” C E O “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #74
  • 07 Apr 23
  •     ” C E O ”
  • Howdy!
  • Once again I say welcome  aboard.  Man time flies by, and you will  see why I  say that in a minute. I  want to  have  some fun with  this one, and while  it may  inspire the occasional  chuckle ,there may be other parts that  are a little  alarming and depending on  where you are  in life…..down right  scary. I was working  on something  else, and then  I  looked at  the  calendar and  thought,  nope,  I  need to do this one. In  our time  together,  I  have  shared different  pieces of  my story.  Things about  my grandfather, my kids, ex wives,  siblings,  peer group,  some of the ladies that  I’ve dated and  this right  here was inspired by a coworker.  Have  you  ever  been  here, where you meet  someone,  and something  seems a little  off, but you can’t  exactly  put your finger on it?  Then  , a little  further  down  the  road,  you get this additional  piece of  information,  and  then  You  think,  ahh !!, now it makes  sense,  and  I  can  understand why they  are  so jacked up☺️☺️.  While I  touch  briefly on my coworker, we are going to  talk about  how I got here. When  I  say here, I’m talking  about, what has made up me ,with all  of   my weird compositions and  do I say identities.  Well we are living  in the age of self identification.  Let’s jump  in shall we? Back  in December, which  was only a  few months ago , but felt  like  last week,  time is on the move . So , ninety  days ago  or so, I  was at a Christmas  eve service at my church,  a Saturday  evening,  because I  believe  Christmas  was on a Sunday, yeah that’s right.  Well  as I’m exiting  the  building,  someone  grabs my arm  and calls me by my name.  It was  this coworker of  mine Logan,  not his  actual name.  I was shocked to  see him there, because,  we  have had  spiritual  conversations  in the  past, and he was much  like the cockroaches that   I spoke of in my last outing.   When I  asked him  what he was  doing there, he told me  that  he was a “CEO”. Now I  have  been a round the block a few times,  but just  like  most of  you guys , those three letters together,  at least in my mind  stood  for Chief Executives Officer,  as in someone heading up a corporation,  or some none profit outfit. When I  asked him for clarification,  he informed me  that  his wife and his two  beautiful  little  girls  were  only  allowed  to  ask  him to accompany them  to  church on  Christmas & Easter  Only!, all other  times  was a straight  up  No! I  felt as if the word flabbergasted was  an appropriate response,  I had never  heard  it put that  way before.  I  mean, yes, I  know that  plenty of people are  in that  camp, just never heard it so eloquently coined before. I  believe that  he had told me before that  his wife and  I  went  to  the  same  church,  but since I  never  had an intro before,  we could have  passed  each other and I  would have  had no idea. If I’m honest  here, the first thing  that  crossed my  mind  ,was about  them  being  unequally  yoked,, that is a churchy way  of  saying  one part of the union, doesn’t  share the same  mentality about  faith. I  have a very,  very  dear friend  waiting  on a kidney transplant,  to help  save her life. I  was made aware that  after a  transplant  that  you  have to take  drugs  everyday  to ensure that  your  body doesn’t  reject  the  organ. I  know  that  was a little  random,  but I  was thinking,  what  if my friend  decided  that they  were  only  going to  take  their  medication  on Christmases  and  Easters only!. It doesn’t  sound  like  it would  be  to effective,  and  most  assuredly  not life sustaining.  That may have been  a crude analogy,  but I  think that you get the point.  Suppose that you  have  a significant other,  and you  were  only  allowed to  utter  the words I love You,  on Christmas  &  Easter  only? How do you think  that  would  go over? Do you feel  real confident that , that relationship  will  be sustainable? So, your sweetie comes home from  work or school,  at the end of  an incredible  awful day.  They  failed  a test, or got fired, and  they  got a speeding  ticket,  and then  the car breaks down and while  they  were  waiting for  the  tow truck,  someone  drove by and splashed  them  with  water, because  it’s been  pouring  out  all day, just  an absolute miserable  day.  They  come home and  all they  want  is to be held, reassured that there is some place  safe in the world, and to hear that they  are  loved. Nope, can’t  do that, because  it’s not Christmas or Easter…. how ludicrous!  Ok,  one more, just  for good measure.  I  know  for a fact that I  use electricity  each and  everyday  in some shape or form, however,  I  believe that I  should  only  have  to  pay the Power bill around  Christmas,  because I  have  to  have  those beautiful  lights going,  so that the neighbors  don’t  out shine me, or  around  Easter, because  we  are have  friends  and  family  coming  over for an Easter  dinner,  whatever  that is supposed to  be,  well the supermarket had a  sale on Easter hams, so it’s an Easter  dinner ☺️☺️. How long  do you think  the lights would  stay on if I only  paid the bill  twice a year? That’s was  three illustrations of something  bordering  on a little  insanity,  yet going  to  church  twice  a year is.?.?.?.  Can  someone  please  connect the dots for me and help  me  to  understand the significance of  being  a  CEO.  I  completely  get  that those are the two  high holy days for Christians.  Yet, with  a  child like faith,  if you truly  understand why they are high holy days and  all that they  represent,  wouldn’t it demand  some kind of  homage more than  twice a year?  I’m not going  to  point  fingers  or call  anyone out, but reflect on  how I  got here, and that way  I’m being  self critical and not putting others under the  microscope.  When  I  was  four or  five,  I  went  to  a church  kindergarten.  I  remember singing  songs such as  ” Jesus loves the little  children,  all the children of the world,  they are  Yellow, black and white and they  are  precious  in His sight, Jesus  loves little  children of the world”.  I could  give you  another one  about the  stone being  rolled away, but I  will  give  you  a  break.  The point  here  is  that  I started out on the right  path, even though I  didn’t  know it was a path☺️☺️. I  believe  that  my  mom and  my step-dad were  on the same  page  as my coworker Logan and  his wife,  but my mom did her best to  have  us in church  every  Sunday.  She gave  us  money  to put in the offering  plate, sometimes  it made there, and  other  times,  we split it with  the  lady  that use to sell  candy out of her house ☺️☺️, sorry  God for robbing  You ☺️. So the foundation was there for being a  thither,  and  no idea, why we were giving  God money ☺️. When  I  asked  about it,  I was told that is   how they  keep  the  lights  on, so at that point  I  was thinking  if I  gave  more of the money  to  the candy lady, they wouldn’t  be  able  to  keep  the lights  on  and I  wouldn’t  have  to  get  dressed  in a monkey’s  suit,  because  there  would  be  no church!☺️☺️. Maybe  eight or  so by then,  still  pretty  clueless , so, even  at an early  age,  God was  being  patient with me.  I can  testify that I  was in church  just  about  every  week,  vacation  Bible school  in the summer,  and there was always  Sunday  school,  where some  of  the  kids were trying  really  hard to be the teacher’s pet. Not me!, I was thinking  if you  shut up and stop asking  so many  stupid  questions,  we could  blow this pop  stand, I had better  things to do, so a rebel  from  the  onset ☺️☺️, still  clueless,  maybe  early  teen by now. Ok, so now ,let’s talk about  a disturbance  in the force☺️. Low and  behold,  guess  who  is  having  sex, yep ? , you guessed it,  and  guess  what  comes  along  with  that? , yep, you guessed correctly again  , pregnancy.  Talk  about  stuff  hitting  the  fan☺️☺️. This was still  the time  where it wasn’t  cool to be having  kids out of wedlock.  In fact,  I  don’t  even  think  the terms  baby daddy,  and baby momma  had even  been  coined yet.☺️☺️ Ok, so now that I’m  a father and have a  beautiful daughter of my own , now   I  have a much better  understanding as to  why my  girlfriend’s  father  was  out to literally put an end to me☺️☺️. I  tell  people  all the time  that I’m only  here by the grace of God. This  was probably  one of the first  times that  God  saved my bacon. I  have  had  a  few opportunities to  not be on the planet,  and this was definitely  one, but not the first  one , that probably  goes back to  when  I  was a we bit fetus.  When  my mom  came  home  knocked up out of wedlock,  my grandmother  literally  beat her  with  a  cord off of an old singer sewing  machine,  which  my mother  still  has to this day .  I  think  my grandmother hope  was  to get her to miscarry to avoid the  embarrassment and all of the chatter, you know  how people  love  to gossip.  We will  get  back  to  that  some  other  time.  Ok, so let’s get  back  on  track,  I was way past  the  point of a dilima,  I was in full  crisis mode. Well, I  wasn’t  an unpopular  kid in school,  so  I  had peers who had  made a  “Decision  to follow  Christ ” . They  talked  about  what a difference  He had made in their  lives,  and had helped them  out with  things they  had  been  walking through,  ok, I’m thinking  break ups and turning  in  homework late☺️☺️, but what the hell,  I  was desperate and definitely  could use some  help.  So, when  I  was seventeen  years  old,  I  walked the carpet, did  the  baptism  thing  as my mother  sang oh happy  days! ☺️☺️. Ok, DON’T  MISS THIS  NEXT POINT,  I was in need of a  rescue and I  was willing to  give  and  try anything, so my plan  was for God to fix my mess, like  a genie in a bottle,  and guess  what? That absolutely  did not take  place.  I  said pay attention,  because  I  think  that  a lot of people think  once they  start  walking with  God , that their  lives  will  be  a  bowl of cherries, and I  don’t  even  like  cherries,  so what the hell  was I thinking ☺️☺️?  It is clear all through  out scripture that is not the case, so I  was majorly biblically illiterate.  I  became  disillusioned,  because  of my insufficient understanding of God, and  I  threw my hands  up and walked  away.  I  can’t  even  begin  to tell  you  about  the next thirteen  years of my life as a rebel in the wilderness.  There was so much  mischief,  mayhem,  and misdeeds,  that I  could  probably  fill in  a whole  section  at the congressional library.☺️☺️  We will  just  say  not my best  moments,  but some fun times. The saying  is  that  sin will  always  take you further  than  you  wanted to  go, keep  you longer than  you want to  stay, and  almost  always  leave  you  disappointed and disillusioned, and that  was  certainly true for me. There was even  a  point  in my life  that I knew people,  who made other  people  disappear, yep , just  like  lake Meade, again  not something to brag on or put on the high light reel. All through out those thirteen  year, I  continued  to  be drawn  to  God, but found  it very  hard  to get  past  the  disappointing expectations that I  had, and yes sometimes  I  was even  in a church  some where. I  was probably  in the CEO  category,  but I’m pretty sure that  my mindset  was probably  slightly  different.  Then year thirty rolled around and  I  had this  couple  friend who  use to pray for me  and invite me  to  church almost  every  week,  and I  was great  at finding  excuses not to go, just  like  a lot of other  people. I  can  honestly  tell  that  their  was very  little  about  myself  that  resembled a child  of God. See, while I  had  changed  my  mind  about  God, He never  changed  His mind about  me. I  can  look  back  and  see both  protection and  Provision and purpose in all of it, when I  reached  thirty, it was almost  as  if  a light went  off and someone  had  flipped a switch. This is also  the  time  that the mother of  my  children  entered my life.  Ok,  so let’s speed this  up  some,  I’m sorry  that  some of you aren’t  getting  all of the details to satisfy your  questions,  but stick  around,  I’m sure it will  pop up at some  point ☺️☺️. So the couple that I  was friends  with Ed & Darlene,  a real  blessing to getting me back on track,  I  want to say that  they  finally  wore me down,  but it was more  so the drawing of God’s  spirit . I  attended  church with  them and had a real  come to Jesus  moment, complete with  tears and snoot ☺️☺️, just  the truth. I  pray  with  a pastor,  still remember  his  name  all these years  later  Mike Stevens, and rededicated my life to God .If you  never  understood  the  story about  the  prodigal son, I lived it first hand.  All that  time In the wilderness and God was waiting for  me  to  return  home. Of course  there is more to this  story,  so much  more,  but let’s get  down  to  the skinny.   I  will  just  be terribly  blunt with  you  for the sake of  time. If you are a  regular  church  attendee or  a CEO, and you  do not know  beyond the  shadow of  a doubt that  You  have a  relationship with  God and  that  your eternal  future  is  secure,  the question is  ” why not?”. I have  said this  one  before  as well,  but if you are a  parent,  do you want  your  kids  guessing  about  if you  love them  or  not?  , probably  not so much!. Well  the same  is true of God  , He doesn’t want  you to be  guessing about  your place with  Him.  If you  can  not say for sure that you  know that  you know that  you  are  going to  heaven,  then  I  suggest that  you  address  that as a priority,  because  none of us  know  when we  are leaving the planet. And  for the  record,  it’s not about  if you go to church  or not, or how often,  it’s about  a hearts cry and  a  heart decision. It’s  not about  money and whether  you  give or not and it’s not about  being a good  person.  The  name  of  this  blog  is” not the only one “. I am  not the  only  person  in the world,  who has had to go through  hard things,  or do  hard things,  or have  hard things  happen  to  me. In case you  aren’t  paying  attention,  the world  is  full of  broken  people,  all of us, even  the ones who wants you believe that  they  have  it all together.  God loves all people and  today  is Good  Friday.  It is one of the key points  of  Christmas & Easter.  This is  the  day  that  Christ sacrificed  Himself,  so that we can  have  a  relationship  with  a Holy God.  The transaction was  the just for the unjust.  The sinless for the sinful.  The whole for the  broken.  I’m not going  to  sit here and tell  you  that  my life  has been  perfect,  if you read what I  write,  then  you  know  that  is not true. However  , I’m never  alone  or abandoned,  and I’m absolutely  never without  hope,  and as you watch the world  turns,  you know  that  hope  is something  this  world  desperately  needs. I  think some people  think  that  faith is  blind and I  can  assure you that is not the  case at all.  The prophecies in the Bible are incredibly accurate and  telling.  In fact  Christ  fulfilled over three hundred  prophecies exactly as they  were  predicted,  even  today  going to the cross  was prophesied over five hundred  years  before  crucifixion was ever  known  by  mankind. I  don’t  have  time  for this,  but if you  have  questions,  please  feel  free  to  leave a  comment or  reach out.  When I use to do evangelism , one of the hard truths is that over the years churches have done a very poor job of letting people know how to get to heaven and how to have a relationship with God. All those years I was in church and remaining clueless is proof positive of that. If I could be there, how many other people are sitting in church week in and week out, with no clue. The best proof  I have  for you  is that He lives  within  me, and  if you  can’t  say that, then again  the question  is  why  the hell not? I  was clueless  much of my life,  but not in entirety,  and if you  don’t  know  God, You  don’t  have  to  remain  clueless as well.  He loves you and  wants to  have  a  personal  relationship with you. 
  • Happy  Good Friday!!
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace !
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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