• Not The Only One!
  • Post # 136
  • 31 May 24  
  •       ” Big  Foot”
  • Howdy,
  • Welcome  once more to the not so always  gentleness ☺️☺️.  I hope  that  all is going well, and let’s talk a little   bit about  some ”  folk lure “☺️☺️. I  think  that  probably  most of  us  have some slight  recognition of  ” Big Foot”, probably  most from  some TV show  or in some other  form of media, and hopefully  not from  a  first  hand experience  ☺️☺️. Big Foot,   also  known  as  Sasquatch, propagated itself  into our culture in the early to mid twentieth century.  It is most closely  associated with the  United States pacific Northwest and  also  in parts of  Canada.  However, just  like  multiple  cultures have different  accounts of the great flood, the tales of  a  large  hairy humanoid  like  creature also  has  roots in other  cultures, such as in Asia it’s   known  as  the Yeti, or in Australia its known as the  Yowie. There has  been  put forth  various  pieces  of  evidence  such  as strands of long hair, blurry  photos and  even  cast footprints in  plaster, but nothing  concrete for it to add up to  more than  tall tales or Folk Lures. And if you are waiting  for me to break out into   song and dance about this  or famed “Area #51” , then  you  are going to  be  slightly  disappointed, but  we are here to  discuss another  kind of big Foot, as in the kind that goes into  one’s  mouth. 🤣☺️☺️
  • I do prescribe to the belief that  we are all fearfully and  wonderfully  made, but I  know  that  we all pick up all sorts of habits as we walk through life, some of them  good and others, not so much !!☺️☺️. So we all come with  some hardwiring from  the  factory, but often  what we turn  into  can’t  be attributed to God’s  handiwork ☺️☺️. Its  a little  a kin to us all having  opinions about  or on certain things and those are mostly  about  life experiences or some kind  of  training or indoctrination or possible trauma 🤔.
  • Take myself  for instance.  I’m an extrovert, and always  been  an alpha, and probably a  little  bit  more prideful about  that than  I  should  be. ☺️I’m the person  who would  step up and  make  the  call, when  others  may be indecisive or fearful  to do so. If I’m being  honest, probably about  fifty/ fifty, so not always  right  on making the call, ☺️but again  not frozen  or paralyzed by fear to do so. I’m  a person  who  believes  in bang for my buck, and that’s across  the  board. It could  refer to  a particular  product  or  a  service, but I  believe  in and like  order. So!, if you are being  paid to do a particular  job, especially  after  signing  an offer  letter, I’m looking  for  and expecting performance, aka  bang for my buck☺️☺️. I’m  always  going to  choose quality over quantity, with  maybe the  exception to  time constraints, depending  on  who and what it is. I fall  into  the  category  of  its better to ask for forgiveness  than to ask  for permission ☺️☺️  So of course , I  prescribe to its better to be judged by twelve than to be carried  by  six☺️☺️. I  don’t  consider  myself  to  be brash or without a filter, but being an alpha  doesn’t  always  lend itself  towards  sensitivity or compassion.  I’m not saying that  those things can’t  coexist  together, but I  just  never found  away  for them  to play  nice within  my personality.☺️ I  could  go on here, but I  think that You can  gather that I’m a person  who  believes  in  work first, then  play, and that You  should  do both of those  things  to the best of your  abilities. The one thing  that  you  should  gather  from  this detailed  description is  that, I rarely  miss out on opportunities to  put my big foot  in my  mouth.☺️☺️ There is nothing more  disconcerting than  going  through  the  majority of  your  life and then  have  God or someone  else  that you really  respect to tell  you that  you  got it all  wrong or are going  about  things  in the  wrong way 😪😪.
  • I’m not going to  make excuses about  upbringing or worldview, but I  do  believe that both  of  those things  play a  part. Almost from  a very early age we are taught that competition is  good , and I’m  not saying that it’s not, but we have  both  warped and  perverted it. When  we want to  win at all cost, and only  see others  as something to  be stepped  on  or over to get  what we  want  out of life,  is truly sad😔.  We may  congratulate others  on their successes in  life, but we don’t  celebrate with  them  and  we usually  plot or find ways to undermine their  success, or the age old back stabbing in full effect☺️😝. 
  • As far as upbringing  goes, I’ve said before  how I was late to the party that  everyone  doesn’t  respond well  to  tough love.  The thing  that had served me  so well  in  life and pushed me to new bounds, was and is something that  turned out to  be  one of my biggest  detractors 🥲
  • Just a  few weeks ago I  encountered a woman who  was  a  little, let’s say chunky around  the midsection and I  chose  not  to  ask her when  she was due, so, a little  growth on my behalf ☺️, but turns  out that she was indeed  pregnant, and it works  out so much  better  when  they  volunteer the information  , opposed to  me making  an insensitive assumption ☺️☺️. I  want to  make  a  little  comparison if  I  may. I’m employed by a  fortune  five hundred firm and  just  like the military and  so many  other  places now, we do an annual sensitivity training, which to say that I’m not a fan   of ,  is a vast understatement☺️☺️. I’m not saying that  we don’t  need to  be sensitive, it’s just  that the things that they  encourage us to be sensitive about  is  none of my business and  I  could  care less about who and what You  choose  to  be, and do in your off time, as long as it doesn’t  have  a  detrimental effect on the  work environment and  their ability to  do  the  work assigned to  them, again  bang for buck☺️☺️. Then I  want  to  contrast that with  my friend  Tom who works in a  hospital.  He tells  stories of  walking the  corridors and  encountering people with  blank looks on their  faces. He said that he sometimes wonders what they   are walking through.  Did they  just receive a cancer diagnosis that was  accompanied with  just  a  limited amount of time to get  their  affairs in  order? Perhaps  they just  lost a child or  a  parent or  someone else that was dearly  close to them  and that they  loved passionately. I  think that  we may often  say that we  never know  what  someone is walking through without  ever really  giving it credence as to what that actually  means.  It’s like  looking at  someone in a bad situation and  saying  if not for the grace of God, there go I, while  all along  somehow  thinking  that we are impervious or somehow above it all.
  • In both  situations, the one at work  and  the one that Tom brought to  the  table, if we were  just  loving  people and  doing  that in a real tangible ways  and not just  lip service, then  maybe  sensitivity training  would  be  even  further  unneeded.  I have  confessed  before that when  I  read and examine  scripture, I  often find myself  on the wrong  side of  history or the  narrative.  I  find  it  to be quite humbling and  convicting.  God’s word  says that  we speak  out of  the  abundance of what is in our hearts. This means that  every time we rush to some snap judgment or opinion  about  someone  or situation, that we ran it through  some internal  filter, that makes us think  that  we know  enough about the  situation  to speak into  it. Again!, we rarely  know  what  we think  that we know.
  • It’s not as popular as  it  was  twenty  years ago, but every once in a while, I  will  see someone  sporting  one of those WWJD bracelets.  You know and remember those  what would Jesus do! Well, it’s in print as to some of the things  Jesus  said and did, and I’m here to tell you that  we  are  a long, long, long  way off from  that, with  so much  work to  do, just  to get  vaguely  close  to  that 😅😗. It’s not just  about  putting our foots into  our mouths, we will  often  come right  out and use our tongues like a Ginsu knife and  slash  someone  into  tiny little  bite size pieces.  Sometimes  that’s not even  enough for us, so we will  toss a grenade or two of Sarcasm in there, just  for good measure☺️☺️. We may roll our eyes or other none approving body language to get  our point  across.  The saying  is, ” If looks could kill”. Well, let me break the news to you that looks do indeed kill, and it’s just  one reason that we have so many  walking  wounded, so I  guess Zombies  are real☺️☺️.  Sadly enough one of the place  that  we may see this most is in our own homes with  our kids. You may  have a  crap job, or a crappy boss , but that  doesn’t give you the right to come home and dump it on your family.  Freshen  up that  resume  of yours ☺️☺️. If  I  had just  one penny  for everyone that  I  have  encountered through the  years who has   been  wounded  by  words, from  someone at school, work, home life, or even  at play, I  would  be an extremely  wealthy  person ☺️☺️
  • I believe that  on one hand  we are way to sensitive, and it’s a dying  art form to be able  to  laugh at  ourselves and  not to take  ourselves  to seriously. I  use to be able to  go out of the house with two obviously color socks on. When ever I  got to where I  was  going, someone  would  point  it out to me, and we would  laugh  about it and I may get  teased through out the day, but You  didn’t  find me out on a ledge  somewhere, just  because  I  provided  a   little humor for the  office  or my class mates. Well for most  normal  people that would  be  a  teachable  moment to make sure you  check  before  you  leave the house in the morning.  My personality would  do it every day, until  they  got tired of commenting  on  it ☺️☺️. Sadly, now days  , this could be  something that  would be  taken  to HR  and treated as a case of bullying. We seriously have  forgotten how to laugh at ourselves. If men are like  dogs, then  our society  must  be  also.  What  I mean by  that is, men for the most part are very simple  creatures.  If you  want  to  discourage a behavior, then chastise them  for it and you will  get  less of that  behavior and  the opposite is  true  as well, what you reward, you will  get  more of it, be it a  super  sensitive person  that you just  accidentally  looked  at  them  in  the  wrong  way  or even  panhandling.  What we reward, we get  more of. Comedians are constantly  under fire now days, because people  can  do outlandish and  ridiculous things and they think that  they  should  get  a  pass without  consequences or comments  being  made….never gonna  happen!
  • I have jested  before  about  me  riding the short  bus to school ☺️☺️. I talk about how sometimes when  I’m being extremely  slow and thick headed that  God  will  give me what I  call a “Gibbs”. It’s from  the  show NCIS.  The guy who played the  lead on the show, would  slap his subordinates in the back of the head when  they  failed  to  connect the dots or follow the obvious bread crumbs☺️☺️. Well  God does that to me an awful lot. It’s just  amazing at how far off the reservation I can  be  at times. . If there is such a thing  as super sizing a big foot, as In putting  both feet  in  simultaneously, then  just  know  that  I’m that  talented ☺️☺️. This  is  when  I  hurt or crush  someone  without  even  trying  or being  aware that I’m doing so. It is immediately  met with  feeling like  you are only a  few inches tall.  So I’m usually pretty good  at  reading  people, not the room so much, but individuals and the more time  I spend with  them  , the more I  usually  refine  my  gift at reading them.  And before you  ask, yes, I  have  used this super power of mine for evil, not proud of it, just  saying  it’s  been  done and  it’s unfortunately an option ☺️☺️. Ok, so most Saturday mornings, I  meet  with  a group of  guys  at seven thirty in the morning.  It’s a Bible study and  for  the  most  part we are just  brothers in Christ.  It’s only  one gentleman who is an only child, so most of us  grew up  giving and receiving the  “business “”☺️☺️. Well one morning  recently one of the guys was attempting to  read a section of  scripture  out loud and  he was just bungling it, really  bad.  I don’t  even  remember  what I  said, but after  group  was over, someone  pulled  me  aside and told  me  that my friend, this brother was  struggling with  finding  his place, as in all seriousness, not keeping  up. So much  for me reading  people and  immediately just  about  three inches tall🥲🥲. I  had no clue!
  • Let’s get  back  to  WWJD, before I  run this completely off of the rails☺️☺️. Many of the things that  Jesus  taught, modeled and  did are out of favor now days , which  actually  means  that  they  are more needed  than ever ☺️☺️. He was full to the brim with grace, mercy and  compassion.  It showed  itself  often as kindness, service to others and  love. One  of  Jesus’s  greatest  attributes was Meekness and that  needs to be my goal. I  think that word is out of favor  and when  we see it or read we think of a shy , weak , introverted person, but that is not what it is at all. It’s more like  strength  under  control.  He never  once had to tell  anyone  that  He was in charge  or in control, people  just  knew  by the way  that  He spoke and carried  Himself . Never, not once was He  not in control. He was in control  when  He told  the religious leaders of  the  day, their  very  own thoughts and  motives, which  frankly  would  have  scared the frosting  off of my cake☺️. He was in control, when  He spoke  to  the  storm  and  said  peace be still. The most impressive and meek  situation that  He ever controlled was dragging that  cross up to calvary for me and  for you as well.
  • We all to often  judge a situation  by what we would  do, or what makes  us  the most  comfortable. We never  think  about  our horse play  forcing  someone  out of their  comfort  zone, leave that one up to God. I want  to  remind you  that  if you ever plan on getting  past just  the  lip service, then  if you love, truly love , be prepared to  make  some sort of  sacrifice and be prepared  to  be inconvenienced. Remember  that for every  wrong  there is a right, regardless  of what it is. It may  be wrong  for  me  to  run home and sit on my butt on the couch  and watch  TV, but for  someone  else  with  a  heart  condition, it may  be precisely what is needed . Think about  it  for just a  second, what life would  look like if everything that came  out of our mouths  was for building up and encouraging one another . No more gossip, and  yes someone  would  be  in trouble  with  all of those left over words at the end of the day ☺️☺️. Final challenge, God’s Word  says that it’s better to be silent , instead  of letting  foolish  things  roll off of your tongue, and I know  first hand  how hard that can  be  at times☺️☺️.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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