we all start out innocent


And welcome into this new adventure of mine. Incase you found yourself here by happenstance,  or if you were intentionally looking for something new to plug into, I  say thank you and welcome aboard.  This will be a brief introduction and I’m sure that you will pick up facets of my background,  as we journey together.  I will refer to myself in the third person,  for introductory purposes.  I  will be known as “Sandy the Southerner”, or Sandy if you  prefer.  Yes this is a blog and it will be a little bit different and unusual,  at times more than others. First of all this is not an advice column and I am a man with no initials behind my name. I’m not a P.hd,a certified counselor, or even a Jr.  There are times when I will do research and present you the audience with facts,  but most of the time it  will be what I think , or the things that I have personally encountered in life. Thus the title ” Not The Only One”. If it helps you to think of this as therapeutic for me, then by all means, feel free to do so. This has been birthed out of a recent relationship of mine, which we shall say has stalled. I’m not sure of the status of this relationship,  so for now , I  will refer to her as Ms. Annomuis.   I will  also go on the record and say that it is never a good thing not to know the status of your relationship,  because that  can look very different for you. For some not knowing the status of your relationship will look like security being called,  you collecting your belongings and being escorted off of the premises.  We will  get back to that later, and fully dive in and I hope that you can swim, or have your floaties on hand.. First before we go there,  I  need to give the  standard  PG warnings and disclaimers.  I have researched how to begin a blog, and it talks about know your audience,  use teasers, do research and be persuasive,  and it goes on and on. If that is what you are looking for,  then you are in the wrong place, and I  will be doing very little of the before mentioned.  What I am offering here, is glimpse into my very unusual , sometimes  a little twisted brain, and its  activity and some of the places that  it has led me to find myself.  Its not that I don’t want to share my views and perspectives,  because I do, but I  will respect you as intelligent,  until you give me a reason to think that isn’t true of you. No manipulation and hard pushes to get your brain to believe something that it rationally doesn’t want to except.  I  have always thought of myself as a  free thinker, sometimes a little more out of the box than I should be. That being said ,I welcome intelligent feedback and questions and hopefully we can find some common ground.  There will be times when we will just have to agree to  disagree, and hopefully I will not incite anyone to rage, but it is highly  possible.  Ok, let’s continue with the disclaimers,  I  will discuss the big three, and if you are unfamiliar with that reference,  it refers to sex, religion, and politics. At times it may be graphic,  but I will do my best to not be gross and disgusting or obscene.  Please know that I am not a PC person, again if you are unfamiliar with,  it means that I’m not politically correct.  And if that is not clear enough,  I  don’t believe everyone gets a trophy just for participating.  Trophies are for  winners and everyone can’t be a winner or champion. In addition to discussing the big three, there will be times when I  will offer my views or opinions on current events or world issues. So there is no misunderstanding here, I  will tell you  upfront that I am a Christian and  many of opinions and views are shaped by that, and I  make no excuses for that. I also identify myself as a conservative,  not a Republican or a Democrat . I  believe for the most part, that there is not much  of a differences between  the two, and that I  find them to be  a bunch carpet baggers, and if you are unfamiliar with that, go to Google.  There are both good and bad on both sides of the political spectrum and some go to extremes.  However that is true of most things in life,  whether you are talking sex, religion or politics. I am sure that there are other things that I should be covering in this introduction into getting  to know me. So , somewhere down the road, there may be a surprise or two, but hopefully nothing that will knock you sideways and leave you scratching your head. I  am here because sometimes life can be hard and difficult, and we all need to know that we aren’t the only one. There are no hard and fast rules about how often I will post, so if you subscribe, don’t feel as if you are owed something,  but when I do  post, it will be genuine, challenging and hopefully leaving you feeling as if it was  worth your time. I will be true to myself,  because there is only one of me , and everyone else is already taken. Sometimes it will be blunt and raw, so remember to check and see if the fasten your seat belt sign is on. Again welcome,  and I  look forward to your questions and comments . I am very comfortable in my skin, and I don’t go out of my way to be offensive and I don’t offend easily, just keep it respectable.  Who knows?, if you make a comment about my mother,  it may be true, then the joke is really on you.  So until next time.✌

Sandy the Southerner

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