” The Need”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post#127
  • 04 Apr 24   
  •                  ” The Need”
  • Howdy!
  • Thanks again  for  taking the  time. My son recently  moved halfway across the  country and  my response to  it has frankly  caught  me a little by surprise.  He’s a hugger, kind of tender hearted and  he was raised with  being  hugged, but he’s not really  known for  being  touchy Feely ☺️☺️. In later years I have  much  struggled with  emotions and  their  proper placement myself. My son also  shares my lot in life with  emotions and the  proper placement of, but more so the expression of those emotions. If I’m being  completely honest, I  think that  we would  just  rather keep  them  locked  away in a box somewhere, because, once they are  out they  can  wreak  havoc, and be expressed  in  unhealthy  ways. I believe that  there is something known  as the proper  response, but we often seem to gravitate towards the  extremes.   The extremes show up as fits of rage, or we retreat to avoidance  and kind of nonverbal and nonresponsive. More on that to come.☺️☺️              He’s not an only child and we have  spent much of the last  two years  working on  our relationship, which  was severely damaged when  his mother and I went our separate ways. My tyrannical heart approached him leaving, much like  when  his sister  went  off to college or the day that I gave  her away to her now husband.  It was a bit of a roller  coaster☺️.
  • I  think on some level  it calls in to play  your  parenting skills and if you  have  done  a good job of preparing  them  for the things that  you  know  the world will  throw at them.  I  don’t  believe that either  myself  or their  mom qualifies as  a helicopter parent.  I  believe that  they  are both  responsible adults and  understand  that certain decisions  in life come with  certain  consequences attached to them.  It’s a little  bit  of  every  action  cause some kind of  consequential reaction, or if you like  ,cause and effect☺️☺️.  My son moving  away  hit me a little  hard because  his sister  is already hundreds of  miles away, but more  importantly it’s the bitter sweet  reality that as parents  we did our job and that they  feel  confidently enough to move away  and  navigate the uncharted waters of  life. Ok, so by now you  are probably  wondering  where  this is going ☺️☺️. Well  !, frankly it had me wrestling with the fact  that I  want him here, but I  don’t  need him here.  My need/ wanting  him to be close by are bound up in selfish  reasons.  As I  said  we have  been  working on  our relationship and  yes, that is easier to  do  when  he’s only  an hour away opposed to  having  to jump on a plane, train , or a long exhausting  car drive, not saying that  it’s not worth  it ☺️☺️. We talked about  doing  our first  video chat together, which  we have  never  done, but I  seem to be able  to  execute flawlessly with  his sister every  week, thank God for  technology ☺️☺️.
  • I wish that I  could  tell  you that I  don’t have  a selfish  bone in my body, but that is so far from the  truth ☺️☺️. While  inflation is  rampant and off the charts  right  now, we still  live in a very  prosperous society, it just  now cost you more to be apart of  that society ☺️☺️. I  don’t  know  about  You, but for  me, my  selfishness  often  shows up when  I  have  trouble  distinguishing  between  wants and needs. We often  say  that  we  need something that  is actually  more closely related to  a want. We will  often  look around at  what  others are doing or own, and  think to ourselves, I need  that, when  actually, you  don’t  need it, you just  want  it.☺️ This is not about  materialism, fear of missing out, or even  about working  hard acquiring  things  and then  feeling guilty  over  it  because others  don’t  have  what you have. The last  one  probably  isn’t  so much a problem , because we take great pride in  separating ourselves from the  pack and saying ” eat your heart out”, which is a little  odd saying  in itself ☺️☺️.  This is  about the  ability to   be able  to  distinguish between the  two and the correct  placement of needs verses  wants and desires. We  take so many things for granted and so much of  what we consider  necessities are actually  luxuries.  Your  life and your heart  doesn’t  stop  beating  if you don’t  own a microwave or a flat-screen  TV, and the same is true for  luxury  automobiles and  other  perks in life.  Again! , this isn’t  about  class warfare or the guilt  ticker tape, but about  distinction. I  believe that  we  should get  down  to basics and  ask ourselves  how certain  things  in life for us,  move from  one category to the   next.
  • We live in the age of the “Upgrade”, and my hat is off to advertisers  who do an incredible  job , with  slamming the message home that , ” you deserve it”….really? ☺️☺️. This country right  now has the highest  levels  of credit  card  debt, that has ever been  seen. They  will  tell  you  that  you  deserve it, but never, not once talk about the  damage  that you maybe doing  to your credit  report ☺️☺️. I  will compare it  to days gone by, when  we use to glorify cigarette  smoking  in movies and  on huge billboards all across the  nation . It was so sexy and  hot with a cigarette and blowing  smoke rings, but they  never showed you the little  oxygen  tank  that you  would,  possibly  could be pulling  behind  you one day, because  that wasn’t  sexy or cool. We could  probably  have  a  heated debate  all day  long about  how You feel  that certain  wants are actually needs. And remember a need is something  that  you  need to do life with, it’s not about  some super  level  of existence, as in I don’t  know  how  I  could  ever  get  along  without  my nanny or butler ☺️☺️. Again  nothing  wrong  with having  those  things, I’m just  saying  don’t  behave  like  other  people  haven’t  successfully  done life without those things. We can  debate, just  try to keep the entitlement to a minimum ☺️☺️.
  • If I  may, I’d like  to  turn the page and simultaneously the heat  up along with  it.☺️☺️. I haven’t  kept it  a secret that I’m a Christian and  believe in  God, and not just  believe, because  even  demons believe in God, but  they  don’t  have  an ongoing   personal  relationship with God, and that  is the distinction, because  some times I do have  demon like  behaviors  ☺️☺️. That  being  said, I  know that  God watches over me. I  believe the saying  is  that God watches  out for fools and  babies, and I have  been  weaned for many years now☺️☺️. So let’s bring  the  microscope over to the  huge pile  of  nouns, being people  places and things that  God has either  rescued  me from or kept me from  injuring myself  with.  I  think  that  anyone  who has ever attended a  high school or college class reunion, can  probably  give God a deep, deep appreciation of gratitude from  things  that  didn’t  take place, that you thought  was such a  great  idea  when  you were there☺️☺️, come on you know what  I’m talking about ☺️☺️. God is not a Genie in a bottle, but I know   that often  my prayer life might  tell another story ☺️☺️. God has the ability to  know  the difference  between what we need in life and those strong wants and desires.  We  pray  for  a  spouse for many  years, sometimes  that  prayer  maybe  answered, but scripture also  tells  us  that  everyone  isn’t  supposed to be  married, and I know  that  deflates  a lot of  those  soul mate balloons out there☺️☺️. Perhaps, just  maybe  the divorce  rate speaks to that☺️. I  think that  maybe  one of the  biggest  lies in life is that we are supposed to be  happy  all the damn time.  Then it doubles down on the nonsense, by telling  you that your  partner  or spouse  is  supposed to  make you  happy.  What a heavy  burden, just  waiting to give way under the  wait of that expectation☺️☺️. I  believe that  this lie has led  to more depression and  anxiety  then  all of the other  trauma  combined in life.  We should  be cheerful, but it should  be based on  having  peace and  joy in our lives  and  some happiness  should  flow  out of that. If we feel  as if we always  need to  be happy , then  that  means  that  something has to always be  happening to drive that force in life and  when  it’s not, we are unhappy and  or depressed.  It’s a way of getting  us to chase our tales and always  looking for the next high of happiness.  I  know that  ultimately I’m talking about  contentment.  If we have  a  firm  grip on contentment, then  we have  less trouble  distinguishing  between needs and wants. I  have  spoken  before  about the  80/20 rule, and it’s often  rooted in discontentment,  and it’s where we will  trade the eighty percent of  what we do have  for the twenty  percent that we  don’t  have.  It’s not making  you whole, you are just  trading the more, for the lesser  thing, maybe  it’s some of that new math ☺️☺️.This is something that  I  see all the time  in relationships. It’s not about  settling  as much as  it is  about  having  gratitude for your current  blessings  in life.
  • This one here is a sticking  point for  me. I  constantly  hear people, especially  women  talking about they need to  be respected. I’m not saying  that  they  don’t, but  according  to  most research, a woman’s greatest  need is to be loved. I  don’t  know  which  school  of thought you subscribe  to  and  connect  with  as in , Respect is earned  or,  respect is given  mutually, and the obvious  problem  is  that many  people  don’t  respect  themselves and  don’t  have  the foggiest of  how to give it. I  think  across the  board when  someone  is screaming for respect that  it is actually rooted  in or a cry for   love, as in that is what they  are seeking . See!, the crazy part is, if someone  cuts you off in traffic, the immediate  go to may be disrespect, but in actuality they were behaving  in  an unloving manner. See , we think  it’s crazy to associate the  word  love with  a total  stranger in  traffic, but that is the key and missing  ingredient. If we treated  people  with  love then  respect  would  flow  from  that. It a universal thing, it’s not supposed to  be  just  for people  who  You like  or people  who show you love. Truth  be  told, there are people whom you will  never  be able  to respect  for one reason  or  the  other, but that shouldn’t  stop you from  loving  them.  I  know first  hand  how some people can  be difficult to  love…..but  for somebody  else, you are that difficult  person ☺️☺️ I think  if you take a second and think about  what I’m saying  it will  make  total  sense.  I  wish  that  the two, love and respect  always  traveled together, but they  don’t. We often  hurt the  people  that we love and I’m talking about people that we love the most , hopefully  not intentionally, but that pain  is  often  registered as disrespect and not unloving. In fact, the shouts of feeling  unheard, not valued, dismissed, taken for granted and the works ,   basically  its all the same heart’s  cry put to different words☺️☺️
  • My goal here is not to down  play  respect and how important that is, but the greater call is to love people, not just  with  words, but it’s so important to  show it with our  actions. In my own life, this is sometimes  like  trying  to navigate a mine field,☺️☺️ because  some  people  will  just  refuse to  let you love on them  or they have  a  twisted  and distorted view or perception as  to what love is. Love is Not an unconditional acceptance of  everything that  you  want  to do is fine! . We know  that  we don’t  let our children  play  in  the  streets and  that is an act of love.  That  picture  gets immensely more complicated with  adults. If you have  a friend  or a child and they  want  you to  give them  money  for  drugs or  alcohol, then  often, most of  the  time  the loving thing  to do is to say No!  You probably  can imagine  the perspective of  them  feeling  disrespected and  unloving by your position, but this is an example of  someone  not wanting you to love on them. Sometimes saying  No , is one of the most loving things that you  can  do. I’m not really  sure how the path to least resistance  equate to loving  someone ☺️☺️. God says to  love other  people and He didn’t  put conditions or parameters on that love.  I stand  corrected!  Wait!  We just  celebrated  Easter and  Holy week and  each day of that week  brought  another  passionate  piece  to the journey towards  the  cross. We have  something  now known  as ” Munday Thursday ” . If you are unfamiliar  with  this, Munday is  where we get  our  word from  to mandate something.  All through  scripture God calls us to  love, but on this particular Thursday, Jesus doubled  down  on it , and  He said to love as He has loved  you. ♥️♥️❤️❤️. Wow!! , what a statement, what a mandate!!.  How overwhelmingly  impossible to  do.  It’s one of those  things  that  we should  always  be  striving  towards, but will  probably  never  achieve ☺️☺️.
  • It’s the basic of all needs, and that is to be loved, valued and  cared for. There has never  been  a  person  who  didn’t  need or want  love. There has never  been  a  person  who  wasn’t  or isn’t  worthy of  love, especially in the  eyes of God. God sees and knows  what we need in life, and He’s extremely  good at knowing  the difference  between wants and needs. He knows  what  we need,  and it’s often  something  completely  different  from  what we are thinking ☺️☺️. God will  place  a difficult  person  in  your life to show  you every  difficult  flaw that you have,  with those blinders on☺️☺️. I  believe this is supposed to  be  a mutual  thing , as in its a chance  for  you both  to  grow and to be something that you never  could  have  imagined.  Oh! Yes, there will  absolutely  be  pain involved, but much  like  the agitation for an oyster, something  quite beautiful  can  come from it.  ☺️God can see through  all of the smoke screens of life. The things  that  we window dress as a needs, which  is  actually a  want. Sometimes  it’s so obvious  to everyone  except  ourselves, that we are hurting and longing and  our deepest  need   is to  be  accepted and love.
  • I said more to come and talked  about  extremes in our emotions and  in our behaviors, as to whether  we are someone  who  refuses to  let others  love on them or not .  The  other  extreme is people  who  attempt to  love  people  and  do it in the most messed up  way  imaginable☺️☺️ . I  think that  it is literally impossible to  love people without God, and that goes for  both the people that we know, such as family and friends and  especially  for those that we don’t  know, such as a stranger with a sign on the corner of the street. We love, but it’s not pure and all that  God intended for it to  be, so even  our best, is far short and  still  broken and lacking in  some areas of the  needing to  be loved and  cared for.  We are all broken  in one way or the other and our biggest  disadvantage is  failing  to  see that and to acknowledge it.  We are looking to  be perfectly  loved by imperfect  people…and it just  doesn’t  happen that way.  There is only  love  like  that found in an all knowing  God, who only  gives good gifts and wants to  meet  your deepest  need and that is for love.
  • Till Next Time ✌️ Peace!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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