It’s White and It’s Waving !

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #63                              26Jan 23
  • IT’S  WHITE  and  IT’S  WAVING !
  • Howdy! 
  •   Hey  gang!, and as always,  thank you for  being there.  This may not be  where we usually  start out, sometimes  where we end up at, and with my brain  ,we just never know,  but it seemed  fitting,  so please hold on , because I’m sure that there will be some  shifting  about  much like a mudslide☺️☺️. If you go to the book of Luke,  chapter 2 verse 36, there it tells of a story of a female  prophet named Anna,  and no she is not the main  point  or character of the story,  but I want to  for a minute to  focus on the few details that we have  about  her. It says that her husband died after they  had  been  married just seven  years,  and now she was  at the tender age of eighty-four . Now we know from  the story of  Mary and from  Jewish  customs   that  many times young girls were pledge in marriage from  their early  teens and if they went much past their  early  twenties that they were  considered to be  old maids, and  I’m really not trying to do another  post about  child  brides☺️☺️. Any way you slice this or dice it Anna had been a  widow for close to  sixty-five   plus years, and  it said that she had devoted herself to  full time  service to God at the temple.  Now this was over two thousand years ago and  a culture that is  vastly different,  that few modern day westerners can comprehend.  If this doesn’t  represent one of the first true representations  of  raising the white  flag of surrender in the  dating  culture,  then , I don’t know   what  does. As I  said vastly  different  culture,  so  let’s spin it fast forward to  our western  mindset.   According  to  a  very popular dating app,  love is  found  every  fourteen minutes.  Now,, I’m not going to  argue the  validity of that   statement,  however with the current population of over   eight billion  people , over seven  continents,  I’m sure that there may be some truth to  it.  However,  how about us who feel  as  if  love may be found  every  fourteen weeks,  months,  years , or not at all.  In this day and age, , and in our culture,  I think that those  fourteen minutes may resemble something more  closer to a needle in a hay stack, or something  close to  light years across the  cosmos. I’m not a party pooper or a wet blanket,  but let’s just look at some real life scenarios.  When  you marry in your  twenties or thirties,  most of the time those two  people  grow together. There will  be certain patterns and habits that they will  develop and refine, and they  will  become their  norm. It can be  anything from how they raise their  kids, how they  handle  finances,  who sleeps on which side of the bed. They will  also  determine how they will deal  with  conflict in  the  relationship and  what is the  proper and acceptable way of  dealing  with  in laws. There is a whole  host of things that couples  settle into  and some of it very  subconsciously.  These practices,  for the most part will be come the foundation for their relationship,  be it marriage,  domestic partner, or  even one of those long term engagements, with no future date anywhere in the near future ☺️☺️. I think that is what they use to call shacking up, but the pattern and habits will  still form, nonetheless. I  hope that we can just be  honest here and  state that all relationships  have  conflict at some time or the other.  It doesn’t  specifically mean only in interpersonal relationships ,but all. There is  probably  something that you haven’t been  to  happy about from time to time with your job, and if not that, then  maybe your favorite Starbucks barista, put just a little to much  cinnamon in your horty  tordy coffee drink, yeah!, cause for  conflict.  The point is that these  patterns and habits develop over years and can most of the time change your  neurological pathways and  become  ingrained and become  hardwired in your personality.  Heaven forbid if there is a disturbance in the  force,  and  that disturbance leads to what is sometimes  known as  irreconcilable differences.  The point is that for some significant amount of time,  you built  habits with  someone and  they  knew if the toilet paper was supposed to  go over or under on the spool in the bathroom.  Now , after another  significant amount of time,  you decide that you want a new dance  partner,  because the old one, just wasn’t  cutting it. This  time line will  vary from  person to  person,  and  I  know  that  after a  divorce sometimes,  that  people  are  so damaged,  that the only thing that  they can really think and say is” never again “. While a few will choose that path,  most will  not. After all,  we have spent the  majority of  our  lives in a relationship  of some sort of  the other.  So, let’s move  past the  ones who want  to  become the crazy  old cat lady, or the grump old man,    who want to rail against the  government and  live off the grid☺️☺️.  The vast number of  us at some point will  want to  seek some  form  or kind of companionship.  We think to ourselves,  let’s stick our toes back in the  pool and see how the water feels,  or is going to  treat us.  On the surface,  this is not a  bad idea, but for most after years of being in  a marriage that wasn’t  completely delightful, otherwise we would probably  still  be there, we often aren’t  sure how to  proceed.  I  mean  let’s face it,  if we were dating in our marriages  as we should have been,  perhaps things would have been  different,  so what’s it like to date again, and at this age and stage of life?  It’s time to  be real, and  honestly, most of us  have a laundry list of what we don’t want in a  relationship,  based on our history.  The problem is  that  we  often focus on  what was wrong in the relationship and  give very little  consideration to the  things that  did work  on some level.  If we take an honest inventory on what we  walked away from , sometimes,  we  may think,  we could have  fixed that, and it wasn’t  so bad. We’ll, if your not there yet, just  wait until you  see what’s waiting for  you out there in the dating pool ☺️☺️. I  spoke a minute ago about the  things that  we don’t  want,  well, dissatisfaction has given  you a wish list, longer than  anything that  Santa  has ever had to deal  with ☺️.  We have  had time  to  sit back and  see how the other  half lives, the other  half? , yes the other half, the people who  have successful,  functioning relationships in their lives . I  like to  compare this  to kids now days, and when I say kids, I’m taking about  young  adults.  The kids now days ,think that they  should  just  magically get or have  all of the  things that  took their  parents,  twenty, or thirty years to acquire and amass. As you can  imagine,  there is a  slight  disconnect here, but it  keeps  few from  jumping into to debt to  mimic the  lifestyle . The parody here is that we do the same thing  with  these relationships that we  form and enter into in the second half   of our  lives.  We desire  some  cohesiveness with the  people that  we meet online or wherever  to function as if we had spent the  majority of  our  lives with them ,and  that they  would  just  know all of our likes and  dislikes, and again  just  magically and perfectly  fit into our  world,  with  all of its moving parts. Let me tell you and give you some  reasons for  the odds being  stacked against that actually happening. Remember, earlier when I  talked about  couples growing together and  establishing a routine or a rhythm together,  well,  while you were  doing that with your ex, they were doing, the very  same thing with  their  ex. This is  where we get all of our wires crossed.  So , why both parties are in search of some kind of a relationship,  there is a huge discovery process that has to take place.  The  ” Discovery Process ” , could  actually  be dubbed, ” I will show you mine , if you will  show me yours”, what  exactly are we talking about  here?….BAGGAGE!! . Now some have made some level of  peace with their  last dysfunctional relationship,  while  others  may be in denial,  and some carrying it around  like  it’s a Siamese twin or something.  I  hate to throw this little  tidbit into the  equation but  for  some it actually goes beyond  their  last  relationship and  has deep  seated roots in their  upbringing, we will  get back to that in a moment.  So, let’s continue on   as to why things are  not  stacked in your favor and  many times  the proverbial cards are stacked against you.   I’m not an economists or a math wiz, but  I  do think that  there is a time  and place  for a good  old fashioned pie chart. Hang with  me here for a minute  here and let’s see if we can extrapolate a  few different  variables.  First thing I  want to  sadly  comment on  is  that  people  are not  always forthcoming  or forthright with who they are and where they are  coming from.  I  don’t want  to come right out and say that  people are  dishonest, but there is an element of that. However,  there are  also a  group of people who  don’t know  exactly who they are,  what they want,  or what they want to  be when they grow up,  you can laugh,   but  its sad and true. Some like to play their  cards close to the  vest, I fall into this category myself,  I  don’t  really  consider  it being  secretive,  it’s more of a need to know basis,  and  if it’s relevant and can be impactful on the relationship,  then  yes we need to  have a  conversation about it.  We all have  skeletons in  our  closets,  some more than  others,  but there is not a  need for them  to  come out on a first,  or second date, it could  possibly  scare off the “One”, and the one thing that I  have  noticed  is  that so many of us have  very  similar  skeletons,  to the point, where the bones really  are  interchangeable ☺️☺️.  Let’s  get back to my fascination with  pie charts. I’m going to  discuss somethings that many of  us have to deal with and  take  under advisement when  considering a  new dance partner.  What I’d like  for you  to do is to think about  if these things  fall into  a high priority,  somewhere  in the  middle, or  it makes no never mind to you. The funny thing is  that  with  each of  these headings you will find people  solidly camping out there.  There is the big three,  which  is  sex, religion and  politics,  but to ease  you in, we won’t start there. This one should probably be  included in  with the  big three, but to be honest, any and all of these could be  a game  changer depending on  if it’s a  high,  midway, or low concern for you.  First up, finances . This  one reminds me of one of  my college  professors,  when  I  was a freshman.  He stated that  he had his, and we had ours to  get ,  but of course  he was talking about a degree. In every area of a relationship at this  stage of the game you want  to  find  someone  who is at least you equal. This isn’t  specifically about  finances but  you  want to find  someone  who  matches your  energy and  your  intensity,  with  a  similar MOJO.  At this stage of  life  with  people  pushing  retirement and  many wanting to  travel,  money can  often be a  deal  breaker.  It doesn’t  matter  if  it’s the woman or the  guy, you don’t  want  to  be  supporting  all of the extra curricula activities, all the time.   I’m a little old school,  so I  do believe  in Chivalry,  so I  don’t  usually  have  a  problem  picking up  dinners , movies,  concert tickets and  whatnot,  but if you are talking about  a cruise or  traveling  internationally,  that could be  another  whole  conversation ☺️. Again,  depending on  where you are on the graph, some people have  done very well in  life, and they don’t  mind sharing, or paying  for a good  travel  partner.  Let’s look at another one  before hitting the  big three. Kids!, yep kids, I  will  probably  step  on a few toes  here. My mom, who is in her mid eighties, always said that she  she would  never get involved with  someone who  had kids, which  made me think,  what the hell  !, because  she birth  six of her own.  She further  went  on to say, that she knew  how she had raised us, but she didn’t  know what  their  parenting skills may or may  not included,  and the show was called “Father Knows Best”, but was my mom laying down  some truth or what? I  want  to  say that  I’m shocked by the number of people who have  done less than an adequate job of raising their  kids. I  want to  say  shocked,  but  its pervasive throughout our culture , and you can  barely  make it through a day without seeing  an example of “they should just  know  better “. Whether  it’s being  tied to their  parents for finances an allowance,  or a trust fund,  there is another  piece of  the puzzle as to why there are help wanted signs every where you look.  The failure to launch thing is real and the  history goes way  back  to the parent  saving and protecting them  from  every  possible  life lesson,  that would  lead them to  stand on their own two feet.   It’s not always about  money,  it could be  that they want  to  drop their  kids off at just  any old time of the day or night.  I’m a grandparent myself,  so yes I  understand  about  how enjoyable  it  is to have the  grandkids around and how fast they  grow  up, I’m just  saying  sometimes there need to be boundaries, and that’s all I’m going to  say about that,  but other  people’s  kids can  be an impact,  and the two of you  need to be on the same page about that.  Final word  on other people’s  kids,  is don’t  engage unless  asked  to  ,and then  use extreme  caution.  Running out of time and  space,  so let’s getter done!. In no set order, because all three can  and have  been  devisive in relationships.. politics, this one , just  drives  some people’s  nuts and they can  get  wrapped around the  axel very  quickly.   My experience has been  that women tend to  be  a little  more   liberal in  this area, while  I  think  most  men go in the opposite direction,  especially  in the latter years. This one area, people  have  very  deep  emotions and  passions,  and I  will  just  be honest and  say that  I’ve seen  it  to be the kiss of death in relationships.  This may or not so much be  a smooth Segway into  religion,  but I’m going to  use it to piggyback  into it.  In some ways Religions seem  to pop up new ones everyday,  not much different  from  porn sites, an off cuff joke, but they are numerous.  I  don’t  want  to  presume about  anyone’s  walk with  there God, but for a second I would  like  to  hauler at my peeps , and I  mean  Christians, I  was just  talking about  politics and  I  believe that  when  Jesus walked the earth  that politics was a  hot bed,  much like  today and  it took place under a  Roman  occupation.  I don’t  recall  Christ becoming overly  engaged in  politics,  actually  quite the opposite,  He side stepped it , and sort out the  the sick, the hurting, and  the  people  who were the most marginalized in  society,  and  now two thousand years later, those of  us  who  say that we are His followers,  have completely  flipped  the script and  we live and die,  based on which  party is in power,  of yeah, and we have no to very  little time for the marginalized, sad but true.  We have  a  civic duty to be informed,  to vote our values and  to  confront and resist  evil wherever we encounter it, but what is wrong with  the  world and our culture will  not be solved at the ballet box. Should I  apologize for  once again  being up on my soap box?,  let’s just move on,  the religion/ faith thing can  be profound and  how well  do I know that first hand.  It’s not  always about  do we believe the same things  and in the same ways,  but faith is  a very  personal thing and  everyone approaches that  differently and  as I found out my last time out of the gates, some people just  say that it’s not their cup of tea, at all,  in any given  fashion.  This may  sound like  a  bad joke, but I  once  encountered a  lady who had been  married three times,  and  her spouses  were, Christian,  Muslim,  and  an Atheist, and  to her they were  all one in the same,  I mean,  like really?? I want to  say that  followers of any given faith have  probably done more to drive people away than to get them to  agree with  whatever it is that they  say  that  they  believe in .  There are just  so  many  religions and  cults out there,  how can  two people come together on the same page as worshippers. There is just  so many sects and divisions and denominations within any one faith organization.  I think I  remember  Christ saying that they  would know and be known by their  love and  unity,  and  we just  have  such a  very  far way to go. I  hate to use the word tentacles when  dealing with the faith thing but, man has made complex, which I’m  pretty sure  God didn’t  mean to  be that way.  The issue with money, leadership,  mission, and  all other sorts of programs and just  church  busyness, and don’t  forget about the  occasional  scandal, tentacles may be the proper word after all ☺️☺️. There is  more to be said here than we have  time,  so let’s move on to sex. Is this the great equalizer in relationships or another  mine field? This  one  area carries  so much  weight,  for so many.  Sometimes after years in a bad marriage or relationship, the sexual revolution is a new and wide awake. It’s to much of, not enough of, freak, vs. Non freak. I  previously discussed this from a health standpoint and  where people’s  libido  can  be  all over the  place.  Earlier in this  offering today,  I talked about  things  going  back  to  people’s upbringing.  Well,  it maybe  hard to believe,  but there are still  people  out there who  can’t  honestly and openly talk  about  sex ,and it goes back  to  their  sometimes  very  modest  upbringing.  I  guess for them  it is like the Nike add, just do it!  I’m not going to  say that  they  are  sexually repressed,  because you shouldn’t  label that book, nor judge it based on  the  cover.☺️. I  do believe at this  stage of the  game  you  should be  able  to  very  clearly be  able to  articulate your  wants , needs and  desires. Again at this  stage of  life  people have a  wide range of  experiences and  or things that they  wish to try out.☺️.  This is  definitely an area where it comes down to  fit, and I’m not talking about  physically,  but compatible mindsets . I,  in a previous post  talked about certain abusive situations that  people have  endured and sex can  be an area that  needs to be approached gingerly and  with  the utmost care and understanding.  Again much more could be  said here, and I  think that I would enjoy saying it , but its time  to fasten your seat belts and  bring your  tray  tables back to  an up right position.       If you can  find someone who compliments you, as in your guys look good  together, similar  BMIs , think  in the same range as  far as  health,  love the same  kinds of music,, think the same things  are funny,  like  similar  diets and lifestyle  choices,  such as smoking  drinking , and the use of four letter words, or not so much! How   do you feel about  pets in addition to  kids, because,  to some people,  pets are their  kids.  You definitely  don’t  want  to  be  with  a gym rat, if the most exercise you get, is getting up to get  another  beer.  If  you make  each other laugh,  but also are able to  laugh at  themselves,  be kind, honorable,  gracious,  generous,  flexible and  supportive.  If you  have  someone  you  love,  hold onto them  tightly , in a lose kind of way,  no one wants to be smothered, and it’s always an added bonus if they can  be trusted around  friends and  family. And if it’s some one who  you can  see yourself  finishing the dance with, as in on the porch together,  in the rocking chairs , love them  with all  that you have  in side of  you and go out of your way to spoil them and  make them  feel  special every  opportunity that you get, because what you have  is unique to you guys and in a world of  imperfect  people,  you have  found the one that is imperfectly  ,perfect for  you.  I  know  that  for myself,  when I  was with  Ms. Anonymous, she checked just about  every  single  box, but one, and it was the one of faith and  yes, I’m telling you  that  one box, trumped all of  the  others,  because  for me it  was  a  high and for her it was a low to nonexistent,  I’m telling you,  every fourteen minutes is a needle in a  hay stack.  I  think  that  to many of us are waving the white flag of  surrender,  when  it comes to finding our partner  in life. We act as if that pint of Ben & Jerry’s,  and binging on our favorite  Netflix is going to  some how satisfy one of our deepest longings in  our souls  and that is to have  someone to care about us and to love use no matter what.  And if you are unsure about that, let  me  be the one to break the news to you that Chunky Monkey  or Cherry Garcia  is  just  not  capable. Well me, I don’t  know about the white flag,  but  I  think that there is a strong  possibility that I had my last first kiss and it was somewhere outside of  Boston.  Be brave and courageous,  and keep  hope alive.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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