Grace !…..

  • Not The Only One !
  • Post# 49
  • GRACE!
  • I  hope that things are going  well  for you guys out there, amongst  the continuing and on going  pandemic,  accompanied by escalating  inflation. In spite of all of that, I  still  continue  to say welcome and thank you  so much  for checking in  or dropping by, which ever you prefer ☺️. This  post was inspired by a dear, dear friend,  whom, I  encountered  one day, let’s just say, off of their  meds. We have  from time to time touched  on  mental  health issues and  we get and acknowledge  how serious  it can be for some, at specific times.  This post  may seem a little  bit  crossways,  when  I  know  what  is coming  next week.  Grace should  most definitely be  synonymous with  patience,  and I  think that we  far to often judge others while they are having a  bad day, or at their  worst moments. We very rarely take a moment or two, to step into someone’s else’s shoes,  and attempt to  empathize with  them.  I think we are far to critical of other  people,  when we see them at their worst, and  this may not be the best  representation of who they are or hope to be. Truth be told,  we very  rarely  know what someone else is walking through at any particular time or moment.  They  may have  just received the  worst  news ever about  a loved one  passing away unexpectedly,  or it could  be the  complete opposite of  that  with  the news of a new grandchild that was just  born,  with  all of its toes and fingers ☺️☺️. Every day at any given time and moment,  we are all subject to the highs and lows of life.  These mountain top and valley experiences are  not usually a  common Every day type of  event,  but for most of us  we find ourselves in the in between  moments of  life.  I  mean  , let’s  face it, who could stand that much   exhilaration in  their lives twenty-four, – seven,  and  the other is true as well.  If you find  someone constantly  living in the  valleys of  life, they  would probably be  characterized as severely depressed and  may be  possibly  thinking about  ending  it all. There are very few places in life where Grace is not needed.  I  believe that we sometimes  put people up on pedestals , based on some  accolades or achievements in life that very   few people get to ever experience.  So, whether  its something  in the the sporting  arena, such as being  a seven time Superbowl  champ, or  some great  academic  achievement,  such as a Nobel prize, or someone with  a brilliant idea  for some new innovation, such as a rechargeable light bulb, and yes such a thing exist, we have a  tendency to  idolize these individuals . However, when  they slip  or fall  from  grace, based  on some poor choices that they  made, we swing to the other end of the spectrum to  ridicule  or demonize  them.  We forget that  they  are human,  just  like  everyone else,  and their most guilty  sin may have just  being  in the public  spotlight,  so all can  draw an opinion about  their  misfortune,  and downward  turn of events.  Lance Armstrong  comes to mind, and  I  will  follow  with  where is or was the grace?. There  seems to  be an epidemic of  crazy driving out on the roads all across America.  I  try to  remind myself that I was once young and  did some terribly stupid things out on the roads and highways. However,  this isn’t just about young or seasoned, or even a male – female thing, it’s just seems  as if everyone is in  a  rush to  meet their maker,   or at least  reserve themselves a room at the local hospital.☺️☺️ Look around and  you understand why road rage is a thing. Sometimes you need so much Grace out on the highways,  you wonder if there will  be any  left over for when you get home and  discover that the  dog went on the carpet again.  It may  look something like after forty-five minutes in  traffic  to get home, you wonder why your husband didn’t  do something for dinner for the kids, in stead of waiting on you to get home to handle it. What is it with  someone doing or attempting to do  something stupid in traffic? ,  then they  flip you the bird, like it was  your fault that  they weren’t successful with their   daredevil  stunt that  almost landed them in a three car pile up. My favorite is  flipping you the bird as they  speed away,  probably not something that they would have the guts to do if we were sitting in  gridlock traffic and we could make  eye contact ☺️☺️.  So there is traffic and the sometimes not very helpful spouse. Did we forget about how much grace is needed with the kids? Here we have a  wide birth of grace needed depending on the age group.  Yeah, they are really  cute when they are  little,  but as they  start growing up….not so much! Do you remember how excited you were for them to take  their first steps or to speak that first  mama or dada.  Then it came  around to   them following  you all around the house,  with the constant  borage of questions about are we there yet? , when in the car. When  is dad getting home?  And they  get older,  the challenges  on grace become more  demanding as they  see you as an ATM machine,  asking  the  same  questions  over and over again,  hoping to  wear you  down after  you have  already  told them  no a dozen  times.  And  then  there is always the  lack of truthfulness,  or shall  we  say the omission of  certain  facts ☺️☺️. I  believe, when it comes to teenagers,  it’s trust them,  but verify at the same time☺️☺️. Family in general can be  a  challenge,  we all, have  those weird relatives that  we wish to keep  at arm distance,  but the holidays roll around and  you know  that  you  are going  to  encounter that aunt or uncle who  always wants to  make politics the center stage theme, after all,  who needs  this baby Jesus stuff? ☺️ Has there ever been a  better  reason to  avoid certain  members of  the  family, then  the constant  borage of when  are you going to  meet a nice person and  settle down.  Oh!, and if you  have  found the someone,  the constant pressure about  making  them  grandparents and  what a joy kids can be. In your head you are just thinking,  why on earth did we come here, and why can’t they just mind their own business? How about coworkers ?,  they can  potentially suck up all of the grace that you could  ever muster  up. Some are confined to  offices, and  others  to cubicles, and  regardless of the  setting,  some just  don’t  grasp the concept  of  personal space, you know the ones I’m talking about.  If they  aren’t  infringing  on some food item that you have  in the fridge,  they  are constantly  stopping by your  office  with  some cute story about their kids, or sharing something that  clearly  belongs in the  TMI category,  and you can’t  some how  believe that they  aren’t  picking up  on how uncomfortable they are making you at this  very  moment☺️☺️. Talking about grace being drained out at an  extreme level.  I think one of my favorites  is  the parents at the kids soccer  match,  or whatever  sport they are engaged in.  There always seems to be a  parent or two that  just always knows all of the calls that the referees missed, and some how, they  are  just  somehow  louder than the PA system,   aka , no megaphone required ☺️☺️. If  they aren’t on the referees, then it’s about how stupid the coach is,  yes ,the coaches biggest  mistake was having  their  kid on his team☺️☺️. Here’s another one for you that can deplete  grace at an alarming rate. Do you  have those fair weather friends that you  only  hear from, when  they  have a need  in their  life, or some problem ? It doesn’t have to be financial in nature,  but could be.   They will  ask you for  relationship advice,  that you know that they aren’t  going  to  accept or follow.  They may have  a demon child that  has chased away  the last two dozen  or  so babysitters and  now they think  you should  give it a go.☺️. They may be the type that just  wants to vent,  but you aren’t  allowed to  interject . Maybe it  is that neighbor who wants  to  borrow  something  for  their  lawn,  however,  they have not returned  the last three things  that  they  borrow from  you, and you don’t  want  to  bring  it up, because  clearly  they have taken  a label  maker out, put their  names on it and are either  waiting for  you  to ask to borrow it back,  or you just  break  down  and  buy a  new one of whatever it is they borrowed.  Here’s  another  great one speaking  of neighbors,  how about the one who just  can’t  seem  to  keep  their  dog from  doing  their  business  in your yard. Now, I’m not sure if I’m talking  about  extending  grace,  or perhaps we should be talking  boundaries. Well  one thing  is  for  sure,  the Hatfields and   the  McCoy’s,  never had  issues  like this☺️☺️. I make light of  some of the situations, and yet there is always  more.  There is a whole other category of  individuals that I like to refer to  as” EGRs”.  These are individuals that  no matter what the  time, place, or the setting, Extra Grace is Required to deal with them,  or in an exchange with them.  I  mean to be perfectly honest,  if you had some way to  avoid them and the interaction,  that would always be the premo choice.  They  seem to be  the type that is  just perpetually in a bad mood, a grumpy  old man comes to mind, but doesn’t specifically have to be that. They  don’t  enjoy life or people, or much of anything  else, and they do their best to  make sure that you  share in their  misery and  discontent. Some people find life or make life harder than it has to be,  and their outlook on things is some what similar to  someone just  letting all of the  air out of a balloon.  When you met them or before said encounter you were full, and post encounter nothing could be  further from the truth, just exhausting . It’s almost as if they can’t  even think of  one single  positive thing in life  to be thankful for or be seen as something  to be grateful for.  They  seem to  be annoyed by  people just  drawing breath and  by the time it’s all over with ,you just  wish that they  would  stop engaging in the process  themselves. ☺️☺️My slant or perspective here, is that these individuals are  selfish in  nature and make everything about  themselves.  They  view people  and situations ,all through  the  prism of how do I  make this work  best for me, and  for it to come out with  ” Me” , somehow  on top, or statistically  ahead.  Often  as you  are  listening to  them speaking, while throwing  others under the  bus, you wonder if they are even  listening to the  words coming out of their  mouths . Its almost  as  if  they  have some  kind of disconnect  , while  continuing on with  their  God complex,  or at least  how their wants and needs are more  important  than  everybody else’s    Again,  a little  extreme and  some what tongue and cheek, but if you haven’t  encountered difficult people,  you must be  living in a  bubble, or under a rock.   These examples may not appear as  moments of  grace on the surface,  be it traffic,  kids, funky relatives, neighbors, or co-workers,  but we all find ourselves at times  having  to holding it together by a thread. Grace sometimes is  like forgiveness,  it seems to  go  to those who least or  don’t deserve it, but somehow need it most.  It shows up in all kinds of shapes and forms.  It could be  paying for  someone’s purchase in  front of  you at the grocery store who left  their  wallet at home, while  dealing with  rambunctious kids. It may  be sitting with  a dear, dear friend after  the loss of a spouse,  when  there are just  no words, or at least  no correct words that’s going to  soothe a hurting  heart. Here is one that we often  just  take for granted, and maybe  feel  a little  entitled about, and that  is in the area of customer service.  I’m  pretty sure that  these people often  feel  like punching bags for the public at large. We often forget that  they  usually aren’t  paid well and  more importantly are  trying to  help  us to resolve whatever the issue is. I  know that at that particular moment we are not happy  for whatever reason,  and they are the face of the company,  and we need to rain down  all  of our frustration and  dissatisfaction  on this one particular person.  Its the equivalent of  holding  the  server  responsible for the  food  being  bad ,they are responsible for the  service,  but they   are rarely  doubling as the chef. I  know that  many of  you work in health care and  often with the  elderly and often to sometimes, with  memory issues and  grace isn’t  just  needed,  but can also  be  challenging.  Grace is  often  just  jumping in  to help  without  regards for yourself and  your  own  well being , and not really sure how it will  turn out.  I could probably go on here,  and perhaps ripple across the strings of your hearts, depending on  your  sensitivity level . I’m not going to  do  that, but in parting I  want to encourage us all,  including myself,  to be just  maybe a  tad bit more patient with  others,  and maybe step  back ,take a deep  breath and  try to  get a view of the big picture, because Often things aren’t  what they seem   to be on the surface.  I  know that in our fast  pace society of everything should have been  done  yesterday,  it can  be  rough to consider others before  ourselves,  especially when it is someone we don’t know, or have  very  limited  information about their  particular situation.  In a trying  circumstance or a specific moment in time that could  range from  a  few seconds to  something  substantially longer, grace would be  treating  others the way that we wished, or hoped ,someone else had treated you   or would  deal with us.  One more before I  go and let you  return to   your regularly  scheduled  programming ☺️☺️☺️. In life ,the things that  pop up as urgent are rarely important in  the grand scheme of things.  At the same time, the things that may seem  least or less urgent and traumatizing are the  more important in life.  Call your  parents and tell them that you love them,  if you are still  blessed to have them.  Hug your  children and  let  them  know how proud you are of them, if for nothing  else, then  for just  making it  this far in life. I  can  promise you that  whichever side you  find  your self on here ,  there will  be  no regrets and  that  there are countless others who  would  be happy  to  exchange places with you because the opportunity no longer exist for them.
  • Till next time ✌️peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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