“Same Bat Channel-Same Bat Time”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post# 128
  • 11 Apr 24 “
  • Same Bat Channel- Same Bat Time”
  • Howdy!,
  • Back in the day , before  Keaton, Clooney, Bale , and Mr. JAYLO☺️☺️, I grew up with  Adam  West as Batman, he wasn’t  the original  or the  first  actor to play that role,  but he is the one most  closely  related  to  ” same bat channel, same bat time”  There have  actually  been  almost  a  dozen  different Dark Knights  over the years and  the  first would  take  you back the 1940s and  a gentleman by the name of Lewis G. Wilson.   Batman is  a  fictional character  , much like  James Bond and they  will  occasionally  freshen up the role☺️☺️.   As I  said I grew up  during  the  Adam  West era , in later years he was known for  being  the  voice of the  mayor on the Simpsons.  He was one of those actors  that played a  role so well, that he became  typed cast and that was  all that people  could  see him playing was Batman.  If you were a kid in the late  sixties, then  you  were probably  all to familiar with  “Same Bat Channel- Same Bat  Time. The show only  ran for three seasons, 66 to 68, but lived  on in reruns forever.  Things  were  way different  Back then with our  three basic  channels☺️☺️.  There were  no VCRS, DVRS , or such thing like that.  If you  missed  your  favorite  show, your next best  shot at seeing it was during the summer  reruns….nope, no such thing  as  on demand either ☺️☺️☺️☺️. The thing  was about  ratings, just  like  today, with a lot less competition.   So the key was consistency and  usually  a bit of a cliff hanger to keep  you coming  back  again  and  again ☺️.
  • Have you  ever found  yourself  doing  the same  Bat Channel and  same Bat Time thing , when  it comes to life? I  just  kind of  jumped  into  this one , because I  wanted to  dig in just a  little.  This may apply to  yourself or someone  that  you know  and possibly  close to You, because  it sometimes  works that  way, and  for me it was ….someone close. We have  all seen  or know  of someone  who seems to just  not able  to get out of their  own  way.  They  seem to make the same  bad choices  or decisions  , time and time again.  Often they will know  that  something is a midst.  They  may even  take  time off in between  events to  try and get  a  handle  on it, but somehow  still  manage to come up empty.  This usually  evolves  around  relationships or finances, but it could  be almost  anything  else at all including wrestling with  diet and food, or something  else in life that may require  some form of discipline and  discernment  in life.
  • This is one of those things that  I  have dealt  with  myself  somewhere  in my past, and with  my ability to have  huge blind spots in my life, it may still  exist on some level ☺️☺️. However this particular one, I have nailed down to some  degree, but still  very  much  still  a work  in  progress and I  will  double back to that in a bit.☺️. Have  you  ever  seen or ever  been the person  who hovers around  faith  and just  never seems to  do more than  come to the edge and just  stick  your  toe in. It’s always  just a  toe, not even  the same  toe, but always  just a  toe☺️☺️. There will  be no cannon balls or leaps from  the  high platform, it’s always  just  a  toe☺️
  • I’ve always  been  completely fascinated by skittles worshippers.  They  are like taste the rainbow ☺️☺️.  Skittle worshippers is something I use to refer to  people  who  play  roulette  when  it comes to faith.  They  can  tell  you  about  all of the different  religions that they  have  dabbled in, and sometimes  it looks like  something  close to  a person’s  job resume who does a whole  bunch of  job hoping ☺️☺️. They  use to be Mormon or Baptist, Muslim, catholic or  just  pick  one out of thin air☺️☺️.  They  may or may not  be one of those people  running  around with one of those bumper stickers that  says co-exist ☺️. I  sometimes  wonder  about  what goes into  the  mindset that  something  spiritual could  be  interchangeable like underwear that has the  different  days of the week  printed on them.☺️☺️.
  • However, these aren’t  the  one’s  that  I’m talking about . I’m referring to  the  one’s  who will  constantly  stand  at the sidelines, like they  are  about to  go into the  game, but then  remember that  cleats  don’t  allow that single  one toe to be exposed ☺️☺️. They are almost always  respectful  of  other  people’s choices to engage, but simultaneously remind  themselves that  it’s not for themselves.  They  may attend a  service, a wedding, a baptism or  Christening , a Bat Mitzvah., or some other  religious  celebration and never take the time to  be curious as to the significance  behind the service.  These also  maybe  people if you looked  into a dictionary and looked up the word cynical or  skeptical and there would  be  a  picture of  them ☺️☺️, more like a portrait ☺️☺️.
  • If I  was to do a FBI profile  on them, they  would  usually  be  people with  slightly  above average  intelligence . They  would probably be  in some profession that requires  education beyond high school.  They  have  usually  achieved  some level  of  success in  life and  by all outwards observations doing  quite well in life.  They may be  well  traveled, speak  multiple  languages and  achieved a  lot of accomplishments away  from their  profession as well, but feel  completely  empty  inside.  They  often wonder   why the next great  accomplishment doesn’t  bring them  fulfillment in life.  They  may  think  to themselves if I could  just  find the right  partner in  life, or have a child or some other  grand life altering  event, and still  be just missing the contentment bar “happiness  factor “, they are  always  off and chasing the  next thing  in life. We all make gaffs in  our journey   but, they  may  be extremely well at rationalizing why things have  worked out  for  them  in life the way that they have , and they  usually  bare little to no responsibility for what has taken  place.  There favorite  go to may sound  something  like  S_ _ _ ! Happens ☺️☺️. If things go well  in life then  it was the result of  something that  they  directly did, and if it’s a not so much!  , then somehow the cosmos is against them ☺️☺️
  • I believe that  God is a gracious and always trying to  get ours attention and wanting to  interact with  us. We  often may encounter  God through  nature, such as a beautiful  sunrise or sunset , the grandeur   of the grand canyon, it  could  be the birth of a child  or animal, or even the much talked about  eclipse. These are all things that are supposed to  point  us to the Creator , and they don’t  speak of their own glory, but of God’s ☺️☺️. I  am not saying that  God causes  bad things to  happen  in life, but He completely uses those things and other  circumstances in life to make  Himself known to  us. 
  • People  who  gravitate towards but only  choose to  hoover around  things of a spiritual nature, often  miss God’s attempts  to  reveal  Himself  to  them.  These  very  self confident toe dippers will  often  take credit  for  or attempt  to  explain away  things that can  only  be  accredited to  God. When  a car goes off the road , down  into  a   ravine and  becomes  so mangled that it’s unrecognizable and the occupants have  to  be excavated with  the  jaws of life from the  vehicle, and walks  away without a scratch  on them, then  that is  God making  His providential protection known. We could  say that they  were lucky  or praise the car manufacturer and its safety  features, but when we choose to  take that path, we rob God of His glory and miss an opportunity to  show  gratitude and to connect with Him. I  would  challenge you that every time a baby is born and is healthy with  all of its fingers and  toes that it’s a miracle. ☺️I  think that  the miraculous things  that God does  in our lives or displays  in nature are common  place to us, thus they  go often  unnoticed and definitely  unappreciated.  We don’t often  appreciate or say  thank You to God, but we are consistently awesome at complaining, when  the  things  that we take for  granted, doesn’t  go according to  plan or our apple cart somehow  becomes upset ☺️☺️.
  • I will  confess to  being  a  little  bit of  a  control  freak, but nothing  like the toe dippers who feel  as if that every  single moment  of  their  lives is orchestrated  by themselves ☺️☺️. They  will  often  experience anxiety over the things  in life that  are uncertain and  beyond  their  control,  they  want  a magical  guarantee ☺️☺️This makes  them  feel  completely dysfunctional and   they will  usually  nick pick at other parts of life  to distract  themselves  from the  fact that they  aren’t  actually  in control.  I’m beyond  amazed at  how  certain  individuals in some of the most technical of fields can  just  research  the hell out of* algorithm , or some other complicated equation, but do very  little  to  nothing  to dig in and find out about  what God says about  Himself.  They will  chant the mantra that faith is  is blind, superstitious or only for the weak  minded in life. They  will  make  comments about  faith  that actually  demonstrates  how little  they  know about  faith and  tought scripture  references that they  have  never read for themselves.  Their lead in will  be doesn’t it say this or say that ? While  all along having  no actual  clue , and not wanting to  get one☺️☺️. I  have asked  often, but failed to get  an answer to why would  you not   just  examine the  evidence for faith? .  Why not give  it  the same  scrutiny and study  that they  did for that advance degree that they have and  are so proud of?☺️
  • I know for myself that  I  will  shy away from the  unknown, things that I’m unsure about.  That hasn’t  always  been the  case in life and I  have  rushed head on into  foolish  places that  God’s mighty  angels would  fear to thread☺️☺️. That might  be a  slight  exaggeration, but I have  done a  lot of not bright  things and many were scary, but they  became  less scary with  greater understanding.  Getting  to know  God can  absolutely  be  scary, but not usually for the reasons  that one might think.  The scariest part  of  getting to  know  God, well  at least for me was the trusting  and the letting  go. See, if He is in control, then  that means that I’m not. If this is true, then  it means that those very  self and over confident people are  actually  cowards and extremely  insecure☺️☺️.  How can  you  tie a cord or rope around  your  leg and bungee jump  off a bridge  and then stick your head in the sand to avoid  having an encounter  with  the living God? It’s often  about  pride. Pride and pride  in ourselves  is usually the  hugest  stumbling  block to  coming to knowing  and having  a  relationship with  God. I know for myself  that there are dozens  of  opportunities for me each day  to be set a part a to do things  God’s  way or my way. I  wish  that I  could  tell  you that I  was flawless at this process, but that  is just  so far from the  truth. It  could  be  something  small  like  letting  someone  go  before  me  in the  grocery  check out or allowing someone to merge in traffic.  These are seemingly  small  or  minute decisions and if I let  pride and  selfishness affect and influence those things, then you can  see, when, where and how it can  be  difficult to make  God honoring and God surrendering decisions at other times, and on the big things in life that  actually  matter a whole bunch more☺️☺️.
  • I  want to  offer up or introduce another  piece of the puzzle that we often  miss, overlook, fail to consider, and I  know  for myself just  don’t  like to deal with.  This is the thing, me not wanting to  deal with  or wanting to  acknowledge it, doesn’t  make  it any less real , and to all none believers of God , the very same  principle applies.  There is something  known as  spiritual warfare.  There are battles  raging  all around  us everyday and  for most people , we are completely  oblivious to  it.  Just  because we  can’t  see it with  our physical  eyes, doesn’t  make  it  any less real…..just  like  God. There is a huge percentage of  people who  don’t  believe  in  the  physical  existence of  hell as a place and  this is also  true  amongst evangelicals, which  honestly to me is a bit of a head scratcher ☺️☺️. Personally I  find it unsettling, and maybe  my position is  much  like when  men don’t  like  going  to the  doctor.  We don’t  want  to  know  if  something  is  wrong and if we ignore  it, then  on some level then  it doesn’t exist ☺️☺️☺️. Thus here today, gone tomorrow ☺️☺️. I  was just  talking  to  him and he just  killed over and died☺️☺️. Just  because  we don’t  acknowledge it  doesn’t  mean  that  there isn’t a  deadly  cancer or something  else growing  inside of  us. I  don’t  have  the  time  today  to  tell  you  about some specifics of spiritual  warfare that I have  experienced myself, but I  do have  a  few scary stories and perhaps at another time  when I’m not running  long. The thing that I  do want to  focus  on  real quick, is if you are one of those toe dipper folks  who  just  never  seems to  be  able to  figure  out what all of the fuss is about when  it comes to an invisible  God who wants to be known, then  I  want  to let  you  know that  there are forces unseen to  You that has a vested interest in  keeping  you from having a  meaningful relationship with God and you knowing  him on a personal  level.  You should  just  know  that  the next  time  you  find  yourself hovering around  something  or someone  spiritual, that there are literally  forces who want to  block your understanding of  what is being said or expressed. The next time you  are  in  some service and you feel God’s presence  tugging at your heart, just know  that  there are forces that  have  restraints on  you holding you  back and  you are smack dab  in  the middle  of a tug of war. You  may receive a  glimmer of  understanding, such as what it means to  fear God, and those unseen forces will  cause you to question and doubt  what  you  just  received.  They  will  seek  to distort God’s  truth and make it mean  something  completely different from what  God  intended for  you to  have.  Your  mind is a battlefield and  there are battles  played out there each and everyday.  I  used the word “vested”, so what is at stake? These unseen  forces are  actually in war over your heart and soul. The stakes are high!, what price  could  or would  you put on your soul? I want  to encourage you from  being a toe dipper and to go all in , and see how God will  transform your life away from  being  stuck doing the same Bat Channel thing☺️☺️.
  • One last little  caveat, I  honestly  believe that once we get past our pride, fear of what others  may think  of  us, and our fierce allegiance bent towards  independence.  The biggest  obstacle is  hypocrites or hypocrisy ☺️☺️. Everyone  who says that  they  are  a child  of God, is not. Some don’t  realize  that  they  aren’t  and even the ones who  are, don’t  always do a bang up  job  of  representing God.  So, if you work  with  them, date them , go to school  with  them, see them  out at restaurants or shopping, just  remember that  they  are  broken and  sinful  people  as well.  I  think  the consensus is  that  they  would  be perfect, but no perfect  people on this side of heaven. Don’t  let  them  keep  you from escaping the “Same Bat Channel, same bat time syndrome, because they  are subject  to  spiritual warfare as well , and we are all born  with  a  God size hole , that only  God can  fit perfectly  in .
  • Till Next Time ✌️Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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