• Post # 40
  •   Hey, lets just jump in. Have you ever had a defiant child? The answer to that question for me is absolutely,  and I have been  one as well. Its incredible to be around  believers , who desperately want  to hear from  God and to know His will and plan for their lives. I’ve probably  been  far more defiant with  God than  my earthly  parents,  because they have  been  known to  smack the taste out of your mouth, ☺️ while  God has a tendency to  be seen as  more  patient , gentle, and subtle,  because we don’t for the most part interact with Him in or on  the physical realm.  God is spirit and  truth, and we have to both approach and access Him in that way. Am I  saying that there are no physical  manifestations of God?….absolutely not!. How else  would we explain miracles?  People  go through  great lengths to  hear and know God.  Some religions people go on quest, or pilgrimages, while  some  subject their  bodies  to horrible  practices such as putting  hooks into  their  skin  to prove their  devotion and worthiness . It, all in all comes across as  a bit much trying to  please  , appease  or being note worthy to  a Supreme Being. So what about the  rest of  us less adventurous ones? . We may fast, or start a prayer chain,  which  usually turn into a rumor mill,  or a gossip  hot line. ☺️☺️Some  scientists estimate  that we open our phones over 35 to 60 times a  day,  when  there is no activity,  meaning,  no calls, text,  emails,  or anything else, we just  fidget. It’s been  brought  to my attention that  it is really  hard to  hear from God, or  His voice  in the midst of  busyness,  and that represents different things to different people.  It can  be working to much,  interaction with  your kids, and  our all to loveable hobbies and  exterior interest,  whatever they may be, aka fidgeting. We don’t for the most part  like the silence in solitary moments. It’s as we have  been  programmed that we  have  to be doing something,  which is  actually ironic, because we are all for the  most part designed to seek  peace.  It’s illusive and  present at the same time,  yet  we prefer to  open our devices to check what’s new on social media,  over the quietness of the moment. It is so, so, so pervasive in our culture,  everyone is  just all the time in such a rush. We see it  as we drive on the roads.  We see it at restaurants while  waiting to be seated.  We see it at the drop off for the kids at school in the mornings.  We see it at our work places,  we just have to  cram one more person on  the elevator,  because we don’t have a  minute to  wait for the next one. It is a lie straight from the  bellows of hell, that we just have to be doing something, be it working hard or playing hard, and we except it as truth.   We want to  be  seen in a  good light and  give way to much consideration to what other people think about us. There is this thing known as  missing the  moments right  before our eyes,  we all have those and are guilty of  that, but in our short sightedness we  miss that we missed the moment. We often give ourselves to  different things and people and activities,  and  then ask  ourselves was the juice worth the squeeze ?☺️. I’m going to  double back to  the juice and the squeeze in a  bit. This post is  called “AUDIBLE “, as in wanting or wishing to  hear the actual voice of  God. I  am  aware of ,and reminded that God actually spoke to  people in the old testament.  There was  no doubt about what He  said or  what His will  was because He spoke it with words, just like we communicate with our children.  There were the “giants ” of the faith such as Abraham,  Jacob,  Moses , Noah and others. Even  Adam use to walk and talk with God in cool of the garden before  being  evicted.  God has always gone to great  lengths to  get our attention,  He even once spoke through a  donkey to get someone’s  attention.  However,  other than God, there is nothing that is good all the time.  So after being freed from 400 years of  captivity in  Egypt,  we read that they  reached Mt. Sini, and  when  God spoke it was terrifying.  I  always wondered about that,  and  saw it as another awareness of  His holiness and our sinfulness.  They begged God not to  speak to  them,  but only to  Moses,  and then Moses would tell them what He said. This may be one of the first  illustrations in history of a middleman and God has been seeking to eliminate that process  every since. His desire is for us to know Him in a personal and intimate manner. If that is God’s desire,  why is it so difficult and again  illusive? Again I think it comes back to us at the foot of Mt. Sini.  God has done everything on His part to make that happen,  through the  sacrifice of His Son, yet in our heart of hearts, we are still saying,  don’t speak to us  directly.  The response is  the same,  but something has changed.  It’s not that we find the voice of  God terrifying,  because  let’s be honest,  very few of us have or know what it is to have a  reverent fear of  God. We don’t want to hear from God,  because we want to be the captain of our own ships,  we want to  sit on the thrown of our kingdoms,  masters  of our domains,  and any other way that you want to  put it, and  God is relegated to the backup plan when things go airy. We want to  do it ” My Way”. Sadly for most of us and myself included we don’t seek His wisdom first,  because again if we are honest,  we  want to do , what we want to do, and frankly God could get in the way of that.  My next question for you, have you  ever met one of those rare examples of  people who do seek  Him out on the front end?. There are those people who just  wreak of God and His presence.  This is a horrible example,  but its like when you are around a cigarette smoker,  you know what I’m  saying,  it’s in your clothes,  your hair, if they were in your car, it’s there as well,  it’s pervasive and  permeating at the same time.  My friend Kevin,  his wife Cheryl is like that, she has that Heavenly focus in front of  her at all times and she lives out the great commission,  even  in her sleep.☺️☺️ She just gets it, I think that I  do as well with others,  but we drift from time to time,  sometimes on course, and other times not so much!, and headed for the rocks to be shipwrecked .It’s not being wishy washy, but it’s  a lack of a full time focus and commitment.  We get up everyday and  have the choice to  say is this going to  be  a  God day, or a me day, and  sadly the selfish me day sometimes  rules the day and we lack the  urgency with  which God intends for us to have. Ok, back to  hearing from God. There are people,  which I  am one, who believes that God answers all prayers. It may not be when,  where , or how we would like for Him to  answer,  but He hears our genuine pleads for His help. I  know you are thinking,  is this true, ? and how can it be?. This may be an over simplification,  but it is a yes, no, or wait,  meaning, not just yet. Of course I could do countless post and give examples of where people have  prayed and waited years, or even  perhaps a lifetime,  waiting on an answer for pray. And I  will  fully go on record and say yes it sucks waiting on God’s timing,  but there are so many things that we are just unaware of.  And in the waiting, God is working all things out for our good and  His glory,  even  when  we can’t  see it or believe  it. Sometimes in the waiting,  that is where the real work takes place. God made a promise to  Abraham that  he  would be  a  father of a great  nation.  He  never saw it on this side of  eternity,  but God kept His Word. As I’ve gotten older,  I’m much more aware and sensitive to  God speaking  and leading  me.  Its not that I’m super spiritual,  I just think as you get  older, you get  tiered of banging your head up against the  same wall over and over again and you think to yourself, that there has to be an easier way.  I  know that it freaks certain people out, when you  talk about  hearing from  God, and it makes  them  uncomfortable and think,  well, how come  I’m not hearing from God.? They are like how do you know? . It’s kind of like the God answers all prayer thing I believe that  He is always speaking,  but its a question of are we  listening ?. Will  we turn down the  noise of all of the  distractions around us,  so that we can hear his voice.  I  believe that  it was the prophet Isaiah,  and since I’m so sure about that, it was probably Jeremiah who was running for his life, and was wanting to  hear from God, as he was hiding out in a cave. So, there was an earthquake,  and God wasn’t in the earthquake.  Then there was  a  mighty  rushing wind, but God wasn’t in  the rushing mighty wind. Lastly there was a still  gentle  breeze,  and  God spoke in the still  gentle breeze. I  mean think about it,  how many of you like it when you have to raise your voice to get your kids attention,?. God still speaks today!, are you  listening?  The primary way that God speaks to us, is through His written words the Bible.  However,  He is God and He doesn’t limit Himself to that only.  He  still  speaks through dreams and  visions, as He has done in times past.  He will  use people and situations and circumstances to speak to  us as well.  Have you  ever  had  someone or thing that continually comes across your path, when you are seeking wisdom about  something,  possibly God is trying to  speak into your situation.  One of the  primary things to know is that  unlike us, God isn’t fickle or whimsical.  That being said, He will  never  tell you  something that  goes against His Word or  what He has already said.  So an example of this may look something like  , you  feel as  if God is telling you to get a divorce from  your spouse because you don’t  feel the love anymore, well God has already gone on record as hating divorce,  so that would not  be the voice of  God speaking to you.  And yes, I  do realize that there is an exception to  that, but it applies to  so few people and their situation,  that it might as well  not be there. There is  this thing about a ” season”, it’s kind of like having  a person, place, or thing in your life,  perhaps it’s an event, but only for a season,  it’s something that  comes into your life with an expiration date on it, and you have no idea what it is . This can  be extremely hard, because we gravitate towards the  things we  can see, touch and feel,  the physical.  I  think that  God uses these things,  sometimes to prepare us for other things down  the  road. My mind went to  this event, where this little nine year old girl  got hit by a car ,while riding her bike. The father became extremely angry with God.  How dare He to allow this to happen!. It’s not quite the  chicken or the egg thing, but there is a  parallel to be sought out here. While  this  little girls death, had major  grief implications for  her father and  yes they  should have and completely understandable,  it was one of those season things. Her father could only see that he wouldn’t  get to see graduations,  taking her off to  college and  walking her down the aisle. He missed that  he got to see her take her first steps, and watched her learning how to climb a tree, or master the spelling bee at school.  There are  people who  struggle to  have  kids and  might be willing to  trade places with him,  and even  if  it  was just for a moment or two. I  know that may be  or seem like an extreme example of something for a  season,  but we all know that often life gives us lemons, when  we were really hoping for something more.  So , my lips are puckered from tasting that lemon and now I’m asking myself was it worth the squeeze? Yes, it’s about Ms. Annomuis.  I  feel as if  God had said and spoke certain things to me  about that relationship. If you  have been with  me any time,  you know  that I have  been  in a season  a kin to waiting.  I  can’t  tell  you with 100 percent accuracy that God is done  with all that He is going to  do there. I  have  to confessed that this has been a  huge challenge to my faith and  on more than just one level.  I  will  get a little more in detail down the  road,  so please stay tuned.  Nonetheless to answer the question as to whether it was worth the  squeeze or not, I will have  to  say absolutely,  because I  took so much away from the  relationship and  learned things about  myself  and  a whole  bunch about  her as well. The other day I  was  talking to a friend of  mine out in Kansas,  and she had shared about an online dating romance,  that had gotten sideways.  She felt as  if  she had  been taken advantage of  and mislead , because of  the  person’s lack of sincerity and  false things that they had  spoken.  She had  no idea what I was and had been  walking through,  so we weren’t  exchanging pity  stories.  The circumstances had  similarities and I’ve had trusted friends tell  me that you  can’t get to know people in the way our relationship played out, but I  can’t  begin to  tell  you  how  much time we spent  together  on the phone every day,  not almost every day,  but every day,   mornings and evenings, video chats and a  bazillion text messages.  We were so the hand and  glove thing. I  guess it comes down to  whether or not I  actually heard God speak about it and  do I  have the faith to believe for something that I  can’t  see and for the  most part appears to be lifeless.  And for the record,  that is why it is called faith.  I  made note that God is not whimsical and there is precedence for getting it wrong.  The apostle Paul  made references to taking  the  gospel into  Spain and  the Holy spirit  prevented that from  happening.  I  use to  attend a  mega-church, and  they brought a piece of property with the intent on expanding  into a new  facility,  but  it  never happened,  they  ended up  selling that piece of  property for  a  hefty sum  which allowed the church to  pay off debt,  but at the time, it really  looked as if God was leading them  in  that  direction. So, the bottom line here is that time will  tell.  So, until I  hear the “AUDIBLE ” voice of God , or something that will suffice for that, I wait on God and not always so patiently.
  • Until next time ✌️ peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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