“Monsters Of The Heart”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post #142
  • 03 Jul  24     
  •                  ” Monsters  of The  Heart “
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks for once more,    for checking  in. Life is a journey and  I  believe  that we should  keep  learning  and experiencing  life  at some level  until  we  leave the planet.  It’s almost a tragedy of sorts, that  as we get  older that we become more set in our ways , and sometimes  that means stuck. There is a difference  between the  two. We can be set in our ways, which  could  mean  that we are anchored and  governed by some set of  principles and  values. They  govern us and our behaviors when  the world  seems  totally  out of control. The alternative is  to  be stuck in your ways, and that can constitute  not being  open.  I mean open to anything.  You could  be not open to learning  anything  new. It could  include  loosing your sense of adventure and  even  for the smallest of  things. The primary thing  that  stuck  means  is  that  You  just  know  all that You need  to  know, so you aren’t  open  to  suggestions that possibly  could  improve  the  quality  of  life, but for most , it means  that You  aren’t  open  to  other  people’s  point of view, even  if  it means that we just  agree to disagree, but You  aren’t  willing to  go that far.☺️☺️
  • If you read my last post then  you know  that relationships can be extremely  hard, and that’s true, doesn’t matter who you are. I do believe  that  for the most part that you get  out of relationships, as much  as  you invest in them.  That’s a fair statement, but of course there are always  exceptions. It’s universal that all relationships  require  work.  I’ve been  keenly reminded that what isn’t  nurtured in some way will die. Most  of  us  can  remember  a friend  or family  member  that we were really  close to  at some point, but over the years, one or the other, and perhaps  both, stopped  investing  into the  relationship, and now it’s none existent.☺️☺️. It’s like  belonging  to some social  group , church, or perhaps  you spent  an extended time  away  from the  job market, and once you have that long silence, it’s not easy  to  get  back and to connect.
  • There is a long standing  disturbing trend, and that is when  a relationship  falters or collapses  for some reason, our escape  plan is to turn  that person  into  the  biggest and most  horrible  monster  imaginable. We turn  people  into  something  that very  rarely  reflects  who they  really  are. We have a tendency  to  devalue the  good and play up on what may have  been  one of their worst  moments.  I am amazed at  some of the things and reasons  that people  will throw  perfectly  good relationships away  over. I thought  you were my friend, but You  didn’t  back me up, when  the police officer pulled  me over for texting and driving, …after all it would have  been  the two of ours  word against  his….there for a majority ☺️☺️. I think  some  friendship and relationships are  built  on  what have you done for me lately, or what can  I  get  out of you…..how sad!
  • It’s not contained to just  personal  relationships, but we also  see it in partnership in business as well.  Regardless  of  who did what, there will be some pretty  substantial  accusations from  both  parties.  It will  often  be set up as some sort of dominoes effect, where this happened  and it lead to  this and then  we have two waring parties at each other’s  throats.  It’s really a  sad state of affairs that  often ,  somewhere  down  the  road,  enriches  the inside  of  a lawyers pocket  really  well ☺️☺️. Now, my dark  and sadistic side, just  loves, loves when  it among politicians and  bonus points  for name calling and extra bonus  points  if it get physical 😀 ☺️☺️. They  are  ordinary  people , just not to often  in touch with  reality. ☺️. We turn  situations into the most murky of circumstances, that even experienced mediators have difficulty  deciphering what’s what.  After  all these people are  monsters  and should  be treated  as  such.  We burn bridges  that we will  never  ever be able  to  cross again. We have  to  ensure  that everyone that you encounter  knows what a horrible  person  that they  are, and don’t  feel  to bad about  it, because  they will  do the same for you☺️☺️.  
  •   When  we  talk about  them and we surely  will  to anyone  who will  listen ☺️☺️, we want to shroud them in skepticism, as if you were somehow  duped  by them.  We will  talk about  them  with  great  sarcasm, and if people  aren’t  buying that one, we just  move on to slander # 101. I think  that  sometimes we feel  that we have  a right  to assassinate someone’s  else’s  character because  they  disappointed or hurt us in some shape form or fashion. You can  believe  that  all that You want to, but you are still  dead wrong.  This is especially  true  in business, unless  you  know  beyond  a shadow  of  a doubt  that they  somehow  have  unscrupulous business  practices as an  on going standard. Word of mouth  can  cause  serious negative effects  on a business.
  • The biggest and scariest monster  that you think  may be hiding  under the bed, or peeking  out at you from  the  closet, are actually  tucked  away  in the corners of our brains and  every once in a while, it will  travel  the twelve  inches  or so and kick your heart around, because  misery  loves company ☺️☺️. Sometimes  it will  do it so often  that you would  swear that it’s training  for  a marathon or something ☺️☺️.  I’m pretty sure that  the saying  that ” Hell has no fury , like a woman scorn” was not birth  out of a friendship or a sour business deal, but in the context of  something that  resembled  something on a romantic  level, so we should  probably  dive in on that one☺️☺️.
  • One thing that I  say often that is so absolutely the truth and  that is that we are all broken in some way, and if You are pulling  out the not me card, then  you are just in denial.  ☺️Broken and  hurting  people,   hurt other  broken and hurting  people and  we could  just  close up shop on that one ☺️☺️☺️. One of the things that  most  fascinates me in life  is  how we treat  our romantic  interest, when  romance  has up and gone☺️☺️.  One of the most common  techniques in  counseling now days is  trying  to  get  a couple to remember  what attracted them  to  one another  in the first  place.  Everyone has a  story and a  road that they  traveled  to  be together.  Sometimes it can  be  something as simple as  we met in  college and the  rest is history.  However  sometimes  people have  to  fight to be together.  It can  be a real challenge  crazy family  involvements.  It could  be  a  long distance  thing,  that  they  had to navigate  and juggle  careers.  It can  be a blended  family  situation and it’s just  an endless  number  of scenarios.  When the vitality is  about  to depart from  a relationship, there are usually  always  these two things  present.  One,  I can’t  remember  any good times together, which is ludicrous  , because  who enters into  a  relationship with  only  bad times? If you guessed insane people  and career criminals, then just  pet yourself on the back☺️☺️.  The other  just  as jaded  thing is that you can  only  see things  from  your  perspective and  that is the only  one that matters or counts or is relevant. Sometimes  one or the other  partner  has done  something  to violate trust, and that’s  another  hold different  set of parameters, but not totally unfixable, it just  means that  there is hard work  ahead to rebuild and restore  what has been  broken  or lost. I know  that  we often  want  to think that  somethings  are to hard or unforgivable but I  believe that with  God all of those wounds are capable  of  healing.  I’ve  seen  it  in  my life and   in the life  of  other  people, and since we always  want to  run to worse case scenarios, yes even  when  there has been  infidelity.
  • I believe  that anytime   you have  invested  your  time, energy and resources into  someone else’s  life and they have  done the same for you, then they  should  be  given the benefit of the  doubt, when  it comes to working  things out. We shouldn’t  make assumptions , but be inquisitive.  Things  may  not always  be  what they  look like  on the surface and  I  can  almost  guarantee you that his thought  pattern  is no where up to speed  with  hers☺️☺️. We often miss out on the blessing on the other side, if we will just do the hard work and not be so fast to throw in the towel . We need  to  practice  humility and  be honest and open as much  as  possible.  Those little*  snarky remarks and comments that come out of your mouth, may have  felt good  when  you  were saying them, but they  are the absolute  opposite of  being helpful and  if you don’t  regret  saying  them , they  will  absolutely   add to the thickness  of  the  walls  that you are trying to  dismantle. ☺️☺️
  • Here’s  one to take the cake. I mentioned trust, monsters and misery.  As a general rule, I  do believe  that  for the most part and to some degree that we find what we are looking  for in life. I wanted  a  husband, he’s not perfect  actually  a bit of a slob, bottom  line  is you got a husband, same thing  with  kids, you wanted  them, just  never  knew what a pain in the ass they  can  be at times☺️☺️. There are people  who don’t  trust  themselves.  They  are  usually  in the camp that men are pigs, or all the good ones are taken.  Sometimes  men just  think  that  all women  are just  crazy.  Those are  both  provocative perspectives, but if that is what you  believe, then  that is what you  will  encounter. It becomes  a  self  fulfilling prophecy . Your subconscious will  help  you  turn any normal  person into a  monster.  It’s a pattern  of  the  last  four guys have  been  this or that, and for lack of time to actually to get  to know  them we will  just  label  them  as narcissist.  We just  have  to  find something  wrong  with  them  to ensure  that  the thesis  stays  in tact☺️☺️. We still  have  more cake to eat.☺️☺️. This  is either  something  that you have  done or seen done. There is something  known as lumination . This  is  when  we allow  it to just  fester and consume  our minds and  we want to see them  in  the  worse possible  light. You will  play  their  transgression  over and over again  in your head, and  you want  to  surround  yourself  with  people  who  will  certify that you are  a  grade a victim and  that your actions  were completely  justifiable.  In fact  the only  people  you will  surround  yourself  with  is the people  who  will encourage  your lumination, whether  it’s  correct  or  not. I’ve been  hurt and I  have  every  right to  hold onto my pain and to share it with  anyone  who will listen and  tell me that I’m right.  I’ve known  of people  who have  quit  a professional counselor, because  they  didn’t  tell  them  what they  wanted  to hear and to be justified.  Well  you already  have your yess men and women  that you  have  surrounded  yourself  with so why bother  with  a professional ☺️☺️
  • It’s always  so easy to  see what someone’s  else’s  short comings and  flaws are, but we rarely  see or take  credit  for  our own crap.  If I  can’t  paint  them  as this horrible  monster  then  my story  isn’t  worth  telling, so we will  just  continue to  add different  variables, so now their  teeth  are  fangs and  their  eyes are red and evil.  Lumination is  one of the biggest  things  that  prevent people  from  healing  and moving  forward  in their  story . They  are  a perpetual  ground  hog story ☺️☺️.
  • It’s been  said by countless people  down through  the  millennium , but God said  it first and probably  best. The thing is ,only  love can  conquer hate. Only  love can reset  a relationship , but it must  be genuine.  I have  had people  tell me that love is not enough and doesn’t  matter and, frankly I  have  to  question, what they  call  love. Love , genuine  love is the only  thing  that can  make it slightly  possible  for you to step into  someone’s else’s  shoes and  maybe  begin to  see the why , behind what took place, or where you began  to  come off of the rails. Yes, there will  be times when  you  will  just  see a selfish  person  engaging  in  a selfish  act, but most times  that is not the whole  truth. 
  • Now days  it seems  that everything  is  open for discussion and  debate.  You  have  your truth and I have mine , but all things  can not,  and again  I  will  say,  can not be true, especially  when  they  stand in stark contrast to one another.  That being  said, maybe  you are a person  who  doesn’t  believe  in  monsters and  especially  not  monsters  dwelling  deep  within  ourselves, but  they  are  there. It’s a funny thing about  monsters and  that  is, you almost  have to be one to recognize one☺️☺️. The monster that lives within  each and every one of  us is called  sin. There are no exceptions here, and it encourages us  all to set up our own little  kingdoms of mine! I do  what I  want, when and how I want, and no one or thing gets  to stand in the way of that. It’s my life  and  I  get to live it the way I  want  to  and see fit. On the surface, who can  have a problem with  that?. Despite  the  common  miss conception, the world  is not Your pearl or  oyster.  We have  to  engage with other  people and  there always  has been  and always  will  be conflict  within the  world  and  with  other  people. All in all , for most  our biggest  conflict is  with  God, because  He desires humility and  we desire  self. Self preservation is  what governs most of  humanity.  We seek to exalt ourselves  over our  kingdoms , over others, and yes even  over  God Himself.  He is the one that gave you that life in the first place that  you’re  so kingly focused on  reigning.
  • If you  ever think  yourself   not to be a monster, just look in the mirror.  The mirror  may tell  you that you have  it pretty  much  together.  Hair is neatly  in  place, and no food stuck  in  your teeth ☺️☺️, but a better  and much more  accurate portrayal of yourself  is  to  look to calvary, look to the cross, and  you  will  indeed see the monster  that you are.  You will  see how You allowed  an innocent person  take your  place and  to receive a punishment  that had your name  written  all over it. All I’m saying  is before we demonize others and taking   our paint to the canvas to paint  and portray them  as monsters , let’s not forget  who we truly  are  ourselves and  to have  some compassion when  others  miss the mark. After all  that is what God did for you, and shouldn’t  we be passing  that on to others. Don’t  love  others in the way that You  want  to  be loved, but love them  in the way that  God has loved you.❤️❤️.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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