” It’s Going By”

  • Not The  Only One  !
  • Post # 57                15Dec. 22
  • ” It’s Going  By”
  • Hey  Gang!,  as always thank you for checking in  and I appreciate you being there. I  want to  share a little bit  more  about  my journey.  I  recently had an old friend,  almost  like blood kin, suffer a stroke at the tender age of forty-seven.  If , I said it was a shock, that would be  an under statement for a  fairly  young  mother of three kids, with no previous health issues. When I  received the news it first  drew me to another  friend that I had some years ago.  The connection for me was that on both  cases ,we were a little bit  estranged from  one another.  I don’t  know which  way  to go first,  to the recent or the former.  Ok, let’s do the recent and work our way  back.  The family  member who had the stroke became estrange to  me  after  my  wife and  I  separated and then  divorced.  If you have  walked where I  have  walked  then  you know that  there can  be a division of  friendships as well  as  property in a  divorce.  As I  have  expressed in  previous post, divorce is a horrible experience and  has  a ripple effects  long past what you could ever  imagine.  It’s devastating to the kids, pets , extended family as well as  friends and  probably  other  contacts that I am failing to  mention.  Please  don’t  write me  , telling  me  about  how you escaped  some abusive  situation.  I get that exist from  time to  time,  but that usually  is not present in  the majority of broken homes, where we just  get selfish,  give up and  refuse  to  fight at all cost for something that  was once alive and  very viable.  I’ve said  it before , if you are on the brink, give it everything you have , and not just  for the kids. The children  are  important,  but one day they  will  move on, and  you need to really  like  the person  that  you  have  been  partnered with for  all those  years. I’m not going to  lecture you  guys on commitment or on the sanctity of  vows, when  many people  just  see marriage as a business  contract,  more so than  a  covenant that you enter into  before God. Again final plea, give it  your all, and remember that  love is a  choice.  You choose to or not to love someone.  If  it’s nothing  more than an emotion , then  throw in the towel because you  are  done, because  emotions  change and  you won’t always feel  all of those loving  feelings,  especially in the  hard times and  everybody,  and every  marriage has those  moments  on the rocks, and they are different  for every nuptial.  Ok, sorry ,I  think I got up on my soap box, very  unintended.  Well,  when my wife and I  split, this younger married  couple who  looked up to us,  were severely disappointed in us. I get it now,  but at the time I  think I  just  wanted them  to pick a  side. I  can’t  begin to  tell  you  how  close  we were and how  closely our  families were  intertwined.  Their  position was  that they  weren’t  going to  take sides and  choose to  have  nothing  to do with  either  of  us,  if we weren’t  going  to  reconcile.. I  can  tell  you  that  was a unique  perspectives and  unexpected.  It reminded me  of  little  kids who say they are  going to  hold their  breath  until they  get  what they want. ☺️☺️☺️. Well,  as Paul Harvey  would say, you know the rest of the story and we didn’t  reconcile.  I  love the inner working of  the  mind and how things play out and how our minds  chooses to  process information.  Much  of  it comes  down to  statistics,  much like what the FBI does  when they  profile a perp, and  can be so dead on that it is down  right  scary.  One such statistic is once a married  couple  separates and stop living under the same  roof, the odds go up over fifty  percent that they will  not reconcile with one another.  My wife moved out of the marital home, so we already  had that going  against us. Here is another little  interesting  tidbit for you. Couples  who hang around divorced  people  usually  end up divorced  themselves,  talking about  misery loving  company ☺️☺️.  Sometimes I  think  God just  sits back and  laughs  at us and shakes His head, when  we think that we know  best. Here a  couple of  more fun facts for you  , at no extra charge.  Couples  who  cohabitate before  getting  married,  divorce at a much  higher rate than those who  do not .  And another one that just blows me away is that prearranged  marriages do much better than when  we pick them ourselves.  I  know that may sound   archaic   to us here in the west, but   it is still   a very popular  practice throughout  other parts of the world. Ok, so  this young  married couple drew a line in the sand hoping  that  it would get our attention and  somehow  slap us back to our senses,  and  we’ll, let’s just  say  not so much!. As my ex wife moved out of the area to another state,  they soften their  stance on me, but  I had felt betrayed as if they  should have  been  in  my corner,  so I rebuffed their  attempts at  trying to  mend fences and achieve  some sort of healing to the situation,  but I  did  babysit for them a couple of times, when they had outings that  didn’t  include kids. I  love  my nephews and  my niece,  and  they  just  got  caught up in  some of that rippling that I  was  talking about earlier.  So, now looking back, I think I was holding some  kind of  grudge against them,  when I  don’t  really believe that  they  were being  wrong.  After all  it was myself and my ex that were behaving like two spoiled  brats. When  it comes  to  family and  really  good and true friends,  you just want  them  to  support you.  However if  they  are  worth a grain of salt,  they  tell you what you need  to  hear  and to know,  and not necessarily  what you want them to  tell you. True friends say the hard things to you  , that you  probably  don’t  want  to  hear, but you need to hear and they  say them  anyway and they let the chips fall  where they may.  Ok, I think you should have some kind of grasp of the situation,  so let’s turn the page.  I  said that it had reminded me  of  another  friend from my past.  Yes it was a   woman and someone who I  had an incredible relationship with.  This isn’t a  tell all, but in the sense of  being  honest and open with my audience,  and that is you guys,  if you  can ,I want you  to  have  the benefit of  some of my wisdom, even  if  I acquired the lessons from the  school of hard knocks.☺️☺️ This woman who we shall call  Dickens,  use to be my boss. First  thing I want  to  say, I really  think  work place  romantic relationship are a bad idea, as they say, no sticking your pen in the company  ink☺️☺️☺️. I  was in my twenties and  as the saying goes, young and dumb☺️. This woman was  super smart and she competed in a man’s  domain and  she was a force to be reckon with. She stood every  bit five feet and  three inches,  and she had the world by the tail. She  became a  mentor to me and  I learned an incredible amount from  her, when I  first broke into restaurant management.  She was very direct,  highly  intelligent and  she didn’t  mix words. She was a Midwest lady, and sometimes operated as if she had a chip on her shoulder.  When  you see short men,  they sometimes  refer  to it as the Napoleon complex or syndrome,  always  trying  to  measure up as if they had something to  prove.  Well, nothing could  be  further from the  truth   with  her, and she was just  fearless.  This woman  exuded  confidence and  it was backed up  by  a very  confident untamable spirit. I  still  remember  my  very  first  interaction with her on day  one of me reporting to  her unit. When we sat down,  she asked me  if  I  knew what  my job was, and I    enthusiastically said yes I  did. After a few short telling of what I  believed my job was , she interjected that would  be  incorrect, or should I  say not so  much!.  She immediately informed me  that  my job was to  get her promoted and  the job of my people were to get me promoted. This was the first of many  insights that  I  gained from  this  small woman from  the Midwest.  When it came  to  being on salary,  she had the expectation that the  restaurant should  run the same whether she was there or not, and  the smoother and tighter things ran, there was the expectation of  not having to be there more than you had to. I  know that is a far cry off from where we are now days, with  so much babysitting taking place in  the  work environment ☺️☺️. Well  it wasn’t  long  before  we  were both  got promoted and  moving on to bigger and better things,  but shortly after we first started working together ,we became involved in a personal relationship.  I really  don’t  know  how to describe it , but for almost the next decade we were involved in  an on again, off again relationship.  It was not like we were  fighting and breaking up,  but after  our initial time together,  life took us in different directions.  So, whenever one or the other  popped in to town,  we would  pick up  where we left off at, didn’t  miss a beat and it didn’t  matter  who or what the other one had going on,  they  became the priority and everything else could  wait. This  continued on right up until I  met the mother of my children, and  it was a really  difficult and challenging transition for us both.  So, when  I  interrupted the  flow of our time together,  we became estrange to one another.  Honestly she didn’t get it,  and  it was  a tough pill for me as well,  but my daughter  changed everything for  me and  I  just wasn’t willing to  risk that. In our hay day we use to ride  motorcycles  together, had sex in a lot of crazy places,  and no, I’m  not saying  where☺️☺️and  a lot of  other  crazy stuff that fed my  adrenaline needs to  push life to the  limits.  I  can’t  even begin to  tell you what a dare devil she was . She loved  sky diving,  I had enough of  that  in my brief  stint in the Army. She was  also a  scuba diver as well.  We both  eventually got out of the restaurant business,  and at some  point  she was traveling the world  putting  up  cell towers,  when the whole  cell phone thing was  just  heating up. She wore a  great many  hats in her day, all proudly and  fearlessly.  She  didn’t take well or adjust to me settling down.  In true Dickens fashion,  she did her best to try and convince me that  I  was making a  mistake. Well,  we took separate paths in life and  it  was weird because we  use to be able to  talk about anything and  everything,  and then  it was only  silence between us and  a whole  bunch of  miles.  She did come to  town a couple of  times and stopped by the  house,  but mostly  awkward,  and  my wife  was fully  aware of  who and what we use to be to one another.  I sometimes felt  as if she only  checked in  to see if I had changed  my mind or a change of  heart. I don’t  have a  name  for  what we were to one another,  but I  know that  we loved each other and  there was always a  connection there regardless of  how  strained it had become.  Some years went  by and  neither of  us  had  reached out to the other,  on my behalf I knew that it was always going to  be  a  bad idea,  because  this woman had such a gravitational pull,  and  her   only kryptonite was my two kids by this time now. One day on a Wednesday I was fiddling around the  house and  my phone rang and  it was  Dickens  daughter on the phone and  she  told me that her mother had passed away and that the  funeral was on  Saturday.  Talking  about  shock and awe!. I  couldn’t believe it,  nor did I want to  except it.  She had  moved back to the  Midwest to be closer to  her mom by this stage of life.  I  was trying to  scramble and get a flight, but nothing doing,  so  I  rented a  car and my wife and  I  drove to  Illinois.  I  was in denial until I  walked in and saw her laying  there in that box. All the way there, I was just  thinking  this  could not be for real.  It’s no way that she is gone, there were things that we needed to  hash out, things to put to rest. We had unresolved murkyness and  we needed to  clear that up,  hug each other and  forgive  each other…and now that’s gone and  can  never be. I felt  a heavy  sadness in  my  heart for all that we had, and  all that would  never  be. I  always  saw us as an incredible force to  be reckon with when  we were together and  that  there was nothing that we couldn’t  overcome together.  I  just  always assumed that  we would  find  the words and the time to heal  our broken  relationship.  As they say tomorrow is not promised to  any of us,  and  as I said  before,  we are  all unfinished  symphonies and  we never  know  when the music will stop playing.  Well,  here’s the  kicker,  from all of the crazy stuff we did  together and  her on a personal level, she dies from a  complication from  a  surgery,  actually  died from  an infection,  post surgery,  just  unbelievable.  If her parachute didn’t open,  or a scuba accident or even  a   mangled motorcycle crash, all of those would have been  somehow more acceptable.  She lived  life in the full tilt position and  burned that  candle at both ends her entire  life and  then  she was  gone. Let’s get back to the recent  instead of  me re -mourning a long ago lost love and  friendship. When  I  got the call  about  the  stroke, I  knew then and there that we needed  to  fix our broken  relationship,  before  there was someone else that   left the planet that I was not on good terms with. I  went to  visit my extended family.  We got caught up and began  the  healing  process. I’m not  sure why we have to  have  tragedy or almost something  fatal to  bring  us back to the table of  fellowship. I’m not  proud of myself,  actually  just  the complete opposite of that.  As God’s  kids, we should  be  the very  first  ones to have a firm grip on forgiveness and  should  be  running to extend it to others.  If you  have  read all the way through this  and the only  take away for you is to not get  involved in  a romantic  work place  relationship,  then  you  missed totally the point. The take away should  be  that life is short and  has no guarantees of your next breath. I  want to  say something  casual,  like  bury the hatched,  but some of  you may run with that in a literal way and take that to mean  bury it in someone’s skull ☺️☺️, no, but be practical and  mend those fences while there is still  time. If  it requires you to  be the bigger person,  then  just own it. This may be a kicker or perhaps a  novice idea,  sometimes  people  are  unaware of the  harm they may have  inflicted on you,  harm they occurred,  or how they  somehow  offended you,  and you are  allowing them to  live in  your  head rent free. So do yourself a  favor and  just  forgive the  offense. And remember that  life is going  by!
  • Till Next  Time ✌️ peace !
  • Sandy The Southerner
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