” I Am Not”

  • Not The  Only One!
  • 31 Jan 25
  • Post#177     
  •                         “I Am Not”
    • Howdy!
    • I appreciate you guys checking in. I’m just  going  to jump in. Looking  at my physical  appearance, there are a number  of observations that you could  make pretty  clearly. You could  determine my gender, my ethnicity, my height, just  different  things about  my size and shape, all physical outward attributes, just  by looking at me.  I may have  on some designer or name brand something  to give you the impression that I’m  cooler than I actually am ☺️ There are many  other  different  things about  me that can’t  be determined  by just  observations.  Things such  as  being  a  dad and  a grandfather… important job. Just  by looking at  me, you  can’t  tell my education level, it can’t  tell  you  if I ever served in the military or not. It can’t tell you  if I’m generous or stingy. My outward  appearance can’t  tell  you  if I’m a conservationist or not. It can’t  tell  you  if I’m a member of  some radical left or right  leaning  organization, no swastika tattooed on my head☺️☺️The very  point that you have only  outward points of contact to access me by , should  make us stop and pause and not be so quickly to make assumptions about people.
    •   Do clothes actually make the man or woman?  Is there still  such a thing  as dressing  for  success? I believe this is a place  where traditional norms has been  turned on it’s head.  Seems  that most things  are going in the direction of being  casual  or super casual.  I just  wish  that I had the insight  to sale brand new jeans  with  holes already  in them….just  genius, charge more and give less☺️☺️. I think that  we really  need to be careful  with  millionaires posing as destitute living on the streets and others pretending to  be much more influential than  they actually  are. Well maybe that brings me to a little self reflection and the things that maybe  I want you to see and know  about me and the parts that I  keep  secret or private, that maybe only  God knows about  me. I  say only  God , because  being  a  mortal  man, I’m not completely  trustworthy and  there  are probably  things that I  don’t  know about  myself or even  own if I  do know them. ☺️ That last part is absolutely  true. I think that  I have  learned more about  myself  in  the last  six or seven years, than all of the previous years combined.  I think  that  those  things  were probably  always there, but I refused to see them  or didn’t want to believe  that they  were  true. There is something to be said for maturity or slowing  down  enough for  some of the things that  maybe  I  have spent  the majority of my life running  from to catch  up with me☺️☺️.
    • I think that  most of the time that we are drawn  to the negative  news stories and  we are much more interested in  knowing  about  other  people’s  dirty laundry, because if you are looking  at theirs, then mine is somehow  safe, not necessarily  true ☺️.  Being  completely  flawed just  like  everyone else, I want  to present the calm pristine version of myself, that’s  going to  make you feel  somewhat  comfortable with me  and  that You haven’t  somehow allowed  a serial killer to infiltrate your  circle of  influence 😀.  I think of myself as a perceptive person, which  means to me that I read other  people  fairly well.  Yes , I have been  duped   a time or two, but usually  pretty  close to  what my gut is telling  me. I think that  most of  us draw those conclusions  pretty  rapidly after meeting  someone , but we probably  take very  little  care as to whether our assumptions are  correct or not.  Sometimes  it’s just  obvious and people  will  confirm a hundred times over that they  are a jerk of some sort, and that they  only  care about  one thing, and it is self. ☺️. I’m the odd one here, because I’m probably  much  more comfortable with  the jerkish person than  I am with  someone  who is super sweet, because  I  absolutely  know  who I’m dealing  with.  I ask myself, can  anyone  really  be that sweet? Well maybe  if they are  super old and don’t  have  much time left here on earth….what do they  have  to loose by being  sweet?☺️☺️ I just  know  that we all have a little darkness  inside  of us and some more than others ☺️☺️
    • It may sound a little crazy, but it’s like having a  sweet tooth, but you encounter this one dessert that is just  way to sweet for your own taste. It’s like one bite is all you can  handle  and then  you are out, you can’t  distinguish  between  that and just  eating a table  spoon of sugar ☺️☺️ Whatever it is , is just  diabetes waiting to happen ☺️☺️. Perhaps, it’s just that I’m suspicious of  people with  that overly optimistic approach to  life . It’s like  just  waiting around  to see who is going to take advantage of  them  first or some how slap them into reality that life  isn’t a  bowl  of cherries. Maybe  it is just  about our  personal choices and  taste. The things that we deem necessary in life or somehow or somewhat appropriate.  We all have  those  thoughts of things that  usually  present themselves as a  want or desire. I mean  most of us know what we like or crave in life  and  the things that  we want  absolutely  no part of. So , the question  then  becomes how do we get it wrong? Is there a wrong or right  path for us and our lives? I’ve seen what self will and  raw determination looks like  way to many times and often  it’s just  a big ole  train wreck .
    • I think maybe there are times that I’m just  confused, maybe not in an Alzheimer’s kind of way, but just  perspective wise. I think that sometimes because I’m  created in God’s image, that entitles me to take His place. How do I ( we) confuse being a shadow or * replica with being the actual Almighty?.  There are a lot of things that  I  can just  kick to the curb and say no thank you to. I would  never  take or want the job of being  president or prime minister.  I think that  it requires a  level of ego  that far surpasses most people and some degree of narcissism and a  complete abandonment of anything having to do with  humility.  I look at them like members of a seal team, another job that I wouldn’t  want , but I’m thankful and  grateful for them….tip of the spear and all. ☺️I  think that  there are things that  just  aren’t  in my wheel house any longer, but I can  raise my hand and step up to be God….ludicrous….right? I say that, but isn’t that  what we all do?  Earlier I  talked about  not knowing myself  very well and that there are probably  things about me that  only  God knows about me. I don’t  like that because  it somehow  voids my autonomy or some how disrupts my free will or independence. When  it gets to that point  it sounds  like I’m no more than  a toddler trying to  stuff a fork into an electrical outlet….yikes. Over my life time, I’ve worn a lot of different  hats figuratively, and even  now days it can  very  anywhere  from consumer to care taker or beyond and sometimes things that I don’t  see coming, such as being a  good neighbor.  Well that’s just  crazy because we all know that we are suppose to be good neighbors, but we mostly don’t  give it a second  thought.
    • My point is that I have  filled several different roles over my life time , and just  because I  painted the bedroom, it doesn’t  make me a painter. I think  maybe  sometimes  we become a little entitled, and we think that because we do certain things  or fill certain rolls that it somehow permits us  to take the next step. If I rescue someone  on the side of the road who ran out of gas, I don’t get to take that next step  and pass  judgment on them as how that was an irresponsible   thing to do. It doesn’t  have  to be a stranded motorist . It could be  a  teenager  pregnant and absolutely  the most afraid that they  have  ever been their  entire  life , and we want to add to that burden  by being  high and mighty and  passing judgment  on them? All I really  know  is that we all make  mistakes and  none of us have the clout or clarity to pass judgment on  someone else.  I am not the judge or jury, but just  someone else  who can  choose to be a difference  maker or become part of the problem.  See!, that’s just it  and  it’s just that simple, we are either part of the solution or  part of the problem.  If we want to  take God’s job in judging and deciding the yeas and nays , then let’s lead with  love and acceptance, because that is always  God’s  go to move.
    • I feel like that commercial on TV. I’m not really a  doctor, but I play one on TV, not much use in an actual emergency ☺️☺️. I’m not  really  God, but I play one in my head☺️☺️. Ok a little  funny, but the reality is that I’m not God, and my pretending to be is no more helpful  than  playing a doctor on TV.  Me not being  God  means that I  don’t know  everything.  It means that some of the things  that  I’m absolutely  sure about, are incorrect and  if I don’t  discover what they  are on this side of eternity, then  definitely on the other side.  I think that most people  hold some conviction about  something, that is just  all them and false,  something  that they  have  made up or picked up  somewhere  along the way and even when  presented with  some other  option,  or truth , they  will  not abandon it no matter  what. One of my realities is that when  we say that we are a work in progress, which  we all are, but it’s used as some kind of crutch or excuse for not being the people that  we know  we are called to  be.  Just man up and say , hey I’m sorry, that was unkind of me or whatever.  Don’t  make it like  you didn’t  know  better or it was somehow out of your control. If I’m  being  honest I think  that a lot of our misconceptions  even  apply to God. We tell ourselves that God could  never love or want someone  as messed up as me. I think that  maybe  one of the more prevalent trains of thought is that God has to somehow  prove Himself  to  you as being  worthy of your acceptance or your admiration.   He somehow owes us something!  If nothing  else an explanation  for why things are always  so messed up.  The answer to that one is because of us, we are the messy ones. We enjoy  making  a mess and walking  away from  it as if we had nothing  to  do  with  it. It’s all about faith and  it takes way  more faith  believe that we somehow  evolved from  pond scum than to believe  in  creation.  This one for me is a simple one and it’s all about  accountability.
    • Why accountability?  It’s about  if there is an actual God, then  I  may   be accountable to  Him and be required  not to make it all about myself.  I so desperately want to debunk God, because  I’m free to be me. Do what I want, when  I want and the way I want , and anytime I  please. I get  to make the rules, and the really  cool part is I can  change  the rules anytime that I want to fit any situation I want.  I’m not really  interested in knowing God or if there  actually  is a God, I just  want to know  enough to  try and point  to  something  that is contradictory , something  taken out of context that  I  can  bend and twist to my advantage, or just  flat out make fun of all of the  hypocrisy associated with  religion  in general.  I think that they  are loop holes and they  make me feel  really  secure in my position that God is a joke. I really  love it when  I  find people  online  who say that they  speak  for God , and they say the things that I want to hear and choose to believe.  It’s empowering my charge into hell.  When  I  encounter things  that sound  hard or uncomfortable, then  I  just  disregard them  and settle  back into  the  comfort of  I’m just  doing  my thing, like everyone else.  It’s a broad road and I have  lots of comrades ☺️☺️.
    • God is never mocked, and if there is such a thing as the last laugh, then it absolutely  belongs to God. Many of you are probably  unaware that God is a Star Trek fan. He loaned a line to the Borg, and the line was “resistance is futile”☺️☺️ OK corny, but the Apostle Paul made reference to kicking against the  goads. It’s out of context, but it refers to the resistance to God and  His ways, and the resistance is futile .  God has always  been and will be , and we are barely    a microsecond on the time scale, but we are somehow  supposed to  be able  to  dictate terms to God, might  be one of the funniest things of all times.  ☺️If you want another  run at the old funny bone, then try this one on for size. What do you call people who take an earnest run at God, and wanting to  know  if He’s real and exist?  They  are most widely  known as  Christians ☺️☺️.  He’s not hiding  and He wants to be known. There is a difference  between  knowing God and knowing about God. One can  land you in the most loved place that you could  ever imagine and let’s just  say that the other  is less desirable ☺️☺️.  I think the problem  for many  is that they  don’t  go to the source or consider the source and that can  make  a huge difference as well.  The source should  be God’s word , and not hear say or partial truths  off of the internet. If you wanted to know about  let’s say golf, you would  probably  speak to  a golf pro , opposed to  talking to groundskeeper who maintains the course. The only  expert on God is God Himself and the place to meet with Him is in His word.
    • There are a couple of  dirty or should I  say less popular terms in meeting  with  God and  honestly  I  think  that  most believers struggle  with  one or both  of them  from  time to time and  they  are obedience and  surrender.  Again  it just  feels  like a violation to our will.  They  hinge on your faith, but it’s all about  building  that faith muscle  through  thrusting God over and over again.  I don’t  know why our memories are so poor, but we are so quick to forget  about  the  goodness and  faithfulness of God. God wants only the best for us and it requires  us to believe that  He knows  best and has our  best interests at heart. What if we took God at His word that sex between  two people  is sacred? How many of us would  have  been  spared heart ache  from  that little  piece of  wisdom? My realization that I’m not God, means that those sandals   were never made  for my feet and that I need to yield and surrender my will, my desires, and ultimately my life to what God has for  me. I  think  maybe the closest thing that we get to perfection is for our will to line up with  what God’s  will  is for us. Maybe  that’s  the thing that we should  ponder when  we  think about  all of the things that  we are not!
    • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
    • Sandy The Southerner
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