” In Plain Sight”

  • Not The  Only  One!
  • Post# 69
  • 09Mar. 23
  • ” In Plain Sight “
  • Howdy!
  • Welcome to a  kind of safe space,  but not always and it’s not always for everyone,  but for those of you who  do check in on a regular basis,  I  say thank you .About a decade or so ago, there was  a TV show  on  by the same name,  “In Plain Sight”.  It was a show about the U.S. Marshal service and witness  protection.  I really  like the show,  it was usually  about  people who were trading  testimony for a new identity.  These weren’t  always  criminals,  who were turning on their previous  colleagues,  I can’t  remember  if  there is honor amongst thieves   or  not,  but I  would  guess not  , just  based on their chosen  profession and  job title ☺️☺️ . Sometimes  it would  be just  innocent  bystanders who happened to  be in the wrong place at the wrong time and  witnessed a crime of some sort  being  carried out.   As these people  took on new identities , careers ,and to completely different  parts of the country,  they  often  left behind  lucrative  jobs, schools, and most importantly,  family,  which  was  not considered  immediate. So, while they were being hidden away from individuals who may have wished them harm, they were hiding away in plain sight.  I  think that  most of us  have  missed placed our keys or wallets at one time or the  other.  Sometimes those items are  permanently loss, like dropping your cell phone off of the boat on a supposed to be romantic   harbor cruise trying to  get just that perfect  selfie for  your  Instagram with you and your honey.  Turned out not to  be  so  romantic after loosing the latest version iPhone ☺️☺️. Some other  times ,these  items may turn  up,  and  sometimes  in strange,  odd or even surprising  places,  perhaps do to a pet or a child.  At other  times  it’s almost as if  it were In plain sight.  Come on! I  can’t  be the only  one  who has ever  been  looking for  my shades or a pair of glasses,  to only  find them  on top of my head . Have you  ever  been  looking for  the remote for the TV,  or some other  device,  to only  discover that  you had just  walked  past it a dozen times or so? We are a culture who loves convince and  things made simple for us,  to make our lives easy , or to encourage the couch potato thing  into  overdrive,  your pick or choice as to which☺️☺️.  We now have  thing to  help  us to keep track of other  things.  We have  apps to help us  figure out where we miss placed phones or remotes and sometimes now we can  just  talk  to  it or call  out for it and it will  respond.  Yes,  this is true,, it’s a low version of  artificial intelligence,  which I’m not sure some of us are ready for. Well,  let’s turn  the page,  some of you may have  caught a  magician’s  act , where they  perform  these grand  illusions and  make things  disappear into  thin air, some of the  more  talented ones , like Copperfield have  even  made the statue of  Liberty, look as if  she has abandoned her  post  in the harbor at Ellis Island. So, as we move into the  area illusions and  delusions,  more commonly known as self denial.  This  is  one of these things that  cuts like a  two edge sword,  or as my friends  from the  Midwest would say , it’s  bitter/sweet.  I  believe that  most us from  time to time are plagued with  negative  self talk,  self  shaming and  condemnation.  It looks different for  everyone,  whether we tell ourselves that we are to old,  to fat, to unsophisticated, unattractive,  not smart enough,  or whatever your particular  cyanide pill may be. We can  chip away  at our own  self  esteem and no outside assistance is required.  I know that  some of you have had labels hung on you, and  perhaps the consistency of  that  has you believing  the lies. We are all  gifted in some shape form or fashion, and  what usually  gets us into  trouble  is the comparison game.  Stop! Looking around and  comparing yourself to  others.  God took the  time  to  make you  uniquely you. It may  come as a surprise to  you  but  you  aren’t  supposed to  be as tall as  your brother,  or as quick witted as  a coworker.  The plan for your  life may not require you to  have  a PHD,  or any degree at all. I  don’t  even  want to  get  into  , who has a nicer home, or other possessions. When  it comes to personal  appearances,  we are all over the  place, we want bigger  perkier boobs,  and  the person who  has them want smaller ones because  of  back issues. It really  can  be feast or famine.  I  think what we should all shoot for   is being that less than one in two  hundred  people,  that is completely happy with  their appearance and  wouldn’t  change one thing about themselves if given the  chance.  If  you are a math wiz then  you know that is less than one percent of  people are happy with their appearance.  I  believe the saying is ,⁰ be you and  be the best you that you  can,  because  everyone else is  already  taken.  I  know that  may sound strange in  our culture,  because we  all want  to  stand out in some way to be different or set apart,  but at the same time we are trying  to  troll celebrities and  to look like and behave as they  do, and personally I’m not  sure  how they got to be the standard,  when  they  can  be such a weird  lot themselves, don’t get me  started!. When  we are here,  this is what is known as  a tick down position as if we don’t  measure up, or are some how not good enough… according to  who? We seek balance,  so there is also the tick up position.  These are the individuals who  sometimes have  a high opinion of  themselves,  accompanied by  a  low opinion of  others,  as they are  some how better than.  I  will  ask  the same  question,…according to  who? Again, with  the  comparisons,  I’m doing  better  than,…..you feel  in the blank, they  may  be,  but guess  what,  there is someone  doing  better than  they are as well .It’s a vicious cycle with  no winners,  just  people  with  higher  self worth,  and the constant  striving to  be more…more this and…. more that, they are never  satisfied,  and  wouldn’t  know  what  contentment was  if it bit them in the ass. There is the old saying of what  goes up, must come down,  well  if it’s not gravity, a puncture to that huge ego can  be  very  deflating . When we have to  maintain those lofty perceptions of  oneself,  it can  be pretty  devastating at the realization that  they aren’t  all that and a bag of chips☺️☺️. I  don’t  know  what  form it will  take when  they  come to that self realization,  but its just  lurking around the  corner of  whatever there false hope is anchor to,  and  Lord I  hope that  it is not to the stock market or their  401k plan. ☺️The truth is  that  most of  us are pretty average human beings and  that is  ok. I’m not telling  you not to strive for  more, as to learn a foreign language, or some other  self improvement project that you have been wanting to  do, stay away from  those gym memberships ☺️☺️, no just kidding,  if that’s your thing.   Whatever it is you  want  to  do, do it for yourself and  not for the many on lookers and critics.  I  guess for  myself the big take away is  to stop comparing ourselves to  others and  to not let others  define you and what success looks like for you.  If you took of ten pounds and others thought that  was a  great  start for you,  if that’s what you  got, then  it’s a win and  it should be  celebrated.  Well  this one is  called ” In Plain Sight “, so let’s  get  to the crust of the matter.  We can  one up ourselves or look down upon  ourselves and others all we want.  We  can feed  egos or squash  temperaments , but there is  just  one place  where  that  doesn’t  fly at all,  and that is in the sight of  God the creator.  He sees all, and  not just  sees, but he understands all of your thoughts and heart whispers,  and the really scary part is that  He knows it better  than you do. He see it  all, you are completely  exposed,  with no rock to hide under. He sees you as you are,  He sees who you  were meant to be and He is aware of  every  heart beat.  There are no pretenses and no facades that you can  conjure up to escape His knowing. I think  one of our biggest  faux pas is  that  we try to understand or judge God by human  standards,  a little  bit  ridiculous,  but  with  our finite  minds, sometimes that is our best efforts,  still  far and away  short. Example,  see, we think that we can  do things to impress God, like we do with  one another,  flawed immensely.  We think if we go to church,  or give money, or work at a charity, or whatever it  is, that  God will  somehow be pleased with  us, as in earning  brownie points. The  truth is that there is nothing that you  can  do  to  make  God love you  anymore than  He already does and  there isn’t anything that you can  do  to  get Him to love you  less. God is love, and  that is just His nature and  everything that He says or does, is  motivated by  and through His love for us.. I  don’t want to,  nor do I  have the time to get  into  all of the complexities of  God’s agenda or His “MO” ,  method of  operations.  After all,  I’m not God and  I  don’t presume to  speak  for Him, but I  will  share or repost  the things  that  He has already  said about  Himself.  I  know that we can  look at all sorts of tragedies and  human  suffering and  ask the question,  how is that  rooted in love. I  don’t  see the whole picture or have  all the  information to make that determination,  but somehow God does. This is  probably not the  best example,  but my very  good friend  Leo, up in Connecticut,  had to put down  one of  his beloved Bassett hounds, just  last week,  she was old and suffering from many afflictions,  and that was done in love, maybe  to simple of  an example,  but you should be  able  to extrapolate that out. I do  believe that  we can  and do have  the ability to  make God smile,  but  it  is  probably not the times that we think or when we are so desperately  working at it. It could  be  a  kind  word of encouragement or a gentle  smile at an old person,  and be careful  about  who you are calling  old☺️☺️, probably the times  when we are most  unaware of it. I  want  to  say trust me here, but its not you giving money to  a charity,  because  God sees  your heart and  He knows the motives behind you  giving.  He knows if it was done as a tax right off. He knows if you did it for self gratification,  to make  yourself feel better or superior.  We are just  undone  before  God,  everyone and everything is  in His  plain sight.  When  I  was  a  kid,  perhaps I  should say before  cartoons  became  politically correct, they  were  funnier,  and  I  use to enjoy the characterization that  portrayed the dilemma   of what  someone  should do, and  it had an angel  on one shoulder and  a little  devil on the other  side. I mean  the reality of  that  is  real for each and everyone of us  every day.  When  we make a choice or find ourselves at a crossroads,  do we choose something to draw us closer to  God, or something that  draws us  away from Him and perhaps closer to  that little  devil.  I , personally try to  stay away from  judging others,  not so much  because I don’t  enjoy it ☺️☺️, but because  God has this great way of  helping  me  see  just  how far that log is jammed into  my own  eye☺️. Back to  the  cartoon character,  would it  make  us operate or do things  differently if  we had a little angel  on our shoulders representing  God, or would  we just  brush him off like he was dandruff,  in the way, and something that we didn’t want  others to  see or notice about ourselves. The truth  be told is that  God is always with us and He is not in some kind of a drunken  stupor, or a doodling old  grandparent who nods off every now and then, but He sees  everything,  and yes ,one hundred percent of the time.  If we  are actually aware of  God’s  presence,  would  we make  some of the choices that we  make  to watch certain things, or to use certain  words,  or to go to certain places.  I know that  is crazy to think  about  God in the strip club,  but He is there  as well.  None of us  are  perfect or anything  close to  it, but if we are aware of  His presence,  would  we continue to  date the married man,  who is not getting  along with  his wife, as if spending  time with  you is some kind of  counseling session ☺️☺️. I  know  that  may be on the extreme end of the spectrum ,but  how about  how we speak to  our kids, and not just to the annoying teenage one’s, but sometimes  little  kids are spoken to as if they are adults with full time  jobs, and we wonder why  a six year old  takes a gun to school and  shoots a teacher.  What  must his home life be like?. I  get  that  most of us sit back and  think that we are above  reproach because I  didn’t  call  you  out on your specific hidden tucked away secret,, but again,  there are no secrets with  God. I  don’t  know  how to get the point  across to some of  you  who are trying so hard to be ” Good”. There is  no one good enough,  no not even  one of us, and if you think that you are ,what’s the  standard for that ?and who determines what it is?. Are we comparing ourselves  once more? And if we are then  be aware that  the standard is  the  only person  who  ever  lived without sin,  it’s a real  short list. We can  lie to ourselves, we definitely  lie to other  people as we let them  see, what we want them  to  see, but you can’t  pull that trick  with  God.  He is aware of  every  person  whom you have  ever hurt, and every person  who has ever  hurt you.  It doesn’t matter  if  it happened  when  you  were in grade school or  in  your  last  dating  relationship or job. He knows of your secret shame of an abortion that you had  in the past, ,and  He knows of the fella who coerced you as he was ducking  his responsibility.  He’s keenly  aware of  our heart’s pain that stifle us  unto a place where we  just  feel  stuck and  are not always  sure how , or if we should  continue on. I so self identify with the worse of the worse. I  think about  the apostle Paul, who called  himself the worse of all sinners,  have you ever  been  there? I  mean  if I’m honest,  I’m probably on the wrong  side of  a lot of  things in history.  How wrong you say?. I  would have   probably  been one of many  in the crowd  shouting  crucify him,  crucify him,  when  I  knew that He was an innocent  man and  as I turned and walked away,  I  knew  in my heart  of hearts that  I  needed  the very  forgiveness that He was offering . God doesn’t  leave us at a place of depravity and without hope,  actually the complete  opposite.  There is this crazy and  tremendous reconciliation process,  where a Holy and  just God offers us grace,  when  we deserve the complete opposite of that. This transaction took place on a rugged cross on a hill  called  Calvary.  I  know that  many  have  trouble  digesting this  truth, which  means that   you need it all the more. Ok, a quick  story to illustrate this truth.  Two  kids, in a neighborhood grew up as best friends,  played together and  for the most part were  inseparable, close like brothers .We all  know  how  life can  just  happen, so as they  got  older  they  both  took separate  paths in life.  The one kid, went through  life  kind of focused and we will   just  say  that he checked the  boxes. The other boy, became  a  young  man  and  let’s just  say  his choices  made his life  look something close to  a dumpster fire.  The kid who checked  the  boxes, became a  judge,  and low and  behold  one day his dear, dear  friend  shows up in his courtroom with  a  string of offenses longer than the day is long. As his old play mate enter the courtroom, he immediately  recognized him, even  though it had been a couple of  decades since they last had any contact with one another.  Well, the evidence was presented and his friend  was  found  guilty. He  remembered the fun that they  use to  have together and  how close they  use to be. Even  though  he had the desire to  let his old friend  off the hook, he couldn’t do that  because the law required that the penalty be paid. So he banged his gavel and pronounced judgment.  After that he stepped down  from the  bench, took off his robe ,pulled  out his checkbook and  paid the penalty in full for  his  friend, he had compassion on him, and that is exactly what  God has done for us,  compassion,  mercy and  grace.  God offers us  mercy and  not just  that, but tender  mercies.  Tender is when  you just  experienced your third miscarriage and  God brings  someone  along  side, who has already walked,  where you are walking now. Tender is when you have  a  wayward teenager in  your  home as a single  parent,  you  don’t  know  how to deal with  them and  the disrespect,  and God brings along side a mentor for  your  child,  that just  happens to  be  a  cop.☺️☺️. Well you get the picture.  Speaking of  pictures,  remember He sees the whole picture from  beginning to  end, and to Him, it’s all in plain sight. 
  • Till Next Time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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