” Gratuitous Sex”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #43
  • Gratuitous Sex
  • Greetings, and once again,  I  say  welcome! I know that I’m going to get hate for this post, and that’s fine. I’m here to get readers, and hopefully have an intellectual exchange of ideas, some people call them followers,  so be it. I’m just going to  put out the PG warning,  because I’m not sure where this post is going….sort of .  I hope that you guys will  read this in its entirety before  expressing  “Hatoraide ” and firing off angry emails and  comments.  I’ve been on the record on a few occasion as to me not being  politically correct and  some of that I’m sure will  be  on display.  Ok, strap in and settle back.  I  remember back in the late seventies and early  eighties when  cable and HBO, first popped up on  the scene and  shortly  followed  by  Cinemax and others.  Prior to  that, as hard as it may be  for some of you to believe,  TV use to sign off at night.  They would play the National anthem and  it would  slow  just fade to fuzz until they signed back on in the morning, definitely kinder and gentler days gone by.  In its early days cable was considered a luxury item, because you could  pick up broadcast signals  with a  good old pair of rabbit ears, and maybe with a  little  aluminum foil ☺️☺️. Oh, and there was no Fox, just the big three, ABC, NBC, & CBS. . I  think  early  cable bills were around twenty bucks a month and  look how far we have  come, you almost have to  decide  between do you  want to eat or be entertained☺️☺️. We will  double back to  the exorbitant cable  bills in a bit, just hang tough!. Ok,  since cable was outside of the  consumption of  public  broadcasting, they could  get around some of the decency laws. Ok   here we go with the “Gratuitous Sex”. So there was and still is  something known as  T&A, I won’t make you have to go look that one up, it was for tits and  ass. I was in my late teens or early  twenties then,  so when the before mentioned  showed  up, you just enjoyed it and if you had no life, you would  be looking through that cable  programming guide, to plan for a second look☺️☺️. It wasn’t  long before we got the playboy channel and  all sorts of freakish things under the banner of cable TV”. They very  rarely showed any male full frontal  nudity,  because  most men back in the day,  didn’t want to  see  that  or be made to feel  ashamed if they weren’t  packing as much. ☺️☺️.  It’s no secret that men are visual creatures,  and  for the most  part out earned their  female counterparts,  so they were playing to the  demographics and  the ones who controlled the  purse strings, not always,  but for the most part.  If you are unfamiliar with  what gratuitous sex is, look it up,, but for the most part it  just  a sexual  scene  thrown in  , when it didn’t  need to be and for the most part adds nothing to  very little to the film.  I  think sometimes Hollywood thinks that nudity is equivalent to   a work of art, and it’s not so much!! I’m older, but not dead and decrepit,  but after  a while  you realize that they are just a  pair  of boobs, and  if you’ve seen a few pair,  you realize for the most part they  are just  boobs, they are  like  people,  they come in different  sizes and  shapes and  various colors,  but at the end of day, still  just  boobies ,and  if you have a pair that  you  are fond of or significantly attached to,  that’s great for you. Ok, so let’s get to the crust of it. I  don’t know if  your life is  somewhat framed by movies and music, but  mine is, and has been. I have a  greater  love for music than  movies,  because very  few of them  age well, and it can be  all so subjective.  A quick example of this is  most movies from the early eighties,  I was thinking about “War Games” and ” No way Out”, both really good movies at the time, one with  Mathew Broderick and the  other  with a  very  hot and young  Kevin Costner, yes I said he was hot,  because he was and many  think still,  but I’m secure in who I am and  comfortable in my own skin, and sometimes you just have to give credit, where credit is  due,  those  Navy dress whites☺️☺️. Ok, one more quick one before  moving on. All things  considered I felt as if the “10 commandments “, with  Charleston Heston held up well ,even  though it was made in the late 50s. The main distinction may be it didn’t have  technology in it  that you could  clearly see had aged, and  is probably  in the Smithsonian by now☺️☺️. Ok,  so here we go , before I  take a left turn on you. There was a movie, I believe also  from the  eighties,  called “A League of There Own”. The cast was headed up by Tom Hanks,  Madonna, Gena Davis and Rosie O’Donnell.  The  movie was  based on a  real life event that  took place during  WWII, or as some of the old timers would  like to say the “Great War “!!. It was a  pretty good  film and  if it was lacking anything,  it was made up by the performances . Ok, a little weird sidebar about myself,  so  why I pay for cable,  I  very rarely watch TV and for the most part only watch, while I’m riding my stationary bike, and I  usually select something from  Amazon  prime to watch,  I  probably should  reevaluate that cable bill situation ☺️☺️☺️.  Anyhow,  when I  heard, or more correctly saw the previews that Amazon had  made a league of their own into  a series, I thought to myself , great I want to  check it out and see how they had updated it . Ok, so before I  become  Debbie Downer, I  want to give them props on how they  handle race, back in  the  1940s, I thought that they did a good job and  very  realistic in their approach to  racism and  segregation, whereas I believed that the original film just completely ignored the racial tension for the most part. Ok, so remember the  name of this post, in the first two episodes,  smack dab out of no where, bam the gay  stuff.  Why, do they feel they have to cram this down our throats to try and get us to think that it is normal  behavior.  We can’t  get away  from it,  it’s  every where, and by all accounts it’s only  5 to 6 percent of our population,  but based on the vast saturation of the media,  you would  think  that it’s at least  50 percent,  but a far cry from  it. This is classic  “tale wag the dog”. Some of  you  may  be unaware of  this,  but a very  few people control just  about  all of the news media in this country,  at least what we would  consider  main stream media,  yes shocking, but true . If you  are  really wanting to  know what is going on in this  country,  go to the BBC, the British  press, or even  a lot of the Arab news sources do a great job. The same is true in Hollywood,  it’s a very  small  and by all means affluent group of individuals who choose what you get  to see and hear on the big screen as well as the small  ones. I’m  not a bigot , nor am I homophobic. I  have nothing  against  gay individuals  and I  have gay family members, I work  with them, and I’m sure that there are some in our church  congregation as well.  Its like they  have  an agenda and  it just  has to be represented every where. We know that  two  men can’t  reproduce,  neither can  two women,  so it’s like a recruitment tool to get the next generation of  confused  individuals.  I  don’t  say that with  disrespect or in a flipped way. I  have seen  it first hand.  The lady that I date a ways back had a teenage daughter who was  confused by all of the different messages,  she received from  school,  media and  various exterior sources.  When  she tried to date another  teen  lesbian,  the  girl  told her that she was straight and  not to bother with  trying  to enter  the  exclusive  club. All along she was attracted to  boys, but thought  maybe I will  give this a try. We live in this society  where  anything  goes and we dare not challenge anyone on  what they  believe and why that is. It’s a  scary thing  not to have a  compass. This is a very  powerful  lobbyist group ,and like  many  such bully groups are use to getting their way. There primary and weapon of choice is  litigation.  They  have  all of the main  corporations on board,  the government  entities,  and if by chance you are a small  business  owner who refuses to  make a cake for one of their  weddings, they will  just  sue you out of existence.   Most  corporations  just   Capitulate, because  they  just  don’t have the  patience for getting  tied up in courts for  years, with  the possibility of  some crazy jury awarding all of their  profits away,  it’s just not worth  all  of the  hassle.  They  are  not alone  here, much is true of this with race, age, sex,  religion,  to the point  where  much of it is shear lunacy . I really don’t want to step off on to these other platforms but  let’s stick to the topic at hand. However,  lets just say that I can’t help myself☺️☺️☺️.  At my last job, I would  see the corporate environment bringing  unqualified candidates in ,just to cover their  asses, because  as far as the EEOC, was concerned  you were guilty until  proven  otherwise.  So to cover  themselves they had to have  so many  women,  so  many minorities, and  so many  disabled  to just  to not to appear to be  doing anything  under the  table  or unfair . This too is really  shameful,  because jobs wouldn’t  always go to the best qualified candidates,  because they have to protect themselves against  litigation, and all the while  doing  it at the expense of  their  business  and customer base.  There was a time when we needed  unions and  affirmative action, but that time has  passed.  If you don’t see that or recognize it,  then you are signing on for reverse  discrimination   . I  don’t understand why we have to  celebrate someone’s sexual preference or gender choices.  It’s not front page news, every time someone  decides that they are straight, because if we did ,it would  be  a non stop celebration that would  so over  shadow the  LGBT community,  that  they  would  be non existent and  still  only a very  small  segment of the population ,which they are . Personally,  I  really  don’t  care what their  sexual  preference are and what they  do behind closed doors,  after all,  I’m  not standing on the corner with a  megaphone in  my  hand broadcasting what I  do behind  closed doors  and demanding that people  celebrate that ,and that I should  some how deserve a  trophy for my personal  choices in my life.  My perspective is  this is the classic want  my cake and eat it too.  We go out of our way preaching  diversity and  inclusion  and at the same time  doing  every Stinkin  stupid thing that we can  to separate ourselves.  We just  can’t  wrap our minds around all of this special  recognition  for this group or that group,  puts up walls and causes  isolation for  people  who aren’t  a part of that particular group of people,  be it based on sex, race, religion,  age, or whatever.  We have  to many set apart groups and  it goes right  down to all of these hyphenated Americans,  be it Italian- American, African-Americans,  Polish- Americans, and there just  seems to  be  no end to the list, if you are an American, then be an American. People will  tell you  quickly that they  don’t  like labels, no I don’t want to  be a Baptist,  for one example, then  they  rush right out to be a part of some identifiable people group.  So, what they are really saying is,  I don’t want to be labeled unless it’s one  of my own  choosing. ☺️☺️☺️, just perfect!!. Since I’m out here on a limb all by my lonesome,  just hang with me  for a second,  before someone  cuts me down. ☺️☺️ And yes, I’m going to  make some  more of you really mad. We just  recently got  a  new Federal Holiday,  hope that doesn’t come to any great  surprise to  some of you. So, once again  we single out a certain portion of  the population and set them  up as special and  deserving of a national  holiday,  but what about  the rest of the population,  are they   not  deserving in our all inclusion society?  Yes ,they  get paid for the holiday and  time off, but they  are  not the fundamental reason for the holiday,  which  leads to more division, and  yes its a holiday celebrating  basically skin color, when they  tell us that we should  be overlooking that. How far we are from  Dr. King’s  vision of us  being  recognized by the  content of our  character. Yes, character  still  matters,  but it seems to be less and less in supply, especially in our culture of people  not being able to own  there own junk.  Personal responsibility is rare as big foot sighting ☺️☺️☺️.  Pretty soon there will  be no unused time on our  calendars, because  we insist on all these special  recognitions for  special groups of people.  So we have  black  history  month,  gay pride month,  Hispanic  recognition,  and if you aren’t  a part of one of these very  special  groups,  you should  definitely  be thinking about  forming a  group and  getting your bid in to be recognized in our all inclusion  society….absolutely  lunacy!!  I would much rather see them make Super Bowl  Monday a federal holiday,  because  whether you are  a sports fan or not, it covers all of these special interests groups,  without  shunning those that are not a part of it. Ok, I’m a bit long as usual, and I know that I  have been  around the moon and back, but   let’s see if we can  get  back on  topic and  bring  this train into the  station.  Ok,, A League  of  There  Own ,I  don’t  know if  it was good or not because I  just  couldn’t  stomach the  over kill of gay pride  in over drive. It would be  one thing if they were actually  taking pages from  someone’s  true life ,like in the movie” Rocket Man”, which was based on Elton John’s life, but no they are  just  taking  liberties,  indecent ones  at that ,to try and  make us think that it is pervasive throughout all of life everywhere,  when  it’s not.  I  don’t  blame  some  of  these up in coming  young actors, they  are trying to  make a  name for themselves and  get established in  what is a very  difficult business.  We saw many of them  giving  push back about having to  be vaccinated to do projects during the  pandemic and  just said,  no thank you, but we don’t  see the same moral  fortitude  when  it comes to  taking these roles , in the continuous of pushing this agenda forward.  I  will  note that these are people who are trying to  be up and coming,  the ones who are well established have  more options about the  kinds of roles that they  except. Ok, I have  nothing against  gays, be it male, female,  or some other crazy new designation,  I’m  just  tiered of it being  constantly  in my face. If I  worked in an office,  and there were known swingers at work and they  gathered around the  water  cooler  talking about their  exploits from  the  weekend,  I don’t  want to  hear about that  either , again what you do in your private life is your business and  we don’t  need  to celebrate that. We have  been  very sensitized to sexual harassment in  the  work place, but somehow have  been  completely in denial  about of this gay agenda  stuff  making work environments  hostile places  for those who are not. Ok, believe it or not, I don’t  have  personal  enemies and  would  like to  keep  it that way, but I’m really  serious about  us needing  to  think  through all of this division and divisiveness in our culture,  when we are setting up  walls instead  of tearing  them  down and coming together.  We are all on the same planet,  breathing the same air and enjoying the same sunshine.  As Dr. King also said, you can’t  over come hatred with more  hate, only  love can  conquer that. Ok, I told you that I  would  double back to  those ever climbing cable  bills.  They  tell us  that  the  bills go up  because  the producers of the content  are demanding  more for content , but if the content is  what was represented in  a  league of  their own,  I just  want to respectfully say no thank you,  because  it  is not worth  it to me, can’t  speak  for  others,  but I’m sure I’m not alone here.  One final quick note before  signing  off, if you have  kids and worry  about their  exposure to  everything  is OK, and the indoctrination of a culture gone sideways, there are other  options out there,  such  as  pure flicks and  other  independent  none mainstream film  makers, such as the Kendrick Brothers out of Georgia,  who have been  incredibly  successful making  movies without all of the gratuitous fillers. Again,  nothing  against gay  individuals  , just not sure why I need to  celebrate you and your choices.
  • Till next time ✌️ peace.
  • Sandy The Southerner
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