“Throw Aways”

Not The Only One! 

28 Feb 25

Post# 182
            "Throw Aways"

Thanks for being there the faithful few.☺️. There isn't  even a question that we have become a much more disposable society.  Some of you guys out in the audience, probably  remember  a parent or grandparent  who had some appliance that seemed to last for  just like forever. It may have  been  a washer or dryer  that kept the Maytag man at bay, or that refrigerator that always  made a funny  noise, but just  refused to  give up the ghost ☺️☺️ I believe that the saying was if it ain't broke then , then  don't  fix  it☺️☺️. We were not known for so much , as the age of the upgrade.  They also would  say , they  just don't make them the way that they use to. That could just possibly point to good old fashion know how, which use to be known as  American pride and* ingenuity.  Honestly, now days we produce very little as far as manufacturing goes, and many of our craved consumer products are  made  outside  of country, where they  can  be produced or put together  fairly  cheaply.  We don't  usually  give much thought to  where things are  made and most of time we just  assume  China, or some other place, where they  will  work for  less than what Americans would  consider a decent  wage, and it's all in the name of progress. There is a lot more to that story, but not today 😀😀

I don't  really  know  what comes to mind when  you  think  about  throw aways. It could  be that really  expensive pair of jeans, that You and your butt couldn't  just agree on if you were ever going to  be that thin again  or not. ☺️☺️There  is always the  person who loves the pint of Haagen-Dazs late at night, while  doing  all kinds of online shopping on the QVC network, and has just  loaded up the garage with  all kinds of neat gadgets that will  be  next month's yard sale☺️☺️. I think that  maybe, my personal  favorite is the person who throws just enough stuff away  to keep  from  being personally designated as a hoarder☺️☺️. They are tempted to  take a call from  the  show's producers, but just  not feeling  up  for an intervention ☺️☺️. Of course I'm  just having a  little  fun at someone's  expense, and you know who you are☺️☺️. I joke, but sometimes it's just  not a joking matter.

We are so much more  disposable, that it really shouldn't take us by surprise, that this same mind set has been  applied to  real life people. There use to be swanky  names for  people  who were marginalized.  There are more  than four generations of  kids living  on the streets, who we use to refer to as children of the night.  Just like predators that come out after  dark, their deeds were concealed under the cover of darkness.  It could  be a little  breaking and entering, the occasional  mugging, but the saddest  was them selling  their  bodies just to  survive. There is just this really  huge banner now, and it stretches from what use to be from sea to shinning sea, and now we just  say the homeless. Almost  every  city in America  has some form of it, regardless of  how small the town  may be. It's so common in some of the larger cities, that it has just  become customary to step over people who are lying  in door ways. I think  just  maybe the sea to shinning sea, has just  lost some of its luster.

I wonder all to often what lead up to someone  becoming disposable, by the wealthiest nation on the planet.  I'm going to  come at this from an odd* angel, because, well, I'm just an odd ball☺️☺️. Let's talk about  one of the most thrown around trendy topics of the day and  it has become  "self care ". It's all about  loving  one's self and  the hell with  other  people. They frame it as cutting  negativity  out of their lives, but I  see it often, but not always as an act of selfishness. I think back to my military training and  it's so much  easier to  blow up a bridge, than it is to build or maintain a  bridge.  Sometimes  it's expediency or just the path of least resistance.  It's probably sad to say this, but all to often we  straight up  think about  how someone will affect our own little world.  It's a twist on what's in it for me? ☺️. I'm just not so sure that we immediately think about  how we could  possibly be a blessing to  someone else. I guess it's just  simple mathematics to see people as a plus or minus.  I think for myself  it's just probably  easier to  label people  so that we can place them  in the proper category and  sometimes its as simple as  useful  or not. People will  be quick to tell you that they are looking out for themselves and that you personally don't add value to  their  existence. I guess for myself, I just  see it as a cop out, because they are  judging  someone else  based solely on what they  bring to the table, sounds rather  shallow, when I  phrase it that way, but I didn't stutter☺️☺️

I get  that there are toxic people and toxic situations, and  yes!, life is so much  better  minus the drama, and if you don't add queen to that word, most of us crave peace. ☺️ What I see,  when  we are really  quick to dispose of people  is someone  who  is  happy with  who they are and aren't  really  interested in  growing  and becoming a  better human  being. They are usually the my way or the highway people☺️. See, if we take the time to figure  things out instead of throwing  them  out, we help others to become  better, while we  are becoming  better  ourselves.  If you dare, it's the whole iron sharpening iron thing. I think that  we would  just  rather  label  someone as difficult to  get along with  than actually making an effort.  These people are  usually isolated, they maybe  well known, but no one knows them  if that makes sense at all. They have huge fortress walls around their lives, mostly  from  past experiences.  I'm not going to go on, because to sound  like a few  people that I actually  know 🙃

I don't  know who said it first  or where I picked it up from, but people  are so much more than the  sum of their  failures and the   not so shiny moments. Much the same can be said about  success, it's not final, and it's often  hiding  some other  weakness or flaw and it doesn't  matter who you are. So the world's  best  mom of all time to the most successful CEO. Again! , here I  believe our eyes are the culprit. We see people with  our eyes , instead of evaluating them  with  our hearts. Along with  self care is the saying " when people  show you who they  are.....believe them! .  Another attempt  to justify our actions for labeling  someone as a throw away. I would  absolutely sign up for a root canal than to sign up for someone's else's drama☺️. We see someone or a situation with our eyes again ,and  never not once think what is behind it all. Sometimes we experience  bad days, really tough ones at times and an unlimited number of responses as to , how come! Sometimes those days turn  into a week or a month or a year that we can't  wait to see the end of....but what about  people who are in just a  tough season  of life ? And as much as  you wish that the year wasn't  expressed in plurals, but it is. I'm going to  drop a name.

Robert Downy Jr. , much love and success.  He writes his own ticket in Hollywood.  He's had millions of  little  boys and girls  wish that they were Ironman, and yes some really big kids as well ☺️☺️. Yes, this is the same Robert Downey Jr. , who was a drug addict and convicted felon, since we love that one so much now days☺️☺️. See, that's just  it, we see people  for who they are and not so much for who they could  become. We don't  think about  them  in a positive  light or  how  they  may transcend  the culture.  We say and see broken  and then we just  check out.  As long as there  is still  breath  in the lungs, the story  isn't over.  We have to stop trying to define and hold people  captive based on their past. I'm somewhat of a realist and  I  know  that Robert Downy Jr. had  a little bit of  a  silver spoon growing up and  that his story  probably  isn't  the typical happy ending, but he had to put in the work and more importantly someone  had to believe in him and give him another  chance.  I can't  tell  you  exactly  how  many chances that he received, but jail time and addiction wasn't the end of his story.  We like to  be able to write off or throw  people away, because  it's effortless and  usually  requires very  little of us, other than  having  a  heart that may be a little  frigid and  easily  closed off. Oh yeah life can get  messy and  usually some pain associated with  growing and  learning things about yourself and other  people and who You are  in relation to them.

There are patterns in life and not always  good ones, and sometimes  they  sneak up on us as to the things that we have picked up along the way. It's probably obvious and both  sad that abused people  often  become what they  have experienced.  Sadly  sometimes it becomes a  sick and twisted family  tradition 😪 as we can  point to generation after generation of incarceration and  sometimes  doing  time in the same facility.  What about us? The supposedly squeaky clean law abiding citizens? Are there areas  in our lives that would and should  convict us to at least  to some level  of  shame as we have just  become desensitized to other  human beings, made in God's very  image, just  like us , being  thrown out and disregarded as if they were yesterday's trash. Yes, patterns and  not always  good one's, but there has been the supreme example of  swimming against the  current, being a  cut above, going against the grain and  seeing  people for who they truly are. Jesus is that  example, He not only  points to another way, but He lived it, modeled it and  died a sacrificial death  to make the illustration  of the most impact full life of all times.

This may seem a bit strange, but Jesus's  lead in was always to make eye contact.  The scriptures talks about how He intently looked at people, which implies intentionality.  Are we intentional when we  look at and observe the " throw aways" , or are we afraid to  make that eye contact and to be intentional?. I think  sometimes  we think  if we don't  look at them or some how engage with  them, then  it's not real and that they will  just  go away and  we can  just  get on with  our day🥲. Again  desensitized, and it's no matter if it's an unwanted pregnancy or a panhandler on the corner, we want to avoid the unpleasant . Christ always  lead with  compassion and  He treated what we would  consider as the worst or least of  them with  dignity. We need to open our eyes and realize that we are ourselves  are the worst of them.  We who are occasionally smug and  seemingly having it all together are the worst of these. We who are educated, living in nice homes and  a little bit of the plush life are the worst  of these. I don't  really  know who we are or what could  be said of us, when  we  see others as disposable.  It doesn't matter  if it's a vet with a  sign, a runaway with a  difficult  home life, a family on the street who were overwhelmed with  medical  bills or the stereotypical person that we think about , when  we think about the  homeless, but they  all matter. They all have a  story and I can  promise  you, it's not usually what you would expect or think that  there story would  be. Everyone of them  has a soul and  was created in the image of God , and they  matter to God and He loves each and every one of them.

Let us not forget that God sent His son on a rescue mission.  It wasn't  just  some stroll in the park, or a thirty- three year long holiday from the  thrown room of heaven. ☺️☺️Judge me freely, I can  just tell  You that if I was  God , humanity just wouldn't exist today.  My one and only son for a bunch of ingrates ,....I don't  think so! A bunch of  people  on our best days , the most positive thing that can be said about us is that we are stiffed necked!☺️☺️. I'm just so thankful and grateful that God chose to love us in spite of ourselves and  our willful disobedience.  I have attempted to  love people  out of various situations and  lifestyle choices, and most of the time, they have failed far short, even though my intentions  were good. God has the power to do , what I have often failed at, but He doesn't give up on us, because He loves in a super natural way and wants to engage with His creation. You are that person that He wants to make eye contact with and be intentional with. There are no throw aways  in God's economy.  Every single person  has value and worth, even  if  it can't  be  seen  and detected with the  naked eye.

We sometimes get to big for our britches, and begin to  think more highly of ourselves than we should. My career track has been, let's just  say vast, so I've done a lot of different things over the years. I spent many years in one role or the other  managing people and I  learned early on that it's leadership through example.  When I  managed restaurants and  sent someone  to clean  the restrooms, it was something that I  had to be prepared to  do myself or how else would I  be able to  recognize if it was done well or not. It may seem  remedial, but it's important. Where am I going with  this? God has given us an example to  follow and He did it in a trail blazing way. He included the  ones who were often  overlooked, mistreated and marginalized.  They were the lame , blind, the poor , you know  the needy ones who had nothing to offer, and could  probably  never repay any kindness.  News flash, we are all the needy ones ☺️ He treated all with  dignity and  respect, even the one's that we may think are beyond the  pail. We think that we have  somehow  made it, when  we reach certain  levels of  success.  We all  need God's love and compassion and  it doesn't  matter if it's an exclusive gated community or some tent city where the homeless gather and seek  community.

If we belong to God ? Then  let us follow  His example and learn to  lead with  love and compassion and to  do it gracefully. I would be the biggest hypocrite on the face of the planet if I  told you that I  get this right all of the time. Honestly probably  get  it wrong  more times than  not, but I  do try to keep it  in  front of  me. People have all kinds of  brokenness and  wreckage in their lives, and most of the time it's  not an easy fix. The easy thing is  to  look away and  maybe  pretend that  it doesn't  exist, but where would we be if God had taken that position with us?   I don't think that  living in  the wilderness would even be a  starting point for  us. Thank God that He chose to love and lead the way and now He is asking the question, will you join Him , in seeing the ones who are  overlooked and often  seen  as " throw aways "

Till Next Time, ✌️ Peace!

Sandy The Southerner

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