” Number #4

  • Not The Only  One  !
  • Post  # 34
  • Number # 4
  • Hey gang , I  just got a little One for you on the heels of  the Supreme Court’s  reversal  of a monumental decision,  that stood for almost fifty years. I  was going to  weigh in on it, but  I  already  get plenty of  rage from  some of you,  so I  thought that I  might  side step it for now, but  I’m sure that it will be  revisited somewhere in the future.  So, sometimes I  give you guys a little  glimpse into my  background and some of the whacky things that have  influenced me in my life, and has shaped the person that I am today.  So, today you get a little  peek behind the  curtain,  sort of :):). I  am the oldest of what use to be six kids, I know some of you  are thinking oh wow!, but back in the day, large families were the norm. This was before  birth control was a must have,  and prior to planned Parenthood being on every corner.  So we are all guys, with the  exception of  my baby sister,  who was the last in the line, but wanted to  be first  to  check out the  accommodations in heaven.  So we are all college educated and a couple of them have advanced degrees,  and one a standout with  four separate degrees,  I  guess he had trouble trying to  figure out what he wanted to  be when  he grew up:):). The break down  is as follows,  two of  us are in transportation,  and two are in education,  and  one has just retired from  30 plus years in law enforcement.   We are very average,  and for the most part epitomize the middle class folk, all across  this great nation of ours.  Our mother is now in her mid eighties,  if I’m being  nice about it.  I’m not thinking that  my mother is slipping  mentally,  but years ago , she took  an early out from  being a  civil servant,  so she has been  retired for some time,  but she still has  a  bounty of words and not always someone to share them  with,  so sometimes we will  get  the same  conversation from  her more than  once.  Ok, so maybe just a smidgen pinch of slipach as in not remembering who she told what to  whom. This is  also  slightly exasperated by the fact  that  four out of the five of us have names or nicknames that start with the  letter “D”. So a few years ago, my mom decided to  start referring to us by numbers. So, me being  the oldest,  I’m number  #1, and so on it goes,  straight down to number # 5.   And me being number #1 , does not make me a first officer on a star ship, known as ” Enterprise “☺️We are all an odd,  strange sort of guys, with  varied  interests and hobbies.  We all have  different takes politically,  not what you may  expect , being  raised in the same household. I’m  probably the most conservative out of the bunch when it  comes to politics and  we have one or two, who run all the way over to the NPR ,perspective and  drink the Kool-aid,  pretty  seriously.  There was a little bit of a spread between my folks and my  dad who is no longer around either, ,was pretty old school,  almost to the point of  barefoot and pregnant,   which  might help explain why there is so many of  us.:):).  Truth be told, they  were hoping for a  little girl,  which they finally got.  However,  my mom  had a different  spin on things and  she wanted to  make sure that we weren’t a burden to  the next generation of  women.  And with that,  she domesticated us as much as possible.  Now, your thinking,  what was meant by  that? . It meant that we all can  fend for ourselves.  We all know how  to cook ,  we can sew, clean house,  iron clothes and  in my mother’s  words , we only  need a  woman,  for one thing. :):). And that is debatable,  unless your hand gets tierd, yep said it.:):). Let’s, get back on  track,  ok, so numbers #3 & #5, have both  been married to the same woman for over thirty years,  and yes that can be a feat now days, to the best of my knowledge,  both are great  husbands and fathers.  Numbers # 1 and #2, have  both been married more than once,  and  for  one of them, that is not general knowledge among the family.  Ok, so this brings us to number #4. So, number, #4 has never, walked the isle and  made vows to a woman.  However he is the only one, who has ever had  baby momma drama, and had it in Spades. I  will  go on record and  say that I’m not a fan  of  kids being  born  out of wedlock,  because I  it puts them at a disadvantage ,and I believe that  kids do far better in  a two parent dynamics and  in a committed relationship,  it ,just  makes things a little  tidy , and the children are  more secure,  and usually  thrive better under a traditional environment.  I  know  that things happen and  this  is not always possible,  or ideal,  if there is  some kind of abuse or other  non positive factors present.  In the current environment,  there are all kinds of parenting scenarios out there . I  get  that  women wanting to  be  a mom, and just never found the right partner for  that,  and they choice to  go it alone. I  further recognized that  there are a ton of deadbeat sperm donors,  who can’t  be a fathers because they are  to busy being  selfish and or immature.  I  don’t  want  you  to think  that  I  am a complete  neanderthal ,  so I  don’t  believe  that  you should  get married just  because  someone  is pregnant.  And I’m  not even  going  to  weigh  in  on  sex outside  of marriage,  because  that would  make me a complete  hypocrite.  There is much more that can be said here, and probably could  dedicate several post to the topic,  but that is  not  what we are here for.  We are here to talk  about  number # 4. He has always been  kind of  a happy go lucky type. I  guess that is another way  of  saying live and let live. However he has had baby momma drama, almost  from day one of his son being  born. I  can barely  wrap  my  mind around,  court dates, visitations,  and custody hearings.  Seem every time you turn around there is a new wrinkle,  as to her  just having the  ability  to  up and move on a dime. I  have only  met her once or twice,  she didn’t  look like a gypsy,  but she does  a great  impression of  giving them  a  bad name. ☺️. This  has been going on  for  almost two decades, now that his son is seventeen and getting ready to  graduate from  high school.  This has been one of those deals where  the lawyers love dumb people,  because I  have to say that is what they  have  both demonstrated.  I really can’t say that either of  them  have had their  son’s  best interest at stake. He is my brother,  but he doesn’t  get a pass. I  get that there is something known as recreational sex, and again,  not a fan so much.  I have a dear friend down in beautiful Charleston,  S. C., and I  remember back a few years  ago  when  her oldest  daughter turned up pregnant.  I  probably shouldn’t admit that I had fun in my head with this, as she asked  her daughter,  what were her plans with the father and were they  going to  become a  family or not. Her daughter was, very  blunt with  her mom about the  guy not being dad or marriage material.  So , of course her mother wanted  to  know what they were  doing together,  if she felt that way about him. My friend truly  struggled with her 26 year old  daughter telling  her  that  he was just a booty call.  Yes, mom, I’ve  got needs.:):). Let’s just  face it, it’s not one of those  conversations that  you   really  want to  have with your kid. We all get that they are probably  doing  something,  but at the same time , this is the perfect place to institute Bill  Clinton’s,  ” don’t ask, don’t tell” policy . Ok, detour over,  back to  number # 4. He has had so much drama with this woman for so long,  that I think if it were me I  could probably muster the strength to be celibate,  or at least get a vasectomy. This process has been way more painful than any root canal, or surgical procedure  that you could imagine. If I  had  to find a way to  characterize it  , it would  probably be  something closer to being a POW, yes that’s it, a prisoner of war. I  know that I  haven’t given a lot of details here, but I  some how I am a little embarrassed that my own  flesh and blood could be a part of, some of the  ridiculous things that have taken place,  such as  the child support money,  going some place other than to support the  child.  It’s kind of obvious,  it’s right there in the name of it ” child  support “. I will admit that  there have been  times when  my brother wants to vent about it , that I’m  playing one of my favorite soundtracks in  my head,  while all along thinking,  here we go again.  It’s almost as  he would  rather complain about it, than  do what’s necessary to  fix it. I mean the kid is seventeen now,   so  maybe a little light at the end of the tunnel….not so much! Ok, put your seat belts on and return your serving trays to the upright position. So a couple of  months ago,  my brother goes by and decides to  take my mother out to lunch.  That’s a win- win, because she likes getting out and having  someone pay attention to  her,  or cater to  her,  plus it gives her  a  chance to  use up some of  those extra words of hers☺️. So, while at lunch,  my brother begins to  question my mother about how  many  grandsons she has. So she tells him and  begins to  think to herself,  am I  loosing it , or do  I need to take my shoes off , so I  can’t  count with my toes, wait a minute,  it’s not that  many of them.☺️. Ok, where is all this going? This is number  #4  sideways attempt at telling her she is going to  be  a  grandmother  again. What????, no way!!   Yes way!. See as human beings,  God  gave us the gift and ability to  learn,  which apparently #4  , has lost the ability to  do.  Don’t  get me wrong,  have I made  mistakes and  then  repeated them, absolutely,  but I  try and stay away  from the super  colossal ones that cause me  great pain and discomfort,  and again,  not saying that I’m  always successful with  that either,  but at some point  you just got to say No! , or if you prefer, OH! Hell No!! And for you smart asses  out there thinking that I’ve  been  married  more than once, well  they weren’t  mistakes,  but  great opportunities for  learning , and yes I  did learn  things,  but not things that would require eighteen  years  or better,  not to mention  how much it cost to raise kids now days. So , the one who is getting ready to  graduate high school,  was  done when my brother was forty, so you do the math on that one. He will be way past  social security and may not even be around by the time this one graduates high school. Ok, so no one in the family  has  met this woman,  or knows anything about her,  other than she is having my brother’s baby, and I  can’t believe that I just said that. Number #4 , is close  with #5 wife, my sister in law, so after his huge reveal ,,she begins to pump him for  information.  She gets a few details such as  the baby’s due date,  which is  the end of June 2022. He tells her that she had two  other children,  early twenties and  a teenager,  which doesn’t tell us much,  she could have  been  a  teen  mom herself,  so having a  twenty years  old wouldn’t necessarily make her to old to be having a  kid. And he met her in a round about way through work,  and remember,  he’s a  teacher and  coach at a public school.  All this put aside,  I’m thinking….really,  you want to  start this  process all over again,  after the last time out. ?We mostly judge people through our perspective,  so for me, I’m  like really  being a  dad to a newborn at this stage and age in life…just  shoot me in the head  I’m not  signing up for that,  grandparent, great!, but not dad,  no way, no how.  I  know that  people do this everyday,  but they are  usually people who can afford  nannies and  what not, and that is definitely not my brother.  He has been  genuinely excited about it,  and it has put a new spring in his step. We ran  into  each other  , one day and  he asked me if I  heard he was going to  be a dad again?  I  said, yes I had, and he said  that I hadn’t  said anything, and I’m thinking,  what is there to say,  except  really!!, and you haven’t  figured this out yet!! Well  he has been  shopping and preparing for  the  new arrival.  I  can’t   remember him being  this happy since the last time  he found out that he was going to  be a dad, but somehow,  it’s almost as  if he hasn’t  connected the dots, or is that just me? Again  she hasn’t  gotten an intro to the family and none of  us  could  pick  her  out of a lineup with  other  pregnant  moms to be.  I don’t  know  what  all of the mystery could  be,  or is it that  I  just don’t  care. I  don’t want to be callous  here, but I’m  like  dude, what the hell  are you thinking? No mention of  him loving this  woman,  or anything formal as towards commitment,  so it sounds  like  another casual thing and he has seduced her with  his culinary skills.  That’s just  great another  baby  momma  deal, and we all know  how  well  the last  one turned out.  He has been really happy,  and I  should  find the energy to  rejoice with him, but in the back of my head,  I’m  thinking that this is a kid that you won’t be  able to  get on the floor  and  play with,  and if you do, who  is going to  be  there to help you  back up:):). And again,  his chest is out, and extremely  proud  and excited,  which  is  what you ideally want  in a father to be. I’m  going to  put the spoiler alert out and tell you that this post is going to  end with an unexpected twist,  just  like a great  book or movie,  which  probably  came from  a  book in the first place.  And no, I’m  not  saying that this compares to  a  great  anything.  Alright the due date comes and goes,  and there are no updates,  or cigars being  past out, and my overly excited  brother  has become  as quiet as a church mouse. So we are thinking that the baby  is just  late,  after  all due dates are just an educated guess. So after a week,  the family begins to  get a little  cynical ,  because  that is who we are.  The running  joke was that the kid was Asian,  and obviously  not his:):). The truth was  something  far worse,  the baby was stillborn and  he and the mother had been  mourning their loss. It’s always  hard to loose a kid, even  if it’s one that you haven’t  met yet. I felt  truly  sorry for  him and  at the same  time, I  felt  a sense of  relief  for him  that I  don’t  think  he would  ever share or feel that way about it. She has been  a  mystery and  if things  hold to form, its really  hard for couples  to stay together  after the  loss of a child.  I  really  don’t  have words to add to this  one, so , if you have  kids, regardless of  their age, remember what a blessing they are.
  • Until  next time  , Peace
  • Sandy The Southerner
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