that  it’s OK to be a little  sad sometimes.  People  need to  know  that You  never walk alone, and Who it is that walks a long side of  you  on your most difficult days. This day and age people  just  need to  know that there is a better  way to  handle  life’s frustrations, besides  going to  work with  a gun and shooting up the place. People  are desperately  in need of hope and  grace, and you keep  it all  to yourself….how selfish of you! It’s like  having the cure for cancer or some other  dreaded disease,   and you decide to  keep  it  all to yourself,  while you  stand by  and watch  others parish. . Ok, we just  jumped in at the beginning and now we are just going to  wrap this up. I  spoke about  the  right  time  and place,  and I  said that we would  get back  to that, so here we are. In your journey of life we walk along side of others,  at PTA meetings,  our kid’s  soccer  games ,car pools, neighbors  trimming  hedges,  or perhaps  it’s a poker night with  some  guys from  work,  but as we walk and build  those friendships and  relationships,  we usually  earn some equity  along the way  and part  of  that is being  able  to  earn  the right  to  ask certain questions and to be able to  share certain  things . I will never be able to tell you what the right time and place is,  because it is different for everyone based on their  relationship and the whole of it should be at the leading of  the  Holy Spirit.  You know, you have felt  it before,  but you shrug it off like a pitcher on the mound ,who doesn’t like the  call that the catcher is giving him. You  just  talk  yourself  out  of it again and again,  when  you  know  that  it is  something that  you are being  felt led to do. I  think  where we  get  things twisted  is thinking that we are responsible for the  outcome and  we are not.  We are just  called to  share and that is truly your  part and all that you are responsible for.  The results of  your sharing   is up to God, and His Spirit.  There is no chance in the world that  you can  force  anyone to  become  a  believer and honestly  sometimes  we need to just  get over ourselves,  because  it is not us that they  are  rejecting,  but the One whom you  represent.  All we are called  to  do is be faithful in the sharing  arena.  We are  all  witnesses for Christ, just not always  good ones.  The take away should  be that your faith  absolutely should be  the  most personal thing in your life,  but it is also absolutely  not private.  It never  was intended to  be and it never should be,  or how else will  people  be drawn to it.  One last dig before I  depart,, if you happen to  be  one of those  silly people who  thinks  that  it works for  you  and  that you  are  some  how  forcing  something  onto someone and that they  just  need  to  figure it  out for themselves,  then once again check your wallet or purse for that Christian 101 card,  and refer  back to  my comments  about  people perishing, while  you stand  idly by.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner

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