- Not The Only One!
- Post #169
- 26 Dec 24
- ” Me First ”
- Howdy!
- Welcome back once more. I don’t know if this is how we are going to clear out or end 2024 together, but looking back over the year, it’s been another wild ride . I’m not really a resolution kind of guy, and if you are, then that’s just fine. I don’t know why, but for some reason, I think that it’s a little criminal to not reflect on what we have been through and all the places that God has shown up, and just been down right faithful. Maybe that’s it, if we don’t then In someway we are being ungrateful, and failing to recognize God’s goodness towards us. I’m not going to park and dwell on the not so good times, because even those, show God’s goodness and steady fast hand. We often will be asking the wrong questions, which some how and in some ways adds to something that may not be the best of times. We will often lead with why me ? or why now? , or why this. Asking why negative things cross our paths and enter into our lives, comes across as us sitting in the back seat of a car, every five minutes, asking if we are there yet?☺️☺️. Maybe, just maybe we should be asking the question of what am I suppose to learn or take away from this particular circumstance or situation. Life is just a series of seasons, and hopefully we are learning along the way to help us navigate the next coming one, and having something to share with those who just may be a little bit behind us in their journey. If nothing else, we want to be able to justify the gray hair that we have earned along the way☺️☺️.
- Still reflection can be a difficult road to pass back over again , especially if we have endured hard or tough times. Again, no one is screaming and clamoring at the top of their lungs for hard times and suffering, it’s just not who we are☺️. Looking back over this past year has left me struggling with a little bit of a quandary/ dilemma, I’m not real sure what to call it or how to properly frame it. The beauty of being a weirdo, is being able to say and do weird things and not being questioned so much as to why you do them. People just chalk it up to You being weird, and I’m good with that ☺️☺️. I will sometimes take informal surveys, by just asking one off questions. They aren’t usually tied to anything that We may currently be talking about and I usually get a less than fifty percent follow up as to why I asked that question, again, the beauty of being weird ☺️☺️. If I could sum up all of the different ways that I’ve inquired of others, I guess that it would come down to us judging others by their worst moments. We all have them in various settings, whether it’s yelling at our kids, loosing it with our boss, or somehow getting sideways with some other relationship or untimely and unwanted situation. I just very recently flew to Florida and there is just nothing quite like looking at the board and just watching all of the flights switched to delayed or canceled like dominoes in a chain reaction….oh! Joy!….not so much!☺️ I was tired and cranky, and not a happy camper didn’t even begin to tell the story. I made it about me, and only me. All of the other travelers just didn’t matter, and as hard as the airline employees were working to come up with solutions, it just wasn’t enough and it wasn’t going to be enough. Have you ever been there?
- No worries, God got a hold of me and my spoiled brat mentality and gave me an attitude adjustment. It’s funny how He can do that, when I’m spiraling and no one else can.☺️ So here we go! How about it , do we judge people off of their less than stellar moments? I was once * reprimanded in boot camp for paying way to much attention in a weapons class and had less than what you might call enthusiasm for first aid classes. The lesson was simple, short and sweet. It’s more important to know how to save a life , than it is to take a life. I want to blame this on social media, but deep down, I know that it’s a heart issue and that is how quickly we will burn a bridge, set it a blaze, and stand back and watch it burn with some level of satisfaction….ouch! . I understand toxic, and this is not that, at least not from my vantage point, but people just refusing to make an effort. It’s like the political season all over again. We disagree and I’m somehow OK if your existence comes to a hurried, somehow tragic end…..again ouch!
- I’m not a Kumbaya person, I haven’t always been a talk it out person, or hug it out guy, but I have come to learn that wise council has a place, and if you have a need to do that laying on a couch with a health care professional, then by all means☺️. I’m by no means trying to over simplify or discount anyone’s pain, but I will see people sometimes who complain about being alone, or having no friends or meaningful relationships in their lives, but they are just absolutely abrasive as hell and think that everything and everyone should bend to their needs, with absolutely zero compromise. Its about me first, and only me. . Ok, more irony, they throw around the word * narcissist and never, not once looking into a mirror 🙄 ☺️. I’ve heard this phrase, and not seen it employed by the people who use it most and it’s ” Ride or Die”. It mostly, I believe that is a person who has given their all to a situation, and they are in it ,until there is no more life in whatever it was that they have dedicated themselves to. . I think that it’s another one of those things that has been redefined and I just missed the memo ☺️☺️. Maybe dying means like when you were a kid and you messed something up and you said something along the lines of, ” my parents are going to kill me”. Well it maybe exasperating at the time, but there was no pending death or doom.
- Closely related is the popular trend or train of thought of self care. It’s me first to ensure that my mental stability stays in tact. We say this over and over again, never considering that it’s selfish and encourages us to stay stuck in whatever we have locked in our heads, which is everything besides getting better and learning to deal with a little adversity. It’s that running into that proverbial wall or hitting that glass ceiling and just never being able to break through. We get to the wall countless times and never consider that we are the constant and that, just maybe it’s not everyone else. More alone time and I have no friends ☺️☺️. I get and understand fear. Fear is not always a bad thing. We can turn it into a constant bad thing, but fear can be one of the greatest motivators. I will go as far as to suggest that fear can represent a fork in the road. The cross section street signs say to the left ” Same” the other side says ” Success “. One is an easy down hill stroll the other an upward climb with obstacles. One is familiar, comfortable and easy to control. The other side is scary with many unknowns and completely out of our control. One side represents a break down in understanding and perseverance. The other side has break through written all over it, but not easy and not always the desired outcome, but better and more resilient. In one of my weirdo surveys, someone suggested to me , if we just loved people harder, then there would be some level of * reciprocation or something along the lines of it being a mutual thing. I have had a similar thought process myself in the past, but never hit pay dirt with it. I want to say that it’s flawed for a number of reasons, but primarily because we can’t control other people, hell we can barely control ourselves ☺️☺️. Maybe it’s one of those unicorn things. People will say that there is no such thing as love at first sight and that prearrange marriages just don’t work. Well, without going down some elaborate rabbit hole , I want to say that while it hasn’t necessarily worked out for me, there is that exception to the rule, and their love will do all of the fighting for them. And for the record, prearrange marriages are highly successful and do much better than when we pick for ourselves, but that’s just not our culture. Also, I am in the camp of love at first sight and have experienced it at least once in my lifetime. ☺️
- This whole thing about self care, has me trying to wrap mind around truth verses protection mode. People’s hurts and experiences are real, and for many, that is all they know. I’m not saying that we see boogeyman around every corner, but there is this tipping point where we can become to others the thing that we hate and wrestle against. I think that to many times the argument of self care is synonymous with selfishness and acts an active smoke screen to keep us from having to grow and in some cases to grow up😝☺️. I think all to often our big takeaway or life lesson, is just to not engage with others. Relationships are hard, messy and require a lot of rolling up the sleeves. I’ve been close to hermit mode on a few occasions, but I know that it’s not supposed to be that way, and that it goes against God’s design for us. The design is to have close interpersonal relationships with one another, and with Himself. Bottom line is that people need US and you need them, whether we want to believe and acknowledge that or not☺️☺️
- Earlier, I said not social media, but a heart issue. People have so many* misconstrued thoughts as to what love is. It’s not always their fault. You can’t be expected to reproduce something that you have never encountered or experienced. I think more so than anything else explains the me first mentality. People often think of love as being a 50/ 50 proposition and if that is Your thought process, you may want to quit while you are a head☺️☺️. If you aren’t bringing your all, your “A” game, and everything that you can muster over a hundred percent and your partner doing the same, success will not usually be on your side, just the truth that’s all. A little more truth for you. You will never be happy in life, if your primary goal is to be happy. I know a little bit a a brain bender☺️☺️. The harder you chase , the more elusive it becomes. How about one more just because three is a magic number ☺️☺️. If your love is emotional based and tied up in how you feel, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment. I can promise you that those feelings will change, and sometimes burn off like the morning fog.☺️☺️.
- Still here we are, and people will present something that stands as a slick argument. They say things like, ” when someone shows you who they are…..believe them”. This is the same argument of judging people at what might not be their best moments. I think that we like to judge harshly as it acts as a guard or boundary. It’s that thick wall that just never crumbles. Everyone has heard, once a cheater, always a cheater. That may or may not be true, depending on the individual. There have been people who have made mistakes and never repeated them ever again over their entire lifetime. They became aware of the pain and distrust that they brought to the party. We usually are on thin ice anytime we go with ” Always ” and perhaps ” Never”. It’s those absolutes that aren’t usually as iron clad as we would like for them to be. ☺️☺️
- If there is one thing that I absolutely know about the me first crowd, is that it stands in stark contrast to the gospel message. It’s not the Jesus way. God has a real simple take on what love is , and it’s to devote yourself to the well being of others , no matter their response or the cost to yourself. If you know of a way of doing that without taking the posture of a servant and perhaps a little suffering along the way, I would really love to hear from you☺️☺️. I think this is another place where fear plays a role. We get stuck in our boots , when we consider the cost or the possibility that the love will not be returned. Love, true love is costly and can be messy at times. We sometimes fear if we love in that way of putting others first, no matter the cost, that there will not be much of ourselves left, when it’s all said and done. I absolutely get that loving no matter the cost is extreme bravery. It’s right up there with firemen running into a burning building to save someone. Once we have been hurt a time or dozen ☺️☺️, we find it really hard to abandon ourselves to love. After all, we only have one heart, and how much can we expect one heart to endure? I like simple analogies, even if they are difficult or nearly impossible to achieve, it gives us a goal or something to shoot for. It’s this , quitting is easy and finishing is hard. Why do we get that warm enjoyment of an old couple holding hands in the park? It’s because we believe that they are finishers and done all of the hard things to make it this far in life. We both respect and admire that.
- It’s not a magic pill or a silver bullet, but extremely crucial and that is to allow God to pour back into us , what we have poured into others. If it’s courage, or hope , and especially love, God has an endless supply. The more generous that we are with our courage and love, the more abundantly God can resupply us, so we don’t ever have to worry about being spent or out of stock on the things that we need most in life.
- Perhaps I was a little hard on the me first crowd today, so just to level the playing field just a little. It reminds me of in second Peter, three, when it talks about a time coming when people will only be lovers of themselves and their money. It’s an extensive list and it goes on about being proud, boastful and scoffers. it goes on to talk about being disobedient, ungrateful and considering nothing sacred. It then doubles down on being unloving and unforgiving and lacking self control. Then it goes on to talk about being cruel, hating what is good, betraying friends, being reckless , puffed up with pride, and loving pleasure over loving God. It could be a very accurate snap shot of the” Me first ” crowd , but we need to be careful, not to become that ourselves. Who wants to be that guy? Well, we all have at some point been that guy, so let’s own it and try not to be to confident when pointing fingers at the ” Me First ” people. And stay off that list!☺️☺️
- Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
- Sandy The Southerner
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We try so hard to avoid suffering when that is how holiness happens. God is faithful to finish what He started , not through more exploration of ourselves, but of Him….Great tune! And thank you for the card💕🎄
that was very well expressed and you are welcomed for the card. thanks for taking the time