” The Phoenix”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post# 141
  • 26 Jun 24    
  •    ” The Phoenix “
  • Howdy,
  • I have  love for you guys, some I know and others, not so much!, but yet here we  are together.  It’s a journey and  the road that we travel  is not always  smooth.  It often  has dips or pot holes, that sometimes  feel much more  like craters☺️☺️.  Sometimes  it’s sharp turns or low or no shoulders at all, yet we are required to  move on and travel  through.  Life is often  attempting  to  push us down  into  a  ravine , and hopes that no one will come along to rescue us. We wonder if there really  is  any such  thing  as a good Samaritan.  Most  of us love when  good overcomes  evil.  We love it when someone  gets what’s  coming  to  them, or what some would  call the Karma effect. ☺️☺️ We just  crush it on those  happy  endings and  when  everyone  is  wearing  their  best smiles.  We also  know  that  life doesn’t always  work  that way, and that sometimes  when  we are  down, it’s really  hard to get  back up. There is this  mythological creature known  as  a Phoenix.  It’s a fiery bird that burns hot and it is known  for  rising  from the ashes. Fire is often  used and known  to be something that can  purify things. It can  be  used to burn a field  to prepare  it for new growth or it can  be used  to  forge metals and to draw out impurities.
  • When  we are in the fire for  whatever reason, how do we know that we will  rise  above the  ashes and soar like a Phoenix?  Honestly!, I  don’t  think that  any  of  us actually know  at the time.  We may  be really, really  hopeful, but it’s not a guarantee of  success and  redemption.  Some people  have  overcome great  obstacles in life, whether  it be their  fourth  bankruptcy, or overcoming some crippling health  scare, like  having  to  learn  to  walk and speak again  after  suffering a stroke. Truth be told, sometimes these situations  in life  just  lead us to one of those  ,” Why God moments “. It’s when  the baby dies after  so many  prayers have been  offered.  Perhaps  it’s and elderly  person  who  looses their  entire  life savings  do to a scam, or someone loosing  their  home after doing  all they could do  to make ends meet.  There are a thousands of other  ways to  get here, but we just  wonder what the heck God was thinking to allow  this to  happen. Where is God in the heart ache? In the deep sorrow?  God tells us that His ways are higher than  our ways and His thoughts  much greater than our own. Even  if I don’t  believe  that  or buy in on that, the evidence  is  one again overwhelming and undeniable.
  • Sometimes the pain seems  to  great  to bear. Often  it feels  like  a  kick to the gut or the gonads. When  it’s really  intense  you feel  as  if you are trapped  in  a horror movie  or a sci-fi plot with  aliens and  they  just  reach right  into  your chest  cavity and  rip your heart out, but they  aren’t  satisfied that is pain enough. You find yourself to  be a balloon and  you just  can’t  keep  the  air from  slowly slipping out, just deflated.  I’ve had a  few really  painful  moments in my life  that have left me dazed, confused  and  not sure of my orientation. One of the most memorable  ones, if I  care to frame it in that light, was when my kids mom and I  split.  When  she took off, it just  sucked all of the oxygen  out of the room and  my life at the same time.  The beginning of this blog was another one of those  situations, where someone  crushed my heart into  tiny little  pieces and then  just  blew them  in the wind. They  were  over a dozen  years apart, but they both  had a bitter  sting, that left a hemorrhaging spirit and life just  leaking out. It’s just  crazy to go through  life and not to learn  from  our mistakes and  try to put some kind of safe guards in place.  God tells  us to guard our hearts because  of its sensitive  nature.  Our hearts will at times  lead us astray and  we will  at times offer our hearts to  people who  should  never be in possession of  something  so sacred and precious.  Some people  are just  incapable of  handling something  so fragile and open towards  purity.  It’s not that our hearts are pure because  they  are  absolutely  not, but it can  open  itself  up to another  individual  in  a way it meets them  with  pure intentions.  God said that the heart is deceitful and  wicked  and  that’s an absolute  fact.☺️☺️.
  • There are things that I  know  , I will  now go all out of the way to avoid, and  one of those things is heart trauma.   I’ve been really  careful about to whom I  put out the welcome  mat for☺️☺️. Desperately trying  to  avoid the kick to the gonads or the heart  being  ripped out of  my chest, and yet, I find myself  once again  in a place of great pain and agony.
  • I may have  mentioned  this before, I can’t  remember, but I had a really  gifted pastor  at the place  where I  attend worship  most Sundays . I’m going  to  be upfront and  tell you that I don’t  know  any real  specifics,  and  other  than  to  pray for  him  at a difficult time  in his life, it’s really  not my business.  However, back in  February, he appeared before  the  congregation and  said that he was dealing with some personal issues and  that he would  be  taking a  leave of absence.  Well , he has been  greatly  missed and other  staff members have been  rotating and filling  in for him. He spoke about  himself and  his  son, but nothing about wifey.  I’m sure in a church  of any size there would  be whisper and speculation, and our church  runs around twenty five hundred  between the  three services, so I’m sure the gossipers were in full  effect, ☺️☺️but I  never  heard anyone  bringing  it  in  my direction.  It’s been mostly an out pouring of  grief and how  much that he’s been  missed. 
  • Well….this  past  Sunday  morning, again  before the  congregation and  resignation tended. There it is , the kick to the gut. This  is  a man that I love. This is a man that I respect  and trusted.  This is a man who  was  an inspiration to  so many.  This is a man who always  treated  God’s  word with  dignity and respect.  This  is  a man that so many  of the young  couples  in the church  looked up to and thought of  as a  mentor and  how a family  should  look. My heart just  failed.  He’s  trying to be strong, but You know  that  there is just  an ocean  of pain and  embarrassment behind  his   facade . People  feel  sorry for him and they  love him , but very  few people  have  to  deal  with  something  like  this on this level.  God said to guard my heart, and I never  thought  that it would  be  necessary in this part of my life. I can’t  even  say that I’m deeply  disappointed  in him, because all I  really  know is  that  his wife took off. I’m not going to  throw her under the  bus either and  I  know  none of the particulars that got him where he finds himself and  ultimately, where his church  family  now finds ourselves. I don’t know and I  don’t  need to know. 
  • It’s a deep pain that you feel  when  someone  close to you dies, and not just  dies, but it was unexpected.  It’s like  everything was fine, you had lunch with them  on yesterday  and today  you get  a call  about  their  demise.
  • He’s an incredible  young man.  I say that but he’s in his mid forties and I  believe  that  he is a forth or fifth  generation   pastors. So he’s a  PK” preachers kid”. He’s charismatic and  he really can   spin a dad’s  joke, which  he often  opened  his  messages with. He loves  basketball and  he  played in college, and he was very  proud  of the fact that  he was a walk on☺️☺️. My heart was ripped open  and I had to remind myself that  it wasn’t  about  me, but that someone else that I  love has had their  entire world  turned upside  down.  His resignation  comes on the heels of  a few other  high profile  pastors  being wrangled  from  the  pulpits across  the  nation. As he spoke  his farewell to the congregation, he said all of the right  things, if there is such a thing for a time like this. It reminded me of when  an athlete  is leaving  one franchise to go to the next, you want to be cordial and leave on a good note, again  if there is such a thing  under  these circumstances  .He tried to  convey  how much  he  loved the people and what an honor it was to serve  for sixteen  years. There were a few memorable memories for those who had been  on the bus for his entire  administration.  He said that he was trusting  God for himself and  his  eleven year old.  He said that he didn’t  know what the future holds , but he knew that he was  not done with  preaching. That’s  where today’s title  comes  from.  He spoke  with  confidence that he would again  somewhere be preaching the word of God.  His life is in shambles, but he is vowing to  rise like the  Phoenix.  He didn’t  say  it arrogantly or in a proud way, as much as it was about knowing that God has a plan, even  though  he has no idea as to what that plan looks  like  or how it will come into  play. He knows that God is not done with  him.  These are the times when  we  just  have to know  that  God has something  incredible in store for us and to trust that  there is a purpose for all of the pain and heart ache  . I can  only  begin  to  imagine how hard  this  must be for his kid .  And yet, God is doing a new thing. 
  • My daughter and I  are very  close  and  so she was aware of the situation  and  she asked me  if  I  was going  to  leave  the church.  My response  was, I  certainly  hope not. The beauty of  the  church is that Christ is the head of the church and we follow  Him  and not one of his movable  players☺️☺️. Yes, some will  undoubtedly  move on, and maybe  their  roots aren’t  very  deep,  and I’m not talking    about  a particular  building, because  that is not the church.  The church  is  made up of people and each has a role to  play. The man that has been  my pastor for the last five years is not a disgraced  clergymen. He is a dear brother  whom I love and will  continue to  love and pray  for, even  though  God is moving  him to the next chapter of his story.
  • It’s called “Faith”, and I  think  for all of us who are professing believers,  will  have  water shed moments, or rubber to the road, or However  you wish to put it. These are the  times when  we will either  draw close to  God or we will  crumble do to weak  or none existent faith. It’s something  that no one in their  right  mind would  ever ask  for. Who hopes that their  wife will  walk out on them.?…well  that may be the wrong  phrasing of  that question, because  I’m sure there are some  takers out there☺️☺️
  • There are things that  are way out of our control and  it’s nothing  that we can  do but trust  God  for the outcome. There are just so many things in life that we go through, that is out of our control, and the best that we can do is to control our response , to what is often a difficult segment of life . It doesn’t  have  to  be  this scenario, it could  be  a sick child, a parent with  memory issues or I will  just leave  it  blank for  you  to institute  your own personal desperation there.  Sometimes  we just  have  to  believe  for it. We don’t  know the when, where, or how, but we are just  trusting and relying  on  God to do what only  He can  do. That is what  I heard my pastor  say on Sunday, that he was going  to  believe  for it. This is not the prosperity gospel, where you just  name something  and wait  for  it to fall from the  sky or into  your lap. ☺️☺️ It can  be really  tough when  we can’t  see God working, when  we  can’t  feel  it , or when  we have to preach it to ourselves  over and over again, that God is good and that he can take an evil and use it for good .  God can take the broken  pieces of our lives and produce  a masterpiece.  He can  redeem  the  things that we can’t  salvage  for ourselves.
  • Another  heart break and  maybe  I shouldn’t  be surprised.  It wasn’t  a  promise  as much as it was a proclamation, when  Christ stated that in this world  we would  have  troubles , trials and tribulations.  He further  went  on to say that He has overcome the  world.  If we live in Christ and with  Christ, that same victory  applies to  us as His followers.  Sometimes  we forget  that  and sometimes we just  have an  unbelieving spirits about us. Perhaps  we are to close to a situation, or it’s just so fresh of a wound, that we can’t  even  begin  to  think  how something  good can come from  something  so painful  and  dark, and immense  suffering.  We have  to  take  comfort  in  God’s  sovereignty and  know  that  the fiery trials  of  life,  somehow purifies   us or builds   in a new toughness to prepare  us for our next assignment.  That has been  my story, one trial to prepare me  for the  next.  The journey can be seen  as  moving  past the ” Why God  moments “, or the whoa is me, to asking  God, what does He want  us to learn  from a particular situation.  We then  just have  to  believe  for  it…..having  and exercising  faith, and wait  for  God  to raise us up as a Phoenix, blazing hot , as we rise from  the  ashes.  One final  note, October is  what  is usually  known  as  pastor’s  appreciation  month.  They  have  a  truly  hard job and I  want to encourage  you guys to pray  for  them  on a more regular  basis.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The  Southerner
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