“I Speak and You Listen”

  • Not The Only One!
  • 07 Feb 25
  • Post # 179
  •            ” I Speak and You  Listen”
  • Howdy!
  • Hey welcome again.  I don’t know if  this one will  ever hit the presses or not. It’s not unusual for me to share personal stories.  Sometimes  they  are mine and  other times I may appropriate, borrow, or down right  steal a part of someone’s else’s  story. Sometimes I will use  actual  names if it’s something  good and positive, and if I have their permission.  Other times it’s like that old TV show ” Drag Net” and the names are changed to protect  the innocent.  Well!, none of us are actually innocent, so it’s just  doing the right thing by not dragging someone  through the  mud, even  though  it’s really  tempting at times☺️☺️. There have been  people  who have been  a great source of  inspiration to me, and sometimes  their  brokenness  brings some kind of  healing  to my broken pieces.  That is what brings us here today…..my broken parts.
  • This blog is called ” Not The  Only One “, because  I believe  that I’m not the only  person on the planet  that is subject to dysfunction, and sometimes  its just  helpful  to others knowing that they  aren’t alone. As I said sometimes  I  will share personal things, but very, very  rarely  anything intimate.  Well  today  we pull  back the mask or  the curtain to see what has been  lurking  in the dark☺️☺️. My old pastor from  my last church is a Midwest  guy , and I  loved him to death.  He had his country sayings and  one of them is what he called a “Twoffer”. Most people  refer to this as two birds with  one stone, but whatever ☺️☺️. So today we  have a ” Twoffer”, and sometimes they can sneak up on you. It’s that proverbial plot twist , where you are expecting one thing and something  else cold cocks you from  left field somewhere ☺️☺️. Sometimes  it’s nothing  better  than having  an unwilling  participant, and we have  one of those today.  This is the person  who  wants to go through  life  as unnoticed as possible. They absolutely hate being  drug into whatever  it is that you  have  going  on. When  they  find  themselves   in  the  spot light, for whatever  reason, they  only  have one constant  response and it’s….WHY??☺️☺️ It’s why me and is this necessary, not totally  necessary, but, just  at all, why do we have  to do this? Just would  rather do the whole  root canal thing  instead ☺️☺️
  • They  serve as the straight guy or girl  in a comedic skit, that is completely  unwelcome ☺️☺️. My unwilling  subject  today is my very own son. He’s a chip off of the old block in a lot of ways , but once we get  past his devilish good  looks, he’s mostly  his mother’s  kid☺️☺️. It’s not a shot, just truth, just  like my daughter  looks like  her mother, but she is me through  and through.  I probably  talk about my daughter  much more, because  she is just out there engaging  life more, and if nothing  else I’m a constant  reminder  to her of all of the  things that I tried in parenting, that were a complete flop….don’t be your dad☺️☺️. We are here for my son today and  as I’ve hinted at in the past , he is the one who carried  many of the scars from  our divorce and  he still packs  them up and  carries them  around  to a lesser degree now, but ever present. I’ve been  on the record  more times than I  care to think about, as to how divorce is just  devastating.  There are smiles often  hiding  deep emotional  pain. My son, being  who he is and all male, he has chosen the path of compartmentalization , which  really  hasn’t  worked  to well  for him, primarily because of  his big tender heart. He refuses to talk to anyone, yeah, he’s one of those guys and I  use to be as well, so there is still  hope for him☺️☺️. So he really  took it on the chin and as kids often do, they  blame themselves when  things  don’t  work out with  mom and dad is . Oddly, my daughter  is the one who came  out of it the least jacked up and probably was the most objective one out of the four of us. She processed  it, still  scars , just  to a lesser  degree.
  • The divorce severely changed my relationship with my Son and until  this very  day we are still  trying to  work  through things.  There is no getting  back, what was lost, its just  lost. It actually pains my son to think  about us once having  happy times as a family  because  it just  seems that much  more horrible  and  unbearable for him. He’s like,   how did we go from  this to that, and sometimes  it seems that it was so quickly.  So for him it was all or nothing  and he only  chooses to remember the not so good stuff.  I wish that I  could  tell you that I  understood the human brain  and all of its complexities, but I  can’t. The divorce  turned  my son and I  into  strangers to some level and I  think  that his big picture concept was that people who love one another, don’t  do and say and behave the way that we did near the end.  I know  that he was a teenager and  impressionable, but he’s  like , how dare you guys to behave  that way and call it love…..and he was right! I’m not going to  say that it’s complicated, I think  that  gets way to much play now days. What I  will  say is that we live in a world where both of those realities are  true and  they  exist  simultaneously. In fact we are probably  the most guilty of  hurting the people that  we love the most. It’s an odd way of thinking about sleeping with the enemy, but there were nights  , where that was absolutely true as well ☺️☺️.
  • I’m not really  sure how to introduce the “twoffer” to the script, but here goes nothing. This is where we get  into  the title and  maybe the heart of it all. I don’t know  where you thought that  I was going  with this one, but that opening  line is to me and for me and from  God Himself.  While  I believe that  there is only one true God, I believe that  people  have all sorts of ways  of getting  in touch  with  God and meeting with  Him. I don’t  believe that it’s like wearing a lucky pair of socks for  the game or your team won’t win☺️☺️ , and if anybody  tells you  that there is a right way or some prescript way to meet with  or communicate with  God, you should  run fast and far  away☺️☺️. None of this is meant to be a boast, but just  kind of the way that things work for me and that’s a big part of it, finding what works for you, because God will  meet with  You anytime and anywhere, He just  wants to spend time with  You. I usually journal my prayer time with God and  it’s a reminder of where we have been together and  also  a good way to be reminded of  His faithfulness. This next thing  will sound  weird to some of you and perfectly  normal to the rest,  but I  have some really hard  conversations with God in the mornings.  There is no sugar coating.  It’s completely raw , and if I’m honest, I’ve probably said and shared things with  God that I’ve never said to anyone else. Remember!, this is me and my time with  God , so I’m not trying to  indirectly throw shade in anyone’s  direction , but why dress it up, if God already  knows  it  all. I think that we loose focus of the fact that God is all knowing.  It’s not like He’s going  to  be surprised or caught  off guard, remember, He created you and knows all about  you  and  your highs and lows and He still  chooses us.
  • Maybe  this is  just  more weirdness that will  make total  sense to some, but it’s the whole  talking to  God thing. Yes, He speaks to us! Some will  say ….yeah we talk to God as in prayer or whatever  the strange things are floating around  in your head, but it’s more or less a one way conversation and it’s not supposed to  work  that way. Maybe  a news flash or just  a head scratcher for some. My son likes to say that God  likes to tell  us what we want  to hear and boy do I wish that was true, but it’s totally  not☺️☺️. See here’s the  deal, sometimes I  get  up in the morning and  have  hard conversations with  God, a lot of  times that’s a two way street and  God says hard things to me.  He does  it in a loving  way, but I think  that’s because  the things that He says at times are so much  more crushing or weighty and  He remembers that I’m just  mere dust☺️☺️, and I  could  be blown away ☺️.
  • This maybe  another  one of those things  where I  might  loose or confuse some. I said that there  are different  ways  for people to  connect with  God, and God has different  ways of connecting with  us and speaking to  us, and since we are all so different, there is just  a variety of  ways that takes place. It’s in the Bible and I  still  believe that  God speaks to  some through  dreams and visions.  Sometimes God will  speak  through  other people, such as maybe a pastor.  Have  you  ever been  in  church  and felt as  the message was especially  crafted for you and your situation? Probably  because  it was , and it  was God speaking  through  someone  else to you. Maybe  this is my skepticism, but I’m a little  leery when  someone  says that they  have  a word for me from  God. I’m  not saying that  can’t  happen, because  it  does and all the time, but make sure that it’s a trusted friend or source. I mean  if God can  speak through a donkey, He can clearly  use anyone or anything ☺️☺️.  I’ve driven  down  the road and seen a billboard with  a none religious message on it and  had  God speak  truth  to me. When  I  say that  He can use anything, I truly  mean it. It may  sound ” sissified “, but God has used a song on the radio to completely  break my heart and  the next thing I  know, I’m a grown man crying ☺️☺️. Yep it’s absolutely true.  While  God can choose to be wildly  creative in the ways that He speaks to us , I still  believe that  the primary way that He speaks to us is through  His word, the Bible. If this is missing  from  your life, it could  just  possibly  explain  some of those one way conversations ☺️☺️
  • Let’s drill down  a little  bit on the  whole ” Twoffer ” thing, before  our time gets away. One of the ways that God will  communicate with  me is through  repetition, probably because I’m a little on the slow side, but probably  more so the stiff necked thing and  wanting  to do things my own way. On the surface may not sound  like a  big deal, but it’s kind  of hard to be a Christ follower, when  I’m off doing  my own thing.  It’s like  one of  my grandson’s  picking  flowers  out in the field  in the middle  of the baseball game….just for context  ☺️☺️. So , God will  say the same thing to me from various sources and  all kinds of settings, as to say ” I’m speaking, are you listening “? I wish that the answer  was always  yes, but that’s just  not the truth.  The truth  is I often  miss God speaking and it will  hit me sometime  later like  someone  who has missed  the punch line to a joke, and I’m like, OOHHH !, Now I get it, I guess it’s better  late  than not at all☺️☺️ So!, are you ready for the reoccurring theme and the thing  that God has so desperately trying to  get  my attention about?
  • Here is the intimacy part.  God has been  calling  me out on my trust of Him in our relationship.  That’s a really  HUGE and BIG deal.  Well, just  think  about  it for a second.  What love relationship  do you have in your life  that doesn’t require trust? It hit me a little  bit like Jesus  asking  the apostle Peter three times in a row, do you love me? ….ouch!. There is probably  way more here than we have time to unpack, but we kind of need to  look at something that’s not exactly  easy  to look at,  or look away from.  I mean of course  it’s like of course  God , I  trust You….but do I  really? 
  • I’m probably  guilty of doing way more things that  I  don’t  consult God with  first. I don’t  want  to  think of myself as  one of those  people  who think of God as being to busy for what I consider as the lesser significant things in life, because I  know  that He’s not, but still…. I  wish that I  could  tell  you that He was my first  stop and one  stop shop  for all things, but that’s false and inaccurate as well, just  keeping it  real ☺️☺️. If I’m being  totally  legit, I think that I  trust God for the things that I  know are two big for me … aka out of my control, such as salvation, totally a God thing. I’m grateful for it, but nothing I could  ever do, but accept it as a free gift and believe for it, as in having  faith.  I think  most of us have  those big things that we are totally  dependent on God for, if it’s not some health diagnosis, then it’s the all to elusive  mate that we have spent  years waiting for  God to bring  into  our lives.☺️☺️ This is all kind of superficial, because  I  really  do believe  that it’s about  the day to day things and those ” lesser significant ” things that  I’m completely  comfortable with  doing  in my own power and strength. Sometimes  it’s like being  a heavy weight  fighter and you are heading  into  the ring  ” work”, and you have to get  pumped up to be all of the things  that  You believe  other  people  expect you to be. If it’s not work then  it’s family  or school and  sometimes  the demands just  seem  never ending and God just wants us to rest. Rest in Him and on Him and let Him do the heavy  lifting, and I’m probably  to busy smacking  His hand away with an ” I got this”…..crazy right?? How can  God be our constant  help if I’m always  being  super  independent and  I’m not sure if that just  shows a lack of trust or my level  of stupidity ☺️☺️.
  • There  is just  so much  more here and it’s different  for each and every one of us and while  I don’t  know  what it’s like to face years of infertility, pleading with  God for a child. I know that  we all have  those only  God can  do things  in our lives. On some level  it’s  just  crazy at the level  and  number of decisions that  we make  every day  with  little  to no consideration of  God in the equation.  I’m not saying  that every time  you get  hungry that you should  have some big meeting with  God over what it should  be. We pray  over our meals and give thanks, but compare it to people  here and around  the world  who are doing  just  that, praying to God as to where their  next meal is coming  from, again  just  a little  context.  We plan trips and take promotions and  all sorts of things without  God or even  a mere thank You Lord.
  • I’m definitely  going to  be paying  closer attention to  my walk with  God in my day to day.  I think  that it’s one  of those caution things or maybe  preparing me for something  a head and it’s really  going to require me to trust God, when  I may be  tempted to be impatient and anxious and  really  not want to be trusting Him. I don’t  always  frame  it as a trust  issue  as much as  it  may be a timing thing.  I sometimes look at God’s prep time as indifference and  nothing  going  on, and that’s  not usually the  case, even  if it looks like and feels that way.
  • Well it’s time to shut this puppy down  and  still, where is the “twoffer “? Where here it is . God has taken  this season  in my life, don’t  really  know  so much as a season as an issue, but less not get  distracted  here☺️☺️. As I was saying  God  has used  this to show me that, while  my son loves me,….he doesn’t  trust me. Yeah, a big slap squarely  between the  eyes. We  have  lost something and we need to get  it back. I went  from  being  dad the greatest  ever to the dumbest rock on the planet and  it’s all me. I violated trust with  him as a dad. My son has this major mentality about protecting what is important and the things that should be cherished, that’s what he always saw and got from me, and he thinks and believes that I frivolously threw all of that away . I have  made all of the most sincere apologies ever, but I  can’t  make him accept that. It’s not the same thing  as  infidelity in a marriage, but very  similar in trying to  earn back that trust. He will  tell you  that He doesn’t  care, but everything  about  his person  says that it’s a very  big deal to him. He has spent many years trying to reconcile the two and I definitely get that one.  God and His life lessons☺️☺️
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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