” Songbird”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 60            5  Jan 23
  • “Songbird “
  • Howdy and  as always  thank you for  being there. I usually  share real  stories and real  life events with  you  guys. I sometimes  tell you about  something that  is intimately  personal to me , and sometimes I share other  people’s stories, sometimes I do that  well and  sometimes  not so much!  This  one today  is called  ” Songbird “, because the person that  I’m Sharing  about is  named after  a bird,  and  instead  of  using  her  actual  name , I’m calling this one songbird.  I don’t  usually  use people’s  real names unless it is something of a very positive  nature and  I  think that they should  be  known  for being  a  genuine good person,  and whether we  want to  admit it  or not, the world  gets just  a  little  bit smaller  with  each passing day, along with  some technological  advancement.  I know that  my last post was tied to the Midwest and  this one is also.  I  almost don’t  know where to start  with this  one. I had some thoughts running through my  head about  child brides, and  at the same time,  something about  being counter cultural.  Let’s see  if  I  can  draw the two together. So, I met this lady online and  a very common  question came up , and that is how long have you been  single.  It is  quite often attached to  what are  you  looking for  here, or as in a  potential partner. The question was asked, and it was followed by  a significant amount of  silence.  When  the silence was  broken,  she began to  tell  me this amazingly beautiful sad story.  I  don’t believe that  anyone can  tell  your story  the way that you  do  personally,  or first hand, but I’m going to  attempt to  do justice to  the  regurgitation. ☺️☺️. Songbird confessed to  me that she wasn’t actually single ,  divorced, or even  legally separated, in fact still  very  much attached.  This is not a first rodeo dynamic,  I have  encountered a  broad range of  scenarios,  where people just  want  to  keep things interesting,  or at least,  make sure that you are on your toes. I’ve encountered people who say that they have a ” hall pass”, just like that is a real  thing.  There have  been others  online who pretend to  be nonattached to find out that they  are  on a fishing  extradition,  to see if you want to be a third , or  if  the spouse could  just  watch, or possibly  join in , if you are comfortable with that.  I  guess this  is where different strokes , for different  folks comes into  play ☺️☺️. And just for the record, it may be more fun than a barrel of  monkeys,  just not my barrel of monkeys. Let’s get  back to  Songbird,  this woman  began  to  tell me  that  her and her husband have  been  living apart for  the  last several years and  that he is in a  nursing facility,  a few hours away from where she resides. He was a veteran and  I believe that  he caught  just the tail end of our  conflict  in  Southeast Asia.  My mind was  racing to her being  a  child  bride , if she is the age that she says that she is  and married to  someone so much  older. She then  tells me  that  they are only a  year a part,  and  that  she got married at seventeen, straight out of high school.  The lady from the previous  post, mentioned about one of her sisters wanting to get married right out of high school,  but that her father insisted on  her doing  a semester of  college.  As soon as that semester was up, they were at the alter saying their  “I Do’s “. Whatever they are putting in the water out in the Midwest,  must be working, because they eclipse the  forty year marker, and  are heading in for the home stretch.  I  jest about them  putting  something in  the water, but I  just think it was a time when people had more scruples and  they took the  whole sex thing within  marriage more seriously,  and  on some level it seems to have a  blessing from God all over it. And if you don’t understand a blessing of God, then think about it this way, explain how Chic Filet does more business in six days than the restaurants that are open seven days a week and even the ones who do it on a 24 hour basis. So, Songbird  continues to fill In some of the missing pieces and she tells me that  her and  her  husband are  closing  in  on  the their Golden anniversary,  and  since so few people reach that anymore, a lot of people  have no idea as to what  that is , the fifty year mark. It’s a big deal and  a pretty  amazing  accomplishment.  I know some of you critics are  thinking  wait, if they  have  been  living apart  for  the  last  few years, then  that doesn’t really  count.  In the beginning I  said that it was a sad and beautiful story,  and not without its twist and  turns.  She confided in me that she had health concerns of her own  and that she was a breast cancer survivor and  that through out her walk through the valley of  the  shadow of  death,  that her husband  was by her side every step of the way.  Her marriage had produced three  children and  while they  were  not at the four corners of  the  earth,  they  had  become  spread out,  one  on the east coast,  one on the west coast, and  one in mom’s  basement ☺️☺️. I’m not sure, I didn’t  ask ,and she didn’t  clarify if that was one of those failure to launch things  or what.  The point  being that  her children,  had forged out for a life of their  own,  and  if you  do a good job, that is exactly what is supposed to  take  place.  She didn’t  go into  detail about what all of her husband’s  health  concerns were,  but  that  they  were more than  she could  handle at home alone by herself.  There was  this surprising  element,  but then  again  perhaps  not so much,  but the kids found  it  difficult to visit their  father in  his reduced  capacity.  I  kind of get it, but  at the same  time  it comes across  as a  little  wack. I  don’t  want to  say  selfish,  because again that  would require me to  put on their  shoes and  I’m  not sure that my flat feet  would  fit.☺️☺️. I  just  think  that family should always be  about  family,  and I  know  that  is not how it  always  works in the real  world . This may be a bit morbid,  but it is the  analogy that popped into my  head  and  maybe it will  make sense and perhaps  not so much! This man their  father and her husband has been in  some reduced  capacity,  possibly  vegetative and  that  is  not  the person  that  the kids remember their  dad to be. He is  not actually on hospice,  and the potential for  him to continue on for sometime to come without  any real  improvement is an all to real possibility.  While  Songbird is  on a dating site,  she is fully  committed to  being  his wingman until  the  very end. Her words were, “he was there for me and  I’m going to  be  there for him”.  I  think,  feel,  and believe that  to be a very  noble, valiant and  most importantly the  correct  choice of  action.  My thought  process  is  that she is in a state of  living  grief.  The majority of  the  time,  when in such a circumstance,  I think it’s  usually a  year or less that we are  waiting for  someone  to  pass. This  is  probably a little more  unusual of a circumstance,  but  the fact remains that  she is  waiting for her  husband  to  pass away.  My morbid analogy for the kids is that on some  level they  have  already  kissed their  father  goodbye and want  to  remember him in his “glory” days , or at least  when  he was more the man  that  they  remember. Now as to whether that was him playing  catch  with  them  or  riding up on his shoulders when  they  were  little,  or running the grill  out on the patio, and  yes there were  probably  times of deployment, when  they  just  missed  their  dad, I’m sure that each one of the children  have some  special memories that they  wish to protect , preserve and  to not remember their  father in a nursing  facility and  only  a shell of the man that they once  looked up to  and I’m sure respected.  As I  said,  I  want to  always  think that family  should  be  about  family,  so why it is  probably  difficult for them  to see their  father in  that state,  sometimes  we have to just  suck it up and do hard things.  There should  probably be some balance there, and no,  I have no  idea as to  what that is  or should be.  At some point in the past he was a giver, in  the form  of  provision,  protection and some standard of  stability for his family.  I  don’t know this man,  never  met him, and I can’t  say that I  don’t  know him    from  Adam,  because  she did share a very  nice  photo of  her  and  her beloved from  a  not to far ago visit . The point  being,  I  think that  it  would mean  something to  him, to have  his kids visit  him, but I  could  be  wrong about that,  like I  am about so many  other things.  I  had a dear, dear friend pass away  some years ago, again the cancer  thing and  it did wreak havoc on her body between  the radiation and  the chemotherapy , she wasn’t the person that I had known for  all of those years that she served as  a surogat mother to  me, and she just  didn’t  want  people  to  see her that way. I  kind of  understand a strange  mix of vanity,  not wanting people to  feel  pity for you, thrown in with a smidgen of pride and  wanting to  preserve some dignity until that final  breath.  They  say that even  people who  are  unconscious and in comas benefit  from  human interaction and  touch,  but again I’m leaving a  wide birth for me to be incorrect about this.  Let’s throw a new piece of the  puzzle into the  picture,  while  she  is  committed to  seeing  this  through to the end , she has been in counseling,  trying to  grab hold of  perspective and  her life.  It’s no question that  they  are  husband and  wife , but not in the traditional sense of it . I  get  that  for some people while  advanced in  age this is  their  life. When I  was  with  Ms. Anonymous, she  would  share some very  beautiful , heart wrenching stories about  couples who had spent  their  whole lives together and since she worked in  memory  care, often one would  not even  recognize the  other,  sad but true.  They were sometimes  very  faithful to come and  visit every week or as  much as possible,  and  sometimes to just  hold their hands.   There is  something that is  just so sweet and  beautiful about that love, and at that stage of life. Again the goal is  unto  death , and they get it, and  many resound themselves to we will  see each other again on the other side.  It’s majestic and  there are  few words that can  describe the  beauty of  such a  relationship like that. This is a sidebar as I often  do,  but we admire and revere such life long relationships,  but we don’t  posses the moral fiber or fortitude to see one through  personally, and  yes sadly I’m count myself in  there as well.  Marriage  can  be hard, and people  who go the distance have been  through some stuff,  but they didn’t  allow it  to break  them  and  they  came out stronger  on the other  side. When I  make the reference to advanced in age, I  usually think of  people in their  mid seventies or better,  and Songbird,  is not close to  being in that category.  She appears to  be a fairly  vibrant  woman  who is very  spiritually appreciative to be on the other side  of  surviving Cancer. I  spoke  of  her living  with  grief,  so that would  also make her a living  widow, and  on some level that  just doesn’t  register or makes sense.  It kind of  reminds me of  some of  God’s promises in the Bible,  it’s a certainty,  but just  not  yet. I got the impression that  she was  on the  dating site as something that  her counselor thought would  be  helpful for her to  think about  her life in a future tense. As harsh as it may sound,  life does go on. I  can not  tell you that  I honestly know  her mindset about  all of this, but I  do believe that  she craves some kind of companionship, and that’s not wrong.  I would imagine that  it is really hard to be stuck in this state of in between,  and  perhaps stuck is the wrong word.  Maybe  it  is  a  predicament.   It kind of reminds  me  of  people who have  actually loss a spouse,  but  refuse to  take the  wedding  band  off,  and  can’t  think of themselves as  anything  but as a couple.  There was a cute sitcom on CBS a few years ago  with a  man  in  a  similar situation . The name of the  show was “The  Unicorn “. He was a  forty something dad, with  two  daughters and  his wife  had died. He was considered to  be a Unicorn,  because  he wasn’t  divorced and  had not been  married  multiple times, which made him an oddity and in high demand.  I  think  often  people think  that is super  desirable because  they  did make it  till  death  do us part,  however as I stated before  we  all have  baggage and  surviving  spouses are no exception to that rule. So they  also have baggage,  its just different from divorcees, or people who have never been drug to the alter. Sometimes they feel  abandoned,  sometimes  angry at God, and  sometimes thoughts  of why could   it have  not been  me instead of  them.   The show about  the  Unicorn, when he put himself back out there , he felt  as  if  he was cheating on  his dead spouse, sounds  strange, but  a pretty  common thought  process among surviving spouses.  I  can  only  imagine  all of the  different road maps that are being  drawn  up in the mind of the  Songbird.  I  earlier had mentioned something about  being  counter cultural.  It may  not seem that way  on the surface,  but her steadfastness to be by his side is  very  traditional,  which is  counter cultural now these days.  In one of  my  earlier  post, I  made reference to  a man , who use to attend the  same  church as I did,  and  his wife came  down with  early onset Alzheimer, and  he moved on. I  gave  him just  a  little  bit of credit  for  putting  her in  a high end care facility,  but deducted a vast amount of points for  not going the distance,  and  I  completely understand that  he could have  been  looking at   a decade plus of being  exactly where Songbird finds herself.  There  have  also  been  people  who  have  divorced ailing  spouses to protect  assets, which is  a shame, and a crime.  There is something to be said for proper  estate planning,  but life is  often  unpredictable,  such as coming down with early  onset Alzheimer in  your mid forties. I want  to give the Songbird kudos and esteem  her for making  the best of a very  difficult and complex situation.  It may be  a rare experience or situation to be living as a widow, while  your spouse is  still  alive and  probably not  a  first,  but I  don’t  believe that  you  will  find a  do it yourself  manual  on how to navigate such a  process. I tip my hat to her ,because as all of us know,  when loosing  a loved one,  foreknowledge  does  not lessen the actual  stress of it ,the grief,  the loss, or the pain of the finality of it all. I have  some  readers out there who are ” purest”, and they like for things to be black and  white,  but so much of life does exist in the gray moments or gray areas of life. So, for those of  you   who  fall into  that matrix and  find fault in her being on a site looking for  a  little companionship and human interaction, while  still  being  married, I  say shame on you and  just  get a grip….on reality.
  • Till Next  Time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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