POST # 29
I Don’t Have The Solution
Hey gang ,,and one again welcome! Let’s jump right in . In the past two weeks, we have had two horrific shooting in our Nation, and we can’t make ourselves feel better about it by saying at least this time it wasn’t a school with little kids involved. I will go on the record and tell you that I am a gun owner, not an NRA member, but a firm supporter of the 2nd amendment .. I really don’t want to get caught up in all of the manusha of the arguments on both sides of this issue. I will say that I don’t believe that guns are the problem, however they are a symptom of a much larger problem. Let’s just say that we did get rid of all the guns, then what? Do you believe that it would stop there, I think not. Mankind is bent towards wicky behavior . When I was a kid, guns In schools was not a problem and now it is and I get that. We aren’t known for stepping down, our go to move is to ratchet things up to the next level. So some of you think it’s ludicrous for me to state that next thing you know they will be bringing bombs to school, you think not! Just take the guns away and see what happens next. You guys doubt that, but how to make and build bombs is right on the internet with how to commit suicide and other heinous things that most don’t have the stomach for or even want to consider. Does anyone remember the name Timothy McVey? Yeah I know many of you had forgotten about that or maybe it was just slightly before your time. So what would be next, to outlaw rental trucks and chemicals. Well some of you just think that is crazy, but how many of you ever thought that we have so many designations for gender, or that we would be debating about the right of a man to enter the ladies room. We put all of these things in place to protect children and then we just throw it out of the window with all of our forward thinking and political correctness. The one thing that we have been consistent about since the very beginning of time , is to come up with new and better ways to destroy life and our fellow man. I spoke before about how we have become so desensitized to these types of events. The Dirt on those poor children’s Graves in Texas hasn’t even had a chance to get hard yet , and here we are off to the next tragedy. It’s just the way we are made up, we are bent towards evil. Let me see a show of hands of you parents out there who had to teach your children how to be selfish and mean spirited. You didn’t did you? It just came to them all on their own. However you probably spent a tremendous amount of time teaching them how to share and play nice with others. I spent a little time in the infantry, and I was trained in many ways to take life ,after all that was the job of warfare, but we only spent a fraction amount of time on how to save life, as in first aide, and wound dressing and things along that line. And I will admit it, blowing stuff up is way more exciting than first aide, but at the end of the day, which is more important?. I may be slightly off topic here, so back to gun violence, it’s a thing. People are fed up on all sides of this, even us gun owners for taking a black eye here. As I said on the outset, I don’t have a solution here. Our culture and this world of ours is broken way past the point of just taking away the guns. Maybe I didn’t sell it , but the guns aren’t the problem, I can promise you that, if someone is hell bent on doing something evil and destructive, where there is a will, there is a way. I was serious about my comment about bombs being the next thing up, when we get rid of the guns. We are systematically sick as a people and what we need is a spiritual revival in this nation and around the globe, I’m not going to go there other than to ask you when was the last time that you did a random act of kindness? No, I’m not talking about showing your personal assistant kindness on administration day, and who comes up with all of these designation for these different days? , however I am a fan of national coffee day and ice cream day as well, but I digress. I mean real random, to someone that you don’t know and not expecting anything in return, maybe not even a thank you because they don’t know who paid it forward or where the blessing came from. My teacher friend up in Ohio, said when she sees a kid hitting another kid with a stick, she breaks up the fight but she also takes the stick away. I get that simple analogy, and on the surface, it seems as if taking the guns away is the solution, but it would just be putting a band aide on something that requires a major surgery. Guns saves lives almost every day, not just policemen and our military, but ordinary citizens as well. We only hear about the bad stuff because that is what sells that commercial time. I don’t know about you but I’m really fed up with all of the media playing both sides of the issue, if it’s a tragedy treat it as such and stop politicizing and just showing us one event after the other for personal gain. Do you think that those families enjoy reliving tragic events over and over in their lives. Do we need to be reminded of Columbine ,Sandyhook, VA. Tech shooting and on and on it goes, and every other shooting that has taken place in our Nation, I think not. I would much rather prefer that you show me about these campaign promises that were never enacted on by these panhandling politicians. We have a mass of gun laws on the books that aren’t being enforced, so why add more. We need to seriously ask ourselves what is going on and why is our once melting pot has become a smoldering whitches brew of boiling over evil. Why is the suicide rate so high amongst our teens and at record levels for our military as well, and I know that caught some of you of guard, or took you by surprise ,but yes we have a real moral problem in our military today. If we are going to live like we are in the wild, wild west, then perhaps the solution is actually more guns, not less. People who perpetrate these sorts of crimes are no different than bullies, and they are predators and should be looked upon that way, and treated as such. A bully will not stop, until you stand up and smack them square in the mouth. So, let’s have more guns, let’s arm the teachers and the receptionist at the office, how about the ER nurse who is checking People in at the hospital, any place where these cowards, may look at them as a soft target. That’s right , I said soft target, we need to play offense, instead of all ways being on the defensive posture. They will think twice, if they never know who is armed and ready to offer resistance. We need to stop being sheep, just waiting for the slaughter, because someone who is mentally ill, or someone is angry over a romantic break up, has a gun, and wants others to share in their misery. Guns are not super overly complicated to use, most people could be trained in how to use one in less than a four hour block of instruction. Guns do not shoot themselves, its time to stop fearing the unknown and time to think about personal protection for you, your children, your coworkers, and anyone else that you may care about. We are at war, and we need to prepare to defend against these senseless shooting. Let the media start reporting about scumbags being taken out at the front door of a school, business, or hospital and they will start to think twice and perhaps find another way to vent their anger or unpleasantness, I still vote for them to jump off a bridge, just a suggestion. We need to take a stand, and for those of you out there who think I’m crazy, ok, maybe just a little, but aren’t we all just a little bit crazy, there needs to be a deterrent put in place, and we need to do that sooner than later. What are we waiting for? ,for it to happen again, because you and I both know that it will. Instead of the government calling for tougher gun laws, how about they offer some free training on gun safety and handling. We need to stop sitting idly by , while our nation goes to hell in a hand basket. Remember, the only way for evil to prevail, is for good people to sit quietly on the sidelines. Radical times ,call for Radical solutions.
Till next time ✌️.
Sandy The Southerner