” The Ladies “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #37
  • ” The Ladies”
  • Hey gang, I  want to thank you guys , I got some real positive responses from the  last post, and yes there was a little  descension ,  can’t  make everybody happy all the time, and just incase you  missed it, that is not what I am here for:):):). This post is a little bit of a follow up from the last one, and I’m  going to  see if I can  keep myself out of  to much trouble.  This is like one of those true crime dramas, where the names have been changed to protect the  innocent.  Well, that’s not going to  happen and  there are truly no  innocent parties.  I  will  be using initials and pet names in my references to the ladies.  First of all, when  I  met my wife back in 1990,I  thought that  was the person that I  was going to  grow old with until my death. Some how that didn’t turn out to  be the end of the story. My ex pastor use to say that opposites attract and then they attack . I  never really thought of my ex wife and I  as opposites, however we did balance one another out,  and for the most part,  I  thought we got along pretty good,  but we had some heavy  family  influences impact our marriage,  and  the  funny part is , she doesn’t even  speak to  those people in her family , that she thought so highly of,  and felt that she had to defend,  and most importantly elevate them over the core thing…our marriage and  relationship.  Another quick piece of advice or a reminder,  remember,  you don’t just  marry that person,  but the entire family,  so make sure you take a good look at  the parents and  siblings,  so you fully  understand what you are getting yourself into.:):):).  Ok, well enough said about that.  My ex wife was Lady W. ,and I  use to refer to  her  as  Suebell. This was derived from her middle name and  the process of  converting a Midwestern into a southern Bell. Some of these nicknames take me back a ways. Ok, so I  said that I  thought that we would end up being buried beside one another,  but life doesn’t always work out the way you  plan.  Since the two of us parted ways back in 09 to 2010, I  have had four romantic relationships,  so the math says one every  three years, but I  didn’t spend equal amounts of  time  with  them  all, and  the irony of  it is the one that I  ended up spending the most time with,  is actually the  one that I  should  have spent the least amount of time with or not at all, and as I  just  said,  life doesn’t always work out the way that you think it will,  or wish that it had. ☺️. I’m going to give a little  brief synopsis on  each one, and  maybe you will be able to draw an opinion as to why I’m  still by my lonesome. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️. Ok, first up  after the wife and I  split was Lady T. aka ” Butterball. This is the  one that I  probably have the most regret over because,  this relationship was all on me and my major dysfunctionality.  Again a blonde,  but this time the eyes were brown, and yes, if you are thinking that  I have a type,  then you would be  correct,  but its not about the blonde hair, its about  their  strength,  remember…. I like  strong women,  with a  swagger about them . This was the most hardest working woman that I  have ever  met in my life, and I  have known a few. She was a mid-level manager for  a fortune 500 company and  extremely good at what she did. If you  get a dictionary out and looked up the word(s) “Rockstar ” then you would see a picture of  this  woman,  not Mick Jagger, not Sting, not Bruce Springsteen, not Bon Jovi,  but Lady T. I  take complete  responsibility for  this one, because I  didn’t  realize what a dumpster fire I was after  an almost twenty year marriage.  This woman was  amazing, far from  perfect,  but a heart so big and tender,  that on some level,  she would have  given Mother Teresa a run for her money. I  mentioned earlier about sometimes that you  may pay for the sins and transgressions of a previous relationship and  that is exactly what happened here.  She on no level deserved what she got from  me. She was in so many ways all the things that my ex wife was not and extremely generous.  In addition to  everything else, she had a great family.  She had two daughters,  both  beautiful just like she was, and the oldest a chip off the old block,  so a Rockstar like her mother.  The younger ones was a little bit more complicated.  She struck me as one of those kids, who just really needed her dad in her life,  and  since she  didn’t have that, she was always looking for  male approval.  I will confess that I  was horrible,  I  was untrusting,  because all of the stuff I had been through with the Ex. This woman gave me all of the information that I  needed to  love her madly and  I  completely mishandled it.  Going in she had told me that she was ” Tender Hearted “, which meant to handle with  care, which I  horrifically did not do. One of the things that I just couldn’t reconcile was  how she could be  such a fearless tiger at work,  but none of that transferred to her home life. On some level I was expecting a  sparing partner,  but she refused to  even  put the gloves on.  Like so many other women, she had past hurts in her life, and some sexual abuse, which she had suppressed for years. I was supposed to  be  a good guy, but instead,  I  only added to  her pain and anguish,  for which I  will never be able to say I’m sorry enough.  .  I might be  sharing just a  little to much here, we spent three years together and I’m  sure  for her, it probably felt like a lot longer. She was  pretty close to  perfect for  me, she knew how to take care of her guy, the pampering and spoiling done really well.  I just wish that we had met at another time,  when my head was in a much better place.  They talk about  being emotionally available,  and that’s a thing,  and I  was the complete opposite of that.  Final note, if your wondering about the  nickname, “Butterball”, and you guessed that it referred to her butt, then  give yourself a gold star ☺️. Ok, moving on, next up was Lady H. aka ” The Ditto Queen “. Another blonde with blue eyes,  short in stature, but don’t underestimate her because of  her  size. This woman was a pistol. She was from Long Island,  had come down here for college and  never  left. She  was very  direct and she would definitely let you  know what was on her mind.  The odd part was,  when it came to being emotionally vulnerable and  expressing what she was feeling romantically,   she became the strong silent type and would let me share, and  then would echo “Ditto “, thus the nickname. She had reached out to me on a dating app, and initially I was  like,  nope!! My initial pause was  three fold, one she had three big strapping sons,  and I  know how boys can sometimes be protective of  their  mothers. The  secondly  she was Catholic,  which I  had misgivings with  from when  I  was younger,  with another  lady, who didn’t  make the cut:):):). And lastly her birthday was within a  week of  mine,  more bad news from  my youth.  I  don’t really believe in  the  whole astrology thing,  but there are certain  undeniable shared traits from people born around the same time of the year, and you can’t  deny that  point.  I  know me and how demanding I can  be in certain areas of the relationship and I  wasn’t prepared to  have that returned to me.  When I  was  in college,  I  dated a  lady from the same astrological sign, and we almost killed each other,  so I  spent the  rest of my adulthood avoiding that. :):):) . In some ways we were like teenagers, having a difficult time keeping our hands off of one another. Anyway back to  the “Ditto Queen”, she had been married to a  non-functioning alcoholic,  whom eventually drank himself to  death,  so he wasn’t in the picture for her son’s to compare me with.  However this was another form of abuse,  because for many years she had been living the life of a single parent,  and been responsible for  everything.  It’s  one thing to have to do that,  but its something completely different,  when you  have a partner,  but offers  no support in any shape form or fashion,  it can  make you a little  resentful.  She did  a phenomenal job raising her  young men. I  got to be her plus one for her oldest wedding,  and I  was honored to  be  there for her. So, what happened here? Well,  Lady H. , wanted it  to be her time to be taken care of,  she was  tiered of always having to be the responsible one,  everything  squarely on her shoulders, and I  got that!. She wanted someone  to man up , and I  didn’t have a  problem with that, but her lack of being taken care of and lack of attention,  had made her a little  impatient.  I don’t believe I ever had her full trust. She was just worn out from always having to  carry the load by herself.  I  ask her for a little patience,  so that I wouldn’t  be repeating  history and jumping into something to soon. I  think she wanted to  give me the time,  but there was third party interference.  She lived in  a  condo and had a  long time  girlfriend who lived a couple door down,  who was feeding her a  time table,  again which was  fine,  but I  wasn’t  dating her  girlfriend and  in fact she was already married to a  great guy. This dude gave me the  most amazing recipe for a  bean dip, ok, that should have been a sidebar ☺️. The point here is you have to  put your big girl pants on and make your own  choices and decisions.  This is a  creepy factor,  but she had her condo decorated exactly as  her girlfriend’s., and when I  say the same  , I  mean the same.  Anyway  her impatience , accompanied with  her  girlfriend’s fingers in where they shouldn’t have been  drove us apart. Basically  she ended up issuing an ultimatum,  which I  didn’t bite on. She has reached out several times over the years, trying to  mend fences,  but  this isn’t the  one I  would go back for,  mostly out of fear, we had some real good times together,  but from beginning to  end,  we just tipped over the two year mark , another gorgeous woman in a small package. Ok, up next we have Lady M…aka “Hodgee”. This is my big brain  fart. Sometimes you think to yourself,  let’s try something different,  and  that may like me,  leave you thinking,  what the hell was I  thinking? OK, this is the  one that I  spent the most time with,  and it probably should have never  been.  Most of the women I have dated could have been the “ONE “, except this one. It became very clear to me in a relatively short amount  of time,  that different doesn’t  mean  better,  it just  means different!. This one is super smart,  or supposedly!  Had a graduate degree and  spoke  Chinese,  that’s  not an everyday  people skill , unless of course you live in China.  This is also a testament as to how some of  the most intelligent  and educated people are  the wackiest and  you wonder if all of that additional learning made them mad. I’m  not  going  to  spend a lot  of  time  here, other than to say an extreme amount of mental and  psychological baggage.  She had a minor child,  which  really  made me feel  old, because raising  teenagers this day and age looks a lot different,, from when  my kids were  there.  Social media has  so changed the world  forever and  not all for the better. I  think the  most fun part  for me was , that you never had to guess as to what she was thinking,  because if it popped into her head, she was compelled to  say  it and verbalize  it regardless as  to how  crazy it may be or sound, very  little to  no  filter. If you go back to earlier post, you can  pick this one out  of the crowd pretty quickly. I  know some of you are wondering if it was so bad?, then why so long?. It got complicated  with her kid, we ended up living together as roommates.  She lost her job twice, while we were together and I had a knee replacement that went horribly wrong,  so basically life happened, as I  said you can pick this one out from earlier post . Oh, and the nickname stood for hodge podge, because she was just all over the place,  into everyone’s business,  regardless of the relationship or not. Usually very opinionated,  and for the most part , significantly off base. She felt as  if  she  had to always be the smartest one in the room.  She was always to busy to get to know people or situations,  because she  always busy telling you what she knew and again Usually incorrect.  If you  remember the old TV sitcom ” Bewitched “, and you  remember the  nosey neighbor,  Mrs. Kravtis, then you get the picture.  I  talked about everybody having baggage,  and this one came  with a steamer trunk…look it up !☺️ . She was the byproduct of  a rape, not anything she was responsible for there, but she had and older sister, and her adopted parents use to tell  her that her sister was the pretty one and that she was the smart one,  and she has devoted her  life to trying to  live that out. I’m not a victim here, and I’m  not seeking sympathy as I  said,  it’s a journey and you need to learn something and take a lesson away with you. None of us get to skate through life without hurts, pains, and sorrows,  but in my heart of hearts, I  feel the most for her kid whom may have this same imprint on her life,  from having it modeled for her. I  know that it may sound as if I’m  being  heavy handed and  perhaps a little unkind,  but I  can promise you that  I’m  just skimming the surface  here. The lesson here is don’t  doubt  yourself,  if you have a type, stay to your true north, because  ” different ” is  often just” different ” , and not better. Ok, so up next we have Lady S, aka, Chuckles, aka, Ms. Annomuis,  aka,  The  Chameleon.  This one is not done yet, at least not  for  me,  and  it’s not that I’m  hanging on,  but God has said somethings to me about this one, some of it difficult for me to swallow and  yes, some of  it of my own  making.  Again if you have read earlier post, then you are extremely  familiar with  Ms. Annomuis. The chuckles, part is exactly what it sounds like,  she had the cutest little chuckle and I joked about making it a  ring tone, but in hindsight, may have just been another painful reminder. The Chameleon part has been a  little bit of a hindsight thing.  When people exhibit vastly different personalities, it makes you question which is the real one, and then you wonder if they even know.  Probably the  worst part is it makes you  reexamine everything that they have shared with you about themselves and severely question the time that you spent with them. Another  eye opener,  is it has you questioning yourself about your judgment about  who you allow in your inner circle,  and that is a big one for me, because I  think of myself as  a  good judge  of character,  its another  form of  feeling  dooped.  I  don’t know this to be the case or not,  but I know that there truly are people who don’t know who they are because they have so many different personas that they  present and they are  different for each and every setting that they find themselves in.  So, they want to  be seen as  a hardworking, and they  may be, but there is an under current of dissatisfaction of always trying to  measure up and  be who they  think they are supposed to be opposed to  who they  really are.  This goes beyond wearing the  hat of being a  mother,  an aunt, a lifelong friend,  and anything else you can name,  it’s like old school  social media.  They only let people see  what they want them to  see, because being vulnerable is  scary and I get that !. For this to not have had its final chapter written,  I  have  probably said to much,  but she has definitely  given me much to rethink with contradictory words, behaviors ,and actions.  It’s kind of like getting  fresh water and  salty water from the  same  spring,  it just doesn’t add up. At the end of the day,  I know that it comes down to two things,  fear, and control.  And I’ve said numerous times, control is an illusion,  sure, you can get hair dye and make the gray another color,  but you can’t keep it from being gray,  it is what it is. A bit long again, and just a little further insight into my journey.  I  know we will  revisit Chuckles,  I can’t tell you what the outcome will  be, but it  is  in God’s hands and as I  have said,  He has said certain things to me about the situation,  and  like everything else in life ,He gets the final say, whether you realize it or not.
  • Ok, until next time  ✌️
  • Sandy The Southerner
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