” The Masquerade……Party?”

  • Not The Only One!
  • Post # 120
  • 15 Feb 24    
  •          ” The Masquerade …….Party?”
  • Howdy,
  • Welcome  once more. Sometimes  we walk through  life and  we find ourselves  in  the  place of being  an observer. Life is not  a spectator  sport, not in the least☺️.  Even  people  who  have  debilitating illness or maybe  paralysis , still  engage in  life  in  some compacity.  It may  be  on an elementary  level  of  blood  flowing  through  their veins or the ability  to  draw air into  their  lungs and  yes sometimes that can  be a great challenge.☺️ I sometimes  wonder  what kind  of  things  do we observe, when  we people  watch.  I  think that  it is very  normal  for us to past judgment  on  people  based on  our  standards, which  is  often  about  things that  we can  or cannot  see ourselves  doing  or engaging in. 
  • Based on that , we  can  either  dress people  up or  down, but the more common  path may be to dress them  down to  see ourselves  as somehow better than or  superior. There is  always the  other  side of the  coin as well, which  may place us In a place of jealousy  or  envy. I  want  to be on the record that both  of  these are the incorrect  response.  It’s really  hard to get around  or away  from  human  nature. So we will  make these snap judgments  without  often  giving  the least bit of  thought  to  what someone  may  be walking  through.  They  may be  having the  worse day of their life, possibly  just  got the worse news ever, something  that you wouldn’t  wish on your worse enemy, but we proceed without  grace. I  will  double  back to  this.
  • When  we look at or think about  a Masquerade, there are so many  different  directions that we can  go with  that.  In general  a Masquerade is  to some how disguise * or mask who we really are.   There is a level  of intrigue or mystery  around  anything  that  has to  do  with  a Masquerade.  People  have  all kinds of reasons why  people want you to see them  through  a different  lens or in a different  light.  I’m not going to  say that there is  absolutely  zero  reasons  to never  be  completely  genuine, however honesty is  generally the  best  policy, and I  get  sometimes  that there  may be  concerns over safety.
  • I  don’t  believe  that  anyone  talks to or lies to us more than   we do to ourselves.☺️ We  have a  tendency to  think  more highly  of ourselves than  we  probably  should.  It’s not always a  matter of  being  conceited or arrogant, it’s just that most operate better  with  a positive  self esteem image of themselves.  Most people like  to  think  of themselves as  being a  good  person, the problem  is  we all have  different ideas as to what being    a  good person  is all about.    When  you  take in so many interpretations as to what constitutes a good person, it’s easy to see why the bar will fluctuate up and down and   from  person to person. It’s actually funny that  all of the data points  to our moods and whether we feel  safe or not in  any given  situation as to whether we  will  take some kind of action  or  not.  Plainly  put, one day we could  step up  and be a hero or intercede in  any given  circumstance and the very  next day, not so much!  Think about  it  in these terms, if you  have  ever given  money to a person  who panhandle , but you probably  don’t  do it every  single time  that you  see someone  standing on a corner with a sign.   There are different  thought  processes that come into  play, and our grace and compassion can  also  fluctuate. 
  • One of my biggest  observations has been  how people can  often  imitate chameleons and  often  blend in to their  surroundings, depending on  the setting. We like to scream  foul and  hypocrisy when  we  see it in politicians, but very  often  fail to  see it in ourselves.  ☺️☺️Think about  people  who  identify  as social  drinkers or social  smokers, which  implies that  in certain  situations that  they  adjust  and modify their  behavior  to  fit in or to be more acceptable . We live  in a day age when  people  push against what would be   considered to  be social  norms and  as they  try to redefine  the culture, they  still  want to be included within the  society.  I mentioned  how we all seek acceptance and  some go to great links to be some how different or unique.  Regardless of  the  body ink, piercings, hair styles, clothing or  anything else that  we wrap ourselves in  to be different, it has all been  done before. ☺️☺️
  • This is also true of actions and  behaviors.  We have  had  serial  killers before, glamorous movie stars, and everything in between.  There have  been  people  who  we would  classify as saints and  also  people  who are shrouded in  evil. Most of us are familiar with the  phrase of  wolves in sheep’s  clothing and I  think  this is one of the grandest disguises* of all. So, we have  these two animals or categories, one being a  sheep and the other a wolf. Let’s deal with the wolf first.  They  are  known  for their  pack mentality and to be ravenous*. Sheep on the other  hand are one of the few animals that  has no natural self defense.  They  aren’t the  brightest animals in the  animal kingdom, they  have a tendency to  wander off, get loss and become  prey for the wolf and  other  predators. They  have  no camouflage or anything  else that  would  keep  them  from  becoming a  tasty treat ☺️☺️. They  aren’t  super  fast, so they  aren’t  going  to  outrun something attempting to  turn  them  into a snack☺️. Oddly  enough  this is  one of the names and descriptions that Jesus  gives to  His followers.  They  are  people  who  need  leading and protecting , and they are  prone to wander  off  and to get  lost. 
  • I  don’t know what to  call  this role reversal in the world,  other than a Masquerade.  Wolves are acting and behaving like sheep and  Sheep  are  doing their  best  impressions of  being a  good wolf.  Are you confused?☺️☺️ , good, so am I, and let me explain . Jesus said that you would  be able to tell  His followers by the way that they  ❤️ love. I  have  observed sheep  not being  very  loving and  actually  being  out done in the love department ,by the Wolves. ☺️
  • There are two  different power dynamics at play  here. It’s probably  offensive to  call  one the people  of light and the  other  people  of darkness, however  followers of Christ are  called to have  an eternal  perspective, which is  loss or unavailable to the  team on the other side of the ball.  There is a higher expectation  here , that is often  just  not met. I  constantly  observe  people who  have  no religious  affiliation what so ever, stepping up  and  out shinning the  other team.  You will  see  them  going the figuratively extra  mile.  They  are  often  clothed in  kindness and  compassion.  There non-religious  status  is not  an assumption  on  my part, but from  the very words from  their  own  mouths.  We live  in  this unwritten  world  of  reciprocity, where we are good to those who are  good to us. We still  believe  in  the  eye for an eye thing, so if we are some how crossed, then  expect that evil to be returned to the transgressors, and possibly  in spades ☺️☺️. Some people call this Karma and  then we have the golden  rule  of  treat people  the way  that  you want to  be  treated.  So, what is going  on  here? Sheep  as wolves and visa versa. God has a higher standard and its not treat people the way that you want to be treated, but treat them the way that God treats you, a whole different perspective.  There is  this huge  elephant in the  corner and it’s demanding to be heard. There is just  a  large segment of  the  population who believe  in  if their good out weighs their bad then they are good or somehow  ” golden “. Again!, who keeps  up with  all of that and who decides if the scale is up or down  on that? I  kind  of  get and understand   the  mentality and  if I’m completely honest I  use to live under that shroud  of  uncertainty myself. There is just  something so comforting about  being  in the driver’s seat ☺️☺️. This really  feeds into the  mindset that  I’m a good person.  It reinforces  the flimsy claim of being  good. As long as we are in control, then  that means that  No one else is.  It’s like  being the  king or queen  of  your  castle, or master of your universe.  It all boils down to  self. In case you  missed  that, it’s more of or another  way  of  saying  ME!, ME! ME!☺️☺️☺️.  So while  you  are  doing  your compassionate  deeds, it’s really  self serving as in making  sure that the good out ways the bad. Think  about it  like this.  Someone  is  in a codependent relationship.  When  you  see yourself  helping the other  person, it’s just  as much about  helping yourself  as it is  them. There is something  in it for both  of you. As you continue  to  enable  them, you are also  satisfying a deep need of your own. It may  look like  compassion, but it’s just another  layer to the disguise leading to the  Masquerade. ☺️
  • I said two power dynamics, so let’s just  briefly  look at the other side, which I  will  just  refer to as ” cheap  grace”. These are the people who  have  been  sealed by  God’s  Holy  Spirit.  These are the very one’s who should  be  leading the charge. What charge? The  charge of righteousness.  Not that they  themselves  are  righteous, but sometimes  often  come across  as  self righteous. ☺️☺️ These are the one’s  that  God has trusted with  His message of  salvation for all. They  should  be demonstrating compassion, and not compassion as the world  sees it and offers it. How is that? They  do it to get  back  in return as in hoping that their  good is really  out weighing their  not so good ☺️☺️. Believers are supposed to  represent God, and it’s supposed to  be  something  attractive so that others  will  want to  posses it as well, that  opportunity to  represent God. The charge is to fight  homelessness, human trafficking, hunger, loneliness, various  abuses and  anything  else that would  be  considered to  be an offense to  God. We are suppose to  be  God’s hands and feet in the world and if we aren’t  being  somehow  paralyzed, then  we are way more interested in  being  served than serving  others. I wonder how often  someone  is in traffic and  the see a car with a  fish on it a bumper  sticker, or something  else that may signify them  as a Christ follower, and they are rude and discourteous , blowing their  horn and even  worse making  certain  hand gestures…yikes!!  If they  don’t  think  that  they  want  no part of that, then  they  are  thinking they  are no different from me, so why bother with  the  whole  higher power thing  because  it’s obviously  not making a difference  in  their  day or their life.☺️☺️. Sometimes  it’s  like  some kind of   race and  we want to see if we can  somehow  beat the world at its own game  by doing a  much better  job of being  like them . Let’s just  chase after the  temporal, and somehow  pretend that  it’s so much  more  valuable than  the  eternal ☺️☺️. Maybe  we need  a  perspective  shift and remember that  our cheap  grace, wasn’t  cheap to God, when  He gave His son in exchange for us. Who are we?, we are the dirty, broken, often disgusting and  lost souls, that God loves and wants to have  a  relationship with.  We are but meager dust and  He treats us  as a precious jewel or like gold. We need to  have  the proper  context and  be about God’s business and  not  trying  to  establish our own  little  kingdoms here on the earth.
  • So how do we reconcile this  or make  sense  of it all,  wolves being  sheep and Sheep  being wolves.  Well!, It’s like a lot of things in life, we make  it way more complicated than  it has to be. We want it  to  be  hard or some how challenging, so that we get  that  sense of worth, we want to  be somehow  worthy☺️☺️, but we just  covered that we aren’t ☺️☺️. When  you  get  down to the  bottom  line it boils down  to ” Tense” . Tense? , yes tense. Which tense are you operating from? This is also  true for  “ALL” world  religions.  They  all operate  from a  position of “Do”, as in do this or do that, so then of course we have  to  have  the don’t  do this or don’t  do that☺️☺️. It’s all performance  based, which  gives us that all important  sense of  worthiness, so I  checked that box☺️☺️….yes a level of ludicrousness ☺️. Christianity on the other  hand  operates from the  position of  ” Done”. It’s very  power  comes from  a  relationship with  Christ, which He made possible on the cross and His words ” IT IS FINISHED ” . No more striving to  appease God, which you couldn’t  do in the first place.  Again  it’s about  perspective, are your good deeds  done as proof positive that  you  are somehow  worthy, as you attempt to  work  your way  into God’s good graces or is it done out of gratitude for  all that God has already  done for you?
  • There is this verse in  the  Bible that  should  absolutely  quake fear into  your heart and souls, and yes, I’m going to  make you  work  for it . It is Mathew 7, 21-23, this should  be  more frightening than  anything  that Hollywood has  ever  attempted to  put on the silver screen ☺️☺️. Remember  earlier I said that we like to  lie to ourselves and  one of those lies is that I’m ok with  God, I’m in good standings  because I  do, do and  then I  do even more, good luck with  all of  your doing ☺️☺️. Maybe  I’m not being  clear, so let me see if I  can  make it just a little  less murky for you.  It’s not about  how much  money  you give.  It’s not about  if your name  is  on  a church  roll somewhere, or how much  you attend  church.  It’s not about  how much you fast or any other  religious or none religious activity that you engage in, without that relationship, the scale thing is going to  work out very  badly for you☺️. When  you  are done or tired of  all  of your striving to be good enough or  somehow  worthy, you can  rest in  and trust that God has taken  care of it  for you.
  • I  will  end with  this, only You and God truly know  your heart and  that’s what He wants and  that’s what  it is  all about.  Does He have  your heart? I  put party with a question mark, because  some  carry on as if we don’t  all have an expiration date on  us.☺️☺️ God tells  us In the book of Revelation that there will  indeed be a  party  at the end of time and  I want to  know  if  you  have your invitation? This is not about  judging  anyone, think  of me as a Paul  Revere type, I wouldn’t dream  of  comparing myself to  John the Baptist.  ☺️Earlier on I mentioned about  proceeding without  grace and I  said that I  would get back  to  that , so here we go. This is a shameful  confession and probably  something from  my legalistic phase of my journey, don’t be fooled or dismayed, most of us have  been  there at one time or the other ☺️☺️. Many  years ago I  use to attend an eight A.M worship  service and there was this  young  woman who  use to come in with this really  short short skirt that  made me think, straight from the club to the church ☺️☺️. God  really  slapped me around about  that one. He said, what if that is all that she  had to wear? She wasn’t  there for me in the first  place and  it never  was  and never will be about me.  It’s not a fashion show and God doesn’t  care what you are wearing, He just wants you to  show up  and   spend  time with him and  that doesn’t  have  to  take place in a  church.  Whoa to me and my judgmental ways. I’m not  who I’m supposed to  be, but thank God that I’m not who I  use to be. Can you say that? That is what I want you to think about today. If we are sheep  and  brought with  the blood of the Lamb, then  let’s stop Masquerading as wolves.
  • Till  Next Time Peace ✌️!
  • Sandy The Southerner
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