” Virtuous One “

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #145
  • 23 Jul 24    
  •             ” Virtuous  One”
  • Howdy ,
  • Thanks  for checking  in  again.  I had a lot of options  for this one as far as titles  go, and I’m still  not sure what the final  cut will  be.☺️☺️. It’s another  one  that preempted other ones and moved to the front of the line. I got a text from  someone who has become  closer to me, simply  because  of  the  the way that  she has handled  things and the strength that she has displayed through  some pretty  rough  times.  Yeah!, yeah!, I know  that  we all go through  rough and challenging  things.  Maybe  it’s just that stage of life, where we find ourselves  sandwiched in between  generations.  I mean  for some it’s a real balancing act, with people  living  longer, and it may not just  be your  parents and  your kids, but many of us now have  grandkids. There is such a guilt  train of wanting  to  take care of those , who have  given us  everything  . Life itself  is  because  of  your parents.  Perhaps  , not for all of us, but as we have  gotten  older, you realize  some of the sacrifices  that your parents  made on your behalf when  you  were growing  up.
  • It’s real  easy sometimes  to just  take your parents  for granted  as you play  the part of a leach, and it’s just  give, give, and I want or I need.☺️  Sometimes we are just  simply  unaware  of  the  choices  that they  made on our  behalf  to make our  lives better.  I said it’s a guilt  train and it is. You look at your grandkids  and  so desperately  wanting to spend  more  time  with  them  before  they  get to a point  , where you just  aren’t  cool anymore and  just  a straight  up  old person  that they  try to watch  their  language  when  you are around ☺️☺️. Seriously they  grow like weeds, and every time you are on Facebook or  Instagram, it’s another  birthday  or them moving  up  from  tee ball to coaches pitch, or something  else  that reminds  you that time is slipping away.
  • My reality check  comes from  my  phone  and  the brilliance of facial recognition.  It puts these collages together and  I  can  see my oldest  grandson go from  two years old to almost  seventeen  in mere seconds.  Something  that is supposed to  be  a good thing  is just , cruelty  to old people ☺️☺️. There is nothing  to let you know  that  time is getting  away  more than  him getting  his driving  license and  going  to  his first  formal  dance. What makes it even  more pitiful is that there are  days when  I  have  to  stop and think real hard about  when those things took place for me. ☺️☺️.
  • There are seasons  of  life and  each season brings new challenges and  adventures.  I never thought  about  getting  up off of the floor  as being  an adventure, but it is, and not really  a good one☺️☺️. Things that we use to just  take for granted….no longer. The last few years has introduced me  to  the  phase of life where loosing  people has become  more frequent.  I have  to say….not  really  a fan. ☺️☺️.
  •   Many  post ago, I  addressed that I’m not really  a funeral  guy. Some people  show  up if they  vaguely  knew someone, I’m not that guy. ☺️☺️In fact , kind of always  been  proud  of the fact that I had a low number  when  it  comes  to funeral  attendance. People  had to hold a special  place for me to visit them in their  horizontal  state. However  now you find that your aunts and uncles who use  to play with  you when  you  were little  or gave you some dating  advice, or even  let you borrow  their  car back  in the day, are just  checking  out , left and right.  The people  that  You grew up with  and their  parents  saw you as an extension  of  the  family or yelled at you to keep  you out of trouble, leaving  as well.  So, people  are  loosing  parents and I  even  had a lady that I use to work  with  loose her husband in his sleep and  he wasn’t  in bad shape, mid fifties, just gone.🥲🥲. Death is real  and  it seems  to be more frequent.  I started  this off talking  about  someone  who has become  a  friend and  the funny thing  is that  we  have  never met face to face. We have  never  FaceTime or any kind of video  chat, and our phone  conversations have  been  few in number. I  think  that  some where down  the  road I might  want to correct that misjustice and have  a  have to face with  her and to throw  my arms around  her  for a hug, for all that she has stood for.
  • This friend  and  her text, brought  a  very  ugly  truth to life for me and  that is that sometimes parents   bury their  children.  The old   adage is, is it better  to never know  love , or to have  love then  to loose it. ?I mean  on the surface  they  are both awful  choices.  It’s a horrible  game of would  you rather. ☺️
  • We say sometimes  the lesser of two evils, but often  they  are  just  two bad things  that  You  Don’t  want to have  to  choose between…..at all . Who wants  to walk through  nine months  of  pregnancy and  do all of the getting  ready  stuff, the shopping, the reading , doctor  visits, preparing a nursery , baby showers , to say nothing  about  the  havoc  wreaked on your body. The weight gain, cravings, never ending  pee breaks, and to have  a  little  alien trying  to  rearrange  your internal  organs ☺️☺️. All of  this and for the child  to be still born or to only  live for a few hours, days or weeks.  How absolutely  horrible 😞,  but it happens  every day, to someone, somewhere. They  say that  women are   the  weaker sex, but we know  better, because  there would  not be  multiple  miscarriages  to my story, I  would  just  quit  trying, because  it would just  be  to stinking hard and  I’m not that strong. We often  live in this place  between  what we imagine and what actually is. The one’s who loose a  child  shortly after  birth  are just  left with  all of the what ifs. You think about  silly things  like would  they  have  been  left handed  or right handed or  maybe  both. You wonder if their  hair would  change  colors  out in the sun.  Would  they  have  said mama or  Dada first. The dreams of teaching them  to  ride a bike, just  vanish  into  thin air
  • . The rest of the story  is  as equally  painful if not more so, because  this is the actual.  You find yourself  standing  over a box and all you can  think about is,  this is wrong . I’m not supposed to  be  burying  my kid, and oh how to God you wish with  all of your heart that  it was the other way around . You truly  wish that it was them standing  over you, and you wouldn’t  know  the god awful  pain that just  radiates in your gut , day after  day  and  has become   your unwelcomed constant  companion. .You have  all of the memories  from  over the years. The visits  by the tooth fairy, the scent knees and  all of the  boo boos . You got that chance to  teach them  to  ride the bike, you remember  all of the trophies and  awards, the ugly  stickmen drawings that you swore were just  masterpieces ☺️☺️. You  remember  sitting up the nights  after  they  started driving and they  were  late getting home . It was only  ten minutes or so, but felt like an eternity  as you paced the floor and  your mind  ran  to every worse case scenario. You also  remember the  tears of not making the  team, or No one  asking  them  to the dance, or some boy tell  her that she wasn’t  pretty  enough because  of  the braces. You stand over that box  and  you are  just absolutely  flooded with  memories, emotions and  sorrows. Maybe  you remember  being  at the hospital  or in the delivery  room when  they  had  their  first child, and now, they stare at you with  blank looks  on  their  faces, from  across  the  box as they  wonder where they  go now  without  their  mom or dad . Two hellacious story lines both  loaded  with  pain and sorrow.
  • This new friend  whom I’ve only  seen  in  pictures, texted  me  to  let  me know  that  they  had a memorial  service for her sister  Amy, who became  my dear friend  who past away  four days before  Christmas.  Some how that’s  just  another  kick to the jewels, because  something  that is supposed  to  be joyous and  inspiring….Christmas, will also now  be the thing that reminds us of  Amy’s  trip home. They  say that it’s easier  when  you  know  of their  eternal  destination, but that’s not true every  single  day  that You  get up and  know  that You  can’t  pick up the phone and hear them  smile or hear  them  laugh. I have  no doubt  that  she is in heaven , and in a much better  place.  I don’t  think that  most of us can  even  begin  to  think  about  a place  without  pain and suffering.  A place  with  no tears or heart aches. From  the  time we are born, that is all we know, the struggles  of  life, it starts with a diaper rash and its on from that point on☺️☺️. I  remember  her last days , weeks  and months, I  didn’t  recognize  them for that then, but now looking  back.  She was truly  an amazing  person.  I knew  that  her body was just  riddled with  pain as she waited for  a kidney  and  her body began  to turn  against  her , but she was always  concerned  about  others, such as her mom. She always  felt  as if she should  be  helping  out with  her  parents  because  they were  getting  older, but she was sad that she just  didn’t  have it within  herself and she didn’t  want to  be a burden, not just  to them, but  to anyone.  She was fiercely  independent all the way up until  the  end. She reminded  me  of my baby sister  who took a similar journey  eight  years prior.  Kris, that’s her name to take the mystery out of it, she wanted  me  to  know  that her mom was having a  really  hard time  after  the  memorial service and  thought  that maybe  I might  want to reach out.  I know how  hard it  can  be, as I  said earlier, death is becoming  more frequent.  Funerals and  memorial service  are really  for those of us  who are left behind.  We celebrate  their  lives, the people  we remember  them  to be and the lives that they  lived.
  • I always found  the  word Eulogy to be an oxymoron, because  it means  to edify or to speak well  of, but the time to do that is when  we  have them  with  us. It doesn’t  matter  where you fall  in  the rotation, whether  a parent, grandparent , grandchild, or a really  good  friend, it just  doesn’t  matter, every  day  that You  have  someone  in your  life that you  love….let them  know  that, because You  never  know  when  it may  be the last time. Tell them  how special  they are to you  and  let them  know  the value that  they  add to your life, before  it’s to late and you find yourself  standing  over a box.🥲🥲 At the time of her passing  she had a few dear friends, who loved her immensely as some ran her to doctor  appointments and things of that nature.  She was  never blessed  with  children, but had nieces and nephews, but her  main  support  was loving  parents and  a very  faithful  sister by the name of Kris, who lived in another  state and  took a sabbatical from  work  to  help  take  care of  her sister.  Kris shared  a pictures of a box  containing  her ashes that was  buried next to her grandparents.
  • I’m not real  sure  how I landed  here with  Virtuous One.  In the Bible  there  are  two places that I  specifically  remember  it talking about  a Virtuous One, as in a woman.  The first  is  in Ecclesiastes 7:27-28, where king Solomon expresses this deep lament about  only being  able  to  only  find a Virtuous man, one in a thousand, but not so much  with  women  at all. I don’t  believe  it to be a slam on women as much as it was about  where he found  himself and  a enormous number of  bad choices  involving women. ☺️☺️Most people  are  much more familiar  with  proverbs 31 and  the  description  laid out to what a Virtuous woman  looks like. It’s kind of odd, but all of the descriptions of  what manifest a Virtuous  woman; none of them  point  to anything  having  to  do  with  physical beauty or  appearance.  Nothing  about  beautiful eyes or long flowing hair, nothing  about  smooth or silky skin, absolutely  nothing  about  shape, form or  any kind of physical  beauty. If the Bible  doesn’t  put an emphasis  on  physical  beauty, then  perhaps  we shouldn’t  so much  either. A Virtuous woman is  about  inner beauty and  inner strength.  It’s much about  how they  approach  life and how they  take care of others.  People  don’t  admire ,and are drawn to them  because of  outward  looks, but because of  the  strong character  exhibited in just  moving  through and doing  life.
  • I’m not  always the best judge of anything, unless  it has something to  do  with  my taste buds☺️☺️, but beyond  that, if God is not leading the way, then  I’m about  fifty /fifty on my own. In this case  here I’m pretty  sure  that  I’m spot on.  My friend  Amy was absolutely a looker☺️☺️, but she also  possessed  all of those inwardly  beautiful and  strong character strengths that mark  a Virtuous  woman. If you are unfamiliar with  the  31st chapter  of  Proverbs, you might  want  to  give it the once over and be thoroughly  impressed ☺️☺️.
  • Last week , I reminded you  guys to just remember to breath In this climate of political  uncertainty.  This week I  want you  guys to remember  the hurting.  The one’s  who have  lost someone  very  close and very  special  to  them. They  may be wearing a  smile  that it took them  well over an hour to muster up. They may be going  through the motions and  doing the  things that seem customary or usual, the norms , but inside they are struggling, and each day, to  just  put those two feet  on the ground  as they  exit the bed, is the  equivalent of  them running  a marathon  .  Life for them  is a struggle and often  they  really  don’t  know  how  to play the cards that life has dealt them. It may be a little  easier  to muster a smile  in the immediate  aftermath of  loosing  someone.  People  are coming  along  side, bringing  food and sympathy  cards, sharing  hugs and hopefully  words of encouragement  and inspiration, which  is  sometimes just  silence. As the days turn into  weeks and months, people  move on , but not so much for the ones  with a huge whole  in their  heart, where a love one use to be. They  are still  there, in their  hearts, but just  not in the same way . We all greave differently and  there is no set or correct or  specified way of doing that. Sadly  sometimes  we get  stuck. I say this with  the  utmost  respect and  caution, but if you have  someone  who has gotten  stuck  or been in  a  sad place  for an extraordinary amount of time, it may be time to seek out a good grief councilor and  there is absolutely  no shame  in that.
  • It’s hard loosing  anyone, but it’s  especially hard when  it’s your beloved  child, regardless  of  the situation.  Remember  to check  in, and do it until  they check  in  on you, because  that would be a sign of healing  taking  place.☺️. God is close to  the hurting, the suffering and the broken  hearted, He’s always  close and  probably  closer than you could  think or imagine 💔.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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